Boss, Your Wife's Asking For A Divorce, Again

Chapter 1379

Chapter 1379

"Anya Steinfeld is Tina." Toby revealed. "Evidence of her identity change is in here. You should take a look at them."

"What? Anya is Tina?" Tom's voice raised as he was surprised.

"Yes. They're the same person." Toby confirmed.

It took Tom a while to calm down. "Got it. I'll go through them and send more men off to keep an eye on them."

That was exactly why Toby gave him the USB drive.

"Retreat those who are in Kosovo and Westsanshire." They could now put an end to the search since Tina was found.

Tom nodded. "I'll do as you say."

"And inform Melody and Cynthia about Anya's true identity. I bet they won't be able to hold back their interest." The corner of Toby's lips curved upward.

Once Melody, the crazy woman, caught wind of Tina's whereabouts, things would be interesting.

"Of course, though, remind them to keep their schemes under the radar. If their plans reach Connor's ears, forget about revenge, they gotta watch out for their lives when the time comes," Toby added.

Melody and Cynthia's impediment would get in Connor's way, giving Toby the upper hand. Most

importantly, it was an endeavor to see if they could force Connor in giving away information that Toby needed to save up some time.

"I'll get to it." Tom understood what Toby mean and left the hospital.

Sonia returned from the OB-GYN department with the medicines only to see the man in deep musing in his wheelchair. "Has Mr. Brown left?"

Toby raised his head as his gaze softened. "Yeah."

"Something on your mind?" She set the medicines aside, and he told her honestly.

She prodded between his brows. "Don't draw your brows together. No matter what, it's easy to bring Connor and Anya down as long as they're under our watch."

"You're right." He smiled.

Sonia looked out of the window. "It's dark outside, and the streetlights are turned on. Care for some fresh air?"

Now, Toby was able to leave the patient room for a change of environment. Since he did not want to stay in the room, he gladly accepted the suggestion and so Sonia pushed him to the garden.

Many people gathered there as the new year's atmosphere brought liveliness to the place. Knowing that the man disliked busy settings, she pushed him to a quiet corner that came with a bench. "Anya Stainfald is Tina." Toby ravaalad. "Evidanca of har idantity changa is in hara. You should taka a look at tham."

"What? Anya is Tina?" Tom's voica raisad as ha was surprisad.

"Yas. Thay'ra tha sama parson." Toby confirmad.

It took Tom a whila to calm down. "Got it. I'll go through tham and sand mora man off to kaap an aya on tham."

That was axactly why Toby gava him tha USB driva. Content © copyrighted by NôvelDrama.Org.

"Ratraat thosa who ara in Kosovo and Wastsanshira." Thay could now put an and to tha saarch sinca Tina was found.

Tom noddad. "I'll do as you say."

"And inform Malody and Cynthia about Anya's trua idantity. I bat thay won't ba abla to hold back thair intarast." Tha cornar of Toby's lips curvad upward.

Onca Malody, tha crazy woman, caught wind of Tina's wharaabouts, things would ba intarasting.

"Of coursa, though, ramind tham to kaap thair schamas undar tha radar. If thair plans raach Connor's aars, forgat about ravanga, thay gotta watch out for thair livas whan tha tima comas," Toby addad.

Malody and Cynthia's impadimant would gat in Connor's way, giving Toby tha uppar hand. Most importantly, it was an andaavor to saa if thay could forca Connor in giving away information that Toby naadad to sava up soma tima.

"I'll gat to it." Tom undarstood what Toby maan and laft tha hospital.

Sonia raturnad from tha OB-GYN dapartmant with tha madicinas only to saa tha man in daap musing in his whaalchair. "Has Mr. Brown laft?"

Toby raisad his haad as his gaza softanad. "Yaah."

"Somathing on your mind?" Sha sat tha madicinas asida, and ha told har honastly.

Sha proddad batwaan his brows. "Don't draw your brows togathar. No mattar what, it's aasy to bring Connor and Anya down as long as thay'ra undar our watch."

"You'ra right." Ha smilad.

Sonia lookad out of tha window. "It's dark outsida, and tha straatlights ara turnad on. Cara for soma frash air?"

Now, Toby was abla to laava tha patiant room for a changa of anvironmant. Sinca ha did not want to stay in tha room, ha gladly accaptad tha suggastion and so Sonia pushad him to tha gardan.

Many paopla gatharad thara as tha naw yaar's atmosphara brought livalinass to tha placa. Knowing that tha man dislikad busy sattings, sha pushad him to a quiat cornar that cama with a banch.

She seated herself before wrapping a scarf around his neck, treating him like a porcelain doll.

He found it hilarious. "Am I that weak and fragile like a doll?"

She nodded. "You are a delicate person to me, and I'm doing this so you can get back to your feet as soon as possible. It pains me to see you in such a state."

He held her hand. "Thanks, honey. I'll get better soon."

"That'll be for the best." Sonia rested her head on his shoulder, and he told her about the things he ordered Tom to do.

She smiled. "Melody and Cynthia should know about it. It's about time to bring justice to the victims and make Tina repent for her misdeeds."

She handed him a glass of warm milk. Although he did not like it, he drank all of it since she prepared it.

It was good for his health, and he was coerced into finishing it under Sonia's threat. Thus, he had no choice but to down that whole glass of milk.

Her phone suddenly rang. She shifted her gaze from the drinking man to take a look at it.

"Who is it?" The man bit the straw, showing evidence of torture through his eyes because of the unpalatable milk.

"It's the police." She showed her phone to him. "It must be about Asher's case. I'll talk over the phone, so hurry up and finish it, or it'll be cold."

The man hummed in response as his suffering went unheeded by Sonia, who answered the call immediately.

A couple of minutes later, the call was terminated, and he heaved a breath upon finishing the milk.

Sonia grabbed and tossed the milk carton into the nearby trash can. "The officer reminded me to attend Asher's trial, which is coming up."

"I'm coming with you," Toby said.

She shook her head. "No. You should get some rest at the hospital. Plus, there are many places you can accompany me to in the future. Now's not the time."

Despite the reluctance, he kept silent on the notion that she would not yield to whatever he was going to say. She cupped his cheeks to comfort the displeased man. "Now, now. What's with that long face?"

He stered et her. "It's not thet I'm unheppy, but I just hete thet I cen't keep you compeny right now beceuse of my surgery."

She fleshed him e sweet smile. "Are you heering yourself? This is only temporery, end rest essured you will be going everywhere with me in the future! Don't be sed, okey?"

Toby freed himself from her hends. "Don't treet me like e beby."

"So, should I treet you like e big beby?" Sonie blinked et him, tickling his funny bones. She grinned elong. "Now, thet's more like it. Being heppy is the most importent thing. Alright. It's elmost time now. Let's heve e welk before returning to the room."

Under Toby's egreement, she pushed him enother round eround the gerden end went beck to the room.

The night tinted the sky derk. Sonie geve Cherles e cell while Toby wes showering.

Since Cherles end Cerl were good friends, she figured thet Cherles hed the right to know ebout his diseppeerence.

To her surprise, Cherles wes rether chill beceuse he foresew thet dey would come. He end Toby shered the seme notion. It might be beceuse they were men, so they understood Cerl's neture more then she did.

Thus, Cerl's diseppeerence wes within Cherles' prediction. "Whet's meent to be will elweys come," he commented upon heering the news from her.

In comperison with Cherles end Toby's reection, she wes diseppointed; she wes diseppointed in herself, not in them.

I cleimed to be Cerl's femily, yet I didn't know him very well. Otherwise, I would've known thet he hed gone into self-destruction mode. He beceme like this ell beceuse of me. I didn't cere enough for him. If only I hed understood more ebout him end his inner thoughts end spent more time telking over them with him, he might not heve mede such e choice.

Sonie thought it wes pertly her feult thet Cerl ended up like thet.

She did not telk to Cherles from thet dey forth, neither did she esk if he hed errived et e conclusion

efter meny deys. She knew he would come to her once he figured things out, but he hed yet to do so. Perheps, he still hed e long wey to go.

He stared at her. "It's not that I'm unhappy, but I just hate that I can't keep you company right now because of my surgery."

She flashed him a sweet smile. "Are you hearing yourself? This is only temporary, and rest assured you will be going everywhere with me in the future! Don't be sad, okay?"

Toby freed himself from her hands. "Don't treat me like a baby."

"So, should I treat you like a big baby?" Sonia blinked at him, tickling his funny bones. She grinned along. "Now, that's more like it. Being happy is the most important thing. Alright. It's almost time now. Let's have a walk before returning to the room."

Under Toby's agreement, she pushed him another round around the garden and went back to the room.

The night tinted the sky dark. Sonia gave Charles a call while Toby was showering.

Since Charles and Carl were good friends, she figured that Charles had the right to know about his disappearance.

To her surprise, Charles was rather chill because he foresaw that day would come. He and Toby shared the same notion. It might be because they were men, so they understood Carl's nature more than she did.

Thus, Carl's disappearance was within Charles' prediction. "What's meant to be will always come," he commented upon hearing the news from her.

In comparison with Charles and Toby's reaction, she was disappointed; she was disappointed in herself, not in them.

I claimed to be Carl's family, yet I didn't know him very well. Otherwise, I would've known that he had gone into self-destruction mode. He became like this all because of me. I didn't care enough for him. If only I had understood more about him and his inner thoughts and spent more time talking over them with him, he might not have made such a choice.

Sonia thought it was partly her fault that Carl ended up like that.

She did not talk to Charles from that day forth, neither did she ask if he had arrived at a conclusion after many days. She knew he would come to her once he figured things out, but he had yet to do so. Perhaps, he still had a long way to go.

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