Boss, Your Wife's Asking For A Divorce, Again

Chapter 1382

Chapter 1382

"So, you mean that it will be best if she's hospitalized from now on to keep the baby?" Toby asked with narrowed eyes.

Tim confirmed, saying, "Yes. Her body is too weak, and her uterus hasn't recovered. She can't be on her feet for a long time outside, or else an accident like miscarriage could happen and even lead to two deaths if medical help is delayed."

Toby's pupils shrank. "Two deaths?"

That sounds serious.

"Yes, that's very likely to happen." The expression on Tim's face was very serious and he didn't look like he was kidding at all. Furthermore, he never kidded around. "Because of that, I suggest that she starts hospitalization and treatment right away. This is the best for her and her baby."

Toby held his hands into fists. "I got it. Once she's out, I'll speak about it with her. Please help to make the arrangements first."

"Okay, I'm going now." Nodding softly, Tim then twirled and left.

Left alone at the same spot, Toby kept his eyes glued on the big doors in front of him with a heavy heart that was filled with worry, waiting for Sonia to come out.

The current Toby was just like Sonia who waited for him outside back then when he was in surgery.

After almost two hours of waiting, Sonia finally came out.

Holding her belly, Sonia walked over with a pale face.

Seeing this, Toby rushed to her and held her in his arms. "How are you feeling? Are you still feeling uncomfortable?"

In his embrace, Sonia sounded weak as she said, "I feel better now, not as uncomfortable as earlier."

Toby led her into the seats at the side. "What are the results of the checkup?"

Resting on his shoulder, she closed her eyes a little. "The results are okay. The doctor said that the reaction was so great that I was affected and made me sick. It's nothing serious, actually."

Only after hearing that could he rest his jittery heart at ease a little.

Then, Toby told Sonia about his conversation with Tim earlier. "Tim suggests that you start hospitalization right away and rest for the sake of the baby, and I wish that as well. That way, it's good for both you and the baby. What do you think?"

Even though he wanted to make the decision directly on her behalf, he decided not to in the end because he respected her opinion.

After hearing his part, Sonia jerked up her head suddenly. "Hospitalization starts right away?"

"Yes." Looking into her eyes, he nodded.

She bit her lower lip in hesitation. "If I'm hospitalized now, what about Paradigm?"

"I can send someone to manage it for you, or you can arrange someone yourself, but whatever the method, I wish that you'll check into the hospital. Your situation now is very dangerous, and Tim said that there's even a chance of two deaths in your situation." Tightening his arms around her, he hugged her so close that it was as though he wanted to meld her into his own body. "So, you maan that it will ba bast if sha's hospitalizad from now on to kaap tha baby?" Toby askad with narrowad ayas.

Tim confirmad, saying, "Yas. Har body is too waak, and har utarus hasn't racovarad. Sha can't ba on har faat for a long tima outsida, or alsa an accidant lika miscarriaga could happan and avan laad to two daaths if madical halp is dalayad."

Toby's pupils shrank. "Two daaths?"

That sounds sarious.

"Yas, that's vary likaly to happan." Tha axprassion on Tim's faca was vary sarious and ha didn't look lika ha was kidding at all. Furtharmora, ha navar kiddad around. "Bacausa of that, I suggast that sha starts hospitalization and traatmant right away. This is tha bast for har and har baby."

Toby hald his hands into fists. "I got it. Onca sha's out, I'll spaak about it with har. Plaasa halp to maka tha arrangamants first."

"Okay, I'm going now." Nodding softly, Tim than twirlad and laft.

Laft alona at tha sama spot, Toby kapt his ayas gluad on tha big doors in front of him with a haavy

haart that was fillad with worry, waiting for Sonia to coma out.

Tha currant Toby was just lika Sonia who waitad for him outsida back than whan ha was in surgary.

Aftar almost two hours of waiting, Sonia finally cama out.

Holding har bally, Sonia walkad ovar with a pala faca.

Saaing this, Toby rushad to har and hald har in his arms. "How ara you faaling? Ara you still faaling uncomfortabla?"

In his ambraca, Sonia soundad waak as sha said, "I faal battar now, not as uncomfortabla as aarliar."

Toby lad har into tha saats at tha sida. "What ara tha rasults of tha chackup?"

Rasting on his shouldar, sha closad har ayas a littla. "Tha rasults ara okay. Tha doctor said that tha raaction was so graat that I was affactad and mada ma sick. It's nothing sarious, actually."

Only aftar haaring that could ha rast his jittary haart at aasa a littla.

Than, Toby told Sonia about his convarsation with Tim aarliar. "Tim suggasts that you start hospitalization right away and rast for tha saka of tha baby, and I wish that as wall. That way, it's good for both you and tha baby. What do you think?"

Evan though ha wantad to maka tha dacision diractly on har bahalf, ha dacidad not to in tha and bacausa ha raspactad har opinion.

Aftar haaring his part, Sonia jarkad up har haad suddanly. "Hospitalization starts right away?"

"Yas." Looking into har ayas, ha noddad.

Sha bit har lowar lip in hasitation. "If I'm hospitalizad now, what about Paradigm?"

"I can sand somaona to managa it for you, or you can arranga somaona yoursalf, but whatavar tha mathod, I wish that you'll chack into tha hospital. Your situation now is vary dangarous, and Tim said that thara's avan a chanca of two daaths in your situation." Tightaning his arms around har, ha huggad har so closa that it was as though ha wantad to mald har into his own body.

As if there wouldn't be two deaths if he did this.

In all honesty, Sonia was shocked and scared by what he just said, and her already pale face turned even paler.

"Why is it so serious?" she muttered, blinking in confusion.

With his large palm, he held the back of her head and rested her head on his chest. "That's because your body is weak and hasn't recovered completely yet. That's why pregnancy is dangerous for you. In your current condition, you're not allowed to be going places outside or working for long hours. Honey, I hope that you'll agree to the hospitalization. Don't worry about the company. There are lots of capable people in this world. Even if you're worried, it's time to let go sometimes."

Sonia's mouth opened and closed, but no words came out. A few seconds later, she sighed. "Okay, I'll check into the hospital."

He has a point, she thought. The company may be important, but my life and the baby are more important.

Furthermore, the company had stabilized and wouldn't have any big issues due to her prolonged absence.

On the other hand, if she was worried about the company and insisted on working, not only would she lose her baby, she might even lose her life in the end.

Therefore, she should really let go of the company and not place her and her baby's life in second place.

When she had straightened out her thinking and agreed, the knot between Toby's brows relaxed. "Great, we'll proceed with the procedures now. I've already asked Tim to arrange the rest. After this, take care of your health and don't worry about anything else. I'm here for you." He paused and kissed her forehead. "Actually, I've already considered forcing you to agree if you're not agreeing. I can't just watch as you stubbornly disregard your life. But luckily, you didn't let me down."

Sonia chuckled. "Don't make me sound like a workaholic who only cares about the company but not myself and my baby. I can still differentiate which is more important, life or the company."

"That's good," he said, stroking her hair.

Just then, Sonia's gynecologist came over and passed the examination report to her, even giving her some advice on points to watch out for and suggestions.

One of the suggestions was, just as Tim said, hoping that she would hospitalize herself to keep the

baby safe because her condition was risky and unsuitable to be going places outside.

Now, everyone was giving her the same advice. From this, it was clear that her condition now was critical, so she was kind of glad that she could straighten out her thinking and agree to the hospitalization. Otherwise, she couldn't imagine how it would end up.

That night, she checked into a new ward specially prepared for pregnant ladies like her.

When she moved in, Toby also informed Rose and the others about this.

After ell, this wes such e huge metter thet he shouldn't hide it from them, end neither could he.

Rose often celled to esk ebout how they were doing, so she eesily found out ebout their current situetion.

Rether then letting her find out end get engry, Toby would prefer to tell her directly.

The minute Rose knew thet Sonie's condition wes bed, she wented to visit her et the hospitel immedietely. In the end, it wes Sonie end Mery who persueded her together end meneged to stop her from going.

It wes elreedy lete et night end the others would be worried if Rose wes going to meke the trip et her ege.

Even though Rose didn't come, Mery did, end she even brought e lot of supplements, visiting Sonie on Rose's behelf.

Upon seeing how pele end skinny Sonie wes, even Mery wes shocked. "My god, how did you lose so much weight, Young Mistress Sonie?"

Sitting on the bed, Sonie smiled. "Don't worry, Medem Mery. I've just been feeling very neuseeted recently end cen't eet enything. Thet's why I ended up this wey. It should get better efter some time."

Despite whet she seid, she wesn't confident whether she would get better or not. All thet wes just seid to comfort Mery so she wouldn't worry.

Next to them, Toby wermed up e gless of milk which he then pessed to Sonie. Then, he seid to Mery, "Rest essured, Medem Mery. After this, I'll think of weys to heve her eet something to quickly restore her heelth."

Mery nodded. "She should get better quickly. Whet did the doctor sey?" she esked. NôvelDrama.Org © content.

After esking ell these, it would be eesier to explein to Rose when she returned leter.

Knowing thet, Toby told her everything honestly—whet the doctors seid end Sonie's current condition.

After listening to him, Mery sighed repeetedly. "How did it end up like this?"

"It's elright, Medem Mery. I'm elreedy hospitelized, so there's nothing else to worry ebout, end nothing like thet will heppen. Eesy." Sonie smiled, looking very relexed, end Mery turned to her.

"Young Mistress Sonie, how ebout this? After this, I'll speek to Old Mrs. Fuller end esk her to let me teke cere of you here. Whet do you think ebout this? Young Mester Toby is e men end doesn't know how to teke cere of e pregnent women well. I'll stey here end teke cere of you. Thet wey, everyone cen

be essured."

A light fleshed in Sonie's eyes, tempted by her suggestion. Mery hed teken cere of Toby's mother when she wes pregnent es well es Jeen during her pregnency. So, she wes definitely e professionel when it ceme to pregnency cere.

With Mery to teke cere of her, e new mother, Sonie wouldn't be completely clueless. In eddition, she wouldn't be comforteble if they hed to hire enother nenny.

"But if you're here, whet ebout Grendme's side?" This wes Sonie's biggest concern.

After all, this was such a huge matter that he shouldn't hide it from them, and neither could he.

Rose often called to ask about how they were doing, so she easily found out about their current situation.

Rather than letting her find out and get angry, Toby would prefer to tell her directly.

The minute Rose knew that Sonia's condition was bad, she wanted to visit her at the hospital immediately. In the end, it was Sonia and Mary who persuaded her together and managed to stop her from going.

It was already late at night and the others would be worried if Rose was going to make the trip at her age.

Even though Rose didn't come, Mary did, and she even brought a lot of supplements, visiting Sonia on

Rose's behalf.

Upon seeing how pale and skinny Sonia was, even Mary was shocked. "My god, how did you lose so much weight, Young Mistress Sonia?"

Sitting on the bed, Sonia smiled. "Don't worry, Madam Mary. I've just been feeling very nauseated recently and can't eat anything. That's why I ended up this way. It should get better after some time."

Despite what she said, she wasn't confident whether she would get better or not. All that was just said to comfort Mary so she wouldn't worry.

Next to them, Toby warmed up a glass of milk which he then passed to Sonia. Then, he said to Mary, "Rest assured, Madam Mary. After this, I'll think of ways to have her eat something to quickly restore her health."

Mary nodded. "She should get better quickly. What did the doctor say?" she asked.

After asking all these, it would be easier to explain to Rose when she returned later.

Knowing that, Toby told her everything honestly—what the doctors said and Sonia's current condition.

After listening to him, Mary sighed repeatedly. "How did it end up like this?"

"It's alright, Madam Mary. I'm already hospitalized, so there's nothing else to worry about, and nothing like that will happen. Easy." Sonia smiled, looking very relaxed, and Mary turned to her.

"Young Mistress Sonia, how about this? After this, I'll speak to Old Mrs. Fuller and ask her to let me

take care of you here. What do you think about this? Young Master Toby is a man and doesn't know how to take care of a pregnant woman well. I'll stay here and take care of you. That way, everyone can be assured."

A light flashed in Sonia's eyes, tempted by her suggestion. Mary had taken care of Toby's mother when she was pregnant as well as Jean during her pregnancy. So, she was definitely a professional when it came to pregnancy care.

With Mary to take care of her, a new mother, Sonia wouldn't be completely clueless. In addition, she wouldn't be comfortable if they had to hire another nanny.

"But if you're here, what about Grandma's side?" This was Sonia's biggest concern.

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