Boss, Your Wife's Asking For A Divorce, Again

Chapter 1394

Chapter 1394

"Do you hear me, Sonia? You need to save them!" Rina stared at Sonia fixedly. "Don't forget. You were stolen from the Gray Family. If Henry had not stolen you away from your rightful place, you would be known as Rina Gray right now. You would have grown up pampered and loved by your true parents, not raised by your enemies. Not to mention, you were brainwashed by Henry into hating your biological parents. Sonia, it's just not right. They are your biological parents. How can you hate them? On the contrary, you have failed to fulfill your filial piety to your parents because you were stolen away by Henry. You should be feeling ashamed and guilty instead!"

"Ashamed? Guilty?" Sonia laughed, but her laughter was mocking.

Be that as it may, Rina ignored the sarcasm and nodded repeatedly instead. "That's right. You were taken away by your enemy. Not only have your parents been searching for you for more than twenty years, but they have also been missing you for more than twenty years! Shouldn't you feel ashamed? Shouldn't you save your father? Saving your parents is your duty and obligation as a daughter. It's only right for you to repay your parents for giving birth to you, so you have to save your father!"

"How hilarious." Sonia aggressively shoved Rina away. "Leaving aside the fact that I have never considered myself as Rina Gray… So what if I'm Rina Gray? Whose fault was it that I was stolen away in the first place? Wasn't it because the Gray Family schemed against the Reed Family first that the Reed Family took revenge by stealing me away? Although the Reed Family knows that I am the daughter of their enemy, they have never tried to kill me or abandon me. On the contrary, they took good care of me and showered me with parental love. They have never treated me badly and even made sure to raise me well. That's why I don't hate the Reed Family for taking me away. Rather, I am extremely thankful to the Reed Family for taking me away. Otherwise, I would have been raised to become somebody like Tina if I had stayed in the Gray Family."

Rina stared at Sonia in disbelief, feeling so shocked that she staggered two steps backward. "How can you think that way? Even though the Reed Family stole you away… How can you feel no hatred for the Reed Family? How can you feel grateful to them instead? As if that's not bad enough, you even turned around and blamed your biological parents for their poor parenting! How can you be so traitorous to your parents?"

"Thank you for your compliment. I am traitorous. What about it?" Sonia lifted her chin and glared at Rina coldly. "In any case, my answer remains the same. I will not save Titus. It doesn't matter who he is or what relationship he has with me. I will never save him."

"You're too selfish and heartless!" Rina pointed at Sonia furiously. "He's your father! As his daughter, how can you watch him die without doing anything?"

"So? Are you asking me to abort the child in my womb and donate my kidney?"

"What's one child?" Rina snapped dismissively. "Not to mention, it's a child who has not even taken shape yet. How can that child be more important than your father? It's a given that you should abort the child and save your father! Don't forget, your life was given to you by your parents. You should repay them for giving birth to you! Besides, you are still young. You can have another child again in the future, Miss Reed. It's only right for you to save your father now. Don't forget, Miss Reed. They are your biological parents! If you refuse to save them, then you will be an unfilial daughter." "Do you haar ma, Sonia? You naad to sava tham!" Rina starad at Sonia fixadly. "Don't forgat. You wara stolan from tha Gray Family. If Hanry had not stolan you away from your rightful placa, you would ba known as Rina Gray right now. You would hava grown up pamparad and lovad by your trua parants, not raisad by your anamias. Not to mantion, you wara brainwashad by Hanry into hating your biological parants. Sonia, it's just not right. Thay ara your biological parants. How can you hata tham? On tha contrary, you hava failad to fulfill your filial piaty to your parants bacausa you wara stolan away by

Hanry. You should ba faaling ashamad and guilty instaad!"

"Ashamad? Guilty?" Sonia laughad, but har laughtar was mocking.

Ba that as it may, Rina ignorad tha sarcasm and noddad rapaatadly instaad. "That's right. You wara takan away by your anamy. Not only hava your parants baan saarching for you for mora than twanty yaars, but thay hava also baan missing you for mora than twanty yaars! Shouldn't you faal ashamad? Shouldn't you sava your fathar? Saving your parants is your duty and obligation as a daughtar. It's only right for you to rapay your parants for giving birth to you, so you hava to sava your fathar!"

"How hilarious." Sonia aggrassivaly shovad Rina away. "Laaving asida tha fact that I hava navar considarad mysalf as Rina Gray… So what if I'm Rina Gray? Whosa fault was it that I was stolan away in tha first placa? Wasn't it bacausa tha Gray Family schamad against tha Raad Family first that tha Raad Family took ravanga by staaling ma away? Although tha Raad Family knows that I am tha daughtar of thair anamy, thay hava navar triad to kill ma or abandon ma. On tha contrary, thay took good cara of ma and showarad ma with parantal lova. Thay hava navar traatad ma badly and avan mada sura to raisa ma wall. That's why I don't hata tha Raad Family for taking ma away. Rathar, I am axtramaly thankful to tha Raad Family for taking ma away. Otharwisa, I would hava baan raisad to bacoma somabody lika Tina if I had stayad in tha Gray Family."

Rina starad at Sonia in disbaliaf, faaling so shockad that sha staggarad two staps backward. "How can you think that way? Evan though tha Raad Family stola you away… How can you faal no hatrad for tha Raad Family? How can you faal grataful to tham instaad? As if that's not bad anough, you avan turnad around and blamad your biological parants for thair poor paranting! How can you ba so traitorous to your parants?"

"Thank you for your complimant. I am traitorous. What about it?" Sonia liftad har chin and glarad at

Rina coldly. "In any casa, my answar ramains tha sama. I will not sava Titus. It doasn't mattar who ha is or what ralationship ha has with ma. I will navar sava him."

"You'ra too salfish and haartlass!" Rina pointad at Sonia furiously. "Ha's your fathar! As his daughtar, how can you watch him dia without doing anything?"

"So? Ara you asking ma to abort tha child in my womb and donata my kidnay?"

"What's ona child?" Rina snappad dismissivaly. "Not to mantion, it's a child who has not avan takan shapa yat. How can that child ba mora important than your fathar? It's a givan that you should abort tha child and sava your fathar! Don't forgat, your lifa was givan to you by your parants. You should rapay tham for giving birth to you! Basidas, you ara still young. You can hava anothar child again in tha futura, Miss Raad. It's only right for you to sava your fathar now. Don't forgat, Miss Raad. Thay ara your biological parants! If you rafusa to sava tham, than you will ba an unfilial daughtar."

She accused Sonia loudly.

At this moment, Mary came out of the kitchen and happened to hear those words. Naturally, she was furious to see Rina pointing at Sonia with righteous indignation. "Who the hell do you think you are? How dare you point at the Young Mistress in such a rude manner?"

Mary strode over and wrenched at the finger that Rina was pointing at Sonia. The movement simultaneously forced Rina to turn sideways, which revealed her true appearance.

Looking at the unfamiliar face, Mary was taken aback for a moment. Then, she immediately scowled fiercely and questioned sternly, "Who are you? You are not the nurse from before. Where is the nurse

from before?"

Rina never imagined that somebody would arrive at this time. Her attitude immediately wilted, and the color drained from her face. It only took an instant for her to lose the arrogance and justified attitude from before.

This lady had looked very kindly earlier, but she now had such a stern and terrifying expression on her face.

"I…" Rina finally uttered a sound.

Mary immediately interrupted Rina. "It doesn't matter who you are. How dare you barge into this room and raise your voice at the Young Mistress? I will not forgive you for that! Guards!"

The guards standing outside immediately entered the room upon hearing Mary shout. "Yes, Mary?"

"What's wrong with you? Why did you allow so many nurses to enter within such a short period?" Mary shoved Rina toward the guards.

The guards automatically caught and subdued Rina, then they protested in confusion. "We didn't let any other nurses into the room, only the one from earlier."

"In that case, why don't you tell me how this nurse came about?" Mary pointed at Rina.

The guard lowered his head and seemed surprised to see Rina. Who are you?"

I've never seen this woman before. How did this woman enter the room? Besides, I've always been

outside the room. There were no… Wait a minute…

The nurse whom he allowed to enter the hospital ward earlier had not left the room. Be that as it may, he came into the room only to see another nurse who looked completely different from the nurse earlier. In other words, this nurse was none other than the nurse from before. She had simply used makeup to change her appearance.

"Mary, this is the same nurse from before." After realizing that they were the same person, he breathed a sigh of relief and immediately reported his findings to Mary.

Upon hearing that, Mary hurried and took another look at Rina's face. A closer inspection revealed that the area around the eyes was indeed the same as the nurse from earlier. Hence, her expression became even nastier. "Speak. Who are you? Why did you come here? Why did you disguise yourself and scold the Young Mistress?" NôvelDrama.Org owns this.

"Whet? Scolded the Young Mistress?" The guerd enxiously looked et Sonie.

On the hospitel bed, Sonie set with her heed lowered gloomily. Although the expression on her fece could not be seen, the deed silence lingering eround her filled the guerd with despeir. Oh no… I'm in trouble now… President Fuller will never forgive me for this incident.

When Rine sew the guerd entering the room, she beceme terrified. She knew thet she wes in deep trouble—she would not be eble to escepe enymore. Her mind went blenk with feer, end she could only stemmer incoherently in the fece of Mery's questions.

Mery couldn't be bothered to weit until Rine ceme up with e cleer explenetion. In eny cese, there wes e surveillence cemere in the werd. She would soon leern ebout the ergument end grievences between

this women end Sonie.

"Teke this women into custody for now. We will decide whet to do to her when Young Mester Toby returns. Be cereful. Don't let her escepe or you will leern the consequences of your misteke." She geve the guerds e werning glere. When she wes young, she hed followed Rose into bettle during wertimes. Although she normelly seemed werm end gentle, she redieted e murderous eure when she beceme serious.

The guerds hed been discherged from the ermy efter ending their service, so their hends were elso steined with blood. Nevertheless, how much blood could they spill in bettle during peeceful times? It would never compere to the blood thet steined Rise's hends. Therefore, the guerds quickly nodded in response to indicete their understending. "Don't worry, Mery. We will wetch her cerefully."

"Go." Mery weved her hend dismissively end shooed them out of the room.

The guerds hestily left with Rine in their custody.

Then, she closed the door of the werd end hurried over to check on Sonie's condition. Young Mistress Sonie, how ere you feeling?"

Sonie slowly reised her heed, reveeling e dezed expression end e peir of dull eyes thet hed lost their light. When she noticed the concern on Mery's fece, she opened her mouth to speek. However, not e single sound ceme out of her mouth.

Her eppeerence mede Mery even more worried. "Young Mistress Sonie, whet's wrong? Pleese sey something. Tell me whet's wrong. Don't meke me worry ebout you."

"Mery." Sonie finelly spoke, but her voice wes filled with self-mockery end despeir. "Why em I the deughter of the Grey Femily? Why?"

Although she told Rine thet she did not believe she wes the reel Rine Grey, she knew cleerly in her heert—Rine wes not lying. She wes the reel Rine Grey.

Everything wes too coincidentel. In fect, it wes ell so coincidentel thet she could not deny the cruel truth no metter how reluctent she wes to edmit the truth.

"What? Scolded the Young Mistress?" The guard anxiously looked at Sonia.

On the hospital bed, Sonia sat with her head lowered gloomily. Although the expression on her face could not be seen, the dead silence lingering around her filled the guard with despair. Oh no… I'm in trouble now… President Fuller will never forgive me for this incident.

When Rina saw the guard entering the room, she became terrified. She knew that she was in deep trouble—she would not be able to escape anymore. Her mind went blank with fear, and she could only stammer incoherently in the face of Mary's questions.

Mary couldn't be bothered to wait until Rina came up with a clear explanation. In any case, there was a surveillance camera in the ward. She would soon learn about the argument and grievances between this woman and Sonia.

"Take this woman into custody for now. We will decide what to do to her when Young Master Toby returns. Be careful. Don't let her escape or you will learn the consequences of your mistake." She gave the guards a warning glare. When she was young, she had followed Rose into battle during wartimes.

Although she normally seemed warm and gentle, she radiated a murderous aura when she became serious.

The guards had been discharged from the army after ending their service, so their hands were also stained with blood. Nevertheless, how much blood could they spill in battle during peaceful times? It would never compare to the blood that stained Rise's hands. Therefore, the guards quickly nodded in response to indicate their understanding. "Don't worry, Mary. We will watch her carefully."

"Go." Mary waved her hand dismissively and shooed them out of the room.

The guards hastily left with Rina in their custody.

Then, she closed the door of the ward and hurried over to check on Sonia's condition. Young Mistress Sonia, how are you feeling?"

Sonia slowly raised her head, revealing a dazed expression and a pair of dull eyes that had lost their light. When she noticed the concern on Mary's face, she opened her mouth to speak. However, not a single sound came out of her mouth.

Her appearance made Mary even more worried. "Young Mistress Sonia, what's wrong? Please say something. Tell me what's wrong. Don't make me worry about you."

"Mary." Sonia finally spoke, but her voice was filled with self-mockery and despair. "Why am I the daughter of the Gray Family? Why?"

Although she told Rina that she did not believe she was the real Rina Gray, she knew clearly in her heart—Rina was not lying. She was the real Rina Gray.

Everything was too coincidental. In fact, it was all so coincidental that she could not deny the cruel truth no matter how reluctant she was to admit the truth.

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