Coming Home For Christmas

Chapter 28(s2)

Chapter 28 - When Trevor Met Lacey? Klayton's PO “Klayton baby, when are you coming to bed?" “Soon, my love, I promise” “Mmm-hmm, you made that promise two hours ago and yourre still here in your office with your head buried in Trevor's creepy little note” Cassie says with annoyance in her tone Isighed in frustration as I took off my glasses and sat back

"Babe..." “If you don't then all of this would've been for nothing" Cassidy cut me off as she opened up her robe showing me some very sexy and tiny lingerie

“If you don't then all of this would've been for nothing” Cassidy cut me off as she opened up her robe showing me some very sexy and tiny lingerie

pean "That's the exact reaction I was expecting to receive, now, come and relieve some stress with me, my love and get some sleep, we'll deal with Trevor tomorrow” Cassidy says with a smirk as I lick my lips Chapter 28 - When Trevor Met L. =) “You drive a hard bargain, Mrs Antonelli"

you want and as hard as you want until you're fully relaxed and stress-free” “If you insist, babe" Isay as 1 jump up and grab my wife, throwing her over my shoulder caveman-style before heading to our room for a night of hot s*x The Next Day..

“How accurate is this Benj?" “As accurate as the date on your favourite newspaper” Benjamin says and I narrow my eyes at him before looking back at the report in front of me.

“Apparently, his last known sighting was in Australia which is where he's been based for around a year now" “Why Australia?" Lask confused “Why not? it's a beautiful country with great weather, not to mention the guy is bisexual, so he'd have his pick of some of the hottest guys and gals around out there” "That's true" Knocktl, knock, knock!! “Come in"

Ishout and in walks Connor who looked anxious “Connor, you do know that you can just walk into my office, right? you don't need to knock” “Yeah, I know" “So, why did you knock?" Benji asks him

"Well, after I was left scarred for life after I walked in on Klayton and Cassidy f+***+g each other like two horny teenagers in heat in this very office, I decided to adopt the Sheldon method and knock first before I enter a room, that way my poor eyes and my brain aren't permanently scarred by the sight of someone I consider a sister being f****d doggy style" “Dude, that's my actual sister” “And she's my wife and s*x is perfectly normal, so why don't you two shut the f**k up and you, tell me why you look like you're about to piss your pants” I'say whilst pointing my finger at Connor “Oh right yeah"

Connor shut my door and came over to us “Do you guys remember that guy we hired a few years ago to keep an eye on Lacey when she was living in London?” “Yeah, what about him?" “Well, he called me last night and told me that he's been keeping an eye on Lacey's home ever since she came back to America and he was planning on doing so until she decided to rent it out but she never did..anyway, he called me to let me know that there's been some very unusual activity around her house lately” Connor tells me and I was immediately on edge and my heart raced with panic even though it shouldn't have because Lacey's currently at home with her kids

“What kind of activity, Con?" I ask feeling dread in my heart for some strange reason

“According to the neighbour, a strange man dressed in all black and Chapter 28 - When Trevor Met L. ~/) wearing a balaclava has been seen walking around both the front and back side of her house, she'd caught him looking in the windows and even looking for a way to get in without having to break in” “So? could just be a burglar or a peeping tom, Connor” “It could be but how many burglars or peeping toms do you know that know a Trevor? especially one known as Jefe Trevor" What the fk?

in my seat whilst rubbing the bridge of my nose Iwas hoping today would be a somewhat easy day but it turned out to

"What do you mean, Con?" “The neighbour overheard the guy cursing and saying something along the lines of f**k, Jefe Trevor told me where the b**h kept her keys and they're not f****g here * Connor says and I banged my fist against my desk “So, Trevor knows where Lacey used to live?" "Yep and that's not even the worst part, Benj" Oh fk “What's the worst part, Con?"

Lask Connor who looked hesitant to tell me which can only mean one of two things either it's something he thinks is awful but it's not something that I would consider awful or what he's got to tell me is so bad, it'll make me lose my s**t “I don't know when but I do know that this was recently..someone went to the triplet's old school and passed himself off as their father to try and get as much information that he possibly could on Lacey and the kids including where she relocated to but fortunately for us, the school knew who their real father is and they refused to give out any information without Lacey or Logan's expressed consent” “What the fk?"

“Wait, I'm so confused, how does Trevor know that Lacey was living in London? and how does he know where she was living?" “I don't know, maybe he's been watching her for longer than we know about” “But if that's the case then wouldn't he know about her coming back home?” Benjamin asks me and sigh in frustration “Idon't know, Benj" Ilet out a sigh just as my office phone started ringing

“Hello" Hello, cousin’ “Trevor” Speak of the devil and he will call “What do you want, asshole?” I growl down the phone as I put it on loudspeaker “Oh well, that's not nice, is it, Klayton? do you not have any manners?”

“Not for scumbags like you, now answer my goddamn question” "You've always been short-tempered, haven't you, Klay?" God give me strength I think to myself as I roll my eyes to god “Just answer the f*****g question, Trevor" “Ah, we've got an audience...hi, Benjamin, is Connor also there with you? what about my little mami? is her sexy ass with you guys as well? / miss her" Chapter 28 - When Trevor Met L. 4 asks earning three very angry groans from us which he laughed at

“Oh calm down, I just wanted to call and make sure you guys got my gift, oh and to check in on my girl, of course” “Your girl?" Connor asks with a scoff "My Lacey, Connor catch up” Trevor says and I grit my teeth

"She's not your Lacey, she's mine, she's my family and she'll never be anything to you" “That's what you think, Klayton, now tell me, did you get my gift? and did you like it? I bet you did, small things amuse small minds, I guess” “I'm gonna ****g kill you when I get my hands on you, Trevor and I'm gonna enjoy every single second of it when [ do” “You'll have to catch me first, idiota” He says in a bored tone

nobody knows better than I do what it’s like to have someone who you love and trust wholeheartedly stab you in the back and betray you for your still hurts to this day that my own sister my kin, betrayed me for you, someone who she didn't even know" "Well, it's not my fault you're a psychotic piece of s**t who made even his own sisters life a living hell...besides, I trust my famiglia and I know that none of them would ever betray me or our family, especially not for a piece of trash like you" Yes, I know I've got a mole in my fold but I don't believe it's anyone who is blood related to me

Trevor laughed maniacally down the phone which was very unsettling Chapter 28 - When Trevor Met L. I omfortable for us to hear “Ilove how delusional you are, Klayton, I also love how close minded and trustworthy you are with the people around you because having these kind of attributes will be your undoing one of these days and they'll also contribute to your early demise from this world and I'm so proud and honoured to say that I'll be the man who will not only bring down and end the legendary Klayton Antonelli for good along with those two goons in your office as well as that bastard Logan Black but I'lalso be the man who will take over your mafia and start my reign as the new Don of the Antonelli

famiglia with my beautiful and sexy queen by my side...speaking of my queen..tell Lacey, I can't wait to see her again, I've missed her and the triplets so much” Trevor says shocking all of us before hanging up the call “What the fk?" “Did he just say what I think he just said?" Connor and Benjmain say sounding very shocked “Yeah, he's implying that he knows my principessa and my baby niece and nephews" Isaid through gritted teeth

be another f**k up thanks to that bastard cousin of mine I had taken the day off from work and made arrangements with my mafia so that Cassie and I could be with our friend for the day We were hoping to go and see Tommy's new tombstone and then go for lunch with Layla and her new boyfriend before spending the rest of the day and night together with our kids but no, Trevor has to rear his ugly head again and what he did completely mindfucked me

“Not necessarily, Klay...everyone knows how much your family means to you, specifically Lacey, so it's not shocking that your enemies would use this weakness of yours to wind you up or piss you off and maybe that's exactly what Trevors doing, he's lying to you to get under your skin and throw you off guard” “Connor's right, brother, there's no way Lacey knows Trevor because if she did then she would've told us, right?" “Not if he lied to her or tricked her like he did with Cassie" Chapter 28 - When Trevor Met L...

1 said whilst rubbing my stubbly chin which instantly shut

the pair up My mind and heart was racing with numerous different thoughts and questions as I pondered all of the ifs, ands, buts and maybes about what Trevor said but only two questions truly stood out to me /s Trevor being truthful with me? Do he and Lacey know each other? In the end, I thought f**k it as I stood up from my chair and put on my jacket before grabbing hold of my phone and car keys

"Wait, where are you going?” "To see Lacey” The only way I'm going to settle both my mind and my heart is if I go and see my cousin and get to the bottom of this once and for all

Even though it was just a simple floral bouquet he'd left at Tommy's gravesite, the message of both the flowers and the note was enough to send me sideways as I contemplated whether or not it was genuine and he was trying to alert me to someone I'm close to betraying me or is he trying to get under my skin and make me believe something is so when it's actually not Lalso took this as a warning and or a threat that Trevor will always find a way to get near or close to Tommy's grave no matter how many guards I

Chapter 28 - When Trevor Met L. =) have out there securing it which makes me feel very uncomfortable as you can imagine “Baby, come to bed" Cassie pleads with me as she wraps her arms around my shoulders and kisses my cheek “Ican't love, I have to work” “And when has overworking yourself to the point of exhaustion ever helped anyone especially you Klayton Antonelli?”

Cassie growled in annoyance and anger and I couldn't help but feel turned on by my sexy little wife's dominant side I decided to ignore my hard-on and focus back on my work which was hard for me to do, no pun intended but it was necessary because it's important or way more important than me getting my rocks off with Cassie “Tknow, babe and I'm sorry but really need to figure out what Trevor meant with this note and sleep is just gonna have to be put on the back burner until 1 do” Itell Cassie who scoffed “He probably meant nothing by it, babe, Trevor always was full of st”

“Well, full of s**t or not, Cassidy, I can't ignore it, especially since I know for a fact that we've got a mole and there's also a fifty-fifty chance that he could be warning me" “But why would he do that, babe?" Cassie asks as she sits down on the edge of my desk “Why would Trevor warn you about someone close to you betraying you and helping him? I mean, he's a dumbass and he's about as smart as Chapter 28 - When Trevor Met L. = two short planks of wood but even he should know that you don't give away your hand until you're ready to deal or something like that"

“Is that a poker reference?” Task with an amused smirk on my face “Ithink so, I heard Duke say it to my dad once, so..." Cassie drifts off as she scratches the back of her headOwned by NôvelDrama.Org.

“Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that, why would Trevor alert you or warn you about our mole being someone close to us? surely that should be something that he'd keep close to his chest so that he'd have the upper hand against you" “Well, like you said love, he's not the brightest light on the Christmas tree” “Yeah but he's also very cunning and manipulative and he'd never tip his hand to you unless he's doing it to trick you" Hmm, I guess Ilet out a breath as I felt my wife grab hold of my hand and kiss my cheek “Come to bed, Klayton®

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