Broken Beginnings: A High Heat Small Town Romance Suspense (Citrus Cove Book 1)

Chapter 29

THE SUN HAD YET to rise over Citrus Cove when I sent out a ‘family meeting’ blast text to my parents and brothers. I left Haley sleeping with a note on the pillow and snuck out of the house, driving in silence to the Harlow house.

With everything going on, I wanted to keep them in the loop. But, beyond that, I wanted them to know something else too.

I was in love with Haley.

I wasn’t sure exactly when it happened. It was quick, like a viper striking me, stealing my heart. Maybe it was everything going on that was making me think about our own mortality, but I loved her. I’d almost whispered it to her in the dark Saturday night, but I’d worried I’d scare her off.


I wanted my family to know I loved her. Eventually I’d tell her, sooner rather than later. But, I wanted them to know I was going to build my life with her, even if it meant I left Citrus Cove and the winery all behind.

I’d do it to be with her. I’d leave it all. My home, my business, even my family. I hoped she’d stay here, but in case she didn’t want to…I needed them to know I’d go with her.

I pulled down the dirt road and wasn’t surprised to see Hunter and Sammy beat me here. I stepped out into the cool morning, the sky brightening slowly but surely. Lights were already on inside the house, and the kitchen. I walked through the back door.

“You better kick off your shoes!” Mom called.

I snorted, but kicked them off right as Benny came to greet me. I knelt down and ruffled his head, giving him a good scratch before heading to the kitchen.

I wasn’t surprised when I walked in to see that the coffee was going, biscuits and bacon were being made, and Hunter and Sam were already there at the table. Hunter gave me a long look over the top of his mug.

“It’s early, brother,” he grumbled.

“Well, I didn’t think you’d already be here…”

He rolled his eyes. He knew that was bullshit, and so did I. None of us ever called a meeting unless it was serious. Except for that one time in fifth grade where Sammy had called a meeting to announce his discovery that the tooth fairy was a fake, and that our parents were tricking us.

Pops had laughed so hard he’d started crying, while Mom had done her best to take his accusations very seriously.

“Morning,” I said.

“Morning.” Mom gave me a worried look and I went up to her, giving her a hug.

“It’s okay. I just need to talk with y’all.”

She let out a breath, her shoulders still tense. She pulled another row of bacon out of the pan and spread them out on paper towels to soak up the grease. “How’s Haley? You could have brought her with you. I don’t like the idea of her being alone. Pops will be down soon, too.

I kissed the top of my mom’s head. “She’s all good. She’s still asleep at the house. She’s a trooper.”

My voice was calm, but everyone knew underneath it I was raging. Hell, we all were. Seeing Haley hurt was something I never wanted to see again. I hated that I hadn’t been there, but was grateful Colt was.

“Need help with anything?” I asked.

“Get some orange juice out and set the table. If y’all want veggies, one of you better start cooking them. Biscuits will be done in a few and bacon is almost ready.”

Sammy leapt up. “I got it.”

I snuck a piece of bacon and crammed in my mouth before she could swat at me, and then grabbed out plates. Within fifteen minutes, the table was set with food, Pops finally came downstairs, and the Harlow family was seated. I took note of the way Hunter and Pops sat apart from each other, their gazes never meeting even if they passed food to each other.

“Where’s Colt?” Pops asked.

“I’ll talk to him later,” I said.

He raised a brow at me, because I never excluded Colt. But, I wanted to talk to him alone.

“You gonna keep us hanging?” Hunter asked as he piled bacon on his biscuits. “Is everything alright?”

“Yes and no? There’s been a lot that’s happened, as you all know. But, between it all, I’ve met a woman I’d do anything for. And I wanted to call this meeting to tell all of you that I plan on marrying Haley Bently, if she’ll have me. I love her.”

Mom grinned at me and then teared up, fanning at her face.

“Aw, don’t cry,” I pleaded.

Pops smiled too, his hand sliding over to hers like it always did when he was happy.

Sammy leaned over and clapped me on the shoulder, giving me a firm shake. “She’s amazing,” he said. “I’m happy for you.”

“Thanks,” I said.

“I’m happy for you too,” Hunter said. “I don’t know if you deserve her, but shoot for the stars, right?”

I laughed. “Right. Fingers crossed she loves me back.”

“You haven’t told her yet?” Sammy hissed.

“Not yet. I will,” I said. “There’s just been… God, she’s been through so much.”

“All the more reason to tell her,” Mom said softly.

Hunter nodded. “Agreed.”

“Does this mean Haley is moving here?” Sammy asked. “If and when things happen.”

I winced. “I don’t know. That’s also why I wanted to talk. If she decides to keep me, I won’t make her move here. If she doesn’t want to stay, especially after all that’s happened, I wouldn’t blame her.”

“You’d go with her,” Mom said softly.

I nodded. The dining table was quiet for a moment, but then Pops spoke. “Cam, if that’s what happens, we’ll support you. I hope you’ll both stay, but…we can let you go so long as y’all come back for holidays.”

“We’ll figure it out,” I chuckled. Hopefully. This was all hoping that she loved me back. I kept wanting to tell her, but I wanted it to be the right moment. But how would I know?Content © provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

“And the winery?” Hunter asked.

“I’m not sure,” I said. “But, if we leave, we’ll figure it out. Colt could always take over.”

Hunter nodded, although he didn’t look as convinced. It was hard to imagine a world where Colt and I didn’t live down the road from each other.

“It’ll be fine,” Sammy said, glancing at our older brother. “Besides, Cam can distract our mother from hounding us about getting married and having kids now.”

“Hey,” she laughed, although she narrowed her gaze on me.

“We aren’t even married yet. Hell, I haven’t even told her I love her. What if she kicks me to the curb?”

The whole table burst out laughing and I shook my head, taking a sip of my coffee and leaning back.

Everything was going to be alright.

“You got a ring yet?” Dad asked.

“I’ll get one,” I said.

“You better take me with you when you do,” Mom said. She gave me a very stern look, pointing at me. “You better, Cameron Harlow.”

“If I take you with me, I’ll end up spending half my savings.”

“Honey, you’d end up spending all your savings. Haley Bently deserves a damn fine ring after all this shit she’s gone through.”

“Alright, alright,” I chuckled. “If and when, I’ll take you with me.”

She nodded, her eyes glistening as she took a sip of coffee. I gave her another smile and then we all settled into small talk and catching up like normal.

After breakfast, I helped clean up and then made my way back out to my truck. I texted Haley good morning just as I heard boots behind me.

I turned as Sammy came up to me. “Heading back?” he asked.

“Yeah,” I said. “I’m gonna swing by Colt’s and then back to Haley.”

“Good. Hey…what’s going on with Pops and Hunter?”

I frowned and leaned against my truck, keeping my voice low. “I don’t know. Hunter didn’t tell me and you know how Pops can be. Why?”

Sammy sighed, glancing up at the house. “I don’t know. Their fights don’t usually last this long.”

“Yeah.” He had a point. “I haven’t really had the ability to worry about them with everything.”

“I know,” he said. “I just thought I’d ask. But, I guess I shouldn’t worry. They’re adults.”

“Sort of,” I chuckled. “We definitely get some of our stubbornness from Pops. And Hunter and him are alike in so many ways, it’s a problem.”

Sammy nodded. “Yep. Alright, well. I’ll see you later. Shout if anything happens.”

I gave him a hug and then got in my truck, cranking it on and peeling down the road.

Within a few minutes, I was pulling up Colt’s drive and parking next to him. There was another car here, but that wasn’t going to stop me from popping inside. The general rule between us was if there was a guest, just don’t go to the bedroom.

My phone beeped in my pocket and I pulled it out. Haley’s photo came up of her in bed, her expression sleepy and nipples hard and…

“Fucking hell,” I growled, swallowing hard.

Haley: See you later, cowboy 😉

How in the hell did I respond to a woman who could make my mind stop working with just a picture? What was I supposed to say to a goddess?

Me: Damn, sunshine. I have no words. I’ll be home soon

I blew out a breath and slipped my phone back in my pocket. I adjusted my pants and then got out, going up to Colt’s door. I picked out his house key and slid it in, stepping inside.

“Colt,” I called. “Better put some boxers on.

I heard a grunt and then a whisper and raised a brow. The living room had all the signs of a tussle, and I knew Colt definitely wasn’t alone. Good for him. Maybe it would keep him from pinning so damn hard over Sarah. I snorted and went to the kitchen right as a man I hadn’t met before darted towards the front door.

“Rude,” I mumbled as he left.

Colt came to the kitchen wearing nothing but a pair of jeans. He looked hungover and exhausted, which worried me since he didn’t drink anymore. “You scared off my one night stand, man.”

“Did he think I was your husband?” I teased.

“Maybe,” Colt snickered. “What are you doing here so early? You rarely drop by like this. Start up the coffee, will you?”

I glanced at his coffee pot and the thin layer of mold growing there. “How about you put on a shirt and shoes and we go get breakfast?”

“Are you okay? Has something happened?” Colt asked as he slid onto a barstool. It was clear he didn’t want to get out of the house quite yet.

I’d braved washing the coffee pot. I sighed as I picked it up and took it to the sink, blasting the hot water. “I’m in love with Haley,” I said, glancing back at him.



“I knew that already.”

“I mean like love love.”

“Have you told her?”

How this fucker knew me so well was beyond me sometimes. “Not yet.”

“You better tell her,” Colt said. “I’m sure she loves you too. It’s cute the way she talks about you.

My stomach did a little flip. I was quiet for a couple minutes as I finished cleaning out the coffee pot. I dumped the portafilter, washed it, put a fresh filter down and filled it with Folgers. Added water, turned it on, and sighed once it finally started percolating.

“Cam,” he sighed. “She loves you. You love her. Why else are you here?”

“What if I end up moving?” I asked.

I joined him at the bar and took a seat.

Colt raised a brow and then ran his fingers through his hair. “I’m a little too hungover for this, man. But what do you mean? Like you leaving Citrus Cove?”

“Yeah. What if I say I love you to Hal, she says it back, we get married and she doesn’t want to stay here.”

I saw a prickle of hurt flash in his eyes. But then he relaxed, studying me. “Are you worried about me or the winery?”


“Well, I’d be fine. I’d miss you. Hell, I’d probably miss Hal too. She’s already become a part of everything again. But I’m not going to stop you. As for the winery, you could either transfer the entire ownership to me, or stay in it in case y’all ever move back. It’s not the end of the world.”

He had that business tone right now, the one that always surprised me. But he was right. I felt myself relax once again.

“I called a family meeting this morning but I wanted to talk to you alone,” I said. “I love Hunter and Sammy, but you’re different. We’ve been through thick and thin. You’ve seen me at my worst.”

“I have,” he chuckled. “Let me know when you get better?”

“Hey,” I snorted. “Dick.”

I got up and found two mugs and poured us each a cup. I was already buzzing from the two cups I’d downed earlier, but I didn’t care.

“When are you telling her?”

“I have no idea,” I sighed. “When it’s right? When I feel like I won’t scare her off? When things calm down?”

“You should leave and go tell her now,” he said. “Just get it over with. Rip that bandaid off. Profess your undying love and then ride off into the Texas sunset in a big ass truck.”

“Fuck off,” I laughed.

It was a stupid image, but enough to pull me out of my mood and worries. I took a sip of coffee and thoughts about Haley, while also trying not to think too hard about her because then that sexy photo came to mind.

“When are we moving Sarah and the boys out of the house?”

That sobered me up quickly. “Soon,” I said. “Hopefully next week. We’ll get them out.”

“I worry about the boys,” he said.

I worried about them too, but not in the way Colt did. Not in the way he always had since everyone started noticing problems with David Connor.

I bit my tongue. I wanted to ask when he was going to tell Sarah he loved her and flip the whole thing back on him. But he wouldn’t take that well.

So, instead, I sat there drinking coffee—keeping my fingers crossed that all of us caught the break we desperately needed.

It was probably too ambitious, but I stared at Colt for a moment, a thought crossing my mind.

I hadn’t even told Haley I loved her…

And yet…

“Hey,” I said. “Mom would have to tag along but… Do you want to go ring shopping?”

Colt split into a wide grin. “Hell fucking yeah I do. We can pick up Mama Harlow. Make it an event?

“Yes,” I chuckled. “Fine. She did want to help. I’m not going to have any money left.”

“That’s fine,” Colt chuckled. “I can loan you some.”

I rolled my eyes and took the last sip of coffee, waiting for him to down his too. I snatched up our mugs, took them to the sink, and flipped off the coffee maker.

“Go get some clothes on unless you want everyone talking about you,” I teased.

“Yeah, yeah.” He slid off the bar stool and rolled his shoulder. “Five minutes. Let’s go get your girl a ring.”

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