Forbidden Mate: Awakening

Chapter 77


The training camp was very busy that afternoon. Tyler just finished addressing the army and sent out a battalion for a mission to recover the stolen loot the vampires took during their recent attack on the pack. He gathered the inable ones and assigned them tasks within the pack, making sure everyone was involved in rebuilding the home and preparing for the war.

Tyler, now the commanding general of the werewolf army and pseudo-Alpha of the BlueMoon pack constantly felt the weight of responsibility in his heart, but he was determined to keep his pack safe and overcome the threat from the vampires ahead.

As he got ready to leave to meet with the elders, he saw Henry coming towards him with a serious look on his face.

“Tyler,” Henry called out, “I need to speak with you. It’s about…Audrey.”

Tyler furrowed his brow, feeling confused and a little bit alarmed. He wasn’t still quite over what Audrey did to him. He had trusted and cared for her, only for him to discover she was decieving him and everyone else all along. She betrayed them and caused chaos in the pack when she ran away. He braced himself for the upcoming conversation with Henry, knowing it was important.

“What’s going on?” Tyler asked, trying to keep his voice steady and hide his curiosity.

Henry took a deep breath then started, “Tyler, I think Audrey might be working with the vampires,” he said, sounding worried. “I know you’d ask for evidence, but I do not have any. I was just discussing this with my wife the other day and thought it actually might be true. Her past actions have been suspicious, and the coincidence… The vampires attacking the grove to steal the journal then a few days later, the main pack was attacked and you were targeted…it makes me believe she’s on their side, feeding them with information. Who else would know the way to my study room and want you dead that is not in our pack?”

Tyler, conflicted by his mixed feelings for Audrey, reluctantly accepted Henry’s reasoning and agreed to approach the situation with caution. “I need you to explain more…”

“The journal contains ancient secrets and forbidden knowledge that could potentially tip the balance of power between us and the vampires. The vampires have been relentlessly pursuing the journal in their attempts to gain control over its contents, that’s why I had to keep it hidden.” He waited for Tyler to process that before he proceeded, “I suspect Audrey has obtained crucial information from the journal and has been secretly colluding with the vampire clan. If you really study the patterns of the recent vampire attacks, you would realise it aligns with the information contained within the journal about how our kind can be gradually wiped off the face of this realm. I believe that Audrey’s knowledge of the journal’s contents has made her a valuable asset to the vampires, as she can provide them with insights and strategies to further their agenda.”

Tyler was initially reluctant to believe such a grave accusation against Audrey despite Henry presenting evidence that suggests her involvement. “Don’t you think that’s farfetched? I mean I know she’s dangerous and now a criminal to this pack, but to say she’s working with the vampires…I don’t know…”

Henry reluctantly shook his head and wished he had the journal with him so he could show Tyler a hidden compartment in the journal that had been tampered with, indicating that someone had access to its contents before he retrieved it. But he gave it to Lily…

“I don’t have the journal with me now, Tyler. You’d have seen firsthand what I’m saying but all I can tell you is to connect the dots. I can’t convince you to do something against your will. Why did she run away a day after your father’s burial? What is she really planning? We may never know- but we must be wise to exterminate the threat before it ripens.” Like a father, Henry placed his hand on Tyler’s shoulder then removed it shortly after.

In light of no evidence, Tyler still found it hard to be fully convinced, yet, he had his uncertainty at the back of his mind, “I really don’t know, Henry…”

Henry advised him, “Tyler, you need to just proceed with caution and consider the possibility that Audrey is really after your life and all of us. You need to prioritize the safety of the pack and make decisions based on the greater good. Although it is a difficult pill to swallow, I believe that acknowledging Audrey’s potential alliance with the vampires is essential in order to protect our community and prevent any further attacks.”

Tyler’s expression hardened as he processed the seriousness of Henry’s words. He had once trusted and greatly cared about Audrey. He still hadn’t gotten over the betrayal and he would never get the chance to know exactly why she did it. With what she told him the last time they saw each other and the way she said that, she really might have turned against them and joined their enemies. The realization hit him hard, stirring up anger in him.

“Honestly, I had my suspicions,” Tyler admitted, “But to hear it confirmed… it’s disheartening.”

Henry nodded, “I know it’s not easy. Audrey was close to you and once a part of our pack, and it’s painful to see her fall from grace in this way. But we must face the truth and act accordingly to protect our pack.”

Tyler felt his jaw tighten as he thought about their next plan of action. He finally understood that Audrey was a big danger to them. She knew about their plans and strategies and could have really join forces with the vampires. He had to make sure the pack was safe, even if it meant confronting someone he used to consider-

“We have to find her,” Tyler said firmly, “We can’t let her keep betraying us. Gather a group to search for her and let everyone else know a banished traitor is on the run. We need to bring Audrey to justice and find out how involved she is with the vampires.”

Henry nodded, his gaze steady and determined. “I’ll do just that,” he agreed.Property © 2024 N0(v)elDrama.Org.

With their minds made up, Tyler and Henry exchanged a silent understanding. They knew this wouldn’t be easy for Tyler, but they had no other choice. The stakes were too high. As they split up to rally their forces, Tyler’s eyes burned with a silent fury. He would personally want to torture the truth out of Audrey if she really was caught conspiring with their enemy.

If she admitted it to his face, then and only then would he completely despise her for the rest of his existence.

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