Coming Home For Christmas

Chapter 1 (S2)

Chapter 1 - Hard Mountain To C Chapter 1 - Hard Mountain To Climb ‘Life is a circle of happiness sadness, hard times and good times, if you're going through hard times, have faith that good times are on the way’ ~ Unknown Set Three Years After The Second Epilogue..

Lacey's PO.V It's been three years Three long years since my life changed forever when I married my best friend and the love of my life Logan Black after he'd stormed back into mv life like a crazv and determined bat out of hell and claimed me as his

It's been three years since we welcomed our two beautiful children Joseph and Sophia into the world completing our amazing little family circle and it's also taken three long freaking years for Logan and I to finally have our perfect wedding day and now that it's almost here, I can't help but feel nervous When we had our first wedding three years ago, it was only a small ceremony at a registry office in London and there were only a handful of people in attendance but this time, our wedding will be even bigger and grander than our first and our guest list will be bigger and longer as well, so maybe that's why I'm feeling so nervous If you're wondering why it's taken us three long years to finally have the wedding of our dreams, well, let's just say that things weren't exactly a bed of roses for me after I'd had the twins, in fact, things were downright Chapter 1 - Hard Mountain To C awful for me After I had given birth to Joseph and Sophia, I was diagnosed with postpartum depression which left me in a really bad way for a very long time and I struggled every day to get back on my feet and become the old Lacey again

Even though I was receiving the best professional help out there and! had the full support of my husband and our families, every day felt like a battle which I was scared I would lose but I didn't and I was able to get back to my old self again and Logan was the main contributor to that happening The reason why I give him more credit than anyone else is because no matter what, Logan was always there and he never let up even on days when I could tell that he just wanted to lash out and scream at me so that he could vent all of his pent up anger, stress and frustration that was building up inside of him because of me but he never did, not once and he always remained in complete control and was super supportive of me during my recovery He always made sure to include me in everything he, our kids and our families were doing, even when I didn't want to be included and I just wanted to lock myself in our bedroom away from the world and lay in bed with the curtains drawn and listen to some Ed Sheeran or Lewis Capaldi so that I could wallow in my own self-importance and self-pity which is one of the things that I liked to do pretty much every day but Logan would stop me every single time he saw me sinking Logan knows just like everyone else who has suffered from mental health problems that one of the worst things you could ever do is wallow and get lost in the big, black hole that is your mind because it makes everything ten times worse for you and he wanted me to get better, not

worse Logan was determined to get me back to normal again and he was the perfect man to help me because he knew exactly what to say and or do to make me happy, as well as make me laugh and smile but most importantly, he knew how to make me feel loved and cared for and he'd constantly reassure me and let me know how important I am to everyone around me My handsome and amazing husband has been my rock these past three years which may sound incredibly cliché but I don't care because to me, it's a perfect depiction of him and what he is to me, he's my big, strong unmoveable rock who has remained by my side through thick and thin, through all of the highs and lows and every single meltdown I had when I just couldn't take it anymore When I needed a punching bag to unleash all of my anger and frustration, he was there When I needed a journal to express all of my feelings and fears to him without any judgment, he was there When I needed a shoulder to cry on, he was there with open arms and a willing ear to listen to me, Logan had even attended some of my therapy appointments with me which was a huge contributing factor to us getting through this incredibly rough period in our relationship and getting us to where we are now It wasn't the easiest mountain for me to climb and there were definitely days which were harder than others but I finally got there with the

help of my husband and our famiglia which has gotten a little bigger since we Yes, ladies and gentlemen, a year after I had given birth to Joseph and Sophia, I found out that I was once again pregnant which was probablyProperty © NôvelDrama.Org.

very irresponsible of me because I already had a lot on my plate and I was going through a lot mentally and emotionally but in my defence, this pregnancy wasn't planned and it was purely accidental What happened was Logan wanted to spoil and treat the both of us because of all of the stress we were both under, so he arranged a surprise weekend away to Hawaii for just the two of us and it was during this trip where I fell pregnant again To be honest with you, I'm not surprised that I fell pregnant during this trip because it was such a relaxing trip for us with no work, no kids and no painful reminders where I felt like I was failing as a wife and a mother Logan and I had gone on several dates enjoying the different restaurants they have in Hawaii, as well as enjoying their sights, we also had a picnic on the beach and spent quite a bit of time in the spa but we spent most of our time in our villa making love to one another until the sun came up This weekend was such a breath of fresh air for us and we were so blissfully happy and relaxed and lost in a perfect bubble of unconditional love that birth control was the furthest thing from our minds and that's how I wound up pregnant It was obviously a huge shock when we found out, especially for me because I wasn't even thirty yet and I was once again pregnant but

Logan was quick to reassure me that everything would be ok which I wasn't convinced about because I knew my husband wasn't a one-shot kind of guy which meant that I was gonna end up being a mom to a whole squad and I was right Nine months later, I gave birth via a caesarean section to another set of twins, a handsome baby boy we named Vito which means life in Italian Chapter 1 - Hard Mountain To C. bend and just like his older brothers, he's the spitting image of his dad and then there's our gorgeous baby girl who we named Valentina which means strong and healthy in Italian and she's a beautiful mixture of Logan and me just like her big sister Teddy The reason why we gave them these names is because I was diagnosed with preeclampsia in the latter part of my pregnancy which was almost fatal for the twins and me and when the twins were born, they had to be put in incubators because they were struggling to breathe on their own Thankfully, they're all good now but it was still a very scary time for our family and our faith in God was seriously tested during this time but we got through it and Logan and I decided to give our final children meaningful names Logan and I had a very long talk when I found out I was pregnant with Vito and Valentina and we decided that they would be our last

babies because A) my health is way more important than our growing family and B) seven children, as gorgeous as they are, they're more than enough for us, so I got my tubes tied during my caesarean section and Logan had a vasectomy done as well At first, I thought it was odd that he'd get a vasectomy because in my opinion, there was no need for him to do this if I was getting my tubes tied but then my heart melted when he told me that I was the only woman he wanted to have kids with and if was gonna take preventative measures then so was he Yes, my man is still so dreamy and perfect, aren't I lucky? Speaking of dreamy and perfect “Logan David Black the first, get those devilish lips and satan's hands away from my body right now" Chapter 1 - Hard Mountain To C "And why would I do that Lacey Olivia Black?" Logan asks me as he nuzzles his face in my neck and kisses my skin so lightly and gently, it was like he was trying to tease me, actually, I know he was

"Because our children are a few feet away from us and I don't want them witnessing their horny father being naughty with their innocent mother" I say with a smile and Logan scoffs "Pfft, weren't so innocent last night when you were riding my c**k like a naughty little cowgirl, were you?" Logan growled against my neck as he bit down on my soft spot making me moan "f**k, Logan" I growl through gritted teeth as I close my eyes and throw my head back This man is the freaking devil and every time his eyes, his lips or even his hands touch my skin, the fucker makes me wanna sin "There's my naughty queen” geet

I groaned/moaned when Logan started to slowly grind his hips against mine driving me insane I was already turned on when I saw my husband walking around our yacht like the s*x god he is wearing nothing but a pair of sunglasses, beach shorts and his beautiful smile showing off his huge muscles, his six-pack abs and that deep V line which leads to one of my favourite parts of his body but now he's making my arousal spike even further with what he's doing to me right now Chapter 1 - Hard Mountain To C "Logan baby, you need to stop" "Why?" "Because we're not alone" I said in a breathy voice "Then let's go somewhere where we'll be alone"

"No, we can't, we can't leave Poppy all alone with our babies" I said whilst biting down hard on my lower lip to suppress a moan "She's their nanny, Lace, it's literally her job to look after them, besides, she's not alone, she's got Lola here to help her as well" That's true Lola is a sweet young woman who we had hired around a year or so after I had given birth to our elder twins and the little shits got trigger- happy when they realised the trouble they could get into just by using their arms and legs The triplets were honestly a piece of cake compared to Joseph and Sophia and the poor girl has been run off her feet with them Poppy would always look like she was in major need of a vacation at the end of the day from looking after our little brood, so we hired Lola to help her with the workload which later came in handy when we had Vito and Valentina "Come on, baby, let's go back to our room so that I can devour your kitten with my mouth and my c**k"

Oh god I moaned when Logan slowly ground his hard-on against my wet, y "Please, Lacey...I need some alone time with my wife" ee, throbbing p Logan whispered huskily in my ear, his tone dripping with lust and Chapter 1 - Hard Mountain To C desperation for me

I narrowed my eyes at my children who were in the pool with Poppy and Lola, the triplets were busy doing cannonballs and dives while Joseph, Sophia, Vito and Valentina were on their little inflatable swimming floaties "Ok, fine" I said through gritted teeth as I looked my grinning husband in the eyes "That's my girl" Logan says excitedly as he gives me a quick kiss before jumping up from the sun lounger we were lying on He didn't even give me a chance to sit up before he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder causing me to squeal in surprise "Dammit Logan, put me down" "Nope"

"Daddy, where are you taking mummy?" Teddy asked her dad and Logan quickly spun around so that our daughter wasn't looking at her mother's ass hanging high in the air "Mommy's feeling a little tired, baby, so I'm taking her to have a little nap" Really, Logan? I thought to myself while rolling my eyes "Oh ok, enjoy your sleep" "Oh we will, Teddy Bear, trust me, we will" Logan said in a cheeky tone as he led us away from the pool area and down to our bedroom via the elevator

AS soon as we got to our room, Logan quickly I0CKed our door betore Throwing me on our bed and hovering over my body until there was literally no space left between us "It's a good job, I had our room soundproofed, Lace because I don't plan on going easy on you, my love" Logan's husky voice said against my lips “Are you sure you can still f**k me like you used to, baby? I think your age is starting to catch up to you" I say in a teasing tone knowing full damn well that he can still perform in the bedroom because A) he's only thirty-three, that's no age and B) we had some pretty hot s*x last night, so I already know the answer to my question but you know your girl loves to poke the big, bad, horny wolf that is her husband which I really shouldn't do because your girl also likes to walk the next day without looking like I've been rammed by a freaking freight train "What did you just say, Lacey?" Logan growled as he wrapped his hand around my throat which had me smirking "You heard me, Logan, do you think you can..mmm"

I didn't even get to finish my question because Logan had crashed his lips against mine kissing me with so much passion but it was also like he was trying to punish me as well fk, This man is gonna be the death of me Chapter 1 - Hard Mountain To C 8 MizzLaura “a Hi, beautifuls, Sorry, if this is crap, I recently suffered a death in my family and I'm all over the place mentally and emotionally but I wanted to get something out there for my wonderful and supportive readers, so I hope you liked it and it's ok if you didn't. If you haven't already please go and check out my other books on my profile. If you like this book or any of my other books please vote for them in the moon ticket contest. Love MizzLaura? "

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