CEO Leo’s Baby Mama Is Back

Talking it out

Chapter 96 Talking it out

SAINT HOSPITAL, LOS ANGELES.NôvelDrama.Org is the owner.

Darby watched keenly as the doctor ran a check on Sinclair. Even though nothing alarming has happened for the past five days, it still bothered her that something could go wrong.

“How is he doing, doctor?” She asked biting on her thumbnail.

The doctor turned to her with a reassuring smile. “There is nothing for you to worry about, ma’am. He is recuperating just fine.”

“But he has been sleeping a lot.”

“That’s because his body is resting to regain strength. I promise you don’t have to worry about anything.” He assured taking his leave.

Sighing, Darby caressed Sinclair’s hair. He only wakes up to eat or whine then go back to sleep. She was tired of seeing him in such condition and wants him to get on his feet and run around like he always does. Emma who was returning from the restroom, placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. She and Maureen not excluding Anthony have been visiting every day to check on Darby and Sinclair. Since they were in the VIP wards there were spare beds in place which enable them to take turns to sleep over. Isabella has also been very supportive as always. She had gone to the penthouse with Maureen to get a change of cloth and Anthony had driven them home.

“You should stop worrying now, baby. He would be fine.” Emma assured.

Darby nodded, “I do know that. It’s just hard seeing him in this condition. I have never had to look after him on an hospital bed before.”

“Situations like this happen and it can’t be helped. How is Scarlett doing?”

“Very well. I took a quick break to check on her and she was quite insistent on seeing Sinclair. I had to plead with her to remain rested while assuring her that he is fine.”

“She cares about him so much.”

“I know right.” She grinned.

“So, when do you intend to start talking to Leo?” Her mother drawled.

Darby’s heart thumped at the mention of him. “I don’t want to talk about him, mum. At least he gets to see his son whenever he wants to.”

“Which has become inconvenient because the mother isn’t pleased to see him. He is the father of your child no doubt, but he is also the one who holds the key to your heart. Why are you being so adamant to your feelings?”

“You don’t understand anything that is going on mum.”

“How about you make me understand then?”

She huffed looking towards the window. Darby hardly kept malice, but she finds herself really disinterested in having any kind of conversation with them. Zac would have boarded his plane by now, he had informed her of his return to San Francisco via text. It made her wonder what would become of Chloe now that the father of the child seem to have ran off. As for Leo she has finally been able to justify and let out all the anger she had felt towards him for abandoning her. Also, she intends to guard her heart as much as she can to avoid getting heart broken again.

“It’s okay if you don’t want to talk about it.” Her mother’s words halted her thoughts.

Darby waved a dismissive hand. “Oh, sorry mum. This isn’t about not wanting to share. I just need that much space to be sure if what I feel is even real or I’m just blinded by the loneliness I feel.”

Emma massaged her shoulder. “Never hold back on whatever you feel dear. It’s the only means by which you wouldn’t have regrets. People might call it stupid, but as long as you feel right about it in your heart just take a leap.”

“Is there something you regret not doing?” She asked.

“Yes, I regret running away from your father that night. That was the best night I have ever had in my entire life. I should have followed the thump of my heart and not think of what would become of Noah. I have regrets, but you shouldn’t. At the same time, be patient and let fate take its course.”

Darby patted her hand. “Thanks mum.” The ward door got opened getting both women’s attention, Darby was surprised to see Chloe at the door. “Chloe?”

Chloe smiled shyly, raising her hand. “Hi, good day ma’am.” She greeted Emma.

“Hello.” Emma replied.

“Hi, Chloe. This is my mother, Emma. Mum meet Chloe she is my client and Leo’s-”

“Ex-wife.” Chloe helped her finish the sentence just incase it becomes quite hard to pronounce.

The older woman looked taken aback. “I didn’t know that happened. You know what? I will stretch my leg for a minute. You both should take your time.” She said hurrying out of the room.

Chloe pulled a chair to sit in when they were alone. “I am sorry it took me this long to check up on Sinclair. I just got to know yesterday.”

Darby felt touched at Chloe’s gesture, her face looked swollen which means she must have also had a rough couple of days. It made her feel more guilty. “I know there is so much on your mind, Chloe. You shouldn’t have bothered. I already feel bad for being the reason behind your divorce. Now you have to leave your comfort zone to check on my son. I have asked too much of you.”

“What are you saying?” Chloe chuckled. “We are meant to be best of friends, Darby. We might as well start now by being sincere to each other. My marriage with Leo was never suppose to happen, before your arrival it was on a rocky edge. We were just too good at hiding things. Your presence only helped show the true state of whatever we shared. Also I just can’t seem to stay put with Leo when I am carrying someone else’s baby. I never should have made you feel like a threat to a relationship that doesn’t have any solid foundation. I was just so frustrated that I needed someone to blame and you were an easy target. I’m sorry you got dragged into all of this.”

Tears lingered in the corner of Darby’s eyes. “I grew up with less or no love around me. And as much as I crave to have a sincere one, I have no intention to deprive somebody else of love by taking what they cherish away from them. I saw how much you cherished Leo in your eyes and it was why I tried to keep my son away. But then it wasn’t in my place to decide the relationship between father and son. I’m sorry if I have caused you any kind of inconvenience. It was never intentional.”

Chloe reached for her hand, “I want to ask you for a favor and I hope you won’t call it bluff. Ever since I have known Leo, I have known him to be a loving and considerate person. He never acts selfish and is considerate of other people’s feelings. His heart always belonged somewhere almost like he was longing for someone. I didn’t know who it was until I met you. Even though he tries hard to dismiss the feeling, I knew he wanted you. You also deserve to be wanted, Darby. Give love and change a chance. I will be leaving for San Francisco in a week time. I hope we can get to talk and know each other better. Myself and Leo are friends now, we don’t have any kind of beef. I just needed to let you know that.”

“Alright. That’s good to know.” Pulling her into an embrace, the both of them chuckled. “Thank you for coming, Chloe. It means a lot to me.”

“Same here.” She admitted, rubbing at her back.

Darby finally felt at ease knowing she wasn’t the orchestrator of the divorce after all.


“My baby.” Darby cooed in Sinclair’s ear as he wrapped his small arms around her neck giggling.

The doctor said he could get discharged today, Scarlett might still be in the hospital for a few days considering the fact that her leg was stuck in the back of the car seat and had taken a while to be freed. They would need to run few x-rays on the leg and be sure it’s fit to move around again. Darby was over the top at Sinclair’s quick recovery, spending almost two weeks in the hospital wasn’t any fun and she might have lost her sanity if not for the support of her family.

Leo opened the door making his way towards them, he looked like someone deprived of sleep. “Hey, champ.”

“Daddy!” Sinclair yelled wiggling away from his mother’s hold to reach for his father.

Darby felt a stab in her heart at the eagerness Sinclair had towards being with his father. Like always he wouldn’t let him go until he probably falls asleep. She had maintained her distance from Leo, mainly because she still hasn’t gotten the chance to think about what she really wants with him. Being a responsible adult involves not doing anything in haste. It’s not like Leo has said anything about how he really feels towards her which limits her from thinking over board. Even though Chloe has told her just how much Leo cares, she is not just worried about getting hurt but she is more bothered about looking stupid.

“I have gotten all of his vitamins from the pharmacy and dropped it off with Isabella on her way to the car. Are you ready?” Leo asked.

“Hmmm.” She mused avoiding his eyes as she made her way out.

Leo stood in her way, his eyes searching hers. “I thought you already heard Chloe’s side of the story? Why are you still keeping malice with me?”

Squaring her shoulder she looked up at him. “This isn’t about you, Leo. This is about what is best for me. I also have a life of my own to live.”

“So refusing to talk it out with me or at least listen to whatever I have to say is how you intend to solve this?”

“Whichever way I choose is my decision to make.” She stomped her foot.

Leo groaned almost pulling at his hair. He just wanted to settle things with her so badly. “I’m sorry, Darby. Please forgive me, I can’t seem to do anything right for weeks now.”

“Mummy please forgive my daddy.” Sinclair said so innocently that it made Darby’s heart burst.

Turning her face away, she left the room refusing to let herself be dragged into something she wasn’t so sure of yet. Due to an emergency, her father couldn’t join them and only Emma and Maureen had come around to see them home. Darby went into Scarlett’s room to say goodbye and also promise to visit until she gets discharged. Making her way to the elevator with Leo and Sinclair behind her, Darby inhaled sharply and her belly growled like it got triggered.

Sinclair cackled childishly. “Mummy is hungry.”

Leo couldn’t resist the amused look that appeared on his face. “If it’s okay by you we can stop at a restaurant to eat.” He offered.

Darby bit hard on her lips, she couldn’t refuse the invite to a good meal. “I hope it’s going to be a place with amazing food. My appetite is on a hundred.” She admitted.

“Trust me on this one.” He grinned as they stepped out of the elevator to join the others.

“Can we go to a nice restaurant to eat first. My worms are on a full attack mode.” Maureen whined causing Emma and Isabella to laugh at her.

“We were just thinking about that. Let’s all go before heading home.” Leo said.

It’s almost noon and all of the adults haven’t had a proper meal, because they were getting ready to leave the hospital and sign off whatever papers was needed. Leo drove them to a restaurant not too far from the hospital. The ambience seemed homely and more family oriented. So they didn’t have to worry about fitting into a table. It was made for such gathering. After they all relaxed into their seats, each person ordered what they wanted while Sinclair was handed a plate filled with cut out fruits that Isabella made him that morning. He took it with delight eating happily.

“This tastes really good.” Maureen hummed smacking her lips. She has always been one to go fully on expressing herself.

“I don’t know how to thank you all enough for staying with us all through the days Sinclair was in the hospital. It would have been too hard for Darby to deal with all alone. Thank you.” Leo said.

Emma smiled. “You don’t have to thank us, Leo. It’s our duty towards Darby and Sinclair. This is the least of things that I am suppose to do, since I never did it for Darby years back I might as well start being responsible from now on.”

“Thank you still, mum. Thank you too aunt Maureen and Isabella. You three rock.” Darby smiled at them.

“And I almost thought my eyes was deceiving me.” Someone bellowed behind them. They all turned around to see Noah with a mischievous glare in his eyes. “Emma and her bastard daughter.”

“What the fuck are you doing here, Noah?” His sister queried eyeballing him.

“I think I will go stay in the car with Sinclair.” Isabella whispered, carrying the boy hurriedly, just incase curses start flying around.

“You can’t cause a scene here, sir.” Leo mused in a strict tone.

Noah scoffed. “And who is this? Is he your new plaything, Emma? Since all you do is fuck around? I was wondering why you never returned home. I should have known you already ran off to your bastard begging for a place to stay. Shouldn’t you be ashamed?” He growled.

“Please, Noah, not here.” Emma said in a shaky voice.

“Oh, if it isn’t here then. How about we take it home?” Noah had an underlying threat to his tone.

Darby looked around the table, Maureen and Leo seem taken aback and probably stuck on what to do and there was her mother looking very pale with fear written all over her face. It made anger sizzle inside of her. She has never really gotten the chance to tell the man she had considered her father over the years how much she detests him. How much she wished she didn’t have to play pretend and go by his name. Slapping the table hard, she turned her face to him.

“That’s enough!” Darby bellowed standing up to face him, it made the customers in the restaurants turn around to look at them.

“And the bastard speaks.” He snickered.

Gritting her teeth, she pointed a warning finger at him. “Don’t you ever refer to me as a bastard. You were never half the man my biological father is. Knowing him I realize that there is more to a man than just retiring from the military and bullying the woman you call your wife.” She yelled in his face. “Mind you she wants nothing to do with you anymore. My mother would be getting a divorce from you and that should be the end to you seeing her.”

He burst into a fit of hysterical laughter. “I guess you now think very highly of yourself because you earn well. You still owe me and as for Emma I own her till the end of time so she is never going to get a divorce from me. I am not going to sign any fucking paper. Run all you want, Emma. I’m not going to let you off, not now, not ever.”

“You do have a low memory. Allow me juggle it back to life, you signed a contract that said you would never trespass towards me again. After you collected a huge amount of money from my friend, Zac.” Darby felt victorious at the reminder. The look on Noah’s face said it all.

“And it’s of no use you threatening Emma with being with you ever. Your marriage was sham from the beginning, she was never married to you.” Maureen blurted flaring her nose.

Noah growled angrily causing loud gasps from the other customers to envelope the room. In a flash he made an attempt to hit Maureen but Leo was fast on his feet and got to pull him back, clasping both hands behind him.

“What do you mean?” Emma asked with tears in her eyes.

Maureen huffed tiredly. “I’m so sorry, Emma. I should have told you when I found out. But you seemed happy with him at the time and I didn’t know how to break it to you. Turns out the papers you signed to seal your marriage are fake, Noah just wanted to tie you down and feel entitled towards you because he saved you and put a roof over your head. He has always been a plain asshole from the beginning. Bounded by a legal marriage certificate means that when you file for divorce his properties would get slashed in two. Because he didn’t want that to happen, he made you sign a fake one. You were naive and madly in love, all you wanted to do was please him, it was why you didn’t question it when he held a barbecue Sunday at the back of the house and asked you to marry him with the assurance that the papers were legit.”

“That’s a lie you piece of shit.” Noah gritted as he struggled against Leo’s grip. Leo already signaled to the manager of the restaurant to call the police.

“I’m not lying, Emma. You do know how much I love you. If you are still doubting you can check the marriage registry at the LA county if yours is there.” Maureen insisted.

Emma couldn’t believe her ears, standing up slowly she walked towards Noah. Without a word, she used all of the strength that she possesses and slapped the manipulator and cheat hard across the face.

“You should rot in hell!” She spat in his face before storming out of the place. Darby ran after her.

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