Forbidden Desire


She freaked out, grabbed the vacuum cleaner, and got out of there as fast as she could. I grabbed my cell phone and tried to call Misun, but it was out of range or turned off, so I threw it against the wall. Just then, I heard a noise in the hallway of someone falling, and I heard Jane’s voice in the distance.

“Shit! Why do I have to be so clumsy?” Jane exclaimed as she struggled to get up.

I went out into the corridor to see her getting up, and when I looked at her knee, I saw that it was a bit bloody. So, I went over to her and helped her up.

“What’s wrong?” I asked, concerned.

“I’m sorry, Mr. Park, it’s just that I’m not used to working in such high heels,” Jane explained.

“Why are you wearing them?” I inquired.

“Your wife said this was the uniform she wanted me to wear,” Jane replied.

“Of course she did,” I muttered, taking a deep breath to suppress any theories forming in my head.

“Come on!” I took Jane’s hand and led her into my office. I sat her down on a chair and fetched the first aid kit. Taking some absorbent cotton and alcohol to clean the wound, I kneeled down in front of the chair where she was sitting.

“No need, it’s fine!” Jane protested.

“Hey! Calm down, I’m just going to clean the wound,” I reassured her.

I wet the absorbent cotton with alcohol, and when I put it on the wound, she let out a moan of pain.

“Shhhh, calm down! It’ll pass,” I comforted her.

As I continued dabbing the cotton on her knee, I couldn’t help but notice how thick and shapely her legs were. Lost in thought for a few seconds, I was snapped out of my trance by Jane’s voice.

“Oh, it’s burning,” Jane remarked.

Her moan of pain was strangely arousing, and I felt guilty for having such thoughts as a married man. However, I approached her knee, blowing lightly, and noticed her shiver. What a sensitive woman. When our eyes met, I could sense pure desire in her gaze. She was biting her plump lips, which drove me crazy. Taking a bandage, I covered the wound, and the next thing I knew, I was sliding my hand from her knee to her calf, feeling the softness of her skin. She gasped at my touch, panting, which only made her ample cleavage more enticing.

Suddenly, Mrs. Amelia’s voice broke the moment.

“Mr. Park? My God, Jane, what’s wrong?” Mrs. Amelia exclaimed as she entered the room.

Jane didn’t look away from me to answer the older woman, and I realized how lost she was in her own desires.

“I fell,” Jane explained.

“My God, what are you wearing? What are those shoes?” Mrs. Amelia scolded.

“That’s the uniform Mrs. Park gave me!” Jane replied.

“My God, that’s no way for a girl like you to work in. Did she see how it turned out?” Mrs. Amelia asked.

“She did and insisted that this was the outfit she wanted me to wear,” Jane confirmed.

“Come on! Let’s go to the kitchen!” Mrs. Amelia directed.

I stood up, took Jane’s hand, and helped her to her feet. When she stood up, she seemed to be in pain, almost falling again. Instinctively, I held her by the waist to prevent her from falling. Our bodies pressed together, she rested her hands on my chest and blushed intensely. It felt as if there was no one else there, and having her red lips so close to mine made me entertain thoughts I shouldn’t have.

“Come, Jane!” Mrs. Amelia’s voice sounded irritated, snapping me out of my trance.

Realizing the situation, I let go of Jane’s waist, and she still looked at me with a flushed face as they left, closing the door behind them. I collapsed into the armchair, taking a deep breath and realizing that my whole body was hot. I needed to be careful with this girl; she could be a problem for me. When I finally managed to recover, I went to the bathroom and took a cold shower, trying to shake off the temptation that now seemed to be cleaning the house every day in that uniform that filled my mind with impure thoughts.

Exiting the shower in just a towel, I saw that Misun had returned from wherever she went, which lifted my spirits.

“Hey babe, where did you go?” I greeted her, planting a kiss on her lips and then trailing kisses down her neck.

“I just went to Starbucks. I had an irresistible craving for a pumpkin latte,” Misun replied as I continued kissing her.

“Mmm, delicious,” I murmured, trailing kisses down her body as she removed her blouse, revealing her bra.

“Have you met Jane?” Misun asked excitedly, her tone suggesting eagerness.

“Yes,” I replied, removing her skirt and leaving her in just her panties and bra. I took off her high heels and kissed her feet, admiring her beauty and feeling consumed with desire.

“She’s pretty, isn’t she?” Misun inquired.

“No more than you!” I responded, lying on top of her and kissing her passionately, tasting her sweet flavor. As I removed her bra, I buried my face in her small breasts, savoring them, while slipping my hand inside her panties and massaging her clitoris. After a few moments, I took off her panties and spread her legs, eagerly tasting her.

“Oh Jaemin!” Misun moaned, her voice filled with pleasure.

“Moan for me, baby!” I urged her on, relishing in her responses.

She complied with my request, but deep down, I knew her moans were fake. Despite my efforts, she never reached orgasm. After over thirty minutes of lovemaking, she asked, “Are you almost there?”

I abruptly pulled away from her, lying down beside her on the bed.

“What? Don’t you want to come?” Misun inquired.

“You’re not in the mood as usual,” I remarked.

She climbed on top of me, positioning my cock at her entrance, and replied weakly, “Yes, I am. It’s just that I want to make you come.”

I knew she was lying, but I couldn’t resist as she began to move against me, ultimately bringing me to climax. Afterward, we lay together, and I pulled her close to my chest.

“Mimi?” I began tentatively.

“Huh?” she responded.

“Do you prefer slower or faster sex? Am I too rough when I go down on you?” I inquired, genuinely curious.

“No, I just don’t like being sucked, and the way you do it is fine,” Misun replied dismissively.

“Is there any position you prefer or anything I could do differently to give you more pleasure?” I persisted.

“No. You’re great!” she insisted.

“Then why don’t you come?” I pressed.

“Yes, I do,” Misun insisted.

“Mimi, I can tell the difference between a real orgasm and a fake one,” I stated.

“There, now you want to know more about my orgasms than I do. If I’m telling you I came, it’s because I did! Can we change the subject?” Misun redirected the conversation, clearly uncomfortable.

“Yeah… Mimi, what do you think about going to the doctor this week?” I broached another topic, hoping for a constructive discussion.

“What for?” Misun’s tone was defensive.

“We’ve been trying to get pregnant for over a year, and we haven’t succeeded. Maybe it’s time we went to the doctor to see if there’s something wrong,” I suggested, seeking a solution.

“This conversation again? We’ll have children when God thinks the time is right. I don’t want to go to the doctor!” Misun rebutted firmly, shutting down the idea.

Feeling her growing anger, I opted to remain silent, simply stroking her hair in a comforting gesture.

“So, what did you think of Jane?” Misun abruptly changed the subject, her tone surprisingly animated.

“Well, I thought she was normal,” I replied cautiously.

“You didn’t think she was pretty?” Misun prodded, her tone hinting at something more.

“Are you jealous?” I teased, trying to lighten the mood.

Misun chuckled, and I couldn’t help but smile.

“Jealous? Of course…” she responded playfully.This material belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

“No need, you know I only have eyes for you,” I reassured her, though her sudden interest in Jane still puzzled me.

“Yeah, I know,” Misun said, her tone carrying a hint of annoyance as she got out of bed, covering herself with my towel and heading to the bathroom.

Listening to the sound of the shower, I soon followed her in, and before long, we found ourselves making love again. Afterward, we ventured into the dining room, where breakfast was being served by Jane, instead of Mrs. Amelia.

“So, are you enjoying your first day?” I asked Jane, trying to include her in the conversation.

“Yes, I am!” Jane responded cheerfully.

“What time do you leave for college?” I inquired, curious about her schedule.

“In a little while, because I have to go one shift before my class to hand in some missing documents,” Jane explained.

“And how do you intend to get there?” Misun asked, interjecting with concern.

“I think I’ll take the subway. Jin’s brother was supposed to pick me up, but something happened at work, and he won’t be able to make it,” Jane replied, appearing unperturbed.

“Oh! But how are you going to walk around Seoul on your own without knowing anything? No, I can’t allow that. Jaemin will take you, won’t you, love?” Misun declared, her tone surprisingly insistent.

Caught off guard by her sudden request, I hesitated momentarily before conceding, “Of course.”

I noticed a sparkle in Misun’s eyes as Jane thanked me, and I couldn’t help but feel a mixture of curiosity and apprehension about what the future might hold with Jane’s presence in our lives.

Misun seemed delighted by the arrangement, adding, “Oh, he’s wonderful, you haven’t seen anything yet!”

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