Capo Dei Capi (Secrets of the Famiglia Part 1)

Chapter 61 (Aliyana)

Chapter 61 (Aliyana)

My mother was killed years back in a gun down. It was the one time, Guilia ever saw Papa cry.

Some blamed the Irish, others blamed the Russians, and the Germans but no one knew who it was

besides my Papa who was set on revenge. With Ren it was a similar death, a gun down. The worst

way to die.

After Capo Marcello lost his son, our men were going wild. For the past few months they have hunted

down and I am certain, killed many people. But they don’t know who is responsible. I do, as well as

Deno, Michel, Mero, Gabriel, begrudgingly Marco and an old friend, Dexter. Michel, Mero and Gabriel

wanted revenge, but Deno had a plan and acting out isn't part of it. I was still uncertain which of my

friends were behind it. Or if any.

My sister’s butt sticks out as she finally manages to get herself off the bed from wiggling her stomach

down the mattress. She looks crazy.

Regardless of how my life has been these past months, I sit on the edge of my bed and I laugh as I

smack her butt - hard.

Guilia grabs my small cream throw pillow and hits my head with it. I grab the big continental behind me

and fling it on her head. She flops back on the bed laughing.

“Not funny Yana.” Her carefree, untarnished eyes smile at me. It makes me a bit jealous of her. I would

never have that.

I never got the chance to be so innocent. Papa made sure his favorite daughter knew no such luxury

when he decided to send me into Russo territory and then decided he would teach me a Bratva


When I was twelve my Papa found one of the men who killed my mother. He kept the guy locked up for


I was home for winter break, my mind was stuck on the Harry Potter books and the painting I was

working on was my vision of Hogwarts.

Papa called for me, he always sent our house ladies. This time he sent a soldier to call me, Quintin. I

followed him down to the study unaware of what I was walking into. When I knocked on his door, he

told me to come in.

It was the middle of winter and I had this baggy old t-shirt Filippo gave me, with sleeping beauty

painted on it in mixed colors.

Papa told me to hurry up, and I knew he was in the secret room behind the bookshelves. The one we

were forbidden to go in.

He told me to come, not be scared. I was twelve, he was allowing me into a forbidden room, how could

I not be scared. I was clueless as I stepped into the room. I was the same age a male man becomes a


And like a right of passage for our men, in secret with people I can’t remember, in the middle of winter,

my Papa gave me mine when he placed a gun in my hand and told me that the man on the chair

bleeding in the middle of the room, was the one who killed my mother.

I knew what he expected me to do, I didn’t need to be told and I didn't hesitate as I put those bullets in

the man's head. One for every time Guilia had heard my father cry out my mother’s name. One for my

sister who will never know the love of her parents and one for my Papa, because unlike me who had

never tasted the sweet bliss of my mother’s smile and witnessed her vibrancy he spoke about, he did.

I expected something reverie to happen after I killed him, satisfaction. Something that would tell me this

day was something special, even if it was from horror stories whispered to little kids, but I felt nothing.

The gun was loud and it hurt my ears, maybe a bit heavy too. The man’s body jerked with every shot

and I might have heard a few gasps, but me? I felt nothing. Maybe nothingness is a feeling.

Papa told me to leave after that and I did. I went back upstairs to my room and finished my painting.

Since that day I have lived up to my name. I am a killer, and my father’s daughter. I am also the one

who knows his secret and it is not Elisa Russo. My father’s secret is much bigger than his infidelity and

the punishment for those crimes are death.

"Aliyana, drivers here" Papa screams from the bottom of the staircase.

“Coming old man,” I yell back. Yeah, I am my father’s daughter.

My long hair brushes my back as I jump off the bed. I grab my black converse shoes that lay on

opposite ends of my bedroom. They are a bit dirty, but I love them.

Shoving them in my laptop bag, I grab my leather satchel. Turning in time to watch my sister on her

phone, in that pink tight dress.


"Yeah," She looks up to me, and smiles.

"You always look best in blue." I wink as I open the door and rush down the stairs barefoot.

"Did you remember to take your shoes?" Papa says as he walks into the entrance way opening the

door for me.

I smile, "Yes Papa. Love you, old man," I kiss my Papa on his cheek and rush toward the Bentley

double checking I packed my shoes in my bag just in case.

"Morning Jere," I say to the driver. Since the death of Ren my father and siblings have relocated to

Washington State, I’m just glad it isn’t with me, they were living in Kirkland. My Papa said I could

continue with my studies as long as I came home before 7. The drive from my University to Bellingham

is a distance so I understood his paranoia.

What I didn’t like was Matteo Di Salvo in my space. Today he wasn’t with us for the drive, but true to

word for the last 6 months Matteo has been my new soldier. And he has a voice he loves and I despise.

I had to beg Papa to send Jere and let Romero and Michel guard me today so I can fetch my friends

without his interference.

Matteo was of no use to me, just a hindrance I wanted to get rid of. My night time activities had come to

an almost complete stop even before Papa punished me.

Which meant I didn’t see Elisa as often as I wanted to, which wasn’t often at all.

I still snuck out to the guys, and Deno covered me at other times but since Papa has now stated he

didn’t want me ‘disappearing’ with Fuckin’ Deno fuckin’ Catelli, Deno covering for me didn’t seem like a

possibility in any near future.

I had to give Matteo points for his loyalty to Papa though, but I wanted that loyalty aimed to me. I

needed it to be.

"Morning Miss Capello, shall we go fetch Miss Bray?" Jere is a 40-year-old soldier. His father and NôvelDrama.Org owns this.

brothers have been protecting the Consigliere of The Capo Dei Capi for years. In our world, trust and

honor goes along way. He isn’t an Italian but to be a part of the The Capo Dei Capi’s people Papa said,

breed was not something taken into account.

"Yes, and Josey too please."

"Yes ma'am."

“Jere, do you think we can stop at Kylie’s house for a bit after I come home and change?”

“Sure, your father said he didn’t mind you going out Miss Capello, he just wants you home before it

gets late.”

“I know, but sometimes what my father says and ends up doing is the complete opposite.”

“Mr Capello just wants you safe Miss Capello.”

I sigh, as a text comes to my phone.

Where are you, what did guard boy say?

Leonardo will be there ;)


Kylie’s text makes me smile for 2 reasons, 1 because I still had her thinking I was completely hooked

on Leonardo which I was planning on clarifying soon. The 2nd was because she was Kylie Bray, and

an awesome friend with a personality as vibrant as the smile she always blessed you with.

I don’t respond to her because we are already at her gate. Kylie used to drive to campus every day, her

place isn’t very far from mine, so recently I started fetching her after Vincent gave me a call. Why he

chose to treat her like nothing but behind her back keep her safe was something I didn’t understand

and didn’t want to understand since I gave him a wide berth and he did the same with me. For good


Diamond, Ren’s girlfriend couldn’t stay with others due to her destructive temper and her mind. I knew

she was a genius but I didn’t know how dangerous a genius she was until I found out she was the

reason the Bratva kidnapped Kylie’s brother, Jace Stone. Diamond was also the reason Kylie gave up

the sorority life and chose to drive an hour and a half to Campus every day. This I found out from the

guys, meaning Mero, Michel and Gabriel, and a bit from a very drunken Kylie.

Diamond and Kylie are close, closer than sisters. I envy their bond. They would never feel loneliness

because they will always have each other.

I will never have that, I was born in a lonely world, where every move has to be precisely orchestrated if

you wish to stay just a bit longer and though I have the boys and Deno they were getting older. Soon

their loyalty will change, and so would mine.

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