Filthy Secret

Chapter 103


I’m beyond fucking furious. It’s been two days since I had the woman I’ve been waiting a fuck of a long time for, and she’s gone again.

Yesterday, she left the house while I was in the shower; then she was home when I was gone. She locks her bedroom door, but if she thinks that’s going to stop me, she really doesn’t know the man I am.

Today she’s gone yet a-fucking-gain. I push the door open to her room, the floral scent of her perfume still lingers in the air. My cock stirs to life as it does whenever I think of my woman.

My gaze goes around her bedroom. It’s clean and tidy, not a thing out of place. I spy her pill packet and the surge of rage hits me just as it did when she told me that she was taking the contraceptive. I can’t explain why the fuck it infuriates me, but there’s one thing I know for certain, she’s mine and when we fuck, there’ll be nothing between us. I move toward the packet and see that there’s only five missing from this strip.

I pull my cell phone from my pocket and call the doctor that I have on payroll. “You heard,” I snarl. I despise having to repeat myself, and I fucking hate when people try and deny me.

“But, Mr. Vasiliev, that’s unethical,” he stutters, no doubt wishing I’d find a new doctor to do my dealings with.

“That may be so, Garrison, but I’m not asking about ethics. I’m telling you that I want a new pack of pills. But I want them to be placebo ones.”

“Mr. Vasiliev, I don’t know where I’d get them from.”

“You’re a liar, Garrison, unless you want me to pay a visit to your wife, I’d suggest that you get onboard with what I’m looking for.”

He’s silent for a beat. “I can have them for you in a week.”

My laughter is chilling. “You’ll have them for me in an hour.”

The sharp intake of breath is enough for me to know that I have finally gotten through to him. Good. “Have one of your men come by the clinic.” “Good, next time, do as I say when I say.” “Yes, Mr. Vasiliev,” he responds instantly.

“Oh, and, Garrison,” I say before he ends the call, something he hasn’t yet learned not to do. I am the boss, I will tell you when the conservation is done, not the other way around. “You give me anything but what I have asked for, make sure that you kiss your wife and daughter goodbye.” I end the call and glare at the offending strip.

“You’re crazy, you know that right?” Ilya tells me with a chuckle.

“That’s been rumored for years,” I reply with a grunt. “What are you doing here, Ilya?” I ask as I turn to face him.

My deputy, he’s the man who has been at my side since the very beginning. Who knows absolutely everything there is to know about me, including this farce of a marriage to Adele.

“I received a call from Stefan. Your wife is currently being fucked by a rich dude in Vegas.”

I shrug, not in the least bit bothered by what that bitch is doing. “And?”

He smirks. “Here I was going to give you the news that the suka is doing what we have suspected long before you married her, and I find out that you’re switching her daughter’s birth control. Tell me, Nik, have you lost your mind?”

“Watch it,” I snarl.

His eyes widen at my words. “Watch it. What the hell, Nikolai? We have been friends since we were kids. Now you’re telling me to watch it.

What is going on?”

I scrub my hand down my face. “I’m fucking losing it, Ilya. The moment I saw her, I knew she would be mine.” His eyebrows practically hit his hairline.

“She’s avoiding me,” I hiss. “She’s gone when I shower and returns when I’m at the club.”

His lips twitch. “And you’re switching her pills because…” “I want to,” I reply, I don’t owe anyone an explanation.

“You do this and she could end up pregnant. That what you want?”

Yes. That’s exactly what I fucking want.

I don’t answer him, but of course he knows. His laughter is mocking as he follows me out of Lena’s bedroom. “You finally found the woman youUpstodatee from Novel(D)ra/m/a.O(r)g

want to settle down with? And she’s the daughter of your wife?”

“Ilya,” I growl. “You have a choice. Shut the fuck up or get out.”

He follows me down the stairs. “In all seriousness, what are you going to do?”

“That, I have no idea.” Especially with her ignoring me. Does she really think that it’ll work? That I’ll keep my distance?

“When’s Adele due back?” he asks as we enter my office and I frown, how the fuck am I supposed to know that? “What’s going to happen when she arrives back and finds out that you’ve slept with her daughter?”

“Ilya, why are you asking stupid questions?”

He chuckles. “You never fucked Adele did you?”

I shudder at the thought. “Not fucking once.”

“Well, I guess that’s one thing,” the velvety rasp comes from behind me.

I turn and see Yelena standing in the doorway, her arms over her chest as she glares at Ilya and I.

“You are delightful,” Ilya says, flashing her his cocky grin that he uses on all the ladies. “Have we met before?”

“Ilya,” I snarl, trying my best not to reach for the gun in my hostler and kill my best friend.

He holds up his hand, silently asking me to hold on. “I do know you, you were dating the Italian.” He glances at me before turning back to look at the blonde temptress. He clicks his fingers. “The Bianchi boy. Alessio.”

She smiles brightly. “And if I were?”

My fists clench at the thought of her being with anyone else. Again, possessiveness rears its ugly head.

“Rumor has it that he’s been looking for you,” Ilya continues. “What did he do to make you leave him?”

She raises a brow. “Firstly, it’s none of your damn business. My life is exactly that. Mine. Second of all, Ales isn’t looking for me. He and I have spoken. He’s found someone new and he’s out of my hair. Anything else you want to pry into?”

The ass grins. “Sure, so you fucked the boss and now you’re hiding from him?”

She blinks. “Oh, well see how I see it, is your boss, took what he wanted. Whatever game he’s playing, I want nothing to do with it. Three weeks and I’m gone.” Her eyes narrow in on me. “If you’ll excuse me, I have somewhere to be.”

The moment she walks away, Ilya chuckles. “Good luck with her, Nik, she’s going to give you a run for your money.”

Oh I have absolutely no doubt about that. Yelena is everything that I want in a woman. Feisty, strong, independent, gorgeous, and she takes cock better than any woman I’ve had before.

“Let’s go,” I tell him before I find Lena and fuck her, again. “It’s time to go pay the doctor a visit.” I want those damn pills. There’s no fucking way I’m letting her go. “B oss?” Konstantin, my enforcer, says as he steps into my office.

I look up from my computer screen and see that he’s dressed in a tailored suit, something he despises but wears whenever he’s here at the club.

Three days, Yelena has been gone for three days and I have no fucking idea where she’s gone. Ilya is searching for her; he’s assured me that he’ll find her. He had better fucking find her. I’m losing my damn mind. I have no idea what this woman has done to me but I’ve realized that I can’t be without her.

How does that even happen after one time?

“Stefan’s waiting outside,” he tells me and I’m wondering why the hell the man didn’t come in. “My informant in the Alekseev Mafia has told me that The Bullet has taken a break. They were taken on a raid that happened outside of New York City.”

The Bullet is the moniker given to Alekseev’s assassin. The greatest marksman known to man. For years, different factions of the Bratva have tried to uncover his identity but so far, it’s been a mystery.


He nods. “Yes, it was a setup, an inside job. The Bullet went to take out a target but instead was surrounded by the Babic men. It’s unknown how long he was gone for but according to Yori, he was injured and is now recuperating.”

The Babics are notorious bastards. The Croats don’t care who they take out. They don’t meticulously plan their wars, instead, they go guns blazing. They have grown in the past decade, moving across the east of the country. Stupid is what they are, had they grown more steadily in the west, they’d have the numbers to take on the Gallaghers and Bianchis. As it is now, they start the war, they’re all dying.

“Find out who’s no longer available for the Alekseev family.”

He smirks. “Already done. There’s only three members of the family that are no longer available. Artur, Rodion, and Yelena.” He chuckles as he says her name. “Like Maksim would have his granddaughter be The Bullet.”

I suck in a sharp breath as I remember the bandage on Yelena’s side, the way she played it off as though it was nothing, the tattoo makes sense now, the gun, roses, and blood drops. How did Maksim manage to keep Yelena being The Bullet under wraps for so long?

“Thank you, Konstantin. Send Stefan in on your way out.”

“Boss, the suka is back. She’s currently staying at your hotel pissing off every single member of staff. She’s had a lot of phone calls, I have yet to uncover with whom, but I’m working on it.”

“Thank you, Stefan, I want the numbers on my desk by tomorrow morning.” I do not trust Adele as far as I can throw her and if she’s talking to someone, I wanna know who is.

Of course, boss.” As he turns to leave, my cell rings. It’s Pavel, Lena’s driver.

“Boss, I have dropped Ms. Alekseeva at Crimson,” he tells me as soon as I answer the call.

I’m up on my feet and moving toward the office door. “Thank you, Pavel, I’m on my way.”

“Stefan, call Ilya, tell him to get his ass to Crimson.” My feet are moving as quickly as they can, the thought of anything happening to Lena makes me homicidal.

“Why are we going there?” he questions as he puts his cell to his ear.

Crimson is one of my clubs, it’s a money maker, a place that I don’t have to frequent often as it’s run well and kept clean.

“Lena’s there,” I tell him as I push open the back exit door toward my car.

The drive to Crimson is quiet, Stefan is on edge, not knowing how I’ll react to whatever the fuck is going on. I’m going to make her ass red for leaving the house and hiding from me. Three days she’s kept her distance and tonight it stops.

I walk into Crimson with Stefan at my side, Ilya is moments away. I don’t have to look far to find Yelena. She’s on the dance floor, her head thrown back as she dances to the music, her body moving in sync to the tempo. She’s dressed in the shortest, tightest motherfucking dress that I have ever seen. She’s definitely getting her ass red tonight. She doesn’t leave the house without a man on her dressed like that.

Fuck, my cock tightens. She’s beautiful.

The moment I step onto the floor, I see a man walking over to her. She shakes her head dismissing him but he’s persistent. She verbalizes her rejection, her eyes narrowing as he reaches out to touch her.

I move to them, the crowd of drunken people parting as I get close to them.

“Don’t touch me,” she says loudly, her words slurred as she steps away from him. I see that the man that is going to lose his life is Viktor, the bastard is a bouncer here at my club. He puts his hands on her hips and pulls her close to him, yet again, she’s telling him to stop touching her. Each time the words come out a little more slurred and unintelligible.

The moment he puts his lips on her, I lose it. No one touches what is mine.

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