Fighting Darius

Chapter 39

I walk to the back of the plane where Darius is still on the phone. His magnificent body is draped casually in the plush leather seat, while his long legs are crossed at the ankle. His eyes are tracking my movement while he keeps talking quietly but rapidly in Russian. His expression looks sexily playful but his tone of voice remains serious. I wish I knew what he’s saying.

Note to self: learn to speak Russian.

Two whole minutes, I’m still standing in front of him as he continues talking. I bat my eyelashes and I pout. His lips twitch into a tiny reluctant smile.

Admittedly, his heated gaze has never left my body once since the moment I made my way to him a while ago, but I need more than that from my mate today. Pretty soon we’ll be in Russia and…and I don’t want to think about what’s going to happen there.

I reach up and release my hair from its constraint so that it comes tumbling down my shoulders and my back. I lift a shoulder up so that the wide neck of the sweater slides off lower. His eyes zone in on the exposed skin appreciatively, then they leisurely survey my body till I feel like I was standing there naked in front of him. He watches me with amusement like I’m doing a striptease for his entertainment while he keeps talking on the phone.

Gah! What does a girl need to do to get some attention around here? I put my hands on my waist, prop my right hip forward and tap my foot impatiently. Really? Do I have to strip down to my knickers?

Fine! Whatever! See if I care. Well, I don’t. Obviously! I flip my hair and whirl around. Hah! I’ll go talk to my besties who are probably more eager for my company…or watch a movie..or play candy crush…or something.

I managed to take a step before a powerful arm wrap around my middle and I’m being tugged back against a hard chest.

“Where do you think you’re going, (душа моя) Dusha moya?”

he asks, nuzzling my ear from behind.

“Clearly, my company is not wanted. Go on, keep talking on the phone,” I tell him while trying to wiggle out of his hold. He grazes his lips and the tip of his nose down my neck and I shiver from the chills of pleasure that streaks down my back.

“Who says you’re not wanted?” he says before he kisses and playfully nibbles my skin. Chills of pleasure bloom into sparks of heat and ecstasy that spread across my entire body. “You provided me the most magnificent view…even the most

mundane business talk becomes exciting,” he continues

huskily. His voice thick with the Russian accent. His warm firm lips start trailing kisses on the skin along my neck down to my collarbone and across my exposed shoulder.

“What does Dusha..ummm…Dusha..what?” I’m struggling to think.

“Dusha moya…my soul,” he whispers against my skin. I think I’m melting.

I’m supposed to be mad at him, am I not? I should stay mad.

Uuummm…why am I mad again?

He bends down and places one arm around my back and

another behind my knees and I instinctively wrap my arms around his neck. As he effortlessly he lifts me up, I look up into his glacier blue eyes and our gaze remains locked until he sits down on the seat at the back with me on his lap. Our faces are only inches apart. My heart always goes crazy every time our eyes meet. Right now I can hear my heart thundering in my

ears and my stomach rolls with excitement. His intense smoldering stare moves from my eyes to my lips. My own eyes are drawn to his firm pink lips and I want to taste them again.

He leans in and claims my mouth with his. My lips tingle from the heat and electricity that explode every time we touch and I open my mouth willingly to let his tongue plunders inside. I shudder at the jolt of pleasure that zaps through me and I hear him groan as our tongues tangle and dance together. His arms tighten around me and my fingers grab a fistful of his hair as our kiss grows more urgent and intense. His hand slips underneath my sweater to touch my heated bare skin and mold me closer to him like he couldn’t get enough of me. I can’t get enough of him. His scent, the touch of his hand on my body, the feel of his mouth on my mouth and my skin, his taste on my tongue.

I think it’s a long time later when he finally pulls back. His hand cradles the back of my neck as he rests his forehead against mine. His other hand is still resting on the bare skin of my back underneath my sweater.

Everything is quiet except for our labored breathing and the steady drone of the engine. I think the others are giving us some time and privacy by staying at the front of the plane.

Most of them are probably asleep anyway since we got up very early this morning. Too bad this plane doesn’t have bedrooms like the other one.

“You must be getting tired. You should get some sleep, Malyshka.” He drops a quick chaste kiss on my swollen lips.

We both probably had about two hours of sleep at the most, last night.

“No, I’m not tired,” I deny. Honestly, I’m feeling wide awake.

Very wide awake.

“Then just lie down with me,” he says, smiling indulgingly as he lowers our seats into a full lying position and pulls me to him until my cheek is resting on his chest. I will stay awake and savor this moment in his arms. My hand automatically reaches out to play with his fair silky locks.

A sudden thought occurs to me.“Dar? How would you sleep when I’m not around?” He doesn’t sleep well when I’m not with him. His nightmare will hound him when I’m not in his arms at night.

“Don’t worry about me, Malyshka. I’ll be okay.”

“But you need your sleep.” I know he’d been surviving without me for so long, but I don’t want him to suffer like that again now that he has me.

“I’ll figure something out, sweetheart. Just rest.” He kisses the top of my head.

I try not to think of what I’d do without his arms wrapped securely around me like this at night. Falling asleep with his scent and his warm body enveloping me, his steady heartbeat in my ear….so safe, so comfortable, so…home.

“We’re almost there, Malyshka. We’ll be landing soon,” he says.

My eyelids flutter open to look straight into his glacier blue eyes. I’ve fallen asleep despite my effort to stay awake. The reality behind what he just said hits me. Our moment together is almost over. Soon, we have to pretend like we don’t belong to each other. Like we’re not half of each other’s souls. His eyes say it all.

“Darius,” I say, sitting up quickly in a moment of panic and despair. No, not yet. I’m not ready.

His hand comes up to tangle in my hair at the back of my head and pull me to him until our lips meet. Without hesitation, I kiss him back with everything that I have in me. He cups my face firmly in his hands as he deepens the kiss. I open my mouth for his tongue to invade my mouth and tangle with my own. I wind my arms around his neck and his hands drop to my hips to yank me into his lap until I’m straddling him. Even then, we’re desperately pulling each other close, straining to get closer as if we can’t get close enough.

“Malyshka, you are my life. Promise me you stay safe. Promise me you keep your emotions hidden. Stay close to at least one of our pack mates at all time,” he says.

I just nod my head.

“Now, go clean up. You need to get my scent off you.”

I reluctantly get up and grab my tote bag. He gets up with me and grips my hips tightly as if he’s unwilling to let me go as he leads me to the washroom.

At the door, he turns me around to face him and quickly presses his lips to mine before he shoves me into the

reasonably sized cubicle. I place my hand on my chest, trying to steady my heartbeat.

The washroom is nice with a small glass-covered shower, a sink, a toilet, and even a small seating by the window. There are rolled up fluffy white towels on the counter by the sink.

I steal a quick glance at the mirror. My hair is wild from his fingers running through it and my lips are red and swollen from our kisses.

I place my bag on the seat, unroll the bath mat by my feet and proceed to take a quick shower.

I quickly towel dry and comb my hair. I put on fresh

underwear, slip my black leggings back on, pulls on a black long sleeve t-shirt, and drape my rust colored scarf around my neck and slip on my uggs. I fold and put everything else into my bag except for my duffel coat.

When I join the others at the front, Darius is nowhere in sight.

He’s probably cleaning up too.

A few minutes later he steps out from the back in his full uniform. This time with a black royal army trench coat with brown fur lapel collars. He somehow looks bigger and more formidable. His hands are in tan leather gloves. His fair blond hair is sleeked and covered by an army hat. His handsome face is a mask of indifference, a beautiful cold chiseled perfection carved out of a marble. Aloof and unreadable. He looks so handsome yet like a stranger. No longer my Darius.

He sits in a seat at the front on the other side of the aisle from mine as we prepare for landing.

His eyes flicker to mine. For endless minutes we only stare at each other. His eyes are cold, but I know mine are full of longing. I know I have to reign it in. I should not show emotion. I promised him I would keep my emotions hidden.

As I feel the wheel hitting the ground, I tear my gaze away from him and look straight ahead. I take a deep breath and focus on building a wall around my feelings. I will keep everything in.

I’m doing this for my mate, my pack mates, and myself. Our safety and our lives may depend on it. I feel Genesis covering my hand with hers. She gives my hand a gentle squeeze. I return her squeeze and keep my face a stony unreadable mask.

He’s right here in front of me, yet I’m missing him already.This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org: ©.

Oh, grow a pair, Penny! It’s not like we’re not going to see each other again. We’ll be crossing paths. We just need to pretend like we’re acquaintances instead of mates. That’s all. Yup!

That’s all…easy peasy.

It’s already dark in Russia. Light fluffy white flakes are slowly drifting down from the sky. The ground is already covered with a light dusting of the snow.

I can see that we’re not at a regular airport. It looks like we’re at an air force base somewhere.

I shrug my Burberry coat on before we get off the plane.

Darius disembarks the plane first, followed by Caspian and me with the rest right behind us. Men in uniform are waiting for us on the ground. Caspian winds my arm through his and covered my hand with his gloved one as we descend the steps of the stairway.

I see Darius being greeted by his men while we are surrounded by Palace’s security. He turns to us and slightly tips his head down while touching the brim of his hat before turning to his men, then he’s off without looking back. They are heading towards one of the big black SUVs at the back, while the rest of us are being swept away into a waiting armored black


I try so hard not to turn around to catch the last glimpse of him before we get in the gleaming black car. It’s so hard though. It feels like a piece of me is already missing. As soon as the car door is closed behind us, I look back but he and his men are no longer there.

There are several black cars and SUVs in front and behind us.

They are our security detail. I know he must be in one of those cars.

I’m quite used to having royal motorcade while we’re here, but we usually only have two or three cars with us, never this many.

“Relax, Beany,” says Caspian. “You’re going to break my delicate hand very soon if you don’t relax your hold.”

I turn to look at the prince beside me. He’s sitting back, looking bored and unconcerned though our hands are intertwined.

Now I notice how tightly I’m gripping his gloved hand. I quickly let go of his hand and sit back, trying to relax.

The car moves and as soon as I feel like my limbs are starting to relax a bit, Caspian takes out a handkerchief from the inside pocket of his jacket.

He proceeds to rub the little silk cloth it all over my face and my arms. “What are you doing???” I shriek while trying to scoot away from him, which is not very far since we’re trapped in the limo. Genesis, Constantine, and Serena start laughing, while Lazarus is looking outside the car, smirking.

“I’m trying to get my scent all over you…unless you would prefer me to do it the old-fashioned way. I don’t think Darius would be too happy with that though.”

Oh, gosh, the torture has just begun. I think his royal highness is looking way too happy to be doing this. I suspect this is a payback for messing with him the other day…or the day before that..or the week before that.

“Now what are you doing?” I almost yell at him as he pulls out my used undies from my tote bag.

“Trying to get your scent all over me,” he answers with a big naughty grin.

Ugghhh!!!! “EEwwwww!!!! NO!” I wail. I think I hear the sound of the delicate lacy little fabric tear as I grab it out of his hand.

I hear the others laughing and snickering.

“I swear, your fascination with women’s underwear is unhealthy, Caspian,” I snap at him while shoving my

underwear deep into my bag.

“Yeah, I think it’s quite worrisome,” agrees Genesis.

“Nah, it’s quite normal,” he says dismissively. “You know, as my mate, I think you should act more loving, and meek, and agreeable, and oh, did I mention loving? Yeah, loving,” he says.

“Maybe you should start by calling me prince hottie, or prince gorgeous, or better yet, prince perfect, prince sexy, hot cakes, hot stuff, stud muffin, mister wonderful, my hunky prince, or…”

“How about lamb chop, your highness?” I ask him sweetly.

“Because you’re about to be turned into one…very soon.”

“Hey, now! No threatening your perfect, amazing, gorgeous dear mate.”

Now we have a new problem. How am I going to survive our time here without strangling the future king who’s supposed to be my beloved mate?

It takes almost an hour to reach Banehallow Palace from the airport. I’m about ready to tear my hair out by the roots. The prince is unbelievable tonight….and I don’t mean it in a good way.

Not until we’re almost there that I realize what he’s doing. In his sick twisted way, Caspian is getting my mind off Darius. For

the length of the drive, I almost forgot to be sad about not being with Darius. Caspian is doing well. Only too well. Good thing I haven’t kick him in the nuts.

The Palace is massive, surrounded by 197 acres of well-manicured private gardens and field and also untended

meadows and wooded area. The palace itself has over 785

rooms, 300 of those are bedrooms for the Royals, guests, and staffs.

We usually have the entire left wing of the palace to ourselves.

Our pack stays close together with our bedchambers almost next to each other and Caspian’s massive bedchamber at the center of it. We have our own media room, offices, drawing room, private dining room, and training room. Constantine and Genesis even have their own studio…for doing real painting!

This part of the palace is always left empty unless there are huge celebrations or parties being held and they need to use the rooms to house royal guests and dignitaries.

According to Constantine, when he and Caspian were very young, they explored this part of the palace one day and decided to claim it as theirs. Now, it’s perfect for us. While we have to act formally around other parts of the palace, we can act normal and be ourselves here.

For this huge celebration of King and Queen Mating

Godovshchina, a lot of rooms in this wing are being used to house guests, but our areas are still sealed and forbidden to others. There are guards placed to stop others from venturing into our private sections.

It’s almost nine in the evening when we arrive at Banehallow Palace.

I hardly had anything to eat on the plane and now I am famished. I’m glad the rest of my pack members have the same idea. Lazarus ordered the kitchen to prepare some dinner to be served in our private dining room in the left wing. The good thing about Banehallow Palace is that the kitchen staff is on duty around the clock to prepare anything you want. The executive chef is always there to make sure that our meal is prepared to perfection no matter what time of the day it is.

I ask for a big Philly cheesesteak and fries. Constantine and Lazarus follow my lead and order the same thing, while Genesis, Serena, and Caspian ask for burgers and fries.

Ahhh…fries, my love…apart from my mate. By mate, I mean Darius, not Caspian who is still bugging me none stop right now.

“Beany, as a loving mate, you should offer to trade me your Philly cheesesteak for my burger simply because he thinks your Philly cheesesteak looks better,” he says, eyeing my Philly cheesesteak with interest.

“Why did you ask for a burger when you really want a Philly cheesesteak?” I ask him as I drag my plate of food closer and place my arms around it, effectively and protectively caging in my Philly cheesesteak and fries.

“I wanted a burger, but that was before I saw your Philly cheesesteak,” he says.

Urgghh…he is beyond annoying! I should send Quincy a condolence card instead of celebrating when they finally mark each other.

Now I’m seriously thinking of running off to the bedchamber with my Philly cheesesteak and fries where I can eat in peace.

Speaking of bedchambers, I think we have a big problem. My luggage has been delivered to Caspian’s room. I know his two-story bedchamber is massive, but even that is not big enough for the both of us.

As much as I love him, I have to say that at this rate, we have nothing to worry about our enemy trying to kill us. Really, they don’t need to bother because we might end up killing each other before they get the chance to.

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