God of War: An Enemies to Lovers Marriage Romance (Legacy of Gods Book 6)

God of War: Chapter 30

“Spill, Cecy. How do you seduce that man of yours?”

My friend chokes on her juice, droplets scattering all over the table and the camera and running out of her nose.

“Gee, thanks for the lemonade shower, Ava.” She wipes her nose with a napkin.

“What? Everyone knows Jeremy is physically unable to look away from you. Pretty sure he’d fuck you in public if you let him. So help a girl out and give me pointers on how you keep him coming back for more.”

A blush creeps up her cheeks and she rubs her nose. “I don’t really do anything. He kind of jumps me the moment he sees me.”

I look up. “God, I’ve seen what you’ve done for other people and I want some.”

“Stop being dramatic. Besides, the way Jeremy looks at me is heavily rivaled by the intense way Eli looks at you.”

“Bitch, please. No need to lie just to make me feel better.”

“I mean it. You’re my best friend and I love you, but you can be so blind sometimes. Also, why do you need seduction pointers? You’ve been complaining about being sore and achy for a while now. Though you stopped over the last week.”

“Ten days.” I sigh as I flop back on the floor of my music room and lift the phone up.

Cecy leans over on the table and abandons the manga book she was reading, or pretending to. We have days where we put each other on the camera while we do our things. I’ll practice or read and she’ll do the same. It’s comforting to know that she’s always there even if a whole ocean separates us.

“What happened ten days ago?” she asks.

“I kinda, sort of, made a stupid suggestion.”

“What type of suggestion?”

“A condition, actually.”

“And? You’re leaving me in suspense here.”

“I told Eli he can’t touch me unless he moves into the same room with me and he also has to look at my face while being inside me. You know, very logical things a wife can ask of her husband. The result? The bastard completely shut me out.”

I try not to sound hurt. Jeez, I’d be so embarrassed if I were talking to anyone else other than Cecy.

“Was I wrong?” I ask with a wince.

She smiles softly. “Absolutely not. I’m surprised you allowed him to get away with it in the first place.”

“He made it seem as if I demanded he love me or something. Besides, even if I was hungry for affection, I kept it in. There’s no way in hell I would’ve made myself look desperate.”

“And now?”

“If I’m stuck in this relationship, I don’t want to compromise on my needs.”

“Gosh. I’m so proud of you.”

“Yeah, well. It didn’t work. And I’ve tried everything, you know.” I count on my free hand. “I walked around the house in the most erotic nightgowns ever and he simply didn’t look at me, as if I were thin air. I barged into his study in the skimpiest clothes ever, sucking on a lollipop and making my lips all glossy and shit and read a book on the sofa across from his desk while offering him a front-row seat of my cleavage, but he proceeded to kick me out and lock the door. I spammed his inbox with teasing pictures and he completely ignored me. He doesn’t even come home at reasonable hours anymore. We used to spend some time together before, but it’s like he doesn’t want to see my face now.”

In or outside of sex.

And that hurts more than I’m willing to admit.

“Hey.” Cecy softens her voice, effortlessly turning on her motherly instincts. “I know it sucks, but you’re doing nothing wrong, Ava. It’s his loss for not appreciating you.”

“Text him that.”

“Will do.”

“Don’t. He’ll know I care about this enough to talk about it with you.”

“We come as a set. He can deal with it.”

I grin. “Hell yeah.”

“Let me ask you something.” She pauses as if weighing her words. “Didn’t you always say you don’t like sharing a room with anyone, me included, because you don’t want anyone to witness your state during a nightmare? Why is Eli the exception?”

“He knows, Cecy. Everything. More than he’s willing to discuss with me, apparently. Maybe it’s my wishful thinking in attempting to test him further and see if he’s truly accepting.” In reality, I think I just don’t want to sleep alone anymore.

My insistence on always having my own room isn’t because I like solitude, it’s because I’ve been terrified of anyone seeing me at my worst.

I’d be lying if I said my fear has completely disappeared, but my yearning for company outshines it.

And inexplicably, Eli is the one whose company I’m irrevocably desperate for.

Or maybe I just don’t want to admit the actual reasons aloud.

“Do you want my advice?” Cecy asks in a sly tone.


“Isn’t Lan around?”

“Ugh. That shit-stirrer? Yeah, and he didn’t even come with Mia or Bran, who could momentarily keep him on a leash.”

“I can’t believe I’m saying this, but that’s even better since you can use him to do what you do best.”

“Which is?”

“Provoke Eli.”

“Um, Cecy? Weren’t you the one who always advised me not to do that? Who are you and what have you done to my bestie?”

“That was before you guys got married. I thought you could escape his orbit if you stopped provoking him, but that ship has sailed now.”

“What makes you think it’ll work when he’s been acting like I’m invisible?

“If it doesn’t, you might want to start thinking about whether or not those compromises are your hard limits. If they are, you might also want to think about the usability of this marriage and if the convenience outweighs the heartache.”

My eyes burn and blur. “Why didn’t you stop me from marrying him, Cecy? It was obviously a disaster waiting to happen.”

“I tried. I even told you it’s going to hurt, but you said it was worth it. I’m not sure that’s still the case.”

“I wish I could hug you right now.”

“Me, too. But, Ava?”


“Don’t give up. Show him what you’ve got.”

What I’ve got is a lot of social contacts and Lan. He can count as his own social curriculum wrapped in a bow of trouble.

There’s also Remi, who’s in line for second in trouble.

The three of us do what we do best—party.

We throw one on the massive yacht Eli owns. I would’ve thrown it at the house just to smash his OCD to pieces, but it’s also my house, and I’m the only one who can wreak havoc inside it.

Besides, Sam would’ve killed me if I ever attempted to bring chaos to her carefully curated order, so we came up with this compromise and she provided the catering while Leo smuggled me the keys.

I’m wearing a little pink dress with a tulle skirt and a tight sheer lace corset with built-in bra cups that cover my breasts.

In a matter of an hour, the yacht is brimming with people that I barely remember their names or where I met them. But then again, this is about quantity, not quality. So the more the merrier.

I needed to get out of the funk that Eli forced me into by ignoring my existence.

“Not bad for an amateur,” Remi says over the trendy DJ music as we dance to the beat. He has a drink in hand while I nurse a virgin piña colada and sway from side to side.

“Bitch, please. This isn’t my first rodeo.”

“To be fair, she was more of a party animal than you, Rems.” Lan barely moves and is more content typing away at his phone. Judging by the pleasant expression on his face, he’s definitely talking to Mia.

“See?” I raise a brow.

“Blasphemy! My lordship is the hallmark of partying. You might dress like me, talk like me, and try to be the next best thing, but it’s not quite me.”

“Stop stealing Eminem’s lines.” I push him jokingly. “And while you’re at it, try not to be jealous of my goddess superiority.”

“Yeah, I left that to your annoying husband.” He puffs out a breath. “He made my life hell after your last impromptu visit. Tripled my workload, gave Ariella full access to my schedule, and even assigned me some stupid project that’s been single-handedly destroying my colorful social life.”

“Sucks to be you,” Lan says with a smirk, still focused on his phone. “But then again, you’re not on my cousin’s level, so you better cut your losses and take whatever he dishes out in your direction.”

“Hey!” I stop dancing. “I didn’t invite you guys to make He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named the topic of discussion.”

“Oh my.” Lan pockets his phone and smirks with a knowing edge. “And here I thought that was the entire point of this fiasco.”

“You’re such a wanker.”

“Which is the exact reason why you invited me, Barbie. I accept gratitude in the form of mayhem. The bigger, the better.”

“Dear Lord,” Remi mutters. “You invited Ariella?”

“She kind of invited herself when she found out you’d be here.” I’m barely finished speaking when my sister jumps him in a koala embrace.

“I’m here! Miss me?”

“Absolutely not.” He pries her off with great difficulty.

“I know you did.” She smiles and blows him a kiss, then hugs me. “Sick party, sissy.”

“I have a feeling it’ll be even better with your presence,” I mutter.

“You can bet.” She kisses me several times on the cheek. “Now, where’s that brother-in-law of mine, and why isn’t he behaving like a caveman for once?”

“He’s not invited,” I say. “It’s a party for my friends, and he doesn’t belong on the list.”

“Ooh, sassy Ava is in full swing. We love it.” She giggles.

“Suicidal as well, apparently,” Lan says with a wide grin. “We definitely love it.”

“Recorded and kept for possible use in future tight situations.” Remi stares at his phone and nods with approval.

“I can create tight situations.” Ariella licks her lips.

“Right, then.” He pivots on his heel. “I need another drink.”

“Wait for me!” She stops and hugs me. “I’m rooting for you.”

And then she’s running after Remi like a loyal puppy. No, more like a seriously vicious dog.

“Not sure if I should be worried about her or him,” I mutter.

“Him.” Lan nods. “Definitely him. Rems is such a pure soul compared to your witch of a sister.”

I kick his leg. “You’re in no position to call her that when you’re the devil incarnate.”

He shrugs, but then his usually bored face breaks into a creepily joyful expression when his phone vibrates in his hand.

Lan doesn’t even say goodbye as he picks up and walks away. “I’m putting it on the record. The worst decision of the year was flying without you, muse.”

Fantastic. Now, I’m on my own again.

I socialize with some friends and refuse any competitions concerning chugging indescribable amounts of alcohol. Honestly, I should be rewarded for sticking to my sobriety for so long and barely being tempted.

But then again, I feel good, mostly, and I’m impulsive as fuck when drunk, so I consider this a win.

My feet come to a halt when I approach the bar to order another drink.

“What are you doing here?” I ask in a cool tone as none other than Gemma and her friend stand up.

Said friend is Vance, who I heard was being sent back to Australia by his family. Naturally, I suspected Eli had a hand in it after that very public punch at the charity event, but, apparently, I heard wrong, because he’s standing here just fine.

“I brought her with me. I thought you guys were friends?” He smiles in that golden-boy manner that Lan wears like a mask.

Maybe it’s the same for V as well, but I never noticed it before.

“Friends don’t seduce their friend’s husband.” I tilt my head to the side. “Right, Gemma?”

“Ava.” She takes my hand between hers. “I would never.”

“Please.” I pull my hand free with visible disdain. “Don’t gaslight me when I personally saw you bat your lashes at my husband.”

“But you don’t even like him.” Her tone changes from pleading to snotty entitlement.

“That doesn’t give you carte blanche to seduce him.”

“You’re being selfish.”

Gemma is like me. She doesn’t like being denied what she wants. But she’s probably worse, in a sense. I don’t pretend to be a Goody Two-shoes, whereas she made up a makeshift personality where she always appears like a damsel in distress, victimized and sickeningly nice.

And she’s done it so well, never breaking out of character, even in private, that I almost fell for it at one point.

Selfish?” I let out fake laughter. “Honey, I’m wearing his ring, so that gives me every right to be selfish over my belongings. You, however, need to remove yourself from this party and subsequently my life. I cut contact and didn’t invite you for a reason. Read between the lines, please. Oh, and Eli doesn’t even know your first name. He only recalls the last because he does business with your family. Sorry to break it to you, but you’re not that important.”

Her face grows red and a tremor shakes her slim frame. Vance tries to step in, but I hold up a hand, signaling that he should stay out of it.

Gemma lets her bright-pink lips pull in a smile even as her chin trembles and her hands fist at her sides. “And you think you are? He treats you like a valuable piece of real estate, probably for business reasons, or he wouldn’t have recruited your own friends to keep an eye on you as if we’re human cameras.”

My mouth sets in a line, but I’ll be damned if I let her see the confirmation of her words, or how much they hurt me. “At least you have some use, hon.”

“You’re just a possession, Ava. A bright, shiny thing he took a liking to but will eventually tire of.”

“Unlike you, I don’t believe my worth is dependent on whether or not I keep a man. I have higher standards.” I point behind me. “Now, leave before I have you thrown out and cause a scene you don’t need.”

She grinds her teeth and attempts to say something, but Vance pushes her forward and she walks out with her head held high.

“I’m sorry about that,” he says as she disappears in the crowd. “I didn’t know you fell out.”

“Well, now you do, so I’d appreciate it if you don’t shove her in my face again.” I lean against the bar counter and order a mocktail before I turn back to him. “I thought you were in Australia.”

“I was, but I came back.” He takes a sip of his whiskey. “I must admit, I was slightly wounded you allowed him to expel me.”

I tilt my head. “You insinuated I cheated on him with you while knowing my memory is unreliable, so excuse me if I chose not to fight your battle.”

“Whoa.” He smiles, his expression shifty. “I insinuated nothing except for us spending time together again.”

“Try harder to fool me, V.”

“It’s true, though. We were so good together and I do want to rekindle our relationship. He’s bad news wrapped in sophisticated charm, and you know it. He’s lying to you about so many things.”

“And you’re in the loop, how?”

“I have my contacts.”

I narrow my eyes. “Have you been investigating us?”

“Him. He’s attempting to destroy my family business and your life, Ava. I think it’s logical for me to go after him. I don’t have proof yet, but I know for a fact that he did several shady things.”

“Since you have no proof…” I grab my cloudy pink mocktail and start to sidestep him.

He stands in front of me, forcing me to a halt. “You’re being oblivious and naive, a combination I never thought you’d ever be accused of.”

“And you’re being rude at my own party.”

“Ava.” He grabs my shoulders. “Please try to see reason. Surely, you’re not so far under his spell that you can’t think for yourself.”

“How dare you?” I shake his hands free. “Do you know my life, Vance? My predicaments? The hard choices I was forced to pick from? The decisions I had to make? The pills I have to take? The signs I have to watch out for? No. You only know the teenage version of me that pretended everything was perfect, but that’s far from the truth and that mythical version of me disappeared years ago. So don’t stand there and tell me I can’t think for myself. I’m not a fucking invalid!”

I whisper-yell the last part, my whole body shaking, and some of the drink spills on my fingers, turning them sticky.

“Hey, I’m sorry.” He softens his voice. “I didn’t mean to offend you.”

“Well, you did and you definitely meant to. I’d like you to leave. Now.”

“Ava, please.”

“My wife asked you to leave. Either you do that with your face intact or you do it with your teeth falling out. Whether or not I break those hands you touched her with is subject to whether you remove your repugnant presence in the next ten seconds.”

A possessive hand drops on my back and I hate that his smell invades my surroundings and saturates my nostrils so that he’s everything I breathe.

I stare up at him and loathe that I missed his face—as cold and emotionless as it looks. I despise the safety I feel in his embrace or the nagging thought that he’s never made me feel less than normal.

Even when he hurt me.

Vance stares between us, a grimace stretched deep on his face. “You’re making a big mistake, Ava.”

Eli steps forward, but I grab onto his arm so that I’m almost hugging him. The last thing I want is for him to cause more public chaos and fall out even further with his dad.

Thankfully, Lan shows up and snatches Vance’s collar. “Your time’s up!”

I puff out a breath when he drags him out of sight. As I shift in place, my breasts brush against Eli’s chest and I look up to find his savage gaze on me.

Placing my drink on the bar, I untangle myself from his hold. “What are you doing here? You’re not invited.”

“This is my yacht.”

“Still not invited. Go away.”

“Isn’t the entire purpose of this party to get my attention and piss me off? Both have been accomplished exceptionally well.”

“I’d have to care about you to attempt to get your attention. It happens that I don’t.”

“Ava…” He grabs my elbow. “Don’t fuck with me.”This is property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

“Don’t touch me.” I jerk away. “Now excuse me so I can go dance.”

I show him a sweet smile and waltz to the middle of a group of guys from uni and dance sensually, making sure to rotate my hips and touch my waist. My fingers sink into my hair and I grow hot under his intense gaze, falling into the rhythm.

I haven’t even begun to flirt when Eli marches toward me.


He never stopped me before—he only watched from afar like a creep.

“What do you want⁠—”

“My wife.” And then he lifts me up in his arms like I’m a doll and walks to the lower deck.

As soon as we’re inside a room, he throws me on the bed. I bounce on the mattress, then attempt to sit up.

I’m slammed back down when his weight crashes on top of me and his fingers wrap around my throat. “I’ve been patient, but you don’t want patient, do you? You want to be punished like a very bad wife.”

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