Forbidden Mate: Awakening

Chapter 98

Leo’s encounter with Ethan was unexpected. He caught him snooping around the rumbles of the coven. At first glance, he looked like one of his loyal followers. However, as Leo looked closer, he noticed a hint of hesitation in Ethan’s eyes. He knew what that look was as he’d seen it one too many times, but he never thought he would see it in someone like Ethan.

That flicker of uncertainty in Ethan’s eyes immediately raised Leo’s suspicion.

“Hey, Ethan!” Leo got Ethan’s attention, “What are you doing here? Weren’t you supposed to be with the others?”

Ethan tried to maintain his facade, but the guilt was evident in his response. He ran to Leo’s front. “Uh, yeah, I was just… checking the perimeter. You know, making sure everything is secure.”© NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

Leo narrowed his eyes, sensing something was off. “Checking the perimeter? We have enough men to handle that. Why aren’t you with the others?”

Caught in a lie, Ethan’s shoulders slumped slightly. He knew he couldn’t deceive Leo any longer. “Okay, fine. I… I wanted to talk to you, but I didn’t know how to approach you.”

Leo’s curiosity piqued, and he motioned for Ethan to continue. “Talk to me about what?”

Ethan took a deep breath, trying to find the right words. “I’ve been having doubts, Leo. Doubts about our plan, about what we’re doing here. I don’t know if I can keep going along with all of this.”

Not believing what he just heard, Leo raised an eyebrow at Ethan, “What?”

Ethan remained silent and kept his head facing the ground.

Leo’s expression hardened as he regarded Ethan. “You’re having doubts now? After everything we’ve already preplanned?”

“I know it sounds bad,” Ethan said, “But I can’t help it. You may have noticed I’ve not been really present because I journeyed to the Forbidden Forest. Before I could even enter, I saw a dying soldier, one of ours…he said none of us can go near the forest because our blood doesn’t align with the magic there. I did search around and I did see many dead bodies, of both werewolves and our kind but mostly of ours.”

Leo’s eyes darkened, and he stepped closer to Ethan. “I will not ask further why you ventured there alone without my permission as that’s for another time, but I do not care what a dying weakling says, and neither should you. There is no other way, Ethan. This is the only path to power and control. The Ring of Lythian is our ticket to greatness, and we can’t afford to back down now.”

“But at what cost?” Ethan retorted, “We’re causing so much pain and destruction. Innocent people are suffering because of our actions. Is that really what we want?” He remembered what Pablo said.

“Do not over act… just stir him and see his reaction.”

That was what he was doing and he hoped his delivery sounded and looked natural.

Leo’s grip on his emotions slipped, and anger flared in his eyes. “Don’t you see, Ethan? It’s all for a greater purpose. The power we gain from the Ring will allow us to reshape the realm as we see fit. We will be the greater faction. We will be invincible!”

Ethan shook his head, refusing to accept Leo’s twisted logic. “Invincible? At what price? Power doesn’t mean anything if we lose ourselves in the process.”

Leo’s patience wore thin, and he took a step back, regaining his composure. “If you can’t handle this, then maybe you were never truly committed to our cause. Maybe you’re not cut out for the greatness that awaits us.”

Ethan stood his ground. “Maybe I’m not, but I won’t be a part of this madness any longer. I won’t stand by and watch innocent lives be destroyed for the sake of power.”

Leo’s face hardened with resolve, and he turned away from Ethan. “Then you’ve made your choice. Leave if you must, but remember, you can’t come back. There’s no turning back from the path you want to take…though I know you’ll be back..”

As Ethan was walking away, Leo mentioned, “Don’t repeat the same mistake your father made, Ethan.”

Ethan froze on the spot and squeezed his hands.

“You know how much I’ve favoured you, Ethan. It’s really disappointing to hear you say such pathetic things at a time like this. I guess you didn’t notice the state of the coven.”

Ethan did see how half of the coven had been demolished as others tried putting things back together but he came for a purpose, which he had now fulfilled but Leo’s words…always got to him.

“You always have to mention my father.” He mumbled.

Leo stepped behind him and placed a hand on his shoulder, “Go. You’ll be back.” Then pushed him and walked out. “You always come back.”

Ethan’s blood boiled but he was able to control his emotions. Pablo had told him to make Leo doubt his loyalty only for him to come back in a dire moment to save him to get his trust back then to betray him for the final time leading to his end. He believed he had done the first step well but Leo’s words…. He wouldn’t let it get to him. Working with Pablo to end Leo’s life was the best decision he’d ever made.

He shook his head and went back to where he came from as Leo watched him carefully from a distance.



The weight of the world seemed to rest on my shoulders as I sat there on my bed, holding the journal in my trembling hands. The choice I had to make felt impossible. I was torn between my loyalty to the pack and my love for Adrian. If I handed the journal to Leo, I would be selling out my people and risking their safety to save Adrian’s life. But if I didn’t, I could lose the man I loved forever.

Sarah watched me closely. She was obviously concerned and understood what I was going through. “Babes, I know this is an incredibly difficult decision to make,” she said softly. “But you have to think carefully about the consequences of each choice.”

I nodded, trying to steady my racing heart. “I know, Sarah. It’s just… I can’t bear the thought of losing Adrian. But I also can’t betray the pack. I feel like I’m stuck between a sea and an ocean.”

Sarah held my hand. “I get it, babes. I know how much you love Adrian. But remember, we’re in this together, and we’ll find a way to save Adrian without sacrificing everything.”

Her words brought a glimmer of hope, and I took a deep breath, trying to calm my unchecked emotions. “You’re right. I can’t let fear rule my choices. I need to be strong for both the pack and Adrian but this is so…” I fell down on my bed and Sarah came to sit beside me.

As we continued to discuss our options, I couldn’t help but think about Theo’s warning to Tyler. The vampires were planning an attack, and it was only a matter of time before they struck. I knew Theo had gone to share this information with Tyler. I could’ve followed if not for what Theo told me after and how awkward Tyler and I were with eachother still.



Theo found Tyler in a quiet corner of the camp going through some documents. The fireflies around illuminated the dark scape. “Sir, we need to talk,” His voice was steady but hued with nervousness.

Tyler looked up at him, “Oh Theo. I’ve told you to call me Tyler. There’s no need to be formal. Come on, sit.”

Theo did so. “Sorry, just used to calling you sir.”

“You’re a friend of Lily, so you’re a friend of mine too.” They shook hands. “What is it?”

“Earlier this evening, I and some other pack hunters went out for a patrol and I decided to go farther to the outskirts of the Forbidden Forest. I saw a group of vampires and overheard them talking about an impending attack they were planning,” I explained. “I know you have a lot on your plate, but I couldn’t keep this information to myself. We need to be prepared.”

Tyler’s expression became serious, and he nodded appreciatively. “Thanks for telling me, Theo. I appreciate your honesty.”

Theo could see the turmoil in his eyes, and he knew he was grappling with so many duties.

“Just for record, you’re really doing a good job. It must be really tough…” Theo said and dropped his hands.

Tyler chuckled, “Thanks. Want a drink?”

“I don’t think…”

“Come on. It’s lonelier these days…” Tyler’s smiled shortened and he brought out a bottle and two glasses from under the table. He set the glasses and poured some wine into both.

Theo thanked him and sipped down a glass. They were both quiet and just drank. They barely knew eachother but were brought together because of their relation to Lily.

Theo looked at Tyler for a while and almost uttered a word but stopped. He didn’t want to offend him in anyway.

Tyler caught it and said it for him, “Ask. I know what’s on your mind already.”

“Hunh?” He played dumb.

“You want to ask about Lily, right?”

Theo grinned weirdly, “Not really…”

Tyler sighed and gulped down another glass, “I’m in love with her but she can’t forget what happened. I know she hates me but she’s trying not to make things awkward between us because of so much is happening right now.”

Theo opened his mouth and put the glass to his lips. He rather not speak. He wished he had the right words to say to comfort Tyler but he didn’t.

“She doesn’t hate you.” That’s all he could think of. “She’s just…very confused and conflicted.”

“Yeah I know. She didn’t even notice my dad is no more.” Tyler said with a tinge of bitterness but swallowed down on his glass before Theo could notice.

“Life’s hard…” Theo gestured with his hand and Tyler chuckled.

“You’re a nice guy, Theo… I wonder why we haven’t talked much before.”


“Thanks…for staying.”

Theo nodded back and he dropped the glass. “I have to go.”

“Sure… later.”



As the moonlight bathed the grove in its gentle glow, I found myself sitting by the edge of a tranquil pond. The reflection of the stars shimmered on the water’s surface, and a sense of calm enveloped me. But this tranquility was short-lived as a sudden vision washed over me like a tide.

In the vision, the world looked very different from what I knew. The sky was a mix of red and purple, and the once beautiful forest had become empty and dead. Everything was destroyed, and fire spread all around.

I recognized the faces of my pack members and friends, but they looked sad and scared. I felt fear too, realizing something terrible had happened or was going to happen.

In the middle of it all, Leo and Audrey stood, both relishing their power. Their eyes glowed with evil, and Leo held the Ring of Lythian, which seemed to have its power gleaming through his fingers. It made me uneasy and worried about what exactly was happening.

My heart raced as I watched the fierce battle unfolding. Vampires and werewolves fought so vicariously. The unity that once upon a time held us together was shattered by darkness.

Amidst the chaos, I saw Adrian fighting valiantly. He protected our pack and loved ones with impeccable strength, but the destruction seemed unstoppable.

A figure appeared from the shadows, chilling me. It was me, but different. My eyes were empty, and I wore dark clothes, a symbol of the darkness that had taken over me.

The vision shifted, and I found myself standing before Leo, our eyes locked in a battle of dominance. “This is not the way, Leo,” I pleaded, “We were meant to stand together, not tear each other apart.”

Leo’s lips curled into a sinister smile, and he sneered, “You never understood, Lily. True power lies in embracing the darkness and unleashing the darkness within ourselves.”

I shook my head, “No, power comes from unity, from working together to protect and cherish one another. This darkness will only lead to destruction and pain.”

Out of nowhere, Audrey slapped me and five sharp cut lines appeared on my cheek which burned through my flesh, “It’s only your destruction that this darkness will bring. Dear Lily, it’s time to meet your end.”

Suddenly, the blood flowing in my veins became harder than rock. A black liquid started coming out of my eyes, ears, mouth and nose and I could see Audrey’s sheer pleasure in the sight.

“Lily!” I heard Adrian’s voice ring from the distance. “No!”

The vision started to disappear, but I felt a strong need to stop this from happening even though I knew it was just a vision.

“Ah!” I snapped out and saw myself at the edge of the pond. I stood up and held my head.

We were running out of time but I didn’t know it was this eminent. The realer the visions got, the closer and more like they were to happen, that I had figured out.

Her chilling voice echoed in my ears, “Dear Lily, it’s time to meet your end.”

I shook my head and ran back into the house.

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