Coming Home For Christmas

Chapter 18(s2)

“When it comes to my family, it doesn't matter who or what's in front of me because loyalty isn't just a word, loyalty to me means /'ll drag you to the gates of hell myself to protect them’ ~ Unknown Lacey's POV “I'think he had help, Lace" “Meaning?” I drug out not understanding where he's going with this “Meaning that we may have a traitor in our mafia, kid"

T opened the thicker one first to get it out of the way and my eyes widened as my heart damn near stopped when [ pulled the contents out of it and I saw several pictures of not only myself and my family on our yacht but also pictures of Logan and I having sx on it Holy s**t “What the..what the f**k? did he get these pictures?”

I ask barely above a whisper as I look through them Chapter 18 - The Truth - Part 2 “We don't know, babe, I remember that day vividly and 1 don't remember there being any other boats on the ocean or planes in the sky, there wasn't even a f****+g drone out on that day” “Well, someone was clearly out there, Logan" I growl as I rub my forehead in frustrationProperty © of NôvelDrama.Org.

I can't believe this bastard or whoever it was had the nerve to not only violate our privacy by watching us and our kids but also by taking pictures of us during an intimate moment It honestly makes me feel physically sick to my stomach to know that we were being watched and we had no idea “The first threat from Trevor is on the back of the last picture, kid" Klayton says and I briefly look up at him before I look at the back of the last picture which I quickly regretted when 1 read the disgusting words written on it “Ifyou don't give me what I want, Klayton then I'm going to

kidnap your beautiful, precious principessa and I'm gonna ++ her ass and p***y raw and then I'm going to torture and kill her all the while filming it for you to watch, I know how much she means to you so don't even think of f*++g with me, trust and believe me, Klayton, I always get what I want and one way or another I will get your mafia, maybe Tl still take your precious princesa Lacey and make her all mine, only time will tell, T.L! “Wow, this guy is f*****g crazy” "You've no idea, Lace" Cassie said while sighing "So."

I started but stopped as I let out a breath “So, what does this asshole want from you, Klay? this can't just be Chapter 18 - The Truth - Part 2. of about the mafia and even if it were, why is he using me to get it? I mean, no offence to Cassidy but usually in situations like this, the evil villain always goes after the mob boss's wife and considering the history you both have got together, I'm surprised he hasn't gone for you" “He knows better than to come for me, sweetheart” Cassie says sternly

"He also knows how much you mean to me, kid and he knows that I'd go to the ends of the world to keep you safe and unharmed but what the gobshite doesn't know is that you're no damsel, so he's in for one hell of a surprise with you, baby girl because as nonno likes to say, messing with Lacey Antonelli is like messing with a box of lit fireworks and expecting not to get burned” Klayton says and I chuckle “So, that's why he's targeting you, Lace, as for what he wants...well, he wants to take over the Antonelli famiglia by killing me and becoming Don" He says and I scoff as I reach for the other envelope and open it

He can't do that, he's not family" Isay as I look down at the blood-stained wedding invitation from mine and Logan's wedding in my hand and just like with the picture, there's a creepy and disturbing message on the back of it Wow This guy has got some serious f****+g issues “Actually, Lace...Trevor is my family, although not by choice" Klayton says and I look up at him shocked "What? how?"

“He's my maternal cousin” Chapter 18 - The Truth - Part 2 “Wait, what? auntie Maria's got siblings?" Task him and he nods his head “Yeah, she's got two" You don't say

I always thought auntie Maria was an only child, she very rarely talked about her family and I don't blame her if they're producing rats like this Trevor i**t “So, your enemy is also your cousin?" “Yeah” “Jesus, this sounds like a damn soap opera” I said while facepalming as they all chuckled Suddenly, a thought hit me and I felt like I had the wind knocked out of me as my mind ran rampant with just this one little thought

"Wait a second, that girl, that Kat girl...I heard you saying earlier that she was your cousin as well" "Yeah, she is" What the f**k? “How? is she your cousin, Klayton? she's definitely not an Antonelli because I'd know it if she was," "That's because she's a Lopez, kid, she's Trevor's sister" Klayton says whilst wincing like he knew I was about to blow a gasket and lose my s**t and that's exactly what I did "WHAT?" I'shouted as I looked at my cousin with a shocked and

What? f**k, this isn't good A traitor in the mafia is like having a rat in your home that doesn't make a sound but you know it's there watching you like a creepy stalker, although in this situation, as much as [ hate rodents, I'd much prefer to have a rat in my home than a traitor in our famiglia At least with a rat they're easily caught and killed, it's hard to catch and kill a traitor who you know nothing about and by the time you do, it could be too late

horrified expression “That girl is Trevor's sister?" “Yes, she is" Chapter 18 - The Truth - Part 2.7 Oh my god “Calm down, principessa” "Calm down? CALM f+++++g DOWN!" Is he being serious right now? His enemy's sister is living under our roof the same roof all of our family is currently under and he's expecting me to be calm, is he being for real?

“Klayton some psycho is on the loose looking for me so that he can kill you and you've got his ++**g sister here with us...have you lost the fg plot?" I growl at him as I slam my hands down on his desk and stand up from Logan's lap Iwas so f+**+g furious like I wanted to hit something or someone hard and the last thing [ wanna do is hurt my cousin, his wife or my husband, so, that's why I put some distance between us

“Will you watch your language, Lacey, I won't tell you again” Klayton said through gritted teeth pissing me off even further “Oh, I'm sorry daddy, am I upsetting you by cursing so damn much? maybe, I wouldn't curse if there wasn't a sick, psychotic f**k out there threatening my life and his sister wasn't staying under the same roof as me and my family” "Katerina's not a threat, Lacey, I promise you" Klayton said as he stood up and came and stood in front of me He looked down at me and I could see honesty and

sincerity in his eyes but I wasn't buying it As the good old saying goes, I wasn't bor yesterday and I'm not gonna believe this girl isn't a threat to me or my family until I'see it for Chapter 18 - The Truth - Part 2 7 myself “How do you know she's not a threat, Klayton?” "Because I just do, Lace" Klayton says as he places his hands on my shoulders “She's not our enemy, kid, I swear you can trust her”

“Trust? really?” Task while scoffing “I'm being serious, Lacey, you can trust her" “And how do you know that, hmm? how do you know for sure that we can trust her, Klay? I mean, hell, how do you know that she's not the one who took those damn pictures of us for her creepy brother?"

"How do you know she's not the traitor, hmm? I mean, think about it, she'd be the first guess, right? the most obvious one considering she's Trevor's sister but all she has to do is bat her eyelids and play the innocent and naive card to keep you both believing she's one of us when really she's all for her brother and his familia” I say and Klayton shakes his head “No, you're wrong, Lace, we know we can trust her because she's one of the few people who put their lives on the line to help Klayton rescue Cassius and me when kidnapped me several years ago" Cassie says sounding genuine but like with Klayton, I wasn't buying it

“Or maybe Trevor knew he was done for at that moment so he had his sister infiltrate our mafia to make you think she was some damsel and then he'd have someone on the inside for when he comes after you guys again” Chapter 18 - The Truth - Part 2. wy "You're wrong, Lace" Klayton says whilst looking at me shocked “Am I? I really wrong, Klay? think about it, why would she turn her back on her own family? why would she turn her back on her own brother? you don't abandon your family, Klayton, so why did she?” “Because like you said earlier, kid, Trevor is a sick

motherfucker and Katerina witnessed him do a lot of crazy and disturbing s**t over the years, he f****d her up royally and forced her to witness so much from such a young age...that's why she tumed her back on him and sided with us, Lacey because she was mentally and emotionally exhausted and she couldn't take it anymore" He says and I sigh in frustration Sensing how frustrated and tense I was, Klayton grabbed hold of my hand and held it in between both of his “Look Lace, I understand why you'd feel this way and I get it, believe me, I do but I need you to trust me on this, sweetheart” Klayton says whilst looking me in the eyes

“I need you to trust me not just as your Don but as your cousin, your blood...I need you to know that I would never ever in a million freaking years have Katerina anywhere near you or our families and she'd most definitely be six feet under right now if I believed for so much as a millisecond that she was untrustworthy and she was working undercover for our enemies and you know this, know better than anyone that I'd never put our family at risk like that...hell, I wouldn't have agreed to make Kat a capo in my mafia if I couldn't trust her” He says and my head immediately snaps up as I look at him in shock “You made her a capo?"

"Yeah, I did" He says with a smile "Why?" “Because she’s family and I trust her" He said whilst gently squeezing my hand "Tdon't think I can trust her, Klay" I'said as I looked down at our hands and subconsciously began to trace the eagle tattoo on the back of his left hand with my fingers

“Wait, so..I'm confused, what do we do now? if we've got a traitor in our famiglia then we need to find out who it is ASAP" “Trust me, kid, I've got a group of highly intelligent men working on it as we speak and they're not gonna stop until they find out who it is” Good we Sy ns

“I know...but you will once you get to know her and you see what Cass and I see in her, I promise you, principessa” Ilooked up into my cousin's eyes and I instantly felt bad when I'saw the hurt and tom look in his beautiful brown orbs I wanna believe him and trust his instincts I really do because I know as a mafia Don, he isn't handing out trust like it's candy but how can I? How can I trust his instincts and still feel safe with me and my family here on this island knowing full well that Katerina is also here and she's the sister of Klayton's enemy who is targeting me to get to him? Klayton may trust this girl wholeheartedly but I certainly

don't and from now on, I'm gonna be on high alert whenever I'm around her until she can prove me wrong and she proves to me that she can be trusted Iswear on my life though that if she does end up proving me right then I'l be the one to end her for good because I'm not gonna tolerate anyone f*****g with me and my family

“When it comes to my family, it doesn't matter who or what's in front of me because loyalty isn't just a word, loyalty to me means /'ll drag you to the gates of hell myself to protect them’ ~ Unknown Lacey's POV “Ithink he had help, Lace" “Meaning?” I drug out not understanding where he's going with this “Meaning that we may have a traitor in our mafia, kid" What? f++k, this isn't good

A traitor in the mafia is like having a rat in your home that doesn't make a sound but you know it's there watching you like a creepy stalker, although in this situation, as much as I hate rodents, I'd much prefer to have a rat in my home than a traitor in our famiglia At least with a rat they're easily caught and killed, it's hard to catch and kill a traitor who you know nothing about and by the time you do, it could be too late

“Wait, so..I'm confused, what do we do now? if we've got a traitor in our famiglia then we need to find out who it is ASAP" “Trust me, kid, I've got a group of highly intelligent men working on it as we speak and they're not gonna stop until they find out who it is” Good Chapter 18 - The Truth - Part 2 Ithought to myself as I looked down at the two envelopes in front of me

A part of me didn't want to open them and find out what this sick bastard had sent to my cousin but the other part of me was intrigued and eager to know what kind of threats he's been making so that I could prepare myself

1 placed my hand on the envelopes intending to pull them over to me but I was stopped by my cousin who placed his hand on top of mine “Are you sure you wanna look at these, principessa?” He asks me and I nod my head “Yeah, I'm sure, I need to know what's inside of them Klayton, not just because I want and need to but also because I know it'll play on my mind if I don't look at them" Itell him honestly Klayton and Logan shared a look with each other which made me feel even more nervous as my cousin nodded his

head “Ok, fine" Klayton moves his hand away from mine and I nervously bring the envelopes closer to me

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