Damian's rose

Chapter 63: 63) I love you

Chapter 63: 63) I love you

Authors pov

The day before the marriage...


"I am sorry Vince, please forgive me..."

Stella broke down when she saw the disgust and hate in his eyes.

"Don't you fucking dare call my name stella. How can you abandoned my daughter. You saw me

mourning for her, you saw in how much pain and guilt I was and still you decided to not tell me anything

about this, about my own daughter..."

He spat madly with a disgusted look.

"I was scared... Please forgive me..."

Stella pleaded and both damian and Vincent glared at her.

"You destroyed my daughter's life Stella, what kind of a mother are you. You could have told me, I

would have found her at any cost. Because of you I thought she was dead and now she is not ready to

accept me. she hates all of us just because of you... I will never forgive you for this. Just wait till I deal

with that stupid isabella then I will teach you a good lesson... You fucking dare to abandon my daughter

like she is some animal..."

He growled angrily...

"Get out before I kill you right here Stella. Don't show me your face... Get out..."

Stella visibly shivered at his angry voice and ran out of his ward crying on her fate.

"you deserve this Stella, you are a terrible mother..."

She cursed herself and cried harder.

Ashton and jack was watching her crying her heart out but they didn't felt anything for her as they knew

what she did to rose, everyone was hating her for that.

Vincent sighed heavily, he just got out of the coma and suddenly he was here learning all these truths

which were kept from him. It pained him to listen about all this, his own fucking family has betrayed


"What is isabella planning to do..."

He asked damian.

"I don't know, we can't figure out the motive behind her behaviour... She is behaving all innocent and

sweet in front of people but spitting venom behind their back..."

Damian stated.

"She is mentally unstable damian, she doesn't need any reason to do it. She must be doing all this

because she simply wants to make everyone's life hell. She hates us, she thinks that we are her


Vincent clarified.

"But she has leo now and from where did she got the resources to manage all these things. Someone

is definitely helping and protecting her in all this..."

Damian said frustratingly.

"Do you have any idea who it might be?..."

Vincent shook his head negatively.

"I don't know... She was locked in a house her whole life, from where could she suddenly find


Vincent sighed and damian nodded in approvement.

"We have to be careful, she won't think before killing leo as she has already tried to kill Stella..." Content © NôvelDrama.Org.

"I understand and i want to find out that person too, we can't just confront her about it, she is the only

one who can lead us towards that person..."

Vincent nodded at damian's words.

"We have to let her go, then only she will try to seek help from that person..."

Vincent suggested.

"How is my Arabella damian, Where is she?..."

Vincent asked with tear filled eyes.

"I want to see my angel... Please call her..."

"She is not in good condition uncle, she got her few ribs broken in the attack but trust me she will be

fine. You are right she is a worrier, even after getting injured she didn't stopped fighting...."

He told him and Vincent smiled proudly.

"It's just that right now she is hurting more emotionally than physically. I had to maintain some distance

with her to keep isabella away from her but it's hurting her, she is probably hating me right now..."

Damian sound defeated.

"It's ok damian, we will make everything normal again..."

Vincent assured him.

"I know but the pain in her eyes, the way she looked at me with that hurted face, it broke me. I can't see

her like that. My rose never cried and I was proud of that but now I am the reason why she is in such a

vulnerable position. She is loosing herself in all this mess. I want to clear it as soon as possible, I can't

hurt her anymore. I want to cherish her not hurt her..."

Damian confessed guiltily.

Vincent called Alexander in the hospital.

Vincent, damian and Alexander made a plan about the wedding where they planned to trap isabella, so

she could run and lead them to the real mastermind behind all this.

"But have you asked rose about the marriage, if she wants to marry you or not..."

Alexander asked and damian looked at him blankly.

"I will ask her..."

He said nervously making Vincent and Alexander chuckle.

"And you knew about all this things, that who Bella was and still you didn't tell me..."

Damian complained to Alexander.

"I did said to you that there is nothing to be confused about, Everything was in front of you. Isabella and

Arabella had the difference of sky and earth. I knew that you will soon catch onto it..."

Alexander smirked and damian shook his head in disbelief.

"I thought you hated her..."

Damian raised his eyebrows suspiciously.

"Yeah, I did but after knowing that she is our bella, I couldn't hate her anymore. I loved her like my own

daughter damian. "

Alexander confessed.

"When you told me about the twins then I realised that she is Arabella the one whom you always loved.

I never talked to you about this topic all these years because I knew it was a very sensitive topic for

you. I was relieved after knowing that she is bella and you fell for the right girl. I met her on the cliff the

other day, she didn't talked to me much but that was the first time I noticed that she resembles Bella, no

doubt she was being your shield..."

"Okay, enough now go and start working on the plan..."

Vincent said and they both nodded in agreement.

Alexander went home first and asked isabella to marry damian and as per his expectations she quickly

agreed to it, afterall it was her ticket to get close to him and finish his life.

When damian got home he agreed to marry her as per the plan. Isabella faked her excitement and

hugged him which he didn't liked at all.

"I can't believe we are finally getting married dami..."

She said totally faking it.

'there is no way in hell I am going to marry you bitch. Fucking psycho...'

He internally cursed and controlled himself from snapping her neck at the moment.

Stella was watching everything standing there, she was happy that finally everything was going how it

was supposed to but her doom was near too. She knew that Vincent won't spare her.

Damian tried to find where rose was and found her in the gym working out aggressively. He wanted to

scold her for doing this stupidity when she wasn't fully healed, he could clearly see on her face that she

was in pain and she was hurting her injured self more by wearing herself out.

He was about to walk towards her but isabella came in between and he had to leave rose alone


Damian quickly called Jackson and told him to take her away from the gym.

After dealing with isabella he tried to find rose again, he was going to tell her everything and ask her to

marry him. He wanted to apologise for whatever he did and tell her that it was all planned. He was

ready to take any punishment she wanted to give him but he wanted her back.

He finally found her but she was totally drunk and fully drowned in alcohol.

She stumbled while getting in her bedroom and damian followed her behind to make sure if she is ok.

This was the first time he saw rose broken like this and it made him regret all his poor decisions.

She saw him and called his name. Damian didn't knew that she thought of him as hallucination. He was

happy that rose finally decided to talk to him even after what he had done to her. While rose thought

she is imagining things and he is not there in reality so she called him.

He was planning to leave from there after making her fall asleep but he lost all his control when they

kissed and she dragged him closer desperately. He was craving for her for too long and so was she.

They both made love to each other and when she said

"I love you damian..."

His heart filled with happiness. This was the first time she confessed to him that she is in love with him

and it was the biggest and most precious moment for him.

"I love you too baby..."

Damian said with same desperation. He was floating in the ninth sky of happiness.

Finally she passed out so he cleaned her body with a wet cloth and dressed her in her clothes again.

He did understood that she was not in her senses but till that time he was already in her and wasn't

able to stop himself. Also the way rose reacted to him and his touch made him throw away all the

rational thought he had at that time. So when he did finally came to all his senses he realised what he

had done. He didn't wanted her to freak out or better break his bone for taking advantage of her

drunken state. She won't remember in the morning that she was equally desperate as him so he

decided to tell her that after all these things would calm down and also to be prepared for his

impending doom after she will know about it. While thinking this he laughed on himself, yes he was

somewhat scared of her Rose's fierceness. He tucked her under the bedsheet kissing her forehead.

"I love you rose, I only love you... I will make everything normal again, I promise you. I know it's hurting

you but don't hate me baby please, I am sorry..."

He said to her sleeping form and left her room, he wanted to stay with her and hold her in his arms, he

was dying to do that but isabella was waiting for him in the room and he didn't wanted her to get


He decided to talk with rose in the morning about it and went to his room.

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