By His Vow: A Billionaire Arranged Marriage Romance

By His Vow: Chapter 41

The rest of our weekend is a dream.

After our bath, Kingston made another incredible breakfast and we spent almost the whole day lounging on the couch, watching Netflix and laughing.

It was incredible. It was also mind-blowing.

I’ve never spent time with him before that wasn’t hard work and full of snide insults and bickering. So just…enjoying each other’s company was bizarre.

Nice, but bizarre all the same.

He spent the whole day touching me somehow—a hand on my thigh, his fingers toying with my hair. It was comforting in a way I never would have imagined.

And when we went to bed last night? Phew.

I thought I’d experienced good sex before, but man, Kingston Callahan blows everything I’ve known before out of the water.

He is a god. Although, I have no intention of telling him that.

His ego already barely fits through a standard door.

And I’m pretty sure that me screaming his name last night over and over could have given him a clue.

We both fell asleep sated and exhausted. It was blissful.

Something I could easily get used to, despite knowing that getting attached to this man and his magical cock is the worst possible thing I could do.

He shifts behind me, his hand brushing down my side.

It’s the dead of night, but still my body comes alive at his innocent touch.

His hand continues down to my leg, and the second his lips brush against my shoulder, I realize that maybe it’s not quite as innocent as I thought.

“King,” I moan as his fingers tighten around my thigh and he spreads me open.

“So wet for me,” he groans when his fingers collide with my center.

“Oh god.”

The way he touches me…it’s too good to be true.

In only seconds, he’s fully dragged me from sleep and has me riding the edge of pleasure.

“More, King. I need more.” I gasp, my pussy contracting, desperate to feel something inside.

“Dirty girl,” he muses before shuffling forward.

I gasp as the thick head of his cock brushes against my entrance.

“Yes,” I cry, more than willing to be anything he wants me to be as long as I get what I need. “Oh god,” I moan as he pushes inside. I’m sore, but in a really good way.

“Fuck, baby. I can’t get enough of this,” he whispers as he pushes deeper inside me.

His grip on my hip tightens until his fingertips are digging in so hard that I know I’ll have bruises in a few hours.

Not that I care. The only thing I care about right now is getting more of him and everything he can give me. Nothing else matters.

Just us.

We move together in perfect sync. It’s slower than last night, but no less intense. If anything, it’s more.

With nothing but darkness surrounding us and our increased breaths and groans of pleasure, it feels more intimate than being able to see each other.

“I’d happily wake up like this every morning.” He groans in my ear as his hand slides to my clit, giving me the extra push I need to find my release.

“King. King. Oh god,” I moan as pleasure shoots from my core, saturating every single one of my nerve endings.

‘Tatum,” he breathes, his hot breath rushing over my neck and sending another bolt of pleasure through my body as he spills inside me.

As our highs melt away, neither of us moves. He doesn’t pull out of me, and I don’t make any attempt to force him to do so.

I’m too content, too relaxed. Too…happy.

My body might be singing, but my head tells me to sleep.

It’s the middle of the night. We’ve got to be up early for him to deliver on his promise of getting me to the office at the start of the day.

I’m just drifting off when a thought hits me.

A thought I should have considered before now.

“You haven’t used a condom all weekend,” I whisper into the darkness.

He sighs. It’s as if he’s been waiting for me to question it. Which I should have done before I let him inside me the first time, but…

I squeeze my eyes closed as I chastise myself for being so reckless—I fear with both my heart and my body.

“You’re on the pill, baby.”

I grit my teeth as irritation surges through me.

“That is not the point, Kingston,” I snap.Property © NôvelDrama.Org.

My attempt to get away from him is ruined when his grip on my waist tightens, pinning me to his ridiculously hot body.

“I’m clean, baby. I know you are too,” he says softly as he looms over me.

“How? How do you know that?”

“Tatum,” he growls.

“No, don’t give me that deep sexy voice in the hope I’ll forget how annoying and over-powering you are. You looked into my medical records.”

He doesn’t say anything. Not that I needed the confirmation. He’s already guilty as charged.

“Did you want something between us?” he asks.

No. “We need to be sensible.”

He drops lower, letting his lips brush over the shell of my ear. “Where is the fun in being sensible, baby?”

I shake my head, losing the fight with my self-control when he’s so close, when he’s hardening again inside me.

Rolling me onto my back, he lifts my foot to his lip and trails kisses down my sole. It tickles, but it also burns in the best kind of way.

“See,” he says, thrusting forward and ensuring he hits that magic spot deep inside me. “Sensible never feels this good.”

“Kingston.” It’s meant to come out like a warning, but I fail miserably.

Dropping my foot, he falls over me, his hands landing on either side of my head, pinning me in place.

“Give me another one, baby. Let me feel how much you love my dick before we have to return to reality.”

My heart sinks into my stomach and my eyes dart toward the clock on the nightstand.


He didn’t wake me just for a middle-of-the-night fuck. We need to leave.

Disappointment trickles through my veins.

I’m not ready.

Returning to the city means leaving all this behind.

An unexpected lump crawls up my throat.

Sensing my imminent breakdown, Kingston’s eyes search mine. It terrifies me what he might see staring back up at him, but I’m powerless to conceal it.

I already know that he’ll demand I open my eyes if I try and hide it.

“Tatum,” he whispers, dropping lower, his nose brushing mine.

“Don’t,” I croak, embarrassed that I’m on the verge of tears while he’s deep inside me.

I tell myself it’s exhaustion and the effects of one too many orgasms, but I know I’m lying to myself.

It’s more than that.

He’s more than that.

“You’re incredible,” he murmurs before stealing my lips in a filthy, all-consuming kiss.

The bright lights of the city shine in the distance and the knot in my stomach tightens.

I’m not usually an anxious person, but returning after our weekend away…everything feels…I don’t know. Wrong, I guess.

Or maybe right.

Fuck knows. I’m so confused by everything.

I shouldn’t have enjoyed the weekend with him as much as I did.

I shouldn’t have delighted in discovering a different side to him.

I shouldn’t want it to continue as much as I do.

But I can’t help it.

I fear that Kingston has lured me into his trap, and it’s going to be harder than I ever appreciated to escape.

Do I even want to?

Just as it has for the entire weekend, my cell sits turned off in my purse.

I should feel guilty for shutting off from the rest of the world, but Kingston assured me that Miles knew where we were if we were needed.

Selfishly, I needed this weekend.

We needed this weekend.

I feel like we’re returning stronger. That our fake union might just be a little more believable now.

Fake…is that still what this is?

I let out a pained sigh as I stare at the lights ahead of us.

“Enjoy your job that much, huh?” Kingston asks teasingly.

“I love my job,” I counter. “I’m just not sure I’m ready for reality yet.”

I startle when his warm hand lands on my thigh and squeezes lightly. “We can go back.”

I glance over at him, hating being so vulnerable with him but equally unable to stop.

“I’d like that.”

“We can go anywhere you want. We’ve got resorts or property in almost every corner of the globe. The world is your oyster, baby.”

I smile, appreciating the sentiment despite not wanting to use him for free vacations over the coming months.

I might be about to marry into the Callahan family because of a property, but it isn’t one of theirs I want. I don’t want a penny of the Callahan money. I just want what I was promised. What should be mine.

Another sigh slips free.

“You don’t want to travel?” Kingston enquires.

“Of course I do. Who doesn’t want to experience all the world has to offer? There is so much more than Chicago. Than America.”

His grip tightens, reminding me just how much I like his touch. “Stick with me, baby. I’ll show you the world.”

“That sounds a little too romantic for this situation, Kingston.”

“There are no rules here, Tatum. If I want to give you something, I will. Just like this weekend.”

“Well, you certainly gave me something,” I say, my thighs clenching. I’m pretty sure I can still feel what he gave me dripping from inside me.

“I wasn’t talking about my dick, but it’s good to know where your dirty mind goes, baby.”

“Pfft. Of course you weren’t.” I roll my eyes and shake my head.

“I’m more than happy to, though. My dick had a fucking fantastic weekend getting to know your pussy. He’s very much interested in repeating it as often as possible.”

“Please don’t talk about your dick as if it’s its own person. It’s weird.”

He chuckles as the buildings around us grow the deeper we get into the city.

The Warner Group building is looming closer and closer. As is reality.

It’s only been a weekend; not that much could have changed.

My eyes drop to my hand as I consider this, focusing on my new piece of jewelry.

Or everything could have changed.

Nerves swirl in my stomach as I consider what’s next for us.

A big announcement, I guess. Public wedding planning. A ceremony that’s going to have press coverage in order to fulfill my father’s bullshit demands.

I hate being center of attention.

He knew that as well.

Probably why he did it.

Take away the one thing I truly wanted and force me into the spotlight to get it back.

Sounds just like the vindictive shit he was capable of.

I’m about to ask what happens next when Kingston pulls the car to a stop outside the building I’ve spent most of my life in.

“So, I guess the weekend is over then,” I mutter sadly.

I wasn’t lying before. I do love my job.

It’s just…everything seems a little harder right now.

Life is harder.

It’s why this weekend was so incredible. The stress of everything seemed to just vanish.

“I’m not sure what time I’ll finish later, but I’ll try to come and pick you up,” Kingston offers.

“You don’t need to do that,” I say as I turn to look at him. “I know you’re busy and—” His fingers press against my lips, stopping me from saying anything else.

“If I can be here to pick you up, I will be here. I want to be here.” His eyes search mine, letting me see the truth within them.

My heart begins to race and my hands tremble.

For a man who’s been forever single and only used women to get his kicks, he sure is good at this romance thing.

He damn well knows it too.

“Okay?” he asks, still holding my lips hostage.

I nod my head once. I’ve discovered this weekend that fighting isn’t the only way to have fun with him. Sometimes, agreeing and being a good girl has its benefits too.

Pacified by my response, he lets his hand drop, but before I can turn away to get out, his fingers grip my jaw and he leans forward, brushing a sweet kiss on my lips.

It’s teasing in all the right kind of ways. And when he wishes me a good day and unclicks my seat belt for me, I’m nothing but a puddle on his passenger seat.

Maybe him coming back to pick me up after work won’t be so bad. Hell knows I’m going to spend all day thinking about how that kiss could end.

“Have a good day, baby.”

“You too. Try not to take over the entire world.”

“I’ll do my best. Just think though, soon you’ll get half of everything I take over.”

With those ominous words floating around my head, I climb out of the car, nod in greeting to our security guards, and make my way up to my floor.

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