Emery: A Prince's Adventure

Chapter 33

Chapter 33


''We're going to Australia,'' I say, deadly serious.

Evelyn's eyes widen in surprise as she turns to look at me, both of her eyes are trying to seek for

answers. No one would just say that they're going to a foreign country and be all casual about it but

when it comes to finding out about my husband's truth, then yes.

''We are?'' She raises an eyebrow, looking at Andrea as he shrugs; only smiling afterwards. Then, the

both of them wait for me to continue while I hesitate.

''Yes and we're leaving tonight,'' I answer.

Both Andrea and Evelyn's eyes widen in surprise before causing Evelyn to stand up—trying to make

sure that I'm thinking straight. She must think that I've lost my mind but who cares? I'll go to Australia

all by myself if I have to but due to my state, I'm not so sure. As selfish as I may be, my baby comes


''You're not serious, are you?'' She stares directly into my eyes which causes me to groan in frustration,

''It's just that—Emma, does Emery know about this?''

I look at Andrea, seeing him nodding his head; waiting for me to answer Evelyn's question. Well, if I'm

taking her to Australia, there's no point in lying anyway so she might as well know the truth.

''What if I say no?'' I slowly reply, frowning.

''Then, we're going. Tonight,'' She exclaims.

I confusingly look at Evelyn but when I turn to look at Andrea, I see him agreeing. The way he smiles

widely at her; it shows how he'll follow her to the end of the world if he has to. They're utterly adorable.

''Thank you, Evelyn.'' Within seconds, I am already pulling her into a hug; making her hug me back

immediately. Me, being the only child, I've never felt or understood what it is to have a sibling.

Someone who would be there for me, other than my parents, who would know me better—wish I could.

''Anything for you, baby sis.'' She chuckles.

''I'm coming with you,'' Andrea says, earning our attention before receiving a kiss on the cheek from

Evelyn—follow with her nodding and smiling widely at him. He turns to look at me, ''I'm helping you

solve this, Your Highness. If you let me,'' He adds.

With my lips curved up, ''Of course and just call me Emma. I don't do formalities very well,''

He laughs, smiling. Just like that, I finally see a slight hope in finding the truth. I'm going to leave

London and head straight to Australia with these two; we'll find the truth—we'll investigate before

heading back home. That's the only way for me to peacefully live my life because right now, I'm far from


''We better start packing. How long are we staying?'' Evelyn asks, which takes me a moment to think.

We are probably going to stay longer than we intend if we don't find what we're looking for but deep

down, I just want to get this over with so it can be fine again.

''Just pack what you need for a couple of days. If we couldn't find answers, we will stay longer.'' I say.

''Emery wouldn't be too happy about this,'' She says.

''He wouldn't be happy at all,'' I mutter.

Evelyn smiles mischievously, knowing that I'm taking this as an adventure. I couldn't go on this trip all

by myself because I would be clueless and probably a little bit hopeless so I need someone; but

instead of someone, I got myself two. Wonderful!

''We're not taking the private jet,'' I mutter, causing them to turn and look at me, ''Precautions,'' I add.

''Right. Taking the private jet would've been too obvious because we don't want anyone to find out that

we'll be heading to Australia. Not the reporters and especially not Emery,'' She responds, running her

fingers through her brown hair.

''So, are we going undercover?'' Andrea asks, ''I mean, if we don't want people to find out, might as well

go through it till the end. It'll be better,'' He breathes.

Evelyn and I both agree in excitement; undercover is not a bad idea. We just need the right clothes, the

right transformation so that we'll slay it. Just like that, we start to smile widely as we overthink.

Let's not forget our true reason, hopefully.

''Okay. Do I look normal?'' I glance towards Evelyn, seeing her putting on a pair of shades. My eyes

won't stop eyeing her whole outfit—with her loose shirt and torn skinny jeans, she looks normal and


''Beautiful,'' Andrea answers before I can.

''Oh, babe. This is how I always dress before I headed home back to London. I'm much more confident

and comfortable this way,'' She chuckles as they kiss.

I clear my throat at their sudden intimacy. It's just that, a sudden wave of jealousy overwhelming me.

Emery and I have been going through something that might cause destruction in our relationship, in

which I truly fear most. Next to our unborn child.

''Sorry, Emma. I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable,'' He breathes, rubbing the back of his

neck awkwardly but I just smile—fully understand that they are attracted to each other.

We head towards our gate; this is it. A few more steps and I'll be on my way to Melbourne, without

anyone knowing including my own husband. This is for the sake of us and our baby. I'm going to solve

this and I'm going to seek the truth. If the truth is painful, unbearable and unacceptable, that's another

topic worth talking about when I get back but if the truth stabilises our marriage, then we'll be alright.

''You good, Emma?'' Evelyn asks from beside.

''Absolutely,'' I answer, when I'm not.

My mind won't stop thinking about Emery; about what he might be doing or what he will be doing when

he finds out about this. About my disappearance. He will then probably look for Evelyn, his sister before

jumping into conclusions—assuming things.

Whenever I see Hannah, she gets to me, somehow. I try my best to not show any disrespectful

gestures but her presence just makes me want to do unpredictable things such as pulling her hair out,

punching her in the face and probably starve her to death.

Yes, I may sound too cruel but what should I even think about when I find out that my husband had sex

with someone else and she ended up being pregnant? Yes again, the baby may not be his but there's

quite a possibility—things like this happen in life.

Me, being pregnant, not really helpful either.

My eyes wander to look at Andrea and Evelyn; seeing him has fallen asleep while she's busy going

through pictures of them together in her phone. They're very adorable—ever since their first encounter,

I've never seen him looking at her disrespectfully or wrongly because he has been a true gentleman.

''Evelyn,'' I call out for her and earn her attention, ''You and Andrea are pretty much together? I don't

mean to pry but I can't help asking,'' I mutter.

She smiles, ''It's fine, Emma. You're like my baby sister and sisters share everything. Well, apparently

he has feelings for me too. It's not one-sided,'' The smile on her face shows how she has fallen for him;

there's almost no way to escape his charm.

I chuckle, memories of Emery and I overflowing my mind—our first encounter, first glance and first kiss.

Being an adult, it sounds silly to be daydreaming or overthinking about someone but when it comes to

him, I can't help it; he has stolen my heart.

''We've just met and we're taking things slow but it's better to have something than just trying to get to

know each other while we both know we feel attracted towards one another. Right?'' She continues,

tucking a strand of hair behind her ear; making me gaze at the earring pierced. The shine slightly

blinding me.

''He gave you that?'' I ask, leaning closer.

''Yeah, he's a sweetheart.'' She blushes, shyly.

If Evelyn has found her happiness, then, I'm more than happy to agree. She has been busy travelling

the world; met different people with different cultures and races, yet the right one will be the one to find

her instead. Andrea is truly a sweetheart, anyone can see just by the way he gazes into her eyes when

they talk. It's almost fooling others to think they're a couple.

''Emma, whatever you're going through right now; I know it's hard and it seems impossible but trust me,

this is real life—nothing will always be beautiful. You're dealing with your marriage but it's not going to

fall apart, it's going to grow stronger,'' She mutters.

''Sometimes, I feel like we're moving too fast.'' I say.

''Too fast? You're married, Emma. There's no such thing as moving too fast because you have a

lifetime to get to know each other and understand one another because that's not an easy process. It

takes a lot of effort and a lot of patience,'' She replies, grabbing onto my hand; giving me a little


''Mother and father didn't love each other when they got married but they believed in one another. He

accepted her just as much as she accepted him and their love has always been strong even after all

those insecurities. It doesn't always begin with something sure because sometimes, it's different,'' She

says, glancing at Andrea and seeing that he has moved slightly but both of his eyes are still tightly shut.

I remember Genevieve telling Emery the truth.

The truth about his biological father and it hasn't bothered me since but now that we're back on this

topic, I might as well take my chance to ask more.

''Tell me more about them. If you don't mind,''

Evelyn glances at my direction before nodding. Then, she begins to speak, ''I know that you've found

out the truth about Emery and yeah, he's not truly royalty. His father and mother were commoners, they

weren't married and illegitimate children were not accepted before—mother was much more

devastated when he passed away, leaving her without a choice but to get an abortion.'' She stops for

awhile, eyeing me.

''Father found mother crying in the streets, that was their first encounter and they started to know each

other a little. The next day, he asked for her hand in marriage—with a promise to love her and her

unborn child even though that child was never his to begin with but he wasn't able to have one,'' She

breathes. ''You know, if you had the chance to know him better, he's such a great person,'' She smiles,


''And then, there's me. I was adopted and I've been considered lucky because I brought into the royal

family; it's like a fairytale but I've always longed to travel and discover new things. Father has never

said no because he understood me best,'' I listen to her story, more about her family.

Even though my parents are divorced but I know, they were once madly, deeply and truly in love with

one another. It's almost impossible for me to see it now, they are living separately with different people

but somehow; they've always been happy. That was how I've always seen them when I was a kid.

At least a peck on the lips, every single day.

Yet, there was always more. I've never understood where they went wrong but I'm guessing that they

just didn't see themselves loving one another.


I want to be able to love one man, marry one man, have kids with one man, cherish one man, trust one

man, spend the rest of my life with one man. That has always been my goal; yet, it's impossible to find

that sort of happiness unless the love is strong.

Emery France Arthur Van Allan; that one man.

I'm left hoping that he sees me as the only one woman to love, cherish and spend the rest of his life

with. Yes, divorces are not accepted in the Van Allan family but I don't want to pretend to love my own

husband in front of everyone while hating him at the same time.

What kind of marriage is that? A misery.

Happiness. Joy. Excitement. That's what I want.

With Emery. No one else.

''Goodnight,'' I mutter to myself as I stare at my wedding ring; wondering what he might be doing right Content © copyrighted by NôvelDrama.Org.

now—probably spending his night thinking.

As I glance out the plane's window, I am left staring at the clouds; the darkness. It has been a couple of

hours since we've departed and I can't wait to seek the truth about my husband. Finding his justice.

I look down at my phone, seeing the screen lit up.

Got you the details:

Former roommate.

Born on 21st January 1991.

A close friend—Hannah's brother.

Currently unemployed.

89 Church St, Richmond VIC 3121,


—Private number

Without further ado, I click onto the lock button, the screen immediately turning black. My whole mind is

currently fully occupied; Hannah's brother, nameless but he's not hard to find. He'll be my first visit.

It takes me a moment to realise that Emery has been calling me for the past hour and as painful as it is

to decline his calls, I can't answer it either. I believe that he will understand when all of this is over.

My phone lights up again, showing incoming texts.

Where are you? —

I'm worried sick, Emma. Please answer my calls and please reply my messages. —

Evelyn is with you, isn't she? —

Where are you two?! Answer me. —

I just need a little time. He'll understand.

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