
Chapter 61

Chapter 61

-Maya's POV-

"I've had enough of this, I'm leaving," I said, breaking from his gaze and turning away from to leave. He didn't try to stop me physically but his next words stopped me in my tracks, echoing in my mind like a challenge.

"He took everything from you, Amaya. From us. In a single night, he ripped our whole life apart. Don't you want him to pay?"

I turned back to face Adrian, my heart racing with a mix of emotions. Hatred had filled my heart for the better part of four years, and I wanted to make Alex feel the pain he had caused me. But seeing him at that dinner had brought back all the feelings I thought I had buried, and I realized that my hatred had been a mask.

Every single moment since then has only proved it to be true.

His eyes seemed to bore into my soul, his voice dripping with venom. "He destroyed your marriage, your bond, everything you had built together. And for what? He didn't even feel you were worthy enough to give a reason."

I felt a surge of anger, my claws extending involuntarily. Adrian's words were like fuel to the fire that had been simmering inside me. I had asked myself that question over and over.

Why? After everything, why?

"Think about it," he continued, his voice low and menacing. "Alex took everything from us. Don't you want him to suffer like we suffered?"

I took a step forward, my eyes locked on his, my mind racing with thoughts so many thoughts. My wolf growled in resistance. She wanted. nothing more than to claw out Adrian's throat for daring to directly threaten the man she still findisrter her mate but even I could admit that making Alex feel an ounce of the pain he caused me when he ripped my heart apart was enticing

"He thinks he's so powerful, so invincible," Adrian sneered. "But we can bring him down. We can make him pay for what he did to us. And I know just how to do it."

His words were like a poison, seeping into my mind, filling me with a desire for revenge. I felt myself getting drawn into his web of hatred and anger, and I knew I had to be careful.

"Come on, Amaya," he said, his voice dripping with persuasion. "Let's make Alex pay for what he did to us. Let's show him that he's not as powerful as he thinks he is."

I took a deep breath, trying to control my breathing, "No, Adrian. I know what happened to you, and I really do hate Alex for what he did to you, to me. But if I spend the rest of my life or the time I have dwelling on revenge, then I would just be wasting the seconds I have to exist."

He shook his head in pity, but it looked like he was mocking me. "And how many times have you told yourself those fake words to make you believe them? Do you even remember what it feels like to not be empty?"

I That word. Emptiness. I felt it every day I opened my eyes. Having the twins filled a part of me, but the hole Alex put in my soul was still there, like one that would never be filled.

"You're not even convincing yourself,." He sneered. "You're just hiding behind a mask of forgiveness to avoid the pain."

I felt a surge ree of an fanger, but I tried to keep my calm. "I'm not hiding. I'm choosing to move on. I'm choosing to live."


Chapter 61

He snorted. "Live? You call this living? You're just existing, Amaya. You're letting him win."

"I'm not letting him win. I'm taking back control. I'm choosing to focus on the good things in my life, like my children, like my family."

Adrian's expression turned cold. "Your family? You mean the man you pretend you want when Alex is all you think of? Your children that are constant reminder of him? Or is it your father that doesn't care if you live or die?

ou say. I'm just trying to move on. And I'm I felt a sting from his words, but I knew he was just trying to provoke me. "It doesn't matter what you not going to let you drag me back down into the darkness."NôvelDrama.Org © content.

Adrian's face twisted in anger. "Fine, Amaya. If you want to be a coward, that's your choice. But know this: Alex will always be the one who broke you. And you'll never be whole again."

I felt a shiver run down my spine, but I stood my ground. "I may not be whole. But I'm not broken either. And I'm not going to let you or anyone else make me feel like I am."

With that, I turned and walked away, leaving Adrian's venomous words behind. I knew I had made the right choice. I wasn't going to let hate fuel my life. I was going to focus on the love and the good things that surrounded me.

As I walked away, I could feel his eyes on me, burning with anger and resentment then he spoke again, "You try to pretend but it's there. You want to watch him feel what you felt when he ripped your heart apart because everyone has darkness in them.. Some are just more subtle than others. You try to hide it but I see it, your demons and the more you try to suppress them, the more they grow until one day," He paused and I felt the air on my body rise, "They consume you."

But I didn't look back. I just kept walking.

I somehow managed to get back to the house. Ivan's house, and I immediately started packing my clothes. When I was done, I went to pack some of Ivy's and Nate's things. I was in the middle of it when the twins came rushing in, arguing about something with the person we hired to babysit, Mrs. Jenkins, on their tail.

"Mommy, Mommy, he took my toy!" Ivy exclaimed, pointing at Nate.

"No, I didn't!" Nate shouted back.

Mrs. Jenkins stopped in surprise, looking at the bags, then recovered quickly. "Amaya, I didn't know you were home. Uhmm... are you going somewhere?"

I forced a smile. "Yes, I'm taking Ivy and Nate to visit a friend. We'll be there for a while. Can you help me pack some of their stuff?"

She looked unsure but then moved to to help me while the twins were still struggling over the toy.

When I was done done, I faced the twins. "Okay, kids, we need to go."

"Why?" Ivy asked, crossing her arms.

"We're going to visit a friend," I replied.

"I don't wanna go," Ivy said, pouting. “I like it here."

"We'll only be gone for a little while," I assured her. "And we'll have fun with our friend."

"But why do we have to go?" Nate a asked, looking up at me with curious eyes.


Chapter GJ

"Because... because we need to," I said, trying to think of a simple explanation.

"I don't wanna leave my toys," Ivy said, starting to whine.

"We'll take some of your toys with us." I promised. "And we'll play with new toys at our friend's house."

Nate looked unsure, but Ivy was still arguing. "But i don't wanna gol I wanna stay here!"

"Okay, let's take a break," I said, kneeling down to their level. "We'll sit down for a minute, and then we'll go The twins nodded, and we sat down on the ground together. I tried to distract them with a story, but Ivy was still resistant.

"I don't wanna go, Mommy," she said, her voice trembling

"I know, baby," I said, hugging her tight. "But we'll be back soon. And we'll have so much fun with our friend."

Nate looked up at me, his eyes wide with curiosity. "Who's our friend, Mommy?"

"Someone special," I said, smiling. "And we'll get to play with them soon."

Alter a few minutes, I stood up, and the twins followed me reluctantly. I knew it was hard for them too m understand but hoped they would adjust soon. I just couldn't stay here and let anyone treat me like a price and even worse Adrian had threatened my family.

"Let's go, kids," I said, trying to sound cheerful. "We have a fun adventure ahead of us."

As we walked out of the house, Ivy looked back at the door, her eyes welling up with tears. "I don't wanna leave, Mommy."

I hugged her tight, trying to comfort her. "We'll be back soon, baby. I promise."

"What do I tell Mr McCall when he gets back?" Mrs Jenkins' voice m suddenly cut in and Thad almost forgotten she was there, I struggled to

П carry the bags while holding both their little arms before turning back to face her, "Tell him I am not a prize to be won."

I walked forward tugging them along but stopped on my feet to look at her into again, "And tell him... I am done being En told what to do."


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