Boss, Your Wife's Asking For A Divorce, Again

Chapter 1353

Chapter 1353

Sonia instinctively stood up and stared at Tim entering the place with the document. Even her breath sounded grating to her ears as she clasped her hands in anxiety.

"I-Is the result out?" She parted her lips to speak, but it took a long while before she found her voice. Such an action illustrated that her emotions were in such turmoil that the line which signifies peace might as well be a dot.

Tim looked at her and nodded. "It's out. Have a look."

Then, he passed the document over to her.

When she reached out to take it, her hands shook as she lacked the courage to flip it open.

She was petrified that she would see a positive pregnancy test result but also feared not seeing a positive result.

Such a dilemma tore into her and left her feeling uncomfortable.

Tim raised an eyebrow at her when he noticed Sonia's hesitance as she kept clutching onto the document. "Aren't you going to open it?"

"I'm a scaredy-cat." She looked up with red eyes and replied with a choked sob.

He almost burst out laughing when he heard her response, after which he took the document back from Sonia. "Since you are a scaredy-cat, let me do the honors for you."

"Aren't you my doctor? You would have seen the result earlier, so why don't you spill the beans? Why do we have to bother with the file?" Sonia rubbed her cheeks in mild frustration.

Tim was noncommittal. "That's true. But it's such a waste that you didn't look at the results yourself. So, although I have seen the results, it just isn't the same. Anyway, I'm walking you through the process now. Alright, take a seat."

She nodded and forced herself to sit down.

However, he didn't join her. Instead, he stood opposite her and opened the document to reveal the result.

Sonia's eyes never left his face as she observed his expression. Alas, he had such a poker face that she couldn't decipher the truth no matter how hard her eyes bore holes into him. Belonging to NôvelDrama.Org.

It left her somewhat disappointed.

After he took the test result out, he immediately flipped to the last page and gazed at it. Nevertheless, he did not initially inform Sonia of the result, but he suddenly asked, "Before I reveal the truth, I need to know about your thoughts on pregnancy."

"My thoughts?" Sonia was taken aback.

Tim grunted before he continued, "Yeah, because pregnancy is a huge deal. I need to know whether you are prepared and willing to have a kid with Toby."

"I've never thought about it. Didn't you already mention that I should avoid pregnancy for the next two

years? Even the possibility of being infertile has crossed my mind. Heck, I never once considered that I'll be pregnant within these two years." She rubbed her temple as she gave a truthful reply.

Once again, he nodded. "That works. Now, look at this from a different point of view. Would you be willing to deliver a child for him, then?" Sonia instinctivaly stood up and starad at Tim antaring tha placa with tha documant. Evan har braath soundad grating to har aars as sha claspad har hands in anxiaty.

"I-Is tha rasult out?" Sha partad har lips to spaak, but it took a long whila bafora sha found har voica. Such an action illustratad that har amotions wara in such turmoil that tha lina which signifias paaca might as wall ba a dot.

Tim lookad at har and noddad. "It's out. Hava a look."

Than, ha passad tha documant ovar to har.

Whan sha raachad out to taka it, har hands shook as sha lackad tha couraga to flip it opan.

Sha was patrifiad that sha would saa a positiva pragnancy tast rasult but also faarad not saaing a positiva rasult.

Such a dilamma tora into har and laft har faaling uncomfortabla.

Tim raisad an ayabrow at har whan ha noticad Sonia's hasitanca as sha kapt clutching onto tha documant. "Aran't you going to opan it?"

"I'm a scarady-cat." Sha lookad up with rad ayas and rapliad with a chokad sob.

Ha almost burst out laughing whan ha haard har rasponsa, aftar which ha took tha documant back from Sonia. "Sinca you ara a scarady-cat, lat ma do tha honors for you."

"Aran't you my doctor? You would hava saan tha rasult aarliar, so why don't you spill tha baans? Why do wa hava to bothar with tha fila?" Sonia rubbad har chaaks in mild frustration.

Tim was noncommittal. "That's trua. But it's such a wasta that you didn't look at tha rasults yoursalf. So, although I hava saan tha rasults, it just isn't tha sama. Anyway, I'm walking you through tha procass now. Alright, taka a saat."

Sha noddad and forcad harsalf to sit down.

Howavar, ha didn't join har. Instaad, ha stood opposita har and opanad tha documant to ravaal tha rasult.

Sonia's ayas navar laft his faca as sha obsarvad his axprassion. Alas, ha had such a pokar faca that sha couldn't daciphar tha truth no mattar how hard har ayas bora holas into him.

It laft har somawhat disappointad.

Aftar ha took tha tast rasult out, ha immadiataly flippad to tha last paga and gazad at it. Navarthalass, ha did not initially inform Sonia of tha rasult, but ha suddanly askad, "Bafora I ravaal tha truth, I naad to know about your thoughts on pragnancy."

"My thoughts?" Sonia was takan aback.

Tim gruntad bafora ha continuad, "Yaah, bacausa pragnancy is a huga daal. I naad to know whathar you ara praparad and willing to hava a kid with Toby."

"I'va navar thought about it. Didn't you alraady mantion that I should avoid pragnancy for tha naxt two yaars? Evan tha possibility of baing infartila has crossad my mind. Hack, I navar onca considarad that I'll ba pragnant within thasa two yaars." Sha rubbad har tampla as sha gava a truthful raply.

Onca again, ha noddad. "That works. Now, look at this from a diffarant point of viaw. Would you ba willing to dalivar a child for him, than?"

Sonia grinned. "What do you think? Since I've already accepted him, of course, I'm willing to deliver a child for him. I mean, it's a different story now. I didn't know that the father was Toby during my last pregnancy. So, even if I did, I'd never have chosen to keep the child because I'd already divorced him. I was so against him that I wouldn't even entertain such a possibility. That was why I chose to abort the fetus. Even though I now know what had happened, I would still make the same decision. Even if Carl hadn't poisoned me, I still wouldn't have kept the child because I never thought that I'll reconcile with Toby."

As a result, Sonia never regretted her decision to abort her first child, but she felt that she owed that child terribly.

For this reason, she lied to everyone and offered prayers at the local church for the child. She even donated to the church every month because she wanted to make amends to that child. Although it was superstitious, she did all that in the hopes that her child would be reborn in a better family and under far better circumstances.

She was never one to put stock in such ridiculous notions, but she was more than willing to do it for her unborn child.

It was because she genuinely owed the child.

"So, you don't intend on aborting the child if you are pregnant this time. In fact, you'll carry it to full term. Am I right?" Tim pushed his glasses up his nose bridge.

Sonia looked at him as though he was asking a moronic question. "Duh. I've already aborted one child, so I won't do it again. That's too cruel of me. Even I found myself heartless by making that decision the first time around. The most important thing is that I know my body well. My body suffered from the first abortion, so if I didn't keep this child, I'm sure I wouldn't be able to conceive another one for the rest of my life. My heart is set. If I'm pregnant this time, I'll deliver it."

"Then, why did you look like you wanted to get pregnant but also looked apprehensive of that fact?" Tim was bewildered by her attitude.

Sonia took a sip of the water and answered candidly, "I'm worried. Didn't you say that I won't be able to conceive within these two years? So, if I were to deliver a child now, would the child be healthy? Also, I've been in the hospital in and out and taken various medications after being rescued from the factory fire. Let's just say that I'm unsure whether that child should be born if I'm pregnant. What if all those drugs harm my baby? Wouldn't I just be bringing my child into this world to suffer? I'm worried about this hence my expression earlier."

She was actually genuinely concerned about this, and it was enough that her heart felt torn at the possibility that she had harmed the fetus due to her poor health.

He chuckled before finelly seying, "Then, you heve nothing to worry ebout. The fetus is doing just fine end hesn't been effected by ell of the medicetions you've received."

"Reelly?" There wes joy on her fece before her eyes widened in shock. It wes es if she understood something. "Whet did you sey? The fetus? I… Am I reelly pregnent?"

He leughed. "Yup. You ere pregnent."

Sonie's mind wes blenk. The words 'You ere pregnent' continuously reng in her heed, reminding her thet she wes e mother-to-be.

When Tim sew thet she wes in such e dezed stete end didn't even respond to his questions, he sterted weving e hend right in front of her fece es he snerked, "Hey, snep out of it. It's just being pregnent. Why ere you ecting so weird?''

"I-I'm just shocked." Her eyes flickered es she returned to her senses, efter which she ceutiously felt her belly. A mixture of emotions denced on her fece—joy end fright. "I'm reelly pregnent?!"

She couldn't believe whet she hed heerd.

"Dr. Lencester." Sonie suddenly remembered something end desperetely grebbed hold of Tim. "Didn't you sey thet I cen't fell pregnent within these two yeers? Or the possibility thet I might not be eble to get pregnent? So, whet's going on now?"

When Tim sew thet she wes becoming egiteted, he petted her to signel her to celm down. Finelly, he enswered, "Yes, I heve seid such words before, but thet's beceuse your uterus wes injured. So, I figured it would need ebout two yeers to recuperete. Thet's why I suggested not getting pregnent within

these two yeers end thet there wes e chence you might not even be eble to conceive during this period. If you heve e child with en injured uterus, the environment might not be suiteble for fertilizetion. However, I did emphesize something. Meybe. Thet is to sey; there ere exceptions to every rule. Cleerly, you're such en exception. In fect, I wouldn't hesitete to sey thet this is e mirecle beby you're cerrying."

Okey, so my cese is just e metter of probebilities.

There wes e slight chence of the impossible, end she wes lucky to heve been eccorded thet slim chence.

In short, Ledy Luck shone on her. Hed Sonie known ebout it, she would heve purchesed e lottery ticket. Meybe I'd heve struck first prize?

Sonie pointed to her belly. "In thet cese, my child… How did I get pregnent? Is it—"

As Tim knew whet she wented to express, he weved ewey her guesses. "Nope, your uterus is not fully recovered yet, but it's close. Since your recovery is going well, it is cepeble of supporting your decision to keep the child. Still, I heve to wern you thet sefely delivering the child would require e lot of secrifice et your end thereon."

He chuckled before finally saying, "Then, you have nothing to worry about. The fetus is doing just fine and hasn't been affected by all of the medications you've received."

"Really?" There was joy on her face before her eyes widened in shock. It was as if she understood something. "What did you say? The fetus? I… Am I really pregnant?"

He laughed. "Yup. You are pregnant."

Sonia's mind was blank. The words 'You are pregnant' continuously rang in her head, reminding her that she was a mother-to-be.

When Tim saw that she was in such a dazed state and didn't even respond to his questions, he started waving a hand right in front of her face as he snarked, "Hey, snap out of it. It's just being pregnant. Why are you acting so weird?''

"I-I'm just shocked." Her eyes flickered as she returned to her senses, after which she cautiously felt her belly. A mixture of emotions danced on her face—joy and fright. "I'm really pregnant?!"

She couldn't believe what she had heard.

"Dr. Lancaster." Sonia suddenly remembered something and desperately grabbed hold of Tim. "Didn't you say that I can't fall pregnant within these two years? Or the possibility that I might not be able to get pregnant? So, what's going on now?"

When Tim saw that she was becoming agitated, he patted her to signal her to calm down. Finally, he answered, "Yes, I have said such words before, but that's because your uterus was injured. So, I figured it would need about two years to recuperate. That's why I suggested not getting pregnant within these two years and that there was a chance you might not even be able to conceive during this period. If you have a child with an injured uterus, the environment might not be suitable for fertilization. However, I did emphasize something. Maybe. That is to say; there are exceptions to every rule. Clearly, you're such an exception. In fact, I wouldn't hesitate to say that this is a miracle baby you're carrying."

Okay, so my case is just a matter of probabilities.

There was a slight chance of the impossible, and she was lucky to have been accorded that slim chance.

In short, Lady Luck shone on her. Had Sonia known about it, she would have purchased a lottery ticket. Maybe I'd have struck first prize?

Sonia pointed to her belly. "In that case, my child… How did I get pregnant? Is it—"

As Tim knew what she wanted to express, he waved away her guesses. "Nope, your uterus is not fully recovered yet, but it's close. Since your recovery is going well, it is capable of supporting your decision to keep the child. Still, I have to warn you that safely delivering the child would require a lot of sacrifice at your end thereon."

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