Four or Dead by G O A

Chapter 63

Four or Dead

Chapter 63

Emma 2 Days Before..

"Again. You know the steps. The repetitive motions are engrained in you now. Tap into the muscle memory and let it take over." I huff out a breath as I try again to hook the wires to the right area

Making small explosive bombs was not what I was expecting to learn at any time in my life, but we have a job in a couple of days. As a test I was chosen to place the explosives we are going to use to blow one of Devaro's stash houses to kingdom come. Of course, Zane has been giving me little tasks here and there to test how far I'm willing to go to prove my loyalty. What he hasn't considered is that the guys he has teaching me are big mouths. In their eyes, I have been given the green light and they assume Zane has divulged everything to me

They think too highly of their boss because Zane has barely shared anything with me. I had assumed wrongly that he was going to be the source of finding out everything I needed to know, but it turns out that his men are willing to give me everything. My new ability to remain completely unbothered and emotionless has helped with making me seem uncaring, and that seems to be the right course with them. They take my boredom as an open door to talk freely about everything around me and with me. All I have to do is ask the right question and then they tell me everything

Chapter 63

For someone who is so paranoid, I can't believe Zane isn't more careful when it comes to his own men. Like now I know the exact location where Zane plans to hit next. He had walked in on me using my phone a few days after that night of the event and I received a thorough punishment for having it. A few more cuts in my skin are nothing to me now. In fact, it's his go-to move any time I step out of line

The similarities between him and my dad are growing in number. The only difference is that Zane seems to get off on the fact that I don't fight when it happens. I think in his twisted mind that he thinks I... like it. Each time he comes to see me now it's with some small infraction that is not worth caring about, but it's a chance for him to punish me in his eyes so he does. Strangely he hasn't tried to actually force me into bed with him. He has me strip to my panties and bar then have me lay on my bed while he makes small cuts along my back. He does it slowly and I have watched his eyes darken in lust at the sight. *)This content © Nôv/elDr(a)m/a.Org.

He's a monster under all that smooth-talking and suits. A monster who gets off on inflicting pain on the woman he claims to love. Like I said though, I don't ever react now. I don't feel any pain actually. I close my eyes and empty my mind of every fear and thought and let the darkness overtake me

I have had to push the images of the boys out of my mind for now

There is no room to miss them right now. I just hope when this is all over they will understand why I did all of this

Zane has allowed me to go out with a couple of his guys to scope out locations this past weekend, but other than supervised outings I never

Chapter 63

leave this place. Even the room I'm in now is inside the same building as my suite. It's a few floors down and only accessible by Zane and his men. The whole floor is one big room full of everything his men need for training. There is a workout area, shooting practice area, sparing area, and this room where I am now is for explosives training..')

"How's my girl doing?" Zane asks stepping into the room and looking down at me working

"She is doing fine, but her time is a little slow." My trainer says to him

"I'm right here you know," I say without taking my eyes off the device

I'm not one bit afraid of what's sitting in front of me, but I want to be sure I do this right to minimize fatalities. I made sure my trainer explained everything about blast radius and possible injuries from what size blasts. I am trying to find a way to get word to Devaro about the hit, but if I can then I need to know when I place the device that no one will be killed in the blast. I want it to make a lot of noise and start a fire, but nothing that wouldn't allow whoever is inside to get out in time

I feel Zane's breath against my neck suddenly but I don't flinch or react in any way

"Love do this right or I'll need to punish you." He purrs in my ear like the words will do something to me. \*)

I smirk to myself. He is such a pretentious prick thinking anything he

Chapter 63

does will make me want him. Sure he gets himself off where I can see, but I have come up with enough excuses that he hasn't touched me in any sexual way since I've been here. I know I won't be able to keep him away forever, and I have considered how I'm going to play things when his restraint finally breaks

I can hear it in his voice. He wants me. I never would want another man to touch me other than my guys, but I'm not sure if I can stop it. 2

He almost always has a knife nearby when we're alone together, and now that I've gotten to know him more I can say for a fact that he wouldn't hesitate to kill me. I thought in the beginning that it would bring up too many questions if he did, but he doesn't seem to care

Actually, he seems to be letting his perfect image slip the last couple of weeks. His temper has gotten worse, and it's showing in all aspects of his life now. He even offered me a position at his company much to

everyone's surprise

Personally, I think he is slowly losing his mind. His behavior has been erratic and it's getting worse each day. The board has yet to approve his request, but something tells me he won't care what they say. He would most likely kill each one of them if they refuse him. .')

"Emma..." Zane growls behind me and my hands stop

His voice is dripping with danger and warning

"Yes Sir?" I ask carefully

Chapter 63

"Do it right. Then I can give you your punishment." I feel the cold touch of metal on my skin..?

It's his knife I know it is. I feel him softly drag it along the other side of my neck and I do my best to hold completely still

"Finish it." He yells and I clench my eyes shut

Today he seems even more on edge. I'm not sure what's changed, but I notice my trainer tense. I've noticed his men are even a little worried. I just hope that maybe I can get them on my side, then taking Zane down will be a lot easier

I glance at my trainer and give a small nod. His eyes watch us for a moment longer before he hits start on the stopwatch. I rush through the steps the best I can and when I'm done Zane chuckles

"Very good." He says proudly. "Now come."

He grabs my upper arm firmly and pulls me to my feet. I notice my

trainer tense up at the action and when my eyes meet his I shake my head. I can see in his eyes that he wants to step in but I can't let him

Zane might kill him, and I need to build off this sudden urge the men have to protect me. I can't have Zane killing off any possible allies..

Zane pulls me the entire way to my suite and then he turns to the men standing watch and gives them a bone-chilling smirk. "No matter what you hear, do not open this door."

When we are finally inside he shoves me toward my bed and I stumble. I quickly turn around so my back isn't to him. He is more on edge today than I have seen him before. His eyes are dark and wild but also slightly glossed over. I think he's....high. \)

"Now love don't you think you've kept me waiting long enough? I know you have been trying to keep me from taking what's mine, but I'm done

waiting." He says in a sickeningly smooth voice

He's going to force me, and there's nothing I can do. I realize this when he pulls out his knife

There's no fighting him off

There is only surviving

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