Coming Home For Christmas

Chapter 12(s2)

“I'm free as a bird when I'm flying in your cage, I'm diving in deep and I'm riding with no brakes and I'm bleeding your love when you're swimming in my veins, you've got me now, been waiting fora lifetime for you, been breaking for a lifetime for you, wasn't looking for love til found you' ~ Rita Ora Lacey's PO.V Iwas standing in front of my husband who was holding my hands in a tight yet comfortable grip as he looked me up and down with his lips going from either a smile or to him biting down on his lower lip

They're also white gold except Logans has got a big half-a- heart on it with a diamond above it and mine is similar except the heart is smaller “Logan, please take this ring and place it on Lacey's finger as you repeat after me, with this ring, I thee wed" Chapter 12 - The Wedding - Par. if Logan happily picked up the ring and placed it on my finger before bringing my hand up to his lips and kissing it “With this ring, I thee wed" He said while looking me deep in my eyes

"Lacey" The pastor nodded towards me and I picked up the ring and placed it on Logan's finger

"With this ring, I thee wed" I'said whilst looking my husband in his beautiful blue orbs as our hands once again joined together “By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you both husband and wife, Logan you may now kiss the bride” The pastor had barely finished speaking and Logan had already caged my face between his hands and kissed my lips “Possano I'amore e la gioia che provate oggi accompagnarvi per sempre” (May love and the happiness you feel today be with you forever) The pastor said as Logan and I continued to kiss

Our guests cheered and clapped and some even wolf- whistled which I'm guessing is some of the younger guys “Ilove you, Mrs Black” Logan declared to me as he rested his forehead against mine “Ilove you too, Mr Black” I'say and Logan once again kisses me before whispering something against my lips which made me roll my eyes and chuckle “Now you're mine forever, Lacey”

"Like we've got a choice, babe, we're stuck together until the day we Chapter 12 - The Wedding - Par.

both die even if you do one day grow to hate or detest me" “That will never happen, babe" Logan said with a slight growl before kissing me My family don't believe in divorce, we believe in working hard and fighting through every problem no matter how big or small or easy or hard it is, so yeah, when we say we're forever, then that literally means we're forever

After our wedding ceremony, we had our pictures taken and there was avery cute picture our photographer had taken of Logan and Logan Junior and he must've taken it thinking it was a sweet moment between a father and his son but in reality, it was a totally different situation Our eldest son was in some kind of distress and he needed his ear defenders which my mom had rushed to get so while they were waiting, Logan had knelt down in front of our son and covered his ears to try and calm him down which he did and it resulted in the pair laughing and smiling There was also another picture the photographer had taken of Logan and me on the balcony of Klayton's mansion which overlooks the ocean and the beautiful blue sky above us It was a brief moment we had alone and we didn't know he

was capturing this moment for us but I'm glad he did and I'm definitely gonna get this framed and hung up in several rooms in our home Now we're all hanging out in the grand hall in the mansion having drinks as we wait for the chefs to finish preparing our meals “Oh Lace, your babies are making me feel so incredibly broody” “Really, Rach?" I ask while gently rocking Vito up and down as Rachel looks at

“Yeah..I'd really love for Liam and me to have another baby" “Well, why don't you?" “Oh, we're trying believe me we are but we're finding it hard to conceive at the moment" Rachel said with a slight quiver in her voice which hurt my heart My heart truly goes out to anyone who either can't conceive naturally or struggles to conceive and it makes me feel a little quilty for giving up my chance to conceive again even though I know that I don't want any more kids

"Have you and Liam thought of getting yourselves checked out?" "Why would we do that, Lace? it's obvious Liam can conceive" Rachel said with a scoff "Just because Liam's got a kid, it doesn't mean his swimmers.

are still active” Isay and she chuckles “Seriously though Rach, I think you guys should go and see a doctor or you should just book yourselves a trip to the Maldives away from stress and just hump like bunnies until you've got a bun in the oven” “Speaking of Bunny's”

Rachel said with a chuckle and I narrowed my eyes at her in confusion “Huh “Your grandfather thinks he's so slick hiding my favourite glass from me but I found it" Bunny says whilst excitedly waving a bottle of gin in her hand as she takes a sip from her glass Chapter 12 - The Wedding - Par... Ys “Where did he hide it?" “He had the maids hide it behind the bread bin of all places”

"Like what you see, honey" I whispered to my husband who nodded his head “Oh, yeah baby" He said and I chuckled The pastor smiled at Logan and me before clearing his throat and starting the ceremony “Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join this man and this woman in holy matrimony”

The bread bin? “Why the bread bin?" "Because I hate bread and he knows I wouldn't look there” Bunny says and we both chuckle as 1 shake my head at her I'then looked up and I had to do a doubletake when I saw Klayton standing across the room with a glass of bourbon in one hand and a cigar in the other and he had an irate look on his face, he was also talking to a couple of women neither of whom I knew but they looked vaguely familiar tome Who the hell are they? and why are they at my wedding? "Hey Lace, can I steal Vito from you, please? I wanna show him off to my mom"

"Sure, Sab" Isaid whilst keeping my eyes focused on Klayton who seemed to be getting even more pissed the more he speaks With these two women "Excuse me, Rach” I'said as I stood up and walked towards Klayton I don't know why but I've got this nervous feeling about these two women and I don't like how angry they're making my cousin feel

Klayton looked around in an angry huff before his eyes landed on me and that's when his whole entire demeanour quickly changed “Principessa” Klayton smiled as he held his arm out for me I happily embraced him and wrapped my arm around his waist as Klayton kissed my head Chapter 12 - The Wedding - Par... - “Cugina, you remember my friend Vanessa and her wife Katerina, right?”

Oh s**t yeah, the model “Of course yeah, it's so nice to meet you again’ “You too, Lacey, congratulations on your wedding" Vanessa said while hugging me “Thank you" “You're so lucky, girl, I swear if I was straight then I'd be some major competition for you for that man of yours" Katerina said while winking at me

“No, you wouldn't Kat" Klayton growled and Katerina poked her tongue out at him making me chuckle “Anyway, are you ok, kid?" Klayton asked me as he rubbed my arm “I'm fine, you just looked angry from across the room, so I wanted to make sure you were ok, that's all" I'said and [instantly noticed Klayton, Vanessa and Katerina’s bodies stiffen before Katerina relaxed and said something

which made my cousin glare at her “That's just his resting Don face, Lace, pay no attention to it" "Watch it, Kat" Klayton growled and she blew a kiss at him which had him groaning in frustration and I chuckled slightly I didn't believe them and I felt like there was something more going on but I decided to ignore it for now, so that I could relax and enjoy my day

A few minutes later, a man came over and whispered something in Klayton's ear, he nodded his head and thanked him before excusing him “Food is about to be served, let's go and find that wife of mine and your husband and let's eat" “ok Klayton grabbed hold of my hand and we walked throughout the hall to find Logan and Cassidy who were fortunately together with Cassius, Logan Junior and Dayton “Hey guys, food's gonna be served now and...” “Oh thank god, uncle Klay, my stomach feels like I've got a

wolf living in there because of how much it keeps growling at me" Dayton interrupted my cousin who laughed and picked him up “Well, let's not leave you waiting any longer, my dear nephew..LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!" Klayton shouted to get everyone's attention “Our hardworking chefs are about to serve us some delicious food, so can you all please follow us outside to our beautiful garden area?” Klayton said and I could tell from the looks and the sounds coming from our guests that they were feeling the exact same

way as Dayton, not that I can blame them, I'm bluddy starving as well “Let's go wifey” Logan said as he grabbed hold of my hand and kissed my lips which once again earned us some cheers from the crowd Is this a common thing? do wedding guests feel like it's mandatory to cheer and wolf whistle whenever the bride and groom kiss? or is it just my famiglia who does this?

There are maybe one or two hundred round tables with white and gold chairs, the table covers, candles, dinnerware, cutlery and a stunning floral centrepiece are also white and gold themed as well There's also a bar and a dancefloor in the middle of the gardens and hanging above the entire area are dozens of white lanterns which are gonna look so beautiful as the sun sets and night falls upon us “Wow, everywhere looks so beautiful” “Yeah it does, it's a wedding worthy of my queen” Logan said while kissing my temple and I closed my eyes as [

The pastor said before going into the sanctity of marriage, how we shouldn't take this contract lightly and that marriage is a partnership where we both have equal rights and an equal voice “A great marriage is born the moment when a husband and a wife decide to stop fighting against each other and start fighting for and with Chapter 12 - The Wedding - Par. o each other" “No truer words spoken” My grandfather Giuseppe said and I smiled at him

smiled We then walked over to our table and I sat down in my assigned seat which was in between my two Logans and [ couldn't help but narrow my eyes at my son “Are you ok, baby?" Iasked Logan Junior who seemed a little on edge “I'm fine, mum” “Are you sure?” “Mmm-hmm"*

"Are you sure?” “Mmm-hmm"* He says with a smile and I wrap my arm around his shoulders as [kiss his head “Principessa, why is your son wearing earphones at the dinner table?” “They're not earphones, nonno, they're ear defenders" I said and my gramps looked at us confused “Nonno, my eldest three babies have got ASD but Lo is higher on the

spectrum than Dayton and Teddy are and these ear defenders help ease his anxiety when he's around loud noises or when he's in crowded spaces like right now for example” “You don't say" My gramps said whilst looking at my son with an intrigued expression Food was eventually served and it was all of mine and Logan's favourite Italian meals but there were also some other meals on the menu which were off limits to Logan and my kids because they've got tomatoes in them

After we were finished eating our desserts, several people including Logan, Klayton, all three of my brothers as well as my grandfather, my dad and father in law gave speeches which was fun, lighthearted and even emotional at times, especially my dad's speech but it was Logans speech which left me feeling confused and it heightened my feelings from earlier when I felt like Klayton was up to something Logan said that he'll love me forever and protect me from any threats that may come my way which on the surface seems like a very sweet and protective statement for him to make but it was the tone of his voice and also the look on his face as he looked at me before looking at my grandfather and Klayton which made me think something is going on After the speeches were done, the dancefloor was then opened and everyone started to have fun but I was still stuck

on what my husband said and my mind was running a mile a minute over it Urghtt /'m probably just overthinking it “What are you thinking so hard about, beautiful?" Logan asked me as he gently caressed my cheek with his thumb

Ilooked up at the handsome man next to me and smiled “Nothing important” Logan briefly narrowed his eyes at me before smiling as he held his hand out for me “Well in that case...may I have this dance, my queen?” He asks me and my smile brightens “Yes you may, my king" I place my hand in Logan's hand and he helps me to stand up before leading us over to the dancefloor

“Ladies and gentlemen please give a round of applause for our bride and groom, Mr and Mrs Logan Black" My grandfather announced on the microphone as we approached the now empty dancefloor while the song Say You Won't Let Go by James Arthur started to play I wrapped my arms around Logan's neck and he wrapped his arms around my waist holding me as close to him as possible as he nuzzled his face in my neck placing gentle kisses on my neck and shoulder as he did We were both lost in our own little world and I loved being held in my husband's arms as I hoped and prayed to god that life would stay this perfect for us forever but I just couldn't shake this awful feeling that something bad was heading our way

God, hope I'm wrongThis belongs to NôvelDrama.Org: ©.

“Usually, we wait to do this part but the groom has requested Ido this part first to get it out of the way" The pastor said confusing me “Is there anyone here present who believes that these two should not be lawfully wedded here today?" "Not that it matters anyway" Logan muttered and I chuckled The gardens were filled with silence as I looked at my husband with an are you happy now? face and he smiled back as he winked at

me "Now, it's time for the vows" The pastor said before addressing Logan "Logan, do you take this woman to be your wife, to live together in holy matrimony, to love, honour and comfort her and to keep her in sickness and in health, forsaking all others for as long as you both shall live?" “ldo Logan said with a bright smile as his eyes glittered with excitement

“Lacey, do you take this man to be your husband, to live together in holy matrimony, to love, honour and comfort him and to keep him in sickness and in health, forsaking all others for as long as you both shall live?" “Ido” Ismiled at Logan as my thumbs gently caressed his knuckles Chapter 12 - The Wedding - Par “Logan, repeat after me, I Logan David Black, take you Lacey Olivia Black to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish, till death do us part"

Logan repeated what the pastor said and my eyes filled with tears when I heard the love and conviction in Logan's voice

Of course, I already knew how much Logan loved me and he makes sure to tell me or show me how much he loves and adores me every day but still, hearing it made me feel very emotional “Lacey, repeat after me, I Lacey Olivia Black, take you Logan David Black to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish, till death do us part”

I repeated these vows making sure Logan could hear all of my love for him in every single word “Now, for the rings" The pastor said with a smile as Logan Junior and Dayton stepped forward Iwas confused when I looked down at the two white pillows in my son's hands and I saw two very different rings from our original wedding bands Our original rings were white gold bands and mine had a strip of diamonds on it but these rings are different

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