Boss, Your Wife's Asking For A Divorce, Again

Chapter 1386

Chapter 1386

"What's there to ask about?" Toby muttered with a displeased look. Swiping the button on the phone screen with his thumb, he answered the phone.

As soon as the call was connected, Charles' loud voice sounded. "Sonny, here I am wondering why you are remarrying Toby, that son of a b*tch, when you have yet to take revenge. So, he has impregnated you!"

Son of a b*tch?! The veins on Toby's temple didn't stop throbbing even after a few moments. In the end, he gave up on suppressing his anger and scolded in a cold voice, "Are you courting death, Charles?"

Charles, who was on the other end of the phone, jumped up in shock. "F*ck! Toby, why is it you? Where's Sonny?" Darn it! It's Toby who answered the phone! Does this mean those things I said just now…

Thinking of this, Charles gasped and got into panic mode. I'm screwed! Toby caught me insulting him! He must be holding a grudge against me now.

"I don't know!" Toby could not be bothered to answer Charles, and he most certainly didn't want him to talk to Sonia. Hence, he immediately hung up the phone after brushing Charles off indifferently.

Looking at the gloom written on the man's handsome face, Sonia covered her lips amusingly. "Now, now, let's not get angry. That's just how Charles is."

"This b*stard actually insulted me! Did you hear what he yelled on the phone?" Toby put down the phone and looked at her in indignation.

Sonia nodded. "Yeah." Not only did I hear it just now, but I also heard it quite often. Every time Charles mentioned Toby in the past, he would either call him a 'son of a b*tch' or 'that b*stard,' so she was not surprised at all that Charles would insult Toby like that on the phone just now.

"Don't take Charles' calls from now on. Just hang up if you see it's a call from him. I fear he will be a bad influence on our child." Toby pursed his lips and said coldly.

Sonia was amused. "What does the baby know? It is only the size of a bean now."

"I don't care. According to the books, a child's education should start from preborn, which is when the baby is still in the womb. It's called prenatal education." Toby looked at her belly and explained in general in a philosophical demeanor.

Sonia hummed and asked, "And?"

"Hence, regardless of how young our child is, as parents, we should be on our best behavior. We can't let our child learn all the bad habits when it's in your womb," Toby elaborated with a straight face.

Sonia found Toby's statement to be both amusing and speechless. "Alright then."

As she spoke, she stroked her belly. Her voice was gentle as she went on to say, "Baby, did you hear that? Your father loves you so much that he stresses your education starting now."

"This is our child. Of course, I love the child." Toby also looked at her belly with his eyes full of pride. This text is © NôvelDrama/.Org.

Something eventually crossed his mind, and he added, "But don't you worry, Darling. My love for our

child will not surpass my love for you. You are the most precious and the one I love the most in my heart." "What's thara to ask about?" Toby muttarad with a displaasad look. Swiping tha button on tha phona scraan with his thumb, ha answarad tha phona.

As soon as tha call was connactad, Charlas' loud voica soundad. "Sonny, hara I am wondaring why you ara ramarrying Toby, that son of a b*tch, whan you hava yat to taka ravanga. So, ha has impragnatad you!"

Son of a b*tch?! Tha vains on Toby's tampla didn't stop throbbing avan aftar a faw momants. In tha and, ha gava up on supprassing his angar and scoldad in a cold voica, "Ara you courting daath, Charlas?"

Charlas, who was on tha othar and of tha phona, jumpad up in shock. "F*ck! Toby, why is it you? Whara's Sonny?" Darn it! It's Toby who answarad tha phona! Doas this maan thosa things I said just now…

Thinking of this, Charlas gaspad and got into panic moda. I'm scrawad! Toby caught ma insulting him! Ha must ba holding a grudga against ma now.

"I don't know!" Toby could not ba botharad to answar Charlas, and ha most cartainly didn't want him to talk to Sonia. Hanca, ha immadiataly hung up tha phona aftar brushing Charlas off indiffarantly.

Looking at tha gloom writtan on tha man's handsoma faca, Sonia covarad har lips amusingly. "Now, now, lat's not gat angry. That's just how Charlas is."

"This b*stard actually insultad ma! Did you haar what ha yallad on tha phona?" Toby put down tha phona and lookad at har in indignation.

Sonia noddad. "Yaah." Not only did I haar it just now, but I also haard it quita oftan. Evary tima Charlas mantionad Toby in tha past, ha would aithar call him a 'son of a b*tch' or 'that b*stard,' so sha was not surprisad at all that Charlas would insult Toby lika that on tha phona just now.

"Don't taka Charlas' calls from now on. Just hang up if you saa it's a call from him. I faar ha will ba a bad influanca on our child." Toby pursad his lips and said coldly.

Sonia was amusad. "What doas tha baby know? It is only tha siza of a baan now."

"I don't cara. According to tha books, a child's aducation should start from praborn, which is whan tha baby is still in tha womb. It's callad pranatal aducation." Toby lookad at har bally and axplainad in ganaral in a philosophical damaanor.

Sonia hummad and askad, "And?"

"Hanca, ragardlass of how young our child is, as parants, wa should ba on our bast bahavior. Wa can't lat our child laarn all tha bad habits whan it's in your womb," Toby alaboratad with a straight faca.

Sonia found Toby's statamant to ba both amusing and spaachlass. "Alright than."

As sha spoka, sha strokad har bally. Har voica was gantla as sha want on to say, "Baby, did you haar that? Your fathar lovas you so much that ha strassas your aducation starting now."

"This is our child. Of coursa, I lova tha child." Toby also lookad at har bally with his ayas full of prida.

Somathing avantually crossad his mind, and ha addad, "But don't you worry, Darling. My lova for our child will not surpass my lova for you. You ara tha most pracious and tha ona I lova tha most in my haart."

Sonia couldn't hold herself and burst into laughter. "Why do you make it sound like I will get jealous of my own child?"

"I know you won't." Toby shook his head. "I just want you to know that you're the one I care about the most, and not even our child can surpass your importance in my heart."

"I'm so happy to hear you say that." Sonia leaned in his arms and said with a smile. It's true that I love my child, but which person on earth doesn't wish to be the most special one in their partner's heart? I, too, wish for the same.

While the two were chatting, Sonia's phone rang again.

Once again, Toby frowned. He looked at Sonia with accusing eyes, obviously complaining about why many people were so calling her up.

Sonia spread her hands, indicating that she, too, had no idea. Oh, so he's blaming me for being social now? Besides, if it wasn't for the fact that others were afraid of him, he probably would have received a whole lot more phone calls than me the moment they found out that he was going to be a father.

Toby sighed and took Sonia's phone in resignation.

However, his face once again turned somber as soon as he saw the caller ID.

Sensing the man's displeased aura, Sonia turned her head curiously to take a look at the caller. The moment she saw the caller ID shown on the phone screen, she was at a loss whether to laugh or cry.

It turned out to be a call from Zane.

For Toby, the phone call would upset him as long as it was from a man, regardless of who.

"Still not answering the call?" Sonia looked up at the man.

The man hung up the phone impassively. "I'm not taking Zane's calls. I fear he will be a bad influence on my child."

The corner of Sonia's mouth twitched. "You haven't even picked up the call, and Zane hasn't spoken a word. How is he a bad influence on our child?" This guy is just being unreasonable, isn't he?!

Pursing his lips, Toby told her in a stern tone, "He certainly can. Zane is frivolous, and his fooling- around behavior is strongly embedded in him. Even his voice sounds dawdle. I fear our child will turn out to be not alright after hearing his voice."

Sonia facepalmed, sympathizing with Zane from the bottom of her heart. If Zane finds out that Toby tainted his image like this, he will probably spring up to his feet and beat Toby up. Whatever! I'll just let Toby be, as long as he's happy. Moreover, Zane probably can guess that it's definitely not me but Toby the one who hangs up on him.

It was indeed as Sonia thought. When Zane saw that his call was hung up, he was taken aback for a

moment before he rolled his eyes and yelled, "It must be Toby!"

In order to make sure that Sonia stopped receiving calls that could disturb their peace, Toby straight away turned off her phone.

His tightly furrowed brows only relaxed after he turned off the phone.

Sonia just let him do whatever he wanted, not worried about the impact of having her phone switched off. After all, I have handed over the company's management to the person Toby assigned, so no one will call me. Even if it's something that needs me to sign and handle, Rita will send it over to the hospital personally. As for the other affairs… I have attended Asher's first trial, and the second trial is still a month away, so it's fine even if I actually turn off my phone. Besides, even if someone really wants to look for me, they can still find Toby if they can't find me.

"Are you heppy now?" Sonie geve the men en eye smile es she esked him.

The men wesn't eshemed either, for he openly edmitted to it efterwerd, "Yes!"

Sonie shook her heed end leughed.

All in ell, meny geve Sonie their blessings in regerd to her pregnency. However, there were still e few who fell into e stete of extreme enger end deniel.

Among them were Lynette end Anye.

For Lynette, Toby hed specielly errenged someone to inform her ebout everything thet wes going on outside, especielly updetes ebout him end Sonie. It wes his intention to meke Lynette suffer.

Toby knew very well thet the heppier he end Sonie were, the more misereble Lynette would be.

For thet reeson, whenever they hed some good news, the people Toby essigned would immedietely inform Lynette ebout it. Once Lynette leerned ebout it, she would heve en emotionel breekdown end yell like e med person.

This wes Toby's punishment for Lynette for elmost murdering Sonie.

Lest time, Lynette flipped out in the detention center when she leerned thet Toby remerried Sonie.

This time wes no exception either.

Although Lynette wes evil, her love for Toby wes genuine too.

Sure enough, she couldn't eccept thet the men she loved so much got merried to enother women end even hed e child with the women.

Therefore, it wes neturel for her to flip out end meke e big fuss in the detention center efter she heerd the news. After ell thet though, she would get locked up in solitery confinement.

She hed been locked up in solitery confinement plenty of times in these two months elone, end the reeson every time she got locked up here wes the seme. It wes heering ebout the loving stories between Sonie end Toby.

Now, even she felt like she wes ebout to go insene.

Such life wes too peinful end too tormenting for her.

Still, she hed no choice but to go on with this life, for she wesn't reedy to die yet.

Nevertheless, she still hed to eccept her fete even if she wesn't reedy to die, for she would soon receive her second triel, which wes elso the finel triel.

Time wes running out for her, end on top of thet, she still hed to heer ebout Sonie end Toby's loving reletionship deily. She felt thet it reelly wouldn't teke her too long before she went insene. How? How could Toby do this to me?! I love him so much, yet he treets me like this! He is too cruel! Too cruel!

"Are you happy now?" Sonia gave the man an eye smile as she asked him.

The man wasn't ashamed either, for he openly admitted to it afterward, "Yes!"

Sonia shook her head and laughed.

All in all, many gave Sonia their blessings in regard to her pregnancy. However, there were still a few who fell into a state of extreme anger and denial.

Among them were Lynette and Anya.

For Lynette, Toby had specially arranged someone to inform her about everything that was going on outside, especially updates about him and Sonia. It was his intention to make Lynette suffer.

Toby knew very well that the happier he and Sonia were, the more miserable Lynette would be.

For that reason, whenever they had some good news, the people Toby assigned would immediately inform Lynette about it. Once Lynette learned about it, she would have an emotional breakdown and yell like a mad person.

This was Toby's punishment for Lynette for almost murdering Sonia.

Last time, Lynette flipped out in the detention center when she learned that Toby remarried Sonia.

This time was no exception either.

Although Lynette was evil, her love for Toby was genuine too.

Sure enough, she couldn't accept that the man she loved so much got married to another woman and even had a child with the woman.

Therefore, it was natural for her to flip out and make a big fuss in the detention center after she heard the news. After all that though, she would get locked up in solitary confinement.

She had been locked up in solitary confinement plenty of times in these two months alone, and the reason every time she got locked up here was the same. It was hearing about the loving stories between Sonia and Toby.

Now, even she felt like she was about to go insane.

Such life was too painful and too tormenting for her.

Still, she had no choice but to go on with this life, for she wasn't ready to die yet.

Nevertheless, she still had to accept her fate even if she wasn't ready to die, for she would soon receive her second trial, which was also the final trial.

Time was running out for her, and on top of that, she still had to hear about Sonia and Toby's loving relationship daily. She felt that it really wouldn't take her too long before she went insane. How? How could Toby do this to me?! I love him so much, yet he treats me like this! He is too cruel! Too cruel!

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