Gina, And Her Triplet Alphas

Chapter 1


A fresh wind serenaded my skin as soon as I got down from the bus that had brought me back from my catering school.

At the entrance to the well-guided border of our pack is a signpost that reads “Welcome to the Silver Moon Pack.”

I walked over to the security post and identified myself before being opened the gate leading to the left side of the pack, otherwise known as the “commoners’ section.”

Our pack is divided into two sections: the commoners and the elites.This is from NôvelDrama.Org.

The poor section, as you may have already guessed, is mostly made up of omegas, orphans, and the less privileged. While the Elite section is made up of the Alphas, moneymakers, and movers of the pack.

Since the pack is one of the fastest-growing packs in terms of infrastructure and exposure, it is the central headquarters of all other packs here in Texas.

The pack is so structured that the rich only communicate with the rich, while the poor stick with the poor. There is nothing like being in the middle; it is either you are rich or you are poor.

Though my parents are omegas, we are not exactly what you would call poor; both my parents work for the alpha king as chefs.

It is through their association with the Alpha that I got a scholarship to study in the rich section of high school, where I got the best education but the worst bullying of my life.

It felt good to be able to see the familiar faces and buildings as I walked toward my parents’ house.

I couldn’t help but notice the decorations on the streets and the grins of Omega girls clustered around various sections.

It appeared there was an ongoing celebration of some sort. Realizing this fact didn’t make me happy because the possibility of me not meeting my parents at home made me a little sad.

It has been three years since I have last seen them, and I could almost taste their joy when I told them I was finally done and would be coming back home today.

But if indeed there is an ongoing celebration, this only means that they might be at the alpha palace working.

I got home to meet my both parents absent, and a sad sigh escaped my lips; this was not exactly how I pictured my homecoming. So I picked up the keys from the flower pot and opened the door leading to the sitting room.

I was soon embraced by the scent of “home sweet home.” I could pick out the scent of my mother, which was the smell of fresh homemade bread, while my father’s scent was that of after rainfall.

Our apartment is not what you can call big; we had a little kitchen that was cut out of the sitting room, two bedrooms, and a decent sitting room.

I used to share a room with my mom, but she moved into my dad’s room as soon as I turned eighteen. Eighteen is the expected age for my pack members to get their wolves, but I didn’t get mine, or let’s just say I didn’t completely get mine in the sense that I got my super-sniffing ability and, like my dad used to say, “I grew some balls” even though I am just a girl.

I took my things to my room, after which I came out almost immediately. I noticed that there was a note nicely placed on the kitchen table, so I opened it to read its contents.

Welcome home, darling. We are so sorry we aren’t home to give you a proper welcome. We are at the alpha palace in preparation for the triplet’s twenty-first-year birthday coming up in a few days. Don’t bother coming over because we know you will be so tired from your trip. I love you, honey, mom/dad.

Those rascals.

Oh, I had completely forgotten to tell you guys about the three dickheads in my pack. Denver, Devon, and Derrick are the triplet sons of our alpha.

Those rascals.

Oh, I had completely forgotten to tell you guys about the three dickheads in my pack. Denver, Devon, and Derrick are the triplet sons of our alpha.

They are tall—about 6.2 feet—broad-shouldered, and devilishly handsome with well-chiseled facial structures that would make any girl want to take a second look. Their hazel eyes can almost make you want to love them, regardless of the terrible things they are capable of.


I rolled my eyes tiredly, wondering what I was going to be doing all by myself. I knew my parents were being protective as always by not asking me to come to the pack house.

If those dickheads are going to be twenty-one soon, then it only means that there will be a lot of work piling up for my parents, and they would greatly appreciate all the help they can get.

Being the good daughter that I was, I left home with the sole purpose of going to surprise my parents and also helping them out in whatever area they needed me.

It wasn’t long before I got to the alpha palace, which is the true definition of a palace because of the beautiful, artistically designed mansion that was painted in white and gold.

The flowers, water fountain, nicely done artwork, exotic cars nicely packed at the garage, and the well-coordinated staff make you think you have entered heaven on earth.

Some of the domestic staff are seen decorating, while others are seen carrying nicely wrapped gifts.

I have only been here once, and that was during the triplets’ thirteen-year birthday. That was the first and last of their birthday parties I ever attended because they insulted the living daylights out of me by calling me fat, ugly, a pig, and every other degrading name just because of my body size.

I was very big, round, and chubby while I was growing up, and please don’t blame me; my parents are the best chefs anyone could ask for, and I had a great time enjoying all their delicious meals.

If you are thinking that I came back with a revenge body, I am so sorry to disappoint you; I am still thick. Maybe not exactly the way I was back then in high school, but, well, it’s safe to say that I worked on my curves.

I told a maid that I wanted to see my dad and mom, and she looked surprised that the alpha chefs were my parents.

I don’t blame her, I am 5.9 feet tall, thick, and bootilicious, unlike my parents, who are the complete opposite of me.

She told me she just saw my mother taking a glass of wine to Gwen, the Luna in progress.

About eight years ago, the seer of our pack gave a prophecy that one day the Beta’s daughter would be mated with the triplets and that her union with them would be about peace and unity among the pack members.

So she was moved into the palace to have a close relationship with the triplets while she underwent her Luna training.

The triplets are very possessive of her and would go all out to protect her from any danger. At least that is what they make everyone believe on the outside, but my mother has told me that back in their palace, they pay little or no attention to her.

Poor girl.

It must be horrible knowing that you are going to be married to three idiots who don’t give a s**t about you on your twenty-first birthday and that there is nothing you can do about it.

The maid later showed me the way to the palace kitchen and also the direction to Gwen’s room.

I thought of going to meet my father in the kitchen, but the thought of entering the palace to catch a glimpse of its beauty and splendor prompted me to enter the mansion and walk in the direction in which I was shown.

It’s not every day one gets a chance to tour the alpha’s palace.

My eyes wandered around the interiors of the beautiful palace; most of the decorations were white and gold, from the tiles to the furniture and art pieces that were nicely placed on the walls.

I took the stairs, and I had just taken the turn leading to Gwen’s room when I saw her slapping my mother hard across the face and pouring the contents of the glass she was holding on my mother.

I didn’t know how I did it, but before I knew what was happening, I was ferociously punching the b***h that dared to lay a finger on my mother.

I slapped her multiple times, making sure both her cheeks were red with my fingerprints.

“Regina, stop it,” my mother shouts, wanting to stop me from hitting the b***h.

But I was so mad at her audacity that my mother is still old enough to be her mother. I was going to teach her to respect elders the next time she sees one.

I was wanting to do more damage to the b***h if not that I was suddenly lifted off the floor by a set of strong hands.

My back hit the wall harshly, with a well-built body pressing me hard against the wall. And that was when I was able to see the face of the person who had saved that b***h from me.

It was Denver, the eldest and meanest of the triplet alphas, closely accompanied by his two other brothers, Derrick and Devon, who kept snarling at me with their canines all out and ready for b***d.

surprisingly I wasn’t as afraid of them as I should be, I was more concerned with freeing myself from Denver’s stronghold to continue the lecture I was giving their uncouth mate.

Denver pressed me harder against the wall with his hand wrapped around my neck. His eyes were cold, and his aura screamed dominance.

feeling his hardened body push harder further into the wall made me give up struggling with him, as pain shot through my body.

I could hear my mother weeping and begging them not to hurt me, but nothing was taming the monsters that had their fangs out and were snarling at me.

“Who the f**k are you, and how dare you lay your dirty hands on our luna?” Denver blunted out his anger while raising his hand to strike me.

“what is going on here” I heard a dominant male voice roar from across the hall; the voice was laced with power and authority, almost similar to that of Denver but a little more intimidating, and at that very moment, Denver loosened his hold on me.

I quickly held onto my neck for support while I subconsciously let out a deep breath that I didn’t know I was holding the entire time while I still could.

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