Capo Dei Capi (Secrets of the Famiglia Part 1)

Chapter 58 (Aliyana)

Chapter 58 (Aliyana)

6 Months Later

"Do you think this one is going to get his attention?" Guilia asks me for the umpteenth time, facing the

long narrow mirror and striking some really sexy poses.

"If Papa saw you in that you would get HIS attention.” She flinches, scrunching her nose. Yeah, I feel

you sister.

“Why are you so obsessed with getting Marco to notice you? He is dangerous. Why can't you just go

for Deno, he is a better option than his brother. Trust me on this."

Since Ren passed away, Marco avoids me like I carry a bad case of herpes. I see him but only when

he is stopping by to see Papa. There’s quite a few of those ‘stopping by’ occurrences. In fact they are

almost 4 times a week now. They used to be more infrequent and I also used to get a nod OF

acknowledgement then.

Now, it’s like he is a completely different person and while I am no saint either, I wasn’t the one who led

him on, promised him things only to announce the very next time I saw him that I would give those

things to someone else. That was him.

Well, he didn’t really announce it, but the pictures of him kissing the cheek of that woman spoke in loud


I fume silently because even now, 6 months later I want to tell him that he has made promises, call him

a liar. But I remain silent hoping there will come a day I’m courageous enough to stand in that foyer as

he walks by me. When I do, my eyes will never waver from his, then he will know the meaning of hurt

and pain. He will see how he has tempted me to indulge in the forbidden. I am now tainted, filled with

the emotion of heartbreak yet again. A sinner.

Only this time I have touched him, tasted him and he has claimed me only to throw me out like the half-

blood I am meant to feel like.

Deno makes an effort to keep in contact with me. Not that he has a choice, since Gabriel, Michel and

Mero are set on vengeance and the only thing stopping them from causing ripples in a very shaky

moment of silence is Deno and I. Plus there was still the possibility that one of them was in fact Ren's


Salvatore Moretti had the job of keeping them on a leash but the guys didn’t like him and made that

clear when they cornered him in a gentlemen’s bar.

Mero, Michel and Gabriel, were the same age group as I, but none of them had my calm rational mind

when it came to avenging Ren and their anger didn’t help me determine which one of them killed Ren.

Deno and I agree on this one thing. Well, if I am honest, we agree on a lot of things. Including our

growing friendship.

The last time I saw Deno was three days ago. I was leaving Campus grounds when my phone started

buzzing with that irritant ringtone he put on my phone. Believe me, the feeling wasn’t just mutual. The

people walking around me scowling, and laughing told me how not mutual the feeling was, as I dug for

my cell in my leather satchel bag, as The Chipmunks yelled about big booties from my phone.

I smiled at the older lady, who was the Calculus professor, giving me the stink eye as my hand finally

grabbed onto my cell.

‘KINGMAN’ Flashed on my screen. And I will never admit the smile it brought to my face after the shitty

day I was having. The wind was chilly as it blew my long hair back as my gloved hand, with rubber

fingertips swiped the screen to the right.

“Hey there, Kingman.”

He laughed, “Like your new ringtone?”

I groaned in mock horror, “Don’t start. I see 5 missed calls with your name on it, really smooth

Kingman.” Deno and I had grown close these past 6 months and my relaxed charm came natural to

me. There was no need to keep all my walls up around him. He knew I was not like the other women. I

never got the chance to be, my Papa made sure of that.

I didn’t see the man as a Capo, and he didn’t see me as just a female. He saw me as Aliyana Capello,

a friend that wouldn’t be his enemy. I still found him scary when he got pissed off with Gabriel and

Mero, but I knew he wouldn’t hurt me.

“Got a bit of an issue, I’m coming to pick you up, be there in 20 seconds.”

“18 seconds, Ciao.”

He coughed trying to stop the laugh I was certainly threatening to come out as I clipped the call. Phone

in hand, bag slung over my shoulder, I walked toward the parking lot where I saw Jere and the

unmistakable Matteo.

I signalled them with my chin, as true to word, Deno’s black and red detailed Mercedes zipped into a

free parking spot, two cars away from Matteo’s scowling face. Gosh, Matteo was annoying.

I ignored him and took my overly dressed body over to Deno as he jumped out of his car, his face

covered with a pair of Harley Davidson sunglasses I loved.

The man was sex on sticks, and it was a shame, that he wasn’t the brother I kissed or the one I lusted

for all those years prior.

Why do I always choose the wrong guy? This thought was not something I thought for the first time, try

more like the thousandth and one time.

“What can the awesome Aliyana help your Majesty with today.”

His face was sexy under the darkening cold sky as he blessed me with a grin to end all grins. Matteo

walked closer toward us, but Deno flicked his wrist sending him away. I sent a silent thank you to the

demon who thought one of his own should be named Deno Catelli.

His clothes, cream Italian cotton pants, a linen shirt that was a few shades lighter, open on the chest,

and rolled up on the sleeves said that, number one, he wasn’t working on anything too serious today.

Number two, he was having a relaxing day and something changed that he was here, at my school.

Correction, already almost here at my school before he even spoken to me.

“Why do I have a feeling this is not good news I am going to be hearing?” I said as he just stood there

looking at me in a Nike tracksuit, and Asis Sneakers. I was not dressed to meet a Made-Man. I was

dressed to go to classes and meet Kylie at the gym to relax in a hot tub.

“You guessed correct, it is going to blow your fuckin’ mind. Get in the car, I’ll tell Russo to follow.” His

words broke no argument from me, when he ordered this and I did what I was told in a quick

succession of throwing my bag in the backseat of his car and sliding my ass in the warm seat, seatbelt

on. All this done, like I have done this every day. I didn’t, but I have been in this car enough times that I

knew the drill of putting my stuff in the backseat.

He drove in the opposite direction to my home and he drove fast. I expected a lot of stuff to happen, or This content is © NôvelDrama.Org.

the problem he had to be about Mero or Gabriel.

What I didn’t expect was for him to stop at a small Estate two hours away from Campus. I am not sure

how he managed to do it, but when we got to the gate of the place, Matteo and Jere were nowhere in

sight. The thought made my pulse race at the idea I was alone with our soon to be Capo, and a part of

me was screaming in horror, while the other part of me reminded me that I wasn’t a pissy and Deno

wouldn’t hurt me.

Another part of me, and it was a very tiny dark part, admitted as I jumped out of the sexy car driven by

a really hot and dangerous Made-Man, looking up at the four-story monstrosity, that being alone with a

man as dangerous as Deno Catelli sent a sick thrill through my body.

It was a taste of power and I loved every minute of it. He showed me around the house and his request

that came after that was strange but something I agreed to do after he shrugged his shoulder and said,

“We’re practically family.” Yeah, I didn’t believe he was buying me a house and wanting it in my name

because we were ‘Practically’ family.

But we were friends and pissing off a bad man like Deno and refusing his gift was not something I was

going to do. Friend or not. So, I smiled and said thank you. And now three days later I am the proud

owner of a huge mansion bought for me by Deno Catelli because we are ‘Practically’ family.

I have not told Papa about any of it during his 1-hour lecture and 2-hour interrogation on why I

‘disappeared’ as he so loudly pointed out with ‘Fuckin’ Deno fuckin’ Catelli’ (Papa’s words, not mine).

Obviously, it took a lot of covering up and my lying skills were put to an ultimate test calming Papa


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