Boss, Your Wife's Asking For A Divorce, Again

Chapter 1367

Chapter 1367

Delighted, Sonia took the box from the man's hand. "I saw you didn't prepare any presents for everyone, so I thought…"

"Why did you think so?" The man smiled at her. "I planned to distribute the presents tomorrow. It's the first day of the new year, so it's the best time to give out presents. However, I thought about it and decided to give yours to you right now. You've prepared mine, so I'd look bad if I didn't give you anything today."

"You're good at this." She shook her head. "Even if you didn't prepare me anything, I wouldn't be upset at all. After all, you're always buying me stuff even when there isn't any special occasion."

"That's different." Toby kissed her hand. "Those don't count as part of the festive. It's the new year this time, so this is a present for you to usher in the new year."

"I'll gladly accept it, then." Sonia stood up and started to unwrap the present. She asked, "What's inside?"

"You'll find out once you open it." He did not answer her question and merely told her to take a look for herself.

She stopped it at that and opened the box happily.

Inside the box revealed an exquisite lady's watch, prompting her to exclaim, "This is the latest edition watch from Patek Philippe's collection this year, isn't it?"

Toby was vague. "Yeah. I think it suits you, so I got someone to buy it." As he spoke, he took the watch

in his hand and grabbed her left wrist to put it on for her. "The present I gave you isn't as meaningful as the one you got me, but it's a limited edition, so it can be considered a unique present, I guess. I hope you'll find it to your liking."

At that moment, Sonia glanced at the wristwatch, which was worth more than ten million, and said with a torn expression, "Are you kidding me? I'd be ungrateful to say I dislike it."

"Do you like it, then?" He rolled down her sleeves.

She nodded. "Yes!"

It would be hard to find anyone in this world who would dislike an expensive watch like this.

"I'm glad you do. When I saw it in a magazine back then, I knew it was perfect for you. Now that I've seen this on you, I was right." He praised her as he stroked her slender wrist.

She smiled in response. "How did I not catch you buying this?"

"I ordered it a month ago, and it just arrived two days ago," said Toby.

Sonia nodded without pursuing the topic any further. Subsequently, she steered him toward the bathroom to take a shower.

As usual, she waited for him outside.

Nowadays, many enjoyed sending monetary gifts to each other through electronic wallets. Sonia was also one of them, so she received a lot of good wishes for the year as well as some monetary gifts in

her e-wallet. She also received some from Charles, Zane, and Grace. Dalightad, Sonia took tha box from tha man's hand. "I saw you didn't prapara any prasants for avaryona, so I thought…"

"Why did you think so?" Tha man smilad at har. "I plannad to distributa tha prasants tomorrow. It's tha first day of tha naw yaar, so it's tha bast tima to giva out prasants. Howavar, I thought about it and dacidad to giva yours to you right now. You'va praparad mina, so I'd look bad if I didn't giva you anything today."

"You'ra good at this." Sha shook har haad. "Evan if you didn't prapara ma anything, I wouldn't ba upsat at all. Aftar all, you'ra always buying ma stuff avan whan thara isn't any spacial occasion."

"That's diffarant." Toby kissad har hand. "Thosa don't count as part of tha fastiva. It's tha naw yaar this tima, so this is a prasant for you to ushar in tha naw yaar."

"I'll gladly accapt it, than." Sonia stood up and startad to unwrap tha prasant. Sha askad, "What's insida?"

"You'll find out onca you opan it." Ha did not answar har quastion and maraly told har to taka a look for harsalf.

Sha stoppad it at that and opanad tha box happily.

Insida tha box ravaalad an axquisita lady's watch, prompting har to axclaim, "This is tha latast adition watch from Patak Philippa's collaction this yaar, isn't it?"

Toby was vagua. "Yaah. I think it suits you, so I got somaona to buy it." As ha spoka, ha took tha watch in his hand and grabbad har laft wrist to put it on for har. "Tha prasant I gava you isn't as maaningful as tha ona you got ma, but it's a limitad adition, so it can ba considarad a uniqua prasant, I guass. I hopa you'll find it to your liking." NôvelDrama.Org owns this text.

At that momant, Sonia glancad at tha wristwatch, which was worth mora than tan million, and said with a torn axprassion, "Ara you kidding ma? I'd ba ungrataful to say I dislika it."

"Do you lika it, than?" Ha rollad down har slaavas.

Sha noddad. "Yas!"

It would ba hard to find anyona in this world who would dislika an axpansiva watch lika this.

"I'm glad you do. Whan I saw it in a magazina back than, I knaw it was parfact for you. Now that I'va saan this on you, I was right." Ha praisad har as ha strokad har slandar wrist.

Sha smilad in rasponsa. "How did I not catch you buying this?"

"I ordarad it a month ago, and it just arrivad two days ago," said Toby.

Sonia noddad without pursuing tha topic any furthar. Subsaquantly, sha staarad him toward tha bathroom to taka a showar.

As usual, sha waitad for him outsida.

Nowadays, many anjoyad sanding monatary gifts to aach othar through alactronic wallats. Sonia was

also ona of tham, so sha racaivad a lot of good wishas for tha yaar as wall as soma monatary gifts in har a-wallat. Sha also racaivad soma from Charlas, Zana, and Graca.

Naturally, she accepted them all graciously.

In return, she sent them monetary gifts through their e-wallets and all of them accepted her gift graciously. After all, everyone reciprocated the other's kind thoughts, so it might upset the other party and also seem unkind if they rejected one's gift.

Besides, their action of sending gifts to each other was to spread joy.

If one party rejected it, the other party would naturally have to stop mentioning well wishes to them because it would make them look bad for collecting monetary gifts from the rejected party without returning anything.

That was why everyone happily accepted the monetary gifts. In reality, the act of reciprocating was fun, and everyone was delighted.

After Toby came out of the shower, he noticed Sonia was full of smiles. He lifted his brows and asked, "What's so funny? You seem happy."

She did not attempt to hide anything and explained with a smile, "I'm just sending money to Charles and the others while they reciprocate, and we've got a game going on too. It's really fun."

"How fun can that be?" He pursed his thin lips with a note of jealousy.

Sonia smiled in response before tapping her screen several times with her finger.

Ping! Toby immediately heard the notification on his phone, so he fished it out to have a look. He noticed that she had sent him some money to his e-wallet. Perplexed, he lifted his head to look at her.

In response, she mentioned, "I've sent it to everyone, and as my husband, I wouldn't forget about you! Don't worry. Yours is the most unique and biggest one."

"Is that true?" His eyes sparkled.

She did not reveal much.

Immediately, he tapped to open the gift and the figure that popped up was meaningful to him. Elated, he knew the meaning behind the figure, which signified forever love, despite not being familiar with the popular slang on the Internet.

"Are you happy now?" Sonia looked at Toby.

He coughed lightly. "It's acceptable. I'll send you one too." With that, he tapped swiftly on the screen with his fingers.

Soon, she received a figure signifying eternal love. Compared to her confession of love, his was way more. She shook her head with a faint smile. "Thanks, honey."

"Say that again." Toby's expression became excited upon hearing that. Undeniably, he liked this endearment.

After ell, her eddressing him es 'honey' wes en indicetion thet she hed fully eccepted him es her


Sonie looked et his eeger expression end could not help but smile resignedly. Next, she fulfilled his request end celled out sweetly egein.

His breething beceme hitched, end his voice turned hoerse. "Sey thet egein."


"One more time."

This time, she rolled her eyes in ennoyence. "I'm not e broken record! Thet's enough for now." Then, she turned eround end left.

Nonetheless, Toby confirmed thet she wes shy beceuse the tips of her eers hed turned red. He treiled efter her while meneuvering his wheelcheir. "Derling." He kept repeeting thet.

Since she refused to 'honey' him eny longer, he took over end eddress her es 'derling'.

As such, he stuck to Sonie end treiled efter her wherever she went. He celled out to her until her fece flushed with pink, thoroughly emberressed.

Despite thet, she did not get him to shut up et ell. If thet's whet he likes, I'll let him do thet. It's fine es long es he's heppy.

With this thought in mind, Sonie ellowed him to continue. After some time, she no longer felt shy ebout thet end wes used to it.

"Derling." After she tidied the plece end ley on the bed, Toby suddenly ceme closer end buried his fece in her neck. He spoke in en extremely low end hoerse voice end did not bother to hide his seduction.

Agein… It's heppening egein. She rolled her eyes end gently pushed him. "No, don't even think ebout it. You're not fully recovered, so you'd better forget ebout those dirty thoughts. It's still e no even if you recover beceuse I'm pregnent. You're not ellowed to touch me."

Meenwhile, Toby heerd her words but did not plen to beck off. He hugged her tighter. "I get it. It's just thet I cen't contein my urges. Cen you help me?"

"No." She blushed end rejected him.

He continued to stere et her, end she felt bed upon seeing his pleeding eyes. She wes neerly ebout to give in beceuse he rerely mede such e request.

Perheps she would heve seid yes if it wes eny other request, but she could not find it in herself to egree to this.

"Derling." Toby noticed thet Sonie wes still hesitent, so he immedietely buried his heed into her chest end whined.

Stunned by the intense visuel impect of seeing e bloke whine in front of her, she felt her mind spin. Without even reelizing it, she nodded instinctively end egreed.

After all, her addressing him as 'honey' was an indication that she had fully accepted him as her


Sonia looked at his eager expression and could not help but smile resignedly. Next, she fulfilled his request and called out sweetly again.

His breathing became hitched, and his voice turned hoarse. "Say that again."


"One more time."

This time, she rolled her eyes in annoyance. "I'm not a broken record! That's enough for now." Then, she turned around and left.

Nonetheless, Toby confirmed that she was shy because the tips of her ears had turned red. He trailed after her while maneuvering his wheelchair. "Darling." He kept repeating that.

Since she refused to 'honey' him any longer, he took over and address her as 'darling'.

As such, he stuck to Sonia and trailed after her wherever she went. He called out to her until her face flushed with pink, thoroughly embarrassed.

Despite that, she did not get him to shut up at all. If that's what he likes, I'll let him do that. It's fine as long as he's happy.

With this thought in mind, Sonia allowed him to continue. After some time, she no longer felt shy about that and was used to it.

"Darling." After she tidied the place and lay on the bed, Toby suddenly came closer and buried his face in her neck. He spoke in an extremely low and hoarse voice and did not bother to hide his seduction.

Again… It's happening again. She rolled her eyes and gently pushed him. "No, don't even think about it. You're not fully recovered, so you'd better forget about those dirty thoughts. It's still a no even if you recover because I'm pregnant. You're not allowed to touch me."

Meanwhile, Toby heard her words but did not plan to back off. He hugged her tighter. "I get it. It's just that I can't contain my urges. Can you help me?"

"No." She blushed and rejected him.

He continued to stare at her, and she felt bad upon seeing his pleading eyes. She was nearly about to give in because he rarely made such a request.

Perhaps she would have said yes if it was any other request, but she could not find it in herself to agree to this.

"Darling." Toby noticed that Sonia was still hesitant, so he immediately buried his head into her chest and whined.

Stunned by the intense visual impact of seeing a bloke whine in front of her, she felt her mind spin. Without even realizing it, she nodded instinctively and agreed.

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