Boyfriend For Rent (They Met Again)

Chapter 31 Thinking of him

Octavia POV

“Who are you?” I heard the chilled voice in my head, and I jerked, that was when I realized that it was all my imaginations. Letting out a sigh of relief, I quickly left the garden, and straight to my place, before anything bad happens, I don’t wanna get my parents into trouble.Text © owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

By the time I got home, mom and dad were already asleep, so I went straight to my room, and laid on my mat, as my thoughts drifted off to Kai. I really can’t wait to have the lesson with him, I really want to know how to make use of my powers, how to control them, so I won’t hurt anyone, and most of it all, I really wants to see him again. I can’t seem to get him off my head, no matter how much I tried to, I always found him, occupying every inch of my thoughts, I feel my heart racing fast, at the thought of him, just how could this be?

Letting out a brief sigh, I closed my eyes to get some sleep, when I heard footsteps, and my eyes snapped opened, to see mother Lia, standing with a plate in her hands, I didn’t need anyone to tell me that she came to give me food.

“Mother?” I called surprisingly, as I sat up on the mat, and rubbed my eyes, before raising my gaze to look at her, with a smile, playing on my lips. I’m really happy to see her, it’s been a while, I understand that she can’t come here often though, but I don’t know why, and I don’t wanna ask her, knowing she wouldn’t tell me about it.

“Octavia dear, how’re you doing?” She smiled, and came to sit beside me, as she dropped the plate in front of me, and stroked my hair.

“I’m fine mother. I’ve really missed you. If I know where you live, I would’ve sneaked to visit you one of these nights, but I don’t know where, and I never bothered asking neither mom nor dad, knowing they wouldn’t tell me about it.” I said disappointedly.

“I understand dear, you should try to reason with your parents, they’re just trying to keep you safe, it’s just for some time, I believe everything will be fine one day. Anyways, don’t let that bother you. So, I brought you something, eat this.” She smiled warmly, and opened the plate for me, revealing a mouth watering delicious food. Rice and a big potion of meat.

“Wow! Never had this before.” A wide and happy smile settled on my face, as I salivated over the food, imagining how I’m going to devour it. I made to touch it, but stopped halfway, as realization dawned on me, that mother and father haven’t eaten yet. My smiles suddenly dissipated into a sad face, as I bit my lips, knowing they would be hungry. I would’ve loved them to eat from the food, but I didn’t wanna wake them up, considering the stress and hectic day they must’ve been through.

“Cmon eat your food dear, you don’t have to worry about them, I already gave them something to eat, before serving you this.” She patted my cheeks softly, like she read my thoughts.

I smiled and nodded happily, as I started devouring the food hungrily, like I haven’t eaten for days. You wouldn’t blame me, would you? I haven’t been eating well lately, coupled with the fact that I haven’t had something this good in a while, you wouldn’t expect me to take things easy with it, do you?

“So tell me dear, how have been your going out? Are you having fun?” She asked, with a smile, playing on her lips. She’s loving, and everything you would want in a mother, she’s my second mother, the only one that understands me best, even more than my own mother, the only one that is there for me, and help me out in situations, when there seem to be no way.

I glanced at her with my mouth full, as a smile crept its way to my face. Going out of my nutshell, is the best decision ever, and the thought of Kai, really makes it more worth it.

“It’s really been fine mother, I have lots of fun, I have time to shift, get fresh air, play in the woods, and mother you won’t believe this, I met this…” I stopped halfway, as realization dawned on me, what I was about saying. It’s not a good idea, telling her about Kai, right? I so much wanted to tell her about my new friend, whom my heart seem to be beating for, I really need to share my feelings with her, but what if she misunderstood the whole thing, and asks me not to go put again? What if she tell mother, and she freaks out again?

“Tell me dear, you met…?” She asked curiously, giving me a questioning look.

I bit my lower lip, as I searched my mind, for a suitable lie to cover up for this, and after a few seconds, I was able to come up with something.

“It’s nothing mother, it’s really fun, I got to see some of the beautiful sights in the woods, and trust me mother, they’re really worth attention.” I smiled.

“I’m glad you’re happy.” She smiled.

An awkward silence clouded the atmosphere, as a question kept hitting me so hard in the mind, the more I tried containing it, the more my curiosity kept getting the best of me, pushing me to let it out, and free my mind. I really want to know this feelings is all about, I want to know why I can’t seem to get my head off him, I want to know what’s happening, I don’t wanna be in the dark anymore.

“Mother…” I glanced at her, and bit my lip, as I fondled with my fingers, contemplating on how to ask her. I didn’t know how to present my question, but I know I really needed to clarify everything, I know I needed to get this done with, and know what exactly is happening.

“Yes?” She batted her lashes, as she looked at me in anticipation.

“What does it mean, when you can’t stop thinking about someone?… a man to be precised.” I finally asked the question, which I’ve been dying to ask, as I looked at her face, my heart thumping heavily against my ribcage, waiting for her reply…

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