Coming Home For Christmas

Chapter 92

Chapter 92 - A Christmas Miracle - Part 2

Lacey's POV

“Wow “Is this really our new home?"

Chloe and Alex, GiGi's children gasped when they saw the poolhouse

I never thought I'd ever see someone get so excited over a poolhouse but these two are and so are their grandparents, not that I can blame

them because this place is like a five-star hotel compared to where they used to live

“This is beautiful, do we still have to share a room with each other?”

“No, you've both got your own rooms” I say and they look at me shocked but their eyes look sad

"What? what's wrong?"

“Nothing, its just..T'd really ike to stay with my sister if that's ok? I don't like to sleep alone”

“That's fine"

say with a smile

“Its up to you, Alex, T understand you're gonna experience a lot of changes in your life in the next few days, so if you wanna continue to stay

with your sister then you can, nobody is gonna force you to do anything you don't want to do*

Tsay and he smiles

“Thank you, Mrs auntie Black”

Chapter 92 - A Christmas Miracl. wy Alex says and I chuckle

“My name is Lacey, Alex and my husband is called Logan, you dont have to be so formal with us*

“But grams and gramps said it's only polite to call adults Mr and Mrs"

“And they're right but I'd rather you called me Lacey” “Oh..ok, are there any other kids here that I can play with?" Alex asks sounding


“Yes, I've got three children Logan Junior, Dayton and Teddy and they're around your age”

Tsay and he gasps happily

“Did you hear that grams and gramps? Tl finally have some friends”

Oh my heart

My eyes instantly closed as a painful stab hit my heart from his words

“I heard, youre one very lucky little boy, aren't you?"

“Yeah, 1 am..when can I meet them, auntie?”

He asks me and [smile as 1 try to suppress my tears from his previous words

“You'll meet them later on but for now, why dont you and your sister go and check out your bedrooms, Thad my staff deck them out for

you both and I think youll find it's got everything you'll ever want or need in there"

Chloe and Alex look at each other confused before running towards

where their bedrooms are

Not long afterwards, we heard the sounds of shocked gasps and

Chapter 92 - A Christmas Miracl. yy excited voices as they both gushed over all of their new stuff

Twas smiling as I happily listened to the two excited youngsters when I felt a pair of warm hands grab hold of mine

“You've just made our grandchildren the happiest they've ever been and you've also taken a huge weight off mine and my wife's shoulders,

how can we ever repay you, Lacey?”

“I don't want repayment, Michael and neither does my husband..we were both extremely appalled when we heard what your daughter was

putting you all through and we just wanted to help you and give you all a beter life"

“So..there's really nothing we can do to repay you?"

Michael asks sounding defeated and I smile

“Nope, you both are just gonna have to accept our good deed and like my grandfather says deal with it good fellow *

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say whilst trying to mimic my grandfather's British accent and they both chuckle

“James and Louise should be very proud of you, young lady, they did a great job raising you"

And there goes my smile

“Thank you, Grace"

I know I should take their words as what they are which is a compliment but I can't, especially now that T know my dad didn't even want me

and would never be proud of me even if I became the first female president of the United freaking States

“Anyway, Logan and I have..oh god"

tried to change the subject as I attempted to move towards the door to leave but I suddenly felt faint and 1 almost fell to the ground which


Chapter 92 - A Christmas Miracl. df would've done had Michael not grabbed hold of me and held me upright

“Are you ok, sweetheart?”

“Tm fine

said barely above a whisper as I held my head

“just feel a little funny, that's all"

"Here, take a seat"

Michael helped me to sit on the couch as he called for his wife

“Grace, can you get me a glass of water, please love?”


“No, I'm fine honestly”

tried to say but Grace was already in the kitchen filling up a glass of water for me

“No, you're not, Lacey, you almost fainted”

“Do you want us to call your husband?”

Grace asks as she hands me the glass of water

“No, please don't"

“Are you sure?”

Michael asks me and I nod my head

“I'm fine, I promise you, I'm just a litle exhausted..its been a tiring few days for me, that's all

take a couple gulps of water hoping that will help with any of the fatigue 1 was feeling before explaining mine and Logan's plans for later

on with our family

“Anyway, like I was saying, Logan and I have made arrangements with our families to go and see the Christmas markets tonight and we

would love it if you could join us*

Chapter 92 - A Christmas Miracl. 4

“We'd love to but we can't afford to do stuff like that"

Grace said sadly and I grabbed hold of her hand

“What did Logan and I tell you both earlier?”

Lasked them both and they sighed almost in unison

“You said that we don't have to worry about money anymore but Lacey we can't expect you and Logan to pay for everything for us for the

rest of our lives”

“Why not?. look, i it makes you feel any better then just see it as an early payday”

“Payday for what? we don't work for you"

Michael says sounding confused and 1 look at him with a smirk

“Actually you do and from this day forward, youre all under my family's protection, so you don't have to worry about anything ever again

that includes money, now. about tonight"

Grace and Michael looked at each other before looking at me and smiling

“Ok fine but well pay you back whatever you give us"

“Whatever helps you sleep better at night"

Isay and they both chuckle

They probably know I'm not gonna take a single dime from them and they're just saying this to make themselves feel better

The reason why I say this is because I used to be the same way

Lalways hated loaning money from Carmella when Iwas in London and she never accepted any repayments back from me, even now when I

can afford to pay her back double the money with interest, she still won't take anything from me but I always tell her it's in a special account

for her

if she ever needs it and to this day, she still hasn't touched a single cent of

Chapter 92 - A Christmas Miracl. wo it

“Wel be leaving in an hour, so make sure you all are ready, ok”

"Yes, ma'am”

Ibid goodbye to the family of four before leaving the poolhouse and heading back to the mansion

When got back home, I first went and checked on the triplets to make sure they were ready before going to get ready myself but 1 was

distracted by the half-naked man who was lying on my bed when T walked

into the room

“You took a shower without me?"

Tasked Logan who smiled as he looked down at his phone

“Well, T waited for you my love but you were. This belongs © NôvelDra/ma.Org.

He looked up at me and his smile immediately disappeared as he jumped up and made his way over to me

“Are you ok, love?”

“I'm fine, why wouldnt 1 be?”

“I don't know. you just look pale, that's all”

Logan said as he cupped my face and gently caressed my cheek

“I'm fine, T promise you, babe”

“Have you had anything to eat today?”

He asks me and I chuckle

“Logan, I'm fine, I'm just tired, that's all

“Well, do you wanna cancel tonight and get an early night? we can always...”

“No way”

1 quickly interrupted him

Chapter 92 - A Christmas Miracl. a There's no way in hell we're cancelling tonight

“The kids have been looking forward to this ever since we booked it and to be honest with you, babe, so have I*

“Ok fine but I swear, Lace, you'd better tell me if you feel weak or tired because the last thing I want is for you to faint on me"

“I'm not gonna faint, love" I say as 1 cup Logan's face and kiss his lips

“Now get your ass dressed because we've gotta leave soon and the longer you stand there looking like that, the more you're gonna make

me wanna ride you and we dont have time for that"

Isay as I head towards the wardrobe leaving Logan chuckling behind me

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An hour later and we were all wrapped up and ready to go

Logan and Twere going in our car with the triplets while the McAddams family are being driven by one of our security guards

“Mummy, who are those people who are living with us now?"

“They're mommy and daddy's friends, Dayton”

“Are they nice people?”

Teddy asks and I narrow my eyes

“Of course they're nice people, Teddy, why do you ask?”

“I was just wondering"

Teddy said while shrugging her shoulders

“Well, do you really think your mother or Twill invite them to come and live in our home where our children are if they weren't nice people,


Logan asks Teddy who taps her chin like she was thinking

“Hmm, T guess so, daddy”

Chapter 92 - A Christmas Miracl wT She says and we both chuckle

The rest of the drive was filed with all of us singing along to some Christmas songs and my favourite was Last Christmas by Wham

“Hey babe, if you think about it, this song perfectly describes us® What?

“How, Logan?"

Task my husband as look at him confused

“Last Christmas, I gave you my heart but the very next day, you gave it away, this year, to save me from tears, Il give it to someone

special. it describes you giving your heart stupidly to that prick Dylan...”

“Logan, watch your language, for god's sake” interrupt him as 1 groan in annoyance

He knows I hate it when people curse around our kids but yet he still

does it anyway

“Ive already told you, babe, that's what he is..anyway, you stupidly gave your heart to him but this year you gave it to it's rightful owner


Logan says with a smug smile and I chuckle

“Babe, I can't give something to Dylan which was never his" "But you tried to love"

He says angrily

“Yeah, let's just call that a momentary lapse in judgment”

I mutter under my breath as I glare at nobody in particular

We finally arrived at the Christmas markets and the kids immediately became excited when they saw all of the beautiful lights and Christmas


Yeah, this was definitely worth being exhausted for

We get out of the car and I instantly noticed that Logan was acting shifty and he looked nervous

Iwas about to ask him what was up with him when he beat me to it by saying something which left me feeling both confused and curious

“Baby, I hope you don't mind but Tinvited a few people here to enjoy this night with us"

“You did? who?"

Task with a smile which quickly drops when T hear a familiar voice coming from behind me

“Hey, kid"

turned around and gasped as my heart skipped a nervous beat when I saw my brother standing there with his girlfriend and their

daughter who looked super excited to see us


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