Chained By The Alpha Jessica Hall

Chapter 14

Chapter 14

"Take these, and they'll help with the pain. Try to stay off your leg for a few days."

"Thanks, Doc," I say, standing and accepting the pain medication from his outstretched hand

"Bring her by next week, and I will remove the stitches provided she doesn't reopen it, no training, and she needs to try not to tear them open again," Doc tells my father. At the same time, I take that as my excuse to head to the bathroom Climbing the stairs, I hiss with every step, feeling the stitches tugging slightly. Once on the landing, I retrieve a towel from the linen cupboard and move toward the bathroom

Once in the bathroom, I strip off and hobble to the shower. As I wash, the soap burns my skin, yet it feels good to get all the gunk and grime off me. As soon as I am clean, I grab the pill box Doc gave me and read the instructions. Popping two pills in my mouth, I swallow some water before heading to my bedroom

I gingerly crawl into bed, and my stitches tug at my skin as I move about. I pull the blanket over myself and grimace as a sharp pain shoots up my leg. The medication hasn't kicked in yet, and the pain 1s almost unbearable. I remember the talk with my father and his refusal to allow Alpha Zayn's men near our borders

Despite the pain medication, I toss and turn. My mind revolves around rogue attacks, specifically the day I found my mother dead in the kitchen

It makes me wonder why my father would risk us again like that, knowing the damage more

attacks can cause. Tossing and turning, I stare at the roof, which seems to be oscillating, the drugs finally kicking. My eyelids droop and my thoughts float away

Maybe it's time to take things into my own hands, I think as the room fades. I have to speak with Alpha Zayn, I have to try to convince him to keep his men along our borders somehow, but what can I offer him in return? Before I can decide, the pain meds take hold completelyNôvelDrama.Org owns this text.

Despite tonight's events and the worry that is plaguing me, I drift off into a deep sleep where nothing can touch me, not even my father's orders or Linda's plotting schemes. She may make out I'm hers but I remember the way she treated my mother and sometimes I get a smug satisfaction knowing that no matter how long my mother has been gone, everyday she still has to see her face through me

~The next day~

I wake early the following morning to find my leg throbbing in pain. I am sweating, no doubt from a fever. Pulling the blankets away, I hiss when the sheet sticks to my leg. The wound must have leaked while I was asleep. With a groan, I rise from my bed and take a few moments to gather myself, welcoming the cool air

My thoughts immediately turn to Alpha Zayn, and an idea begins to form about how I can get to Alpha Zayn's pack. Hopefully, he'll speak with me. Despite our bickering, it seemed like he cared about me enough

I look over to check the time on my alarm clock

The red numbers on the alarm clock shine dimly into the dark room. The barely rising sun through the blinds shows the room in an eerie,

bloodied-like glow. The digital numbers blink: 6:18 a.m. I lay back down, trying to get back to sleep, knowing it is far too early to catch a bus into the city. If only I had a car, I think to myself. I should have my car. If only Lydia hadn't backed into it the other day

Cursing at Lydia and my legs, I get up and grab the pain medication and my robe hanging on the door. Wrapping it around myself, I move toward the door and open it. The house is dark, so I descend the stairs quietly, heading for the kitchen I grab a glass of water and take two of my pills when I spot my father's car keys sitting next to the fruit bowl. I chew my lip, debating whether I should. I am grounded, after all. Yet, thinking that Deacon's words flit through my mind

'Since when has that stopped you?' I know that this is my chance. If I can make it to Alpha

Zayn''s pack before anyone notices I'm gone, then maybe he will meet with me and listen to what I have to say before more people get hurt

Snatching the keys, I pull my robe off before looking down at my pajamas. Great, I curse, I'm sure this will be a really convincing outfit

Moving as quickly as possible, I move toward the door, where I spot Lydia's jacket. I pull it on

I know climbing the stairs back to my room will risk waking my father when the stairs creak

This is my only chance, so I take it, wearing my fuzzy hot pink pants with bunnies on them. On the bright side, I probably won't have to get out of the car; I can just ask the patrols to get Alpha Zayn

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The drive is long, my leg is throbbing painfully, and I've broken out in another sweat. It takes 20 minutes to reach the city and another 20 minutes before I eventually arrive at Alpha

Zayn's Pack on the city's outskirts, which is a massive gated community. As soon as I pull up out front, the car is surrounded by several wolves, their eyes sharp and suspicious. I wind the window down when one of them taps on it "What are you doing here?" one of them demands

I take a deep breath before speaking up. "I'm Cleo, Alpha Joseph's daughter from the Shadowcrest pack," I explain firmly. "T need to speak with Alpha Zayn." He glances at one of the other men, who shrugs, and I watch his eyes glaze over as he uses the mindlink

After waiting a few moments, he tells me Alpha Zayn is on his way down. I nod, leaning back in the chair and resting. My skin is hot, and I can feel sweat beading and rolling down the back of my neck. My hands are clammy, and I groan, feeling the pain meds kick in

Shit, and I need to try to drive home like this

Now, this entire thing doesn't feel like a good idea. How could I be so stupid? I don't know how long I am waiting, but I jump when I hear my name

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