LAURA SAID GOODBYE to Mom and everyone that instant after we finished drinking. Tejie would drive because I had been a little tipsy.

“Clyde? Are you still coming with them?” Mom asked.

Dad immediately let go. “Tsk! Leave him alone, Ma. Your baby is not a child anymore,” he said, winking at me.

“Clint, he is drunk!” Mom answered.

“It feels much better when drunk!” Dad held back his laughter. “A good one!”

Mom hit him. “What? What’s that?” she yelled at dad. “What’s a good one Clint?”

“It’s a good trip! You’re green-minded, Ma!” Dad snorted.

Mom pointed at us. “You—”

“What? Come on, Ma, let’s sleep,” Dad said, trying to get her to stop babbling.

They are a bit drunk, so Dad is even more naughty, but that’s really how they are. It’s normal for them, especially my dad, who is always on my side. I went up to my room to get something and left them for a second.


Chari and Clint even went to see Laura outside the gate. Laura also drank quite a bit and seemed sleepy.

“Laura, thank you. If you can come back tomorrow, please go,” said Chari.

Laura just nodded and smiled.

“Tej, are you going to drive?” Clint asked.

“Yes, Dad, I didn’t drink,” Tejie answered.

“OK, Tej, you and Clyde go home right away! Clyde has been drinking and it’s hard,” Chari warned.

Clint cuts her off quickly. “There you go again! Of course, your baby will come home! Why should he sleep there?”

“Ahem! He can! Uhum!” Tejie pretended to cough. He and Clint looked at each other and simply smiled.

“What?” Chari exclaimed. “Why? Has Clyde slept with you? Huh? Laura?” Chari’s voice was quite loud, looking snappily at Laura.

Laura seemed scared. She didn’t answer her question.

“Ma, stop it! Your son is not a baby anymore! He’s a grown man now! It’s like you’re making Clyde gay!” Clint said.

“I’m not! I’m just saying that because he had a girlfriend and he can’t just sleep wherever he wants! What if she finds out that’s the case? She might say we’re tolerating Clyde for doing such things! What are you, Clint?” Chari explained while smacking Clint. “What will the family of…”


They were all stunned. Clyde immediately looked at Laura because he saw that she was not okay.

“Mom is just drunk. Go ahead, be careful!” Clint said. “You’re embarrassing your son,” Clint whispered to her.

“What’s embarrassing? I’m just telling the truth…” she murmurs.

“Mom, go to sleep; you’re drunk and tired,” Clyde said, kissing his mother’s cheek.


“OK, Mom,” Clyde said softly, “sleep in Claudie’s room, there’s so much for you to talk about and—stop mentioning Irene, she’s not here.”

Chari’s eyes welled up. “Baby-hmp!” she said as she hugged Clyde. “You’re so big now, baby.”

“Mom, I’m a big boy now, stop crying, Mom, I can give you a grandchild already, why still cry every birthday of mine? You’re like that every year,” said Clyde sweetly while cuddling with his mom.

Chari continued to cry. A moment later, Clint signaled to Tejie to start the car.

“Come on, Ma,” Clint invited Chari inside.

“Be careful! Clyde! Tejie! Laura!” Chari shouted.

“Tej, your brother, huh?” Clint instructed.

Clyde kissed his mother, then he and Laura got in the car.

When they left,

“Clint! Huuu! Huhu! Clyde!” Chari wailed.

“Ma, what are you crying about? You’re like that every year! Your son isn’t gay! That’s why it’s mistaken, you’re like that,” Clint answered.

“Gay! Clint! It looks like he’s getting married!”

“Ma! They’re just friends!” Clint said, holding back his laughter.

“Friends? The fuck Clint! Like that? Your son almost doesn’t want to leave her side? Clint!”

“Ma! What the hell!” Clint put a quick hand on his head. “Your son is a boy, let him count his girls!”

Chari immediately shouted. “Just like you! Why did you guys pass on that fuckin’ tradition to Clyde?”

Clint laughed at what Chari said. “Can’t you call that fate, Ma? Haha! You’ll get older! Stop it! You want me to get them married tomorrow so we can have a curly little one?” Clint teased. “We don’t have curly hair in the family yet!”

“Uuuuugh! Clint!” Chari shouted again.

Clint just laughed as his wife walked inside the house, still sobbing, leaving him behind.


IT WAS ALMOST 3am when we reached Laura’s place, it’s quite far from ours.

“Is it okay to park here, Laura?” Tejie asked.

“Yes, Tejie.” Laura answered quickly.

“I’ll contact my driver first,” said Tejie.

Laura was surprised. “Why?”

I didn’t answer, pretending I didn’t hear her.

“Laura, can we go in with you first? My service is still 30 minutes away,” said Tejie.

I could clearly see in Laura’s round eyes that she was surprised by what Tejie said.

Tejie could see that Laura was confused, so.. “Ah, Laura, I’m going to leave Clyde,” he said.

“Here? Oh! Your mother might hit me, Doc! She’s scary!” Laura said.

“Laura, Mom is just like that, but she’s super sweet,” said Tejie.

“Ah! Can’t I, Laura? All right-”

Laura said, “Oh, Doc-because.”

“I just want to be with you,” I said.

Laura didn’t speak, and I noticed that she was hesitant. Even I myself was confused as to why I wanted to spend the night with her. I cannot understand the feeling of longing to be with her. I feel like I don’t want this night to end.

And for a while,

“Doc, I’m sorry, I can’t,” said Laura. “You can’t-stay here.”

Tejie and I looked at each other.

“What will your girlfriend think? And your mom-she told you to get back home right away. I don’t want trouble, Doc,” she said seriously.

“Ah!” I brushed my nape. “All right-all right, I’m sorry Laura,” I did not insist any more. “Can I just take you inside?”

“Ah! No Doc! It’s fine! I’ll go now,” she hurriedly said goodbye and waved at us before walking straight into the alley.

“Let’s go,” Tejie said when Laura was gone. “Clyde? What did you eat that made you crazy about Laura?” Tejie asked while dialing on his phone. “It will be a mess if Irene finds out about that. What is with you, brother?”

“I don’t know Tej,” I said as I sat down at the empty table on the side of the filthy street.

“You’re just sad, Clyde. That’s why you’re like that,” he said as he stood in front of me. “You see, when you and Irene are okay, you will forget about Laura.”

I looked at Tejie when. “Tej-what is this?” I cling to my hair. “I know—it’s kind of wrong. But-I’m happy when I’m with Laura. Seriously! I was so happy to see her again. You know—it’s been a while since I’ve thought about her; she’s never really left my mind.”

“Bro, because you’re looking for a way to forget your problem, that’s why your mind was set like that. It’s just that you’re depressed. One problem can’t be solved by another problem, keep that in mind,” he said. “Whatever you and Irene are going through right now, talk about it properly, not like that! You’re being fooled by a woman; you don’t even know where she’s from and what her personality really is!”

I stood up, straightened myself and… “Okay! I’ll clear it all out tonight! Go ahead! Go home!”Content © provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

Tejie shook his head. “What the fuck, Clyde? You can’t stay here! Why are you so crazy about Laura? Runnin’ out of fuck?” he said, as if he was annoyed.

“I really like Laura. I can’t explain why or how, but—I really like her.” I answered quickly.

“Doc, that’s just lust, you’re sad, youre just fuckin’ horny! Yes, Laura is sexy and pretty! I too felt a twitch when I saw her, but-but-what? Isn’t she married?” Tejie’s eyebrows meet. “Didn’t you say that he never came back? What if he came back? You’re a doctor! Where are those years of fuckin’ intelligence? You are really crazy, Clyde! Is that the effect of no fuck at all? Umn!” he pinched my ear. “Fix Irene! Not fuck Laura!”

I didn’t move. I just stayed sitting at the table while Tejie was talking to someone on the phone. I’m really confused. I like Laura, and that’s what I know.



Why is that?

Am I dreaming or is it really Doc Tuason and his family that I was with earlier? He came to me because it was his birthday. He still remembered me. It’s great! I’ve seen that they are well-educated people, but their lifestyle is very simple. It’s like they’re just hanging out on the corner when they talk, including his father and his mother. They are the coolest family I’ve met. I can’t say anything, they’re super duper down to earth. You wouldn’t think they’re big time . They don’t even care about what they have; they are so low-key. They have six dance promotions and four coffee shops! Super wow, right? But despite that, they act like they don’t really care.

But wait-what’s up and he wants to stay here again? Is he going to throw up on me again? If only her mother wasn’t so scary, I’d make him sleep here! I was scared earlier. I think Doc Clyde is Mama’s boy! The way his mother cried earlier, as if her son was going to die? Pff! And to be honest—I didn’t really like how they made fun of me. They keep teasing me and Doc; we’re really just friends-friends-in a really good way!

But I have to admit-I really like Doc Tuason, even though he seems like he’s gay. That’s okay! Turns out he’s not really gay because he has a girlfriend. By the way, that’s another reason why I don’t want him here. I don’t want trouble. They said earlier that Doc Tuason’s girlfriend is also a doctor; her name is Irene; and that the family connection on both sides is good. Of course, that’s a tough opponent-whose girlfriend would agree to have you replaced by your doctor boyfriend with somebody who is older than you and a worthless bitch! Haha! Worthless? What a word! It’s really frustrating if that happens! Then-that’s vague. But-why did Doc Tuason stick with me like that? When I’m fuckin’ fed up, I’ll really hit that handsome doctor! I haven’t had sex in a long time! And I think that once I give him a good fuck, he might not go home at all and forget about him being a mama’s boy! Haha! Laura, you’re a jerk! Here you are again! That’s the outcome of not having an orgasm for a while! It’s getting in your brain cells!

Oh! What the heck? What are my thoughts? I took a shower to get rid of the heat, but it’s still like this! It’s just so exciting when I think of him; he’s very soft and gentle; titled; fragrant; handsome with money! Fuck! There is nothing more you can ask for! It’s like hitting the lottery when you get married! Stop Laura! Just sleep! Haha! You might be out of your mind again. You turned him away, and now you want him back! The guilt of rejecting that fuckin’ hot doctor! Ugggggh! Fuck! What’s with me? Do I like him or am I just fuckin’ horny? Haha! Enough with remorse! It’s time to go to sleep. It’s too late. My hair is still a bit wet. I have work tomorrow.


Hmm.. Gwen has to be the one knocking! Why does this girl not buy her own pot so that when she comes home with her man, there is coffee right away! I didn’t fix myself because I knew no man would come in because I was wearing a short dress that I despised but was comfortable, and I didn’t have any pieces inside, so my fuckin’ healthy boobs were bouncing and my yellow undies were waving.


“Just a moment! What the fuck, Gwen?” I yelled.

And when I opened the door,

“D-Doc, I thought you had gone home.”

I was standing in front of Doc Tuason having an eye-to-eye conversation. His fuckin’ eyes are so pretty staring lustily at me.

I was going to say more but-


Doc suddenly kissed me on the lips.

“Umm.. Hmm!”

The fuck! I can smell alcohol, but why does his breath smell good to me? A moment later, and our mouths parted. Then..

“Why—why—why are you here again, Doc? What do you want?” I asked, stammering in a raspy voice.

It’s a bit chilly, so I bit my lip. I feel like I’m melting because of Doc’s intense gaze. His fuckin’ eyes are udressing me. He keeps on staring at me while gently sticking out his tongue and making his lips damp, then biting it as if he was so thirsty. What the fuck is with this guy? He keeps on tempting me.

He bit his lower lip. “You, Laura.. you-you are what I want,” he whispered back to me.

He then held my jaw and kissed me hard.


We kissed intensely as we went inside.

It looks like everything I had in mind just now will happen. Let’s see what the outcome will be! For now, I don’t care if he has a girlfriend. Let’s see what will happen tomorrow. These horny brain cells of mine keep tickling me! I’m going to have a good fuck with Doc tonight. No matter how scary his mom is—I’ll take the risk just to have a release.


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