For The Stars Have Sinned

Alone with Levi

“Ugh.” I hesitated whether to take a selfie with him because I might end up like the girl earlier. I just smiled and shook my head. “Nothing.”

After eating at the restaurant, Levi took me for a walk around the resort. I don’t want to miss it so I immediately agreed, not thinking of Nicole nor Tiden’s reaction. We went back to the cottage for a while and he lent me a white dress. I know that dress is not for me but I want to think otherwise. I didn’t see Tiden nor June inside so I just assumed the two were taking a walk. Ariel’s missing and Nicole, well, I didn’t care about her.

Levi is tall. About 6 feet or more with broad shoulders and lean muscles. He is quiet which makes me swallow my saliva often, preventing myself from speaking.

I want to talk about something but I’m worried that he might not say anything and I’ll just embarrass myself. Looking up at him, I realize my height is only up to his chest compared to his massive body. My cheeks flushed and I looked away before he would notice me checking his body out.

We make our way to the isolated part of the resort. I saw in the distance a number of cottages, and they’re a few meters away from each other. I looked up at some coconut trees scattered around. There are also some trees that I don’t recognize and single cottages that are designed for bachelors.

He turned to the way where tall wild grass were growing and swaying in the breeze. I followed Levi until he stopped at the dead end where the cliff was.

I crouched down on the rail. There were many large rocks at the bottom of the cliff, and the sea water’s always hitting them.

“Wanna swim?” Levi suddenly asked.

I stood up properly and turned to him, shaking my head. “No. It’s still hot.”

“Come, let’s sit in the shade,” he said.

He first walked into a lone circular cottage that stood just on the edge of the cliff. I followed him again.

The roof is made of nipa and there are two thatched balls hanging in the center of the pointed roof. There is a table in the middle, and a bamboo seat attached to the foundation of the cottage all around. I sat there and quietly watched the waves in the sea.

I was surprised when Levi first broke the silence between us. “How are you and Tiden, Rish? That friend of mine is a good guy, isn’t he?”

“Uh.” I scratched my nape and winced. “He’s not my boyfriend. We’re just friends.”

The corner of his lips rose. He sat across my seat and folded his arms. A smile played on his lips. “You are his girlfriend. A girl friend.”

I didn’t know he also knew how to joke with no humor. “I guess,” I said and shrugged my shoulders before looking around. “Is it really okay with you? I mean, maybe some paparazzi will come and capture us staying alone inside the cottage.”

He didn’t answer me and just looked at the blue sea. I just stared at his face. I could clearly see his sharp nose from where I was sitting. I also noticed that his skin color’s average.

He had those manly lips. Thin at the top and pouted one the bottom. His eyelashes define his deep-set eyes whose mysterious irises of blue with steaks of green capture the delicate beauty of both an ocean and a river. Cowlicks made its way down to his slightly creased forehead.

I hid a smile. A good-looking man indeed. Any girl would be lucky to be his wife.

He smiled suddenly. “You stare too much, Rish.”

Eh? I squirmed in my seat and shyly looked away. “Sorry.”

“You don’t have to apologize.”

I nodded, cheeks burning red. “Levi, you’re good. It’s no wonder why women are fond of you and many people look up to you.”

“No.” He shook his head, gently running a hand through his wind-disturbed hair. “My fans are not that many, Rish. It’s Ariel who draws the crowd.”

Pursing my lips, I cast my gaze down. Of course, it’s Ariel who draws the crowd because that man got the most number of fans. I shook my head. “Still, you’re the best. I admire you,” I confessed and smiled sweetly at him.

He stared at my face for a few seconds before the edge of his lips curled up.

It was noon when we returned to the busy part of the resort. I comforted myself by listening to the crashing of the waves on the rough stones and the chirping of the birds in the woods as we made our way back. I saw Levi’s slight smile out of the corner of my eye and my heart fluttered more.

I couldn’t still believe it that I’m walking next to him and even talking to him. Even though before I could reach him through Tiden and June, but I didn’t have the courage to call on Levi. I’m fine with supporting him from afar. But now…

“Levi! Where have you been? I’ve been looking for you for a while!”

I stopped in my tracks and so was Levi. My head snapped on the woman who yelled at us and I gasped when I saw that it was Nicole.

She frowned and walked towards us hastily. My eyes widened when Nicole suddenly stopped in front of Levi, tiptoed, and kissed him on the lips.

My body stiffened and my breath stopped for a moment with the sight of them kissing each other. I thought they’re not lovers? He said it so and I was a fool to believe him. But who was I to get jealous? I have no right to be so.

I turned around and was about to walk away but my steps halted when I saw Tiden approaching me. There was no smile on his face and he was frowning. Not a good sign.

“Rishell,” he called. “Where were you? Do you know how worried I was when I couldn’t find you?”


He stopped in front of me, narrowing his eyes while checking me out for any injury. “Where were you? Tell me the truth.” He folded his arms in front.

I was about to answer when Levi spoke, “Don’t be hard on Rishell.” I looked at his direction and saw him looking at me while Nicole’s sulking beside him. “We’re just strolling around,” he added.

Tiden looked back and forth between me and Levi. I swallowed and looked away, not meeting his gaze. My eyes widened when someone harshly grabbed my arm and turned me around, facing that someone. It’s Nicole.

Her two eyebrows met. “It’s you again!” she yelled. “Are you that shameless? You’re coveting my man in front of me?!” Nicole added, teeth clenching together.

I pulled my arm back from her harsh hold. “Why do you care?” I said annoyed. I still haven’t forgotten how she kissed Levi in front of me. Although her accusation’s not true but I wanted to tease that girl. Let her think I’m coveting Levi for the heck I care.

“You’re nothing but a desperate loser!” Nicole snarled. “We’ll see how I’ll crush you tonight!” Turning around, she dragged Levi away like she did before at Pier 1.

Levi turned to me with a soft smile. He waved for a moment before facing ahead, talking to Nicole. My eyebrows met. I didn’t understand why Nicole liked to pretend to be Levi’s girlfriend although they’re not, and Levi’s okay with it? I thought they wouldn’t take relationships lightly?

“Rishel,” Tiden interrupted my thoughts. He breathed deeply. “Let me know your whereabouts next time. And don’t casually go out with anyone especially if you don’t know them.”

“But nothing bad happened to me. Besides, Levi’s with me so it’s fine. He’s your friend. You know he’s a good person right, Tiden?” I said annoyed as I passed by him.

I stopped in the shade of a tree. There’s a signage on its trunks that says ‘Live well, Laugh often, Love much, Dream big.’

Pursing my lips., I walked into a single cottage just near the tree. I sat on the vacant chair and looked at the sparkling salt water under the sunlight not far from where I was sitting at.

After a while, the cloud covered the sun so its rays temporarily disappeared. Just then, someone stood by my side. I looked up at that person but immediately looked away when I saw it was Tiden.

“Rishell, are you angry?” he asked.

I folded my arms and didn’t say a word. Mad? No. I’m not angry but just annoyed. I want to be alone for awhile but with Tiden’s character, he will only stuck on me more if I send him away. So we just sat there quietly and both feeling the presense of each other.

Together we looked at the guests bathing in the pool. Others were sitting under the cottages and some were walking up and down the long seashore where land and sea met.

I was surprised when Tiden left suddenly. I breathed a sigh of relief and quietly watched the guests. But a few more minutes passed and someone stood next to me again. When I looked up, it was Tiden. He had brought an acoustic guitar with him. He wiped the sweat from his forehead and breathlessly smiled at me. Sitting down, he placed the guitar in front if him.

“What are you gonna do this time?” I asked and pointed to the acoustic guitar.

He strummed for a while. “I’ll serenade you.”This content is © NôvelDrama.Org.

I raised my eyebrows. I just let him play a familiar tune. I then realized he was singing The Guitar Man of Bread. His voice’s beautiful, clear, vibrant, and very masculine. Not baritone but low. He sang for several minutes until he reached the end. He just stopped there and looked at me. Our eyes met.

Tiden’s eyes are different from Levi’s. He has those almond orbs. Pure brown. Although the color’s ordinary, but the way he always look at me makes those almold orbs glow brightly, astonishing me for a moment.

“Rishel,” he whispered my name. It was like a wind. Fast, gentle, and not loud. If the place hadn’t been quiet I might not have heard him whisper my name.

“What?” I asked.

“Baby…. would you be mine?”

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