Contract marriage: My billionaire’s cure


I ran my fingers through his soft hair, pulling on the strands while messaging his scalp.

Marcus was sprawled over me, his head lying on my lap as he slept peacefully. It was late evening and the contestants would be arriving shortly. I leaned my back on the headboard and went through some papers related to our sales.

Marcus’s tie and coat were lying beside the bed. The top buttons of his shirt were undone giving me a good view of his toned body. Sometimes I wonder how a handsome man like him could be human, and much less my husband.

But every perfect moment didn’t last long. And the moment I was having didn’t last long either as I heard the most annoying voice calling out to me from the hallway.

“Camilla! Dear sister where are you?” Jake shouted like I was lost in the woods.

The door was partly open so Jake found us soon. His eyes widened in amusement seeing the sleeping figure of Marcus.

“Okay sleeping beauty wake up!” Jake commanded Marcus earning an angry hiss from me.

“What? The contestants arrived. You should probably be down there”

“All right we’ll come but you don’t have to wake Marcus”

“So you are going to do that? But I think you’re too busy checking him out. So let me do the job” Jake walked closer to the bed.

“Jake” I whisper yelled but Jake gestured at me to calm down.

“I will gently wake him up”

“Why are you waking him up in the first place?”

“Because you don’t normally get to wake up the Marcus Anderson who is sleeping on you like a baby”

“Get out”


Jake leaned into whisper in Marcus’s ear. But Jake being Jake did the complete opposite.

“MARCUS!” Jake shouted in Marcus’s ear and I slapped him on the back before pushing him away.Content held by NôvelDrama.Org.

Marcus closed his ear with his hand and groaned in pain. He slightly opened his eyes and looked at me in confusion. I gave him an apologetic smile and then he turned to Jake who was standing with a huge grin on his face.

Jake’s grin widened as Marcus glared at him in annoyance.

“If he wasn’t your brother he would be long dead by now” Marcus sat up and leaned his back on the headboard beside me.

“What’s he doing here anyway?”

“The dinner you were talking about” Jake said expectantly and sat on the couch near the window.

“What dinner?” Marcus narrowed his eyes and looked at me in confusion.

“The dinner that you were gonna treat him to. Actually the extravagant dinner you two are going to have while talking about Jake’s new hotel” I said.

Marcus opened his mouth to ask what dinner I was talking about but I nudged his shoulder and mouthed at him to shut up.

I slowly leaned in his ear and whispered so that Jake wouldn’t hear.

“I actually wanted him to meet Blair because I really want them to be together. And he won’t come if I said it and that’s where you became useful”

Marcus scoffed and rolled his eyes.

“Now let’s go double dating”

I blushed as soon as I realized what I just said. Dating was for people in love. Neither Marcus nor I had confessed. And I wasn’t sure whether Marcus wanted to do so or whether he felt any love towards me.

“I mean not dating-well it’s dating. Or you can call it hanging out. Um-between friends. It a-a totally friend-friendly thing” I stuttered trying to correct what I had just said.

I looked at Marcus to see him staring at me in amusement. He leaned down and pulled me closer before crashing his lips on mine. Mumbling a soft cute against my lips in his deep husky voice.

Before the kiss could get any deeper, Jake cleared his throat in irritation.

“C’mon do it when you two are alone. My single eyes are hurting” Jake looked at me flatly and shook his head in disgust.

“You mean virgin eyes” I said teasingly. Yes, payback time for ruining our sleep.

Marcus eyes widened and he gaped at Jake in shock.

“You’re a virgin?”

“What-no!” Jake’s face was blushing with all the different shades of red on earth.

“Yes you are” I grinned widely earning a scowl from Jake.

“You know what? I’m gonna go. You two are virgin bullies. Damn you”

Jake got up and strode towards the door but before he could go out he bumped into someone, hopefully my future sister in law.

Blair gasped as all the wine in the bottle in her hand fell on her dress.

“What the fuck?” Jake and Blair both said at the same time and they both looked at each other in horror.

“You evil mongrel!”

“You strawberry shortcake!”

Marcus and I both laughed as Blair and Jake insulted each other. Blair complained about her dress and Jake said that it was just one dress and then they started arguing like children. While they fought, I helped Marcus to get dressed.

I combed his hair with my fingers and helped him with his tie because the contestants had already arrived and the media must have been looking for us.

“You are filthy rich! That’s why a dress is nothing for you. You are a spoiled brat”

I held Marcus by the hand and we walked past the warmongers avoiding them as best as we could. They were ready to rip each other apart and when we were out of their sight Marcus and I both laughed out loud, hearing their hilarious argument.

“Mrs. Anderson”

Andrew came running with a huge grin on his face. As he approached I gave him a forced smile and searched the crowd for Marcus.

“Hey Andrew! Happy to see you again” I tried to make it as formal as possible or my dear husband would definitely kill him.

“Really? How awesome. I’m happy to see you too” approaching me he opened his arms for a hug but I took a step back in shock. My back hit a hard wall and I turned and sighed in relief seeing Marcus. He was speaking with a group of people and turned around as I bumped into him. He looked at me and then at Andrew, his face transforming into a scowl as he glared at him.

“Good evening Mr. Miller”

“Um-hey Mr. Anderson” Andrew stuttered and waved at Marcus awkwardly. “I didn’t know you would be here”

“Why wouldn’t I be here? This is my hotel”

Andrew looked at me begging for help but I just shrugged my shoulders inwardly, thanking Marcus for being here. Marcus was fuming with anger and if I took Andrew’s side, I probably wouldn’t have a home to go back to.

“Andrew! Andrew! Who do you like better Sofia or Hailey?” the media started flocking around Andrew and one of them bumped into me, almost making me fall to the ground.

Thankfully Marcus was standing there to catch me. “Phew. That was a near-death experience” I fanned myself, earning a chuckle from Marcus.

I looked at Marcus and he stared at me for a while before leaning down to kiss me again but I touched his lips with my hand to stop him.

“What are you doing? We can’t kiss here”


“Everybody is here. If you want to kiss me do it in our room. Not here” I whisper yelled while eyeing the entire room to see if we had grabbed the attention of the notorious media.

“Okay” Marcus said casually. Then he grabbed my hand and started dragging me towards the elevator “What are you doing?” I asked in confusion.

“Going to our room?”

I gave him a really look and Marcus just shrugged his shoulders. I took a few steps towards him and bit his bottom lip seductively, knowing how much that turned him on. His eyes darkened but before he could pull me into him I took a few steps back with a playful glint in my eyes.

Behind Marcus I saw Sarah waving at me and gesturing at me to come. Dragging Marcus’s hand, I sprinted up the stairs to the restaurant.

Steve was already there holding hands with Sarah.

“Sarah what is it?”

“Luke is going to confess to Mia. Look”

In front of us the cameras were circling around the couple standing in the middle, holding hands with each other. Mia was wearing a knee length floral dress giving a glow to her petite figure.

Luke tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear and stared at her with adoration.

“I know we just met a week ago but everyday with you has been so amazing. I know we faced so many problems but in the meantime, I just wanted to tell you that I really like you Mia”

Mia’s face beamed at his words and she wrapped her arms around him and started kissing him. The rest of the people in the restaurant gave an aww.

With a beam I walked to Sarah and Anna who were clapping their hands in joy. Suddenly, music started playing in the restaurant. It was Robinson’s “Nothing to Regret”.

Everyone got up and started dancing along. Sarah, Anna and I started swaying to the music and we sang along with the rest of the people while clapping our hands, enjoying the moment.

Baby, we don’t need no money

No worries tonight

Start a party in the living room

Turn it up until we feel it boom

Baby, let’s get fucking crazy and lose track of time

Why we always got to fret about it?

Sarah swayed her hips too much, making me stumble back before Anna wrapped her hand around my shoulder to keep me steady and we started laughing at each other hysterically.

I turned my head to look at Marcus and he was leaning on a pillar near the balcony, arms crossed over his chest as he stared at me with a small smile playing on his lips.

I grinned widely in return and started singing along with Sarah who was shouting at maximum volume.

Suddenly Marcus grabbed my arm and started dragging me down the stairs.

“Marcus what?” I panicked unknowingly.

“Come quickly” he dragged me down the stairs to the lobby. We were both running in a hurry and he led us outside the hotel.

Marcus’s eyes were glinting with happiness as he ran with me. We stopped at the entrance and he pointed to the left. I followed his gaze and found an ice cream truck parked on the street.

My eyes gleamed in delight and without thinking I jumped on to him and hugged him tightly. “Aww. You know me the best. I love you so much Marcus” I yelled happily before realizing what I had just said.

I felt his shoulders stiffen and I quickly removed my hands from him. I looked down, biting my lip in embarrassment. What had I done?

The night sky was glistening above us, the sounds of traffic in the busy New York city subsiding as snow flakes started falling from the sky. I shoved my hands inside my pockets to stop them from trembling.

“I-” I stuttered to make up a lie but then decided that I was done with lying.

“I don’t know what to say but I do know that I love you Marcus” I whispered quietly still looking at my feet, refusing to look him in the eyes.

“You don’t have to say it back but I just want you to know that I love you. I’m truly sorry if you feel uncomfortable but it’s hard for me to keep this inside me any longer” my voice broke as I let my emotions take complete control over me.

I felt Marcus’s hand on my chin, tilting my head up to meet his eyes. I slowly looked up to see his eyes gleaming with an unknown emotion.

“Camilla. I feel like I’m the happiest man on earth right now” The corners of his lips tugged into a genuine smile as he stared at me with adoration clear in his eyes.

“What-” before I could say anything else, Marcus leaned down and met my lips in a passionate kiss. His soft lips moved gently against mine, molding ourselves into one. He wrapped his arm around my waist and pressed me closer to him as he deepened the kiss with fervor and desire. My hands traveled to his back and then to his hair as I tangled my fingers in his dark strands.

I slowly pulled away, giving enough space for us to breathe.

“What do you mean Marcus?”

He leaned his forehead on mine and pecked my lips. “I love you Camilla” he whispered quietly and I looked at him in shock.


“It’s true. I love you so much Camilla. Just your mere presence gives me hope, to keep going, knowing that I have someone to live for . You don’t know how much you mean to me”

My eyes brimmed with tears at his words. A small sob escaped my lips and I covered my mouth with my hand, trying to grasp what he had just said to me.

“Don’t cry Camilla” he said in a panicked tone as he cupped my face in his hands.

“I’m not. These are happy tears” I looked at him through my glossy eyes.

“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you earlier. I wasn’t sure about what you were going to think of me. You had every right to hate me because of the way I treated you. I was afraid that you would reject me”

I laughed and shook my head. ” You are the best thing that has happened to me Marcus. I would never reject you. I love you” I whispered the last part and his eyes beamed in happiness.

The small snow flakes had fallen on my hair and my fingers were slightly shaking in the cold. Marcus held my hands tightly and brought them to his lips and kissed my knuckles softly.

He then pulled me into a warm hug and buried his face in my neck. I wrapped my hands around his torso and cried in happiness, choking on my own sobs.

“Let’s go eat ice cream”

“It’s snowing”

“That won’t stop me” I winked teasingly and dragged him to the truck. I bought one for me and asked Marcus whether he wanted one since it was cold.

“Anything for you ” he gave me a small smile and bought a strawberry ice cream for himself.

“It just started snowing and I was going to close the shop but here you are eating ice cream. I don’t understand young people nowadays” the vendor said to Marcus while handing him his ice cream.

“Love makes people do weird things” Marcus said while staring at me in adoration. I hid behind him in embarrassment, earning a husky chuckle from Marcus.

We went back to the restaurant and everybody was still dancing.

“Ma’am where did you go?” Sarah asked as she approached me.

“Marcus confessed” I slowly whispered and Sarah started screaming as I if had just said that Santa was real.

“Oh my god oh my god I can’t believe this. Ahhhhhh” she hugged me and jumped up and down.

“What happened?” Steve stood behind her and asked in confusion.

“Mr. Anderson loves her” she yelled happily clapping her hands in joy.

“You didn’t know?”

“What do you mean I didn’t know?”

“Well he already told me that he loves Mrs. Anderson” Sarah’s jaw hung opened at his words. Anger crept up her face and she stomped on Steve’s feet to which he yelled in pain.

“And you didn’t tell me?”

“How come you didn’t know? He was making it so obvious!”

“Ahh I hate you” Sarah pushed him back and walked past him angrily earning a chuckle from both Marcus and I.

“Would you like to dance my lady?” Marcus held out his hand with a smirk playing on his lips.

“Sure” I grinned. With that he dragged me to the middle of the restaurant. Everybody was singing along and dancing merrily. Marcus spun me around and we started dancing. He leaned in and whispered a joke in my ear to which I laughed out loud earning stares from everybody around us, but I couldn’t have cared less.

This was definitely the best night of my life.

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