CEO Leo’s Baby Mama Is Back

The free bird

Chapter 92 The Free Bird


Walking down the stairs slowly like he had something plunged up his ass, Leo massaged his nape slowly. He had slept in a wrong position and it’s wrecking his body. Making his way to the kitchen, Chloe was by the dining wolfing down the content of her piled up plate. The pregnancy is beginning to take a toll on her as she eats nonstop. He smiled at how cute she looked, sitting down next to her.

“You would stuff your face at this point.” He told her.Têxt © NôvelDrama.Org.

She giggled amidst mouthful, “I just can’t help it. It feels like the only way I can savor the taste properly is to eat it greedily. Whatever this baby wants I don’t have a choice but to feed it.”

Stretching out his hand, he ruffled her hair. “Eat as much as you want. No one will stop you.” Leo told her.

Pausing abruptly with her meal, Chloe turned to look at him. “Are you hurrying off to work now?”

“Today is Saturday, Chloe. Didn’t you check your time?” He joked. “Actually I intend to go see my mom. She has been throwing a fit over my refusal to visit her.”

“Then it will be best if I tell it to you now. Just wait here.” She said, making her way upstairs.

Leo patted his feet anxiously on the floor while he waited with curiosity. The cook brought him coffee and he sipped on it with one mind ruminating on what Chloe intends to give to him. She returned few minutes later almost out of breath.

“Here.” She huffed, handing him an envelope before sitting.

Gluing his eyes to her, he opened the envelope with caution. His eyes skimmed through the content of the paper and prompted Leo to gulp hard. “Divorce paper.” He stated.

Chloe hummed in response nodding towards the kitchen staffs to excuse them. “It’s the right thing to do, Leo.” She said in all sincerity even though it was a hard decision for her to make. She wanted to believe they would be able to work through it after the child’s birth, but the unexpected situation she found herself and with the help of her godmother, she realized there is more to her life than just being Leo’s wife.

Leo caressed his forehead. “We can work this out, Chloe. I have no intention of leaving you to sort this out yourself. I’m sorry if I gave off any odd reaction in the past.”

She dropped her cutlery and reached for his hands. “Don’t be like that, Leo. Don’t try to sacrifice your entire life for me again, please. I think it’s pathetic that the only reason we are together is because you pity me and you think I am too weak to handle a situation like that. I know I have been clingy in the past Leo, but it’s all because I wasn’t too confident in myself and I wasn’t sure what would become of me if we go apart. And my cowardly self didn’t want to find out. But I realize now that I will never be able to get fulfillment if I keep hanging onto you shamelessly. I made a mistake and I am very sorry about it. The both of us need to be free, to live our lives the way we want it. Even though it hurts to admit, I know your heart still belongs to Darby, with you both having a son together. It would be wrong of me to try and force this one on you. Let’s just put a stop to this charade. It’s not helping the both of us.”

Leo couldn’t refute her claims, she was right and had spoken his mind. But he didn’t want to be the self-centered bastard who is all about himself. “I feel bad that I wasn’t hideous enough with my feelings. I was just confused as to what I had to do, Chloe. I saw how much you love me and it was bothersome that I couldn’t give back the same energy. It was why I wanted to be whatever you wanted me to be. I was beginning to accept to love you whether my heart wanted it or not. However, Darby arrived along the line and I just found myself unable to stay put to you. I’m so sorry you had to get involved in my silly mess.”

“Let’s just agree that we are both at fault. I was well aware about your feelings towards me. But I was too selfish and didn’t want to leave you alone. So if there is any sorry flying around it should be from me.”

“That makes two of us.” He laughed. “How will your parents take the news?”

She shrugged. “I have no idea, Leo. Their personal interest was also part of the reason I got attached to you. I feel so mortified talking about it.”

Leo rubbed at her hand. “You don’t have to. I knew it from the start, since it’s advantageous on both sides. I didn’t see the need to hammer on it. I watched you grow Chloe and I knew how much pressure you had on you because of your parents consistent demands. Being with you was so many things for me. I just hope this wouldn’t stop us from being friends and I would love to be your child’s godfather.”

Chloe giggled, “I can’t believe you are already claiming space.”

“I just couldn’t resist. So, do I have to sign this now?”

“Yes, please. I will hand it over to my lawyer to do the necessaries.”

“How about where you would be staying?”

“Come on. My apartment was bought in my name, which means it’s mine for life. I will go back there and begin to focus on my career.”

“I’m so proud of you, Chloe.”

“I have you to thank for being considerate. I might never have come this far if you didn’t push me. Thank you, Leo.”

He pulled her into a tight hug, “Thank you for not hating me.”

She tapped his back. “Alright, alright, that’s enough. My food is getting cold, don’t forget to sign too.” She mumbled returning to her food.

Driving out of the house, Leo felt like a free bird. Not only did he get to express how he feels to Chloe, he has also been freed from the marriage. Even though it feels so wrong that he is jubilating, he can’t just help it. Typing quickly to Aaron, he pressed on the pedal and drove at speed. His mother already dropped a message telling him she prepared a nice meal for them to enjoy. Leo cringed at the thought of his mother manning the kitchen. She isn’t much of a good cook.

“Hey baby.” Grace called out to him from the dining table the moment he entered the house.

Walking towards her, he bent a bit to kiss her cheek. “How are you, mum?”

“I am very well, thank you. Will you like to sit and get served some wine?” She asked.

“That sounds nice.” He said pulling out a chair for him to sit. “What’s the special occasion, mum?”

“Can’t I ask to see my son?” She retorted.

“I know you too well, there is no way you would do all of this out of the blue. What’s the catch?” He insisted.

She huffed feeling caught. “Well, whatever. An old friend of mine passed away and it turned out that she has a son. However, they weren’t on good terms before her death and it had put a distance between them and it was because she was always too busy to spend time him. The young man was hysteric at her funeral.”

Leo looked amused. “So this is your own way of playing nice?”

She let out her tongue at him. “Just tell me thank you.”

Laughing, he sipped on his wine glass. “Well thanks mum. It’s a nice gesture no doubt.” Leo paused to think for a moment before letting out his words. “Chloe and I are getting divorced.” He blurted hurriedly to keep himself from holding back.

Grace had a cool demeanor on her face. “How is she taking it?”

“It’s a mutual consensus.” He said leaving out the part that she is pregnant.

Taking a deep breath, she reached for her son’s hand. “I’m proud of you son. You have done the right thing. Let’s not get gloomy now and eat to our fill.” She urged, causing Leo to burst into a fit of laughter.



Chloe feels like she would have a nervous breakdown if she doesn’t keep still. Plucking up courage after she and Leo had come to a decision to end the marriage and appended their signature to the divorce paper, she chose to tell her parents the situation of her marriage. Her mother seem to be excited when she saw her, her pregnancy state was beginning to show and she probably thinks it’s Leo’s. She had wanted to call her godmother to join her in making the announcement, but then she didn’t want to be a coward and keep running.

Ana walked hurriedly towards her with a bright smile on her face. “See how pregnant you look, baby. I love how you and Leo aren’t wasting time in starting a family. It’s also a good thing that you chose to stop working.” She kept talking.

Chloe exchanged a look with her father. He seems to know that something isn’t right with her. She cleared her throat moving away from her mother. The truth has to come out eventually and it wouldn’t hurt to do so now.

“Leo and I are getting divorced.” She announced. There was an abrupt silence in the room, if a pin dropped it would be heard loud and clear. Chloe saw her parents exchange a confused look on whatever she might be saying. Sitting up straight, she held their gaze. “I’m going to repeat myself again. I’m getting divorce, I no longer want to be married to Leo.”

Her mother burst into a fit of hysterical laugh. “Are you intentionally trying to pull our legs right now? Why would you pull up such expensive joke?”

Chloe kissed her teeth, “do I look like I am joking with you? I just told you loud and clear that I want nothing more to do with Leo.”

“If that is the case, how about your pregnancy.” Charles asked.

“I would be keeping my child because it’s not Leo’s.” She stated.

Ana gasped loudly in obvious shock. “Charles, are you listening to her? Does this girl knows what she is saying?”

“I am not stupid, mom. I know exactly what I am saying and I am telling it to you now that I do not want anything to do with Leo, this sham we call a marriage is over. And mind you, Leo doesn’t own the child I am carrying. He has a different father and you don’t have to worry about denting your name. I can handle myself.”

“You fool!” Ana screamed spitefully. “What did I ever do to deserve such an inconsiderate child? I should have known you will end up this way. You have always been a disappointment from the beginning-”

“Ana…” Her husband drawled trying to caution her but she wouldn’t listen.

“Don’t stop me, Charles. I don’t think she knows just how much trouble we go through to keep her educated and well fed. And just this one thing she is expected to do right, she still can’t do it. What is the essence of your beauty if you can’t use it to keep a man?”

Hot tears rolled down Chloe’s face as she stared at the woman she has called mother for years. “How can you say such a thing to me? What exactly did I do wrong to deserve this sore attitude from you, mum? Do you hate me that much? You knew clearly that this marriage was loveless and that I was the only one pushing for the union. Still you didn’t mind pushing me into it?”

“What does love have to do with anything? You both are comfortable around each other and that is enough. Love means nothing and it’s more of a delusion. I am so disappointed in you.” She ranted.

“Enough!” Chloe yelled jolting off her seat. “I have had enough of you pushing me around like I do not matter and making me feel like I am not worthy of true love. If you didn’t get to be loved I don’t have to face the same fate as you. I am not going to go on with this marriage and that is it!”

“You are so shameless!” Ana spat in distaste.

“Stop doing this, Ana. Hear the girl out. Stop being such a monster!” Charles rebuked.

She threw him a hard glare. “Stay the hell out of this. Where exactly did I go wrong in training you? How can you be so proud of falling pregnant for someone else when you are married? Isn’t that so absurd? Is this what you have been taught?”

Clenching her fist angrily, Chloe gritted. “I would like that you rephrase that statement you just made. You didn’t lift a finger when it comes to raising me. Dad provided the money and aunt Desire did her best for me by standing in place of a mother. You aren’t half the mother my godmother is-”

Ana didn’t wait for her to finish her sentence before slapping her hard across the face. Charles rushed towards them to hold her hand. “Stop it, Ana. Think of the condition she is in.” He told her.

“Get off me!” She screamed trying to free herself from her husband’s grip. “If you think Desire is so perfect, why don’t you adopt her as your mother instead? You ungrateful brat!”

Rubbing at the affected area, Chloe sniffed as her eyes laden with tears. “I always knew you despised me. I wasn’t just sure to what extent. Thank you for finally giving me a wake up call. Do whatever pleases you, mum. I will also do mine. Goodbye.” She said grabbing her bag and leaving the house.

Chloe couldn’t hold back the tears any longer and it just fell uncontrollably. She knew she wasn’t in the right state of mind to drive. To avoid any casualty, she sat in the car resting her head on the steering wheel and crying with no restraint. She wouldn’t forgive her mother so easily. It’s obvious she cares more about herself than anyone else. To think Chloe has been burning her butt off in a bid to satisfy her blood sucking mother.

Her phone rang calling her attention, she checked the screen to see the caller. Relief washed over her when the caller was her godmother.

‘Charles just called me now. Where are you at?’ Desire mumbled into the receiver the moment she picked up.

Sobbing quietly, Chloe coughed. ‘I’m not fine, Aunt Desire. I just want to go far away from here and never come back.’

‘My baby, I am so sorry you are saddled with all of this. Just tell me where you are right now. I will come pick you.’ She said.

‘I am still parked in front of the house.’

‘Stay right there and wait for me.’

Chloe huffed. ‘No, please. I don’t want to act like a weakling every time. Where are you at instead?’

‘At the office.’

‘I will come. Please help order some burger and chicken.’

“l’Anything you want, baby. I will be expecting you.’ She assured.

Hanging up, Chloe grabbed a tissue on her dashboard and wiped at her wet face. Crying over spilled milk won’t do anything, she has to focus on her life and that is it. Kick-starting the car, she made an inward promise to herself to never let her emotions get the best of her ever again.

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