Coming Home For Christmas

Chapter 68

Chapter 68 - Good Samaritan Lacey

A Couple Of Days Later.

Logan's POW



Today is gonna be a long day, I can feel it

up YET AGAIN to an empty bed thanks to my wife, who for whatever reason keeps

\g but now my mood is made worse after I received a phone call from Cade telling

I don't know what's going on but I know it's got something to do with the board and that gutter rat GiGi who I can't seem to shake for the

freaking life of me

Anyway, I headed downstairs hoping to find my beautiful wife in the kitchen cooking breakfast with our children like she always does but

when I got there, I was surprised to see my head chef is cooking breakfast while my children are sitting at the table playing on their tablets

"Good morning, kids"

"Morning, daddy”

"Good morning, dad"

Teddy and the boys greet me at the same time

"Here you go, sir"

My chef hands me a coffee which I happily take



Chapter 68 - Good Samaritan L

“Mmm, yes princess”

Isay after taking a sip of my coffee

“Is mummy ok?"

Teddy asks instantly earning my attention

"Your mommy's fine, baby, why wouldn't she be?"

"Because she's been spending all of her time in her office lately and she never has any time for us"

Teddy says and my heart breaks for my little girl who looked sad

"It's not good for mum if she's always working, dad, her brain needs to



Now that they've mentioned it, Lace has been spending a lot of time cooped up in her office ever since we did our press conference the

other day and last night she didn't even come to bed

Thad to physically carry her to our bed and change her into her pyjamas after I had found her fast asleep on the couch in her office


What is going on with my bluddy woman?

“Where's your mom now?"

Task my kids and they all look at me with a really dad? expression

"Do you even need to ask, dad?"

No Dayton, I don't

“Excuse me, kids"

Ileave the kitchen and head upstairs to my wife's office

The door was wide open when I got there so I could hear her on the

phone with Bunny and the conversation was amusing, to say the least

Chapter 68 - Good Samaritan L

ms, gr..grams, can you stop laughing please?”

"I can't darling, it's just so funny”

"It's not funny, it's embarrassing... shouldn't have done it"

Lacey said as she rubbed her forehead in frustration

“Embarrassing? Lacey baby, it's f****1q brilliant"

Bunny says excitedly while Lacey rolls her eyes to god and mutters what I think was this woman under her breath

"You didn't just beat up that useless prick Dylan but you completely pulverised him as well..have you seen him lately?"

Bunny asks whilst chuckling

"No grams, I haven't”

Lacey says while sighing

“Well, you should, he looks like the elephant man's twin brother..fuck, I'm so proud of you, lambchop”

She says and I had to stifle a chuckle, especially when I saw my wife's cute little glare

“Grams, you shouldn't be proud of the fact that I beat my ex up, I mean, I know Dylan deserved it but still."

“still what, Lacey? you said it yourself the i***t deserves it after what he put you through and even he agrees with us on that"

"It still doesn't make it right, Bunny"

Lacey says and I could hear the guilt in her voice

My wife and I discussed her actions from that day when we came home from my office and she made it very clear to me that even though

she doesn't regret what she did and she feels tons better after doing it, she still can't help but feel guilty about it which just goes to show

how good-hearted she is

Chapter 68 - Good Samaritan L. bas

Anyone else wouldn't give a s**t that they'd beaten up someone who'd wronged them but not my Lacey

"You say potato, lambchop, I say let's crack open the champagne and celebrate”

“For Christ's sake"

Lacey mutters while once again rolling her eyes only this time they landed on me

“Erm, Bunny, can I call you back? Logan's here"

“Of course darling, no problem...oh wait, I forgot to ask, is there any news on the horizon of anew baby?"

Bunny asks shocking Lacey

“No, not yet Bunny, why do you ask?"

Task and Lacey's eyes widen in horror

It's no secret that I want more kids with my wife but Lacey is hesitant for two reasons, the first is because she doesn't think she's ready for

another child yet and the second reason is because of her health which I've told her umpteen times it won't be a problem because I can hire

the best doctors to look after her

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us now and continue your journey!

I've also made it clear to her that she's not alone this time around, so hopefully all of this will eventually wear her down and we'll have baby

number four on it's way very soon

"Because I've seen the cutest baby clothes here in Paris, Logan and they're simply divine"

“I thought you were there on business, grams?"

Lacey asks sounding suspicious of her grandparents

"We are but it doesn't mean our whole trip has to be about business, darling”

Chapter 68 - Good Samaritan L

"If you say so, grams"

Lacey said while chuckling

The call between the two ended and I shut the door as I made my way over to my wife

"Are you ok, babe?"

Lacey asks me as I'stand in front of her towering over her little curvaceous frame

“Iwill be when I find out what my wife is up to"

"What are you talking about?"

She asks confused and I narrow my eyes at her

"You've spent the past couple of days cooped up in here, you've barely spent any time with me or the kids, I've had to either force you to go

to bed or physically put you there myself because you're working yourself silly, not to mention, you're gone before I wake up and you know

how much I hate waking up without you there, babe, I always end up having a really bad day at work if I don't get my morning snuggles in

with you"

Itell her and she chuckles which pisses me off

"You're laughing? it's nice to see my pain is making you chuckle, love"

I growl and her chuckles intensify

“I'm sorry, baby, it's just so adorable when you whine like this"

“I'm not whining, Lacey, I'm concerned...what the hell has gotten into you lately?"

“Nothing, I promise”

She says and I groan in annoyance

"Well, something's clearly eating at you, Lace because the kids have noticed it as well"

Chapter 68 - Good Samaritan L

Isay causing her body to stiffen

Ithen close the space between us and gently grip her chin

"The only thing that's allowed to eat away at you, Lacey is me, now f****g spill..what's on your mind?"

Task and she closes her eyes as she lets out a breath

"I've been working on a plan to help GiGi's family"


“What did you just say?"

"You heard me, Logan...I've been working on a plan with Abby to help GiGi's parents and her kids"

I thought that's what she said

“And why would you do that?"

1 ask feeling curious and also slightly annoyed Copyright Nôv/el/Dra/ma.Org.

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us now and continue your journey!

Why would she wanna help the family of the woman who is trying to destroy our lives?

"Because they're struggling, Logan..! mean, you should see where they're all living, babe, the house is practically falling down around them,

the kids are wearing hand-me-down clothes and shoes given to them by neighbours, they eat day by day depending on money and the

parents, oh my god, Logan, the parents are working two jobs each, they're working so freaking hard to earn as much money as they possibly

can so that they can raise these two beautiful kids and give them everything they need, that they have to rely on their neighbours or after

school clubs to look after them while they work”

My wife said as tears filled her eyes

A stray tear fell down her cheek and I quickly wiped it away

"Don't cry, baby, everything's gonna be ok"

Chapter 68 - Good Samaritan L

"I can't help it, Logan...I can't help but cry and feel angry could she do this? how could GiGi just abandon her family like this

and allow them to struggle while she lives the life of luxury in New York? like..where's her heart?"

“I don't think she's got one, babe"

Isay through gritted teeth

It also angers me that GiGi could be so selfish towards her family and I wanted to help her family because they don't deserve to struggle

and live a

hard life because their daughter and mother is a selfish cow but I had no clue how to help them

“Iwanna help them, Logan, wanna help them live a better life..1 know what it's like to feel that fear and panic of not being able to support

or protect your's not a nice feeling, Logan”

Lacey says and I smile

“I know, babe and I'm sorry you had to feel that way"

"Don't be, it's not your fault, it's mine..I should've talked to you and I didn't"

"I love you, baby"

I declare my love for my wife as I pull her closer to me and bury my face in her neck

"I love how big and beautiful your wonderful heart is and I love how you're always thinking of others and not just yourself"

I place a kiss on Lacey's neck before pulling away and cupping her face

"I love that in a world full of GiGi's there are amazing people like my beautiful wife to make it a better place”

I say while looking Lacey deep in her eyes

Chapter 68 - Good Samaritan L

"Well, someone's gotta do some good in this world, babe and if my small contribution is helping a family in need then I'm gonna do it, with

or without your help"

"You've got my help, love, you always have and you always will just next time talk to me, ok..don't lock yourself away again, do you

understand me?"


She says before closing her eyes and sighing

"You're not alone anymore, love"

“I know, I'm sorry, I just..'m just so used to doing everything on my own that I often forget I've got a wonderful husband now to help me"

Lacey says with a smile and I smirk

"If that's the case then maybe, I should take some time off work and spend a whole lot of time in the bedroom with you to remind you and

ingrain it into your mind who your husband is and who you belong to so that you'll never forget it"

Isay and she chuckles

“If you insist, my love”

Lacey says as she bites down on her lower lip and I laugh

God, I f****g love this amazing woman

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