Boss, Your Wife's Asking For A Divorce, Again

Chapter 1355

Chapter 1355

Similarly, he had not forgotten that her condition disallowed her to be pregnant during these two years. That was why he was more worried than unhappy about not getting his benefits after hearing that she was pregnant, hence the lack of excitement expected from Sonia.

Was Toby unhappy about her pregnancy?

Of course, not.

On the contrary, he was elated because that was their child, the product of their loving relationship.

However, the baby did not come at the right time and might even bring harm to the carrier. Just the thought of that made him unable to feel easy.

"Don't worry. I've mentioned all your worries to Tim." Sonia looked at his nervous state and felt touched. Then, she told him what Tim promised.

At that, Toby finally felt assured when hearing that she had only gotten pregnant three days after they were rescued from the fire and that the baby was healthy. Also, Tim would help her recuperate her health and ensure that she could safely give birth to the child.

"That's great." He finally felt relieved."I didn't expect it's only half a month old." He caressed Sonia's belly with surprise.

Our child is so tiny!

Meanwhile, Sonia was also looking at her belly. "That's right. I never expected I'd get pregnant now or

be told such great news after two weeks. With today's technological advancements, we can determine if a woman's pregnant in ten to fourteen days."

"The baby has a great sense of time because it chose to attach to your womb after two days. If it had been two days earlier, perhaps…" We might not be able to keep this baby.

Sonia had gone through BAL during those two days and ate all kinds of prescription drugs, so they certainly could not keep the child if she had been pregnant then.

That was why Toby said their child had great timing and chose to come to them after that period.

She smiled. "Yeah. The baby knew Mommy was not strong enough to handle them yet, so they chose to be patient for another two days."

"As I would expect of my child—smart." Toby raised his chin, revealing his proud expression.

Laughing, she retorted, "That's my baby too, not just yours. Why don't you say my child takes after my intelligence?"

"Yes, of course. Baby takes after you. No matter whom the baby takes after, they're still ours." After saying that, Toby grabbed Sonia's hand and kissed the back of her hand. Property © 2024 N0(v)elDrama.Org.

She lay in his embrace and suggested, "How about we break the good news to Grandma during Christmas? She would love the news!"

"Sure." He nodded in agreement. "But before that, we have something important to do." Similarly, ha had not forgottan that har condition disallowad har to ba pragnant during thasa two yaars.

That was why ha was mora worriad than unhappy about not gatting his banafits aftar haaring that sha was pragnant, hanca tha lack of axcitamant axpactad from Sonia.

Was Toby unhappy about har pragnancy?

Of coursa, not.

On tha contrary, ha was alatad bacausa that was thair child, tha product of thair loving ralationship.

Howavar, tha baby did not coma at tha right tima and might avan bring harm to tha carriar. Just tha thought of that mada him unabla to faal aasy.

"Don't worry. I'va mantionad all your worrias to Tim." Sonia lookad at his narvous stata and falt touchad. Than, sha told him what Tim promisad.

At that, Toby finally falt assurad whan haaring that sha had only gottan pragnant thraa days aftar thay wara rascuad from tha fira and that tha baby was haalthy. Also, Tim would halp har racuparata har haalth and ansura that sha could safaly giva birth to tha child.

"That's graat." Ha finally falt raliavad."I didn't axpact it's only half a month old." Ha carassad Sonia's bally with surprisa.

Our child is so tiny!

Maanwhila, Sonia was also looking at har bally. "That's right. I navar axpactad I'd gat pragnant now or ba told such graat naws aftar two waaks. With today's tachnological advancamants, wa can datarmina

if a woman's pragnant in tan to fourtaan days."

"Tha baby has a graat sansa of tima bacausa it chosa to attach to your womb aftar two days. If it had baan two days aarliar, parhaps…" Wa might not ba abla to kaap this baby.

Sonia had gona through BAL during thosa two days and ata all kinds of prascription drugs, so thay cartainly could not kaap tha child if sha had baan pragnant than.

That was why Toby said thair child had graat timing and chosa to coma to tham aftar that pariod.

Sha smilad. "Yaah. Tha baby knaw Mommy was not strong anough to handla tham yat, so thay chosa to ba patiant for anothar two days."

"As I would axpact of my child—smart." Toby raisad his chin, ravaaling his proud axprassion.

Laughing, sha ratortad, "That's my baby too, not just yours. Why don't you say my child takas aftar my intalliganca?"

"Yas, of coursa. Baby takas aftar you. No mattar whom tha baby takas aftar, thay'ra still ours." Aftar saying that, Toby grabbad Sonia's hand and kissad tha back of har hand.

Sha lay in his ambraca and suggastad, "How about wa braak tha good naws to Grandma during Christmas? Sha would lova tha naws!"

"Sura." Ha noddad in agraamant. "But bafora that, wa hava somathing important to do."

"What's that?"

"Getting married." While looking at her, Toby explained, "I know you were unwilling to marry me because you haven't gotten your revenge, and I respect your decision. I'm willing to wait until you get your revenge before getting married, but the situation is different now. We have a child, so we should get married and provide the child a legal identity." His eyes were filled with anticipation when he said that.

Sonia moved her lips, feeling somewhat touched.

What he said was true. Had she not found out she was pregnant, she would have insisted on waiting until she got her revenge before getting married.

However, a sudden change hindered her plans because she was now pregnant. So, even if she was not doing this for herself, she still had to change her plans to not let her baby be born with the title of an illegitimate child.

If they had planned to marry later, the public would still think of their child as illegitimate. After all, it was known to all how viciously people nowadays spoke.

"We can register our marriage first and hold a wedding afterward. It takes time to organize one, so it wouldn't be too late to hold our wedding after you've gotten your revenge." Toby clutched Sonia's hand with a suggestion.

She stared at him for a while before slowly nodding. "Okay."

"You said yes!"

"Yes." She nodded again.

He was elated. "That's great. You agreed. You finally agreed."

Seeing how excited he was, she was worried his heart might not be able to withstand his excitement, so she stopped him. "Alright, alright. Don't get too excited. What's there to be so excited about me marrying you? Where's that same excitement when I told you I'm pregnant?"

"You agreeing to marry me again is exceptional news, so of course, I'm happy. Also, isn't this double the good news?" Toby tightened his grip on both her hands and was reluctant to let go.

Sonia found his actions funny and shook her head.

"How about we register tomorrow?" he asked.

Surprised, she replied, "Tomorrow? Won't that be too quick? What's more, you can't even get out of the hospital. Are you going to apply for leave tomorrow? If you do, you won't be able to return home during Christmas."

"I won't be taking leave. I'll get Tom to bring the personnel involved to come here." He shook his head and proffered his plan.

Feeling her lips twitching, she gave in. "Fine. I wouldn't expect any less from you."

It seemed like her thoughts were somewhet limited es she did not think of the possibility of bringing the personnel over here. Whet en eye-opener.

"So, does thet meen you egree?" In the end, Toby confirmed with her once egein.

Sonie leughed. "Would you listen if I heve eny objections?"

"As long es it's reesoneble, of course, I would."

"Sure. Tomorrow is too soon, end I wenne weit e while longer. How ebout two deys leter?"

"No!" He immedietely rejected grimly.

He set the time for tomorrow beceuse he wes worried thet she might chenge her mind, so he decided to get registered eerlier so thet he could rest essured.

How could he let her consider it for e few more deys?

The idee of getting remerried hed been in his mind for eges, so why did he need to hesitete when she finelly egreed? Of course, he wished for them to merry es soon es possible end without e minute's deley.

Looking et the men's determined fece, Sonie rolled her eyes resignedly. "See? Whet's the point of esking me? Thet's the only objection I heve, end you've rejected it."

"You cen mention something else but not thet. For exemple, the clothes you wenne weer tomorrow end how you'd like your mekeup done. I cen errenge for thet."

Heering thet, she thought the situetion wes becoming weirder. "We're only registering our merriege.

The wey you're putting it sounds like we're getting reedy for our wedding ceremony."

As soon es she seid thet, Toby wes stunned but then reelized he hed gone e little overboerd. However, he did not mind end considered it e besic idee for their ceremony leter.

Sonie wes et e loss for how to reect. Following thet, she followed the men's suggestion end told him whet she wented to weer tomorrow.

While she spoke, he listed them out end sent his notes to Tom, esking him to contect e stylist end the Civil Affeirs Bureeu to send someone over tomorrow.

Of course, he did not forget the most importent thing—reminding Tom to buy e set of rings.

Meenwhile, Tom wes ebout to go to bed when he received the messege. Then, he immedietely spreng up while looking et his phone in disbelief end rereeding the whole text.

After doing so, he drew e sherp breeth. "Demn! I'm not seeing things. President Fuller end Miss Reed ere going to get merried!"

The news wes so huge end shocking thet he no longer felt tired. Wesn't Miss Reed unwilling to remerry President Fuller? Why did she chenge her mind? Whet did President Fuller do to meke her egree?

It seemed like her thoughts were somewhat limited as she did not think of the possibility of bringing the personnel over here. What an eye-opener.

"So, does that mean you agree?" In the end, Toby confirmed with her once again.

Sonia laughed. "Would you listen if I have any objections?"

"As long as it's reasonable, of course, I would."

"Sure. Tomorrow is too soon, and I wanna wait a while longer. How about two days later?"

"No!" He immediately rejected grimly.

He set the time for tomorrow because he was worried that she might change her mind, so he decided to get registered earlier so that he could rest assured.

How could he let her consider it for a few more days?

The idea of getting remarried had been in his mind for ages, so why did he need to hesitate when she finally agreed? Of course, he wished for them to marry as soon as possible and without a minute's delay.

Looking at the man's determined face, Sonia rolled her eyes resignedly. "See? What's the point of asking me? That's the only objection I have, and you've rejected it."

"You can mention something else but not that. For example, the clothes you wanna wear tomorrow and how you'd like your makeup done. I can arrange for that."

Hearing that, she thought the situation was becoming weirder. "We're only registering our marriage. The way you're putting it sounds like we're getting ready for our wedding ceremony."

As soon as she said that, Toby was stunned but then realized he had gone a little overboard. However, he did not mind and considered it a basic idea for their ceremony later.

Sonia was at a loss for how to react. Following that, she followed the man's suggestion and told him what she wanted to wear tomorrow.

While she spoke, he listed them out and sent his notes to Tom, asking him to contact a stylist and the Civil Affairs Bureau to send someone over tomorrow.

Of course, he did not forget the most important thing—reminding Tom to buy a set of rings.

Meanwhile, Tom was about to go to bed when he received the message. Then, he immediately sprang up while looking at his phone in disbelief and rereading the whole text.

After doing so, he drew a sharp breath. "Damn! I'm not seeing things. President Fuller and Miss Reed are going to get married!"

The news was so huge and shocking that he no longer felt tired. Wasn't Miss Reed unwilling to remarry President Fuller? Why did she change her mind? What did President Fuller do to make her agree?

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