
Chapter 166

Chapter 166

-Maya’s POV-

Six month’s later

Epilogue 1


I can’t believe I’m actually going to Italy!”

Sarah’s squeal pierced through the cabin, a high–pitched contrast to the general mood. Natalia and I exchanged a tired look. We’d both tried to temper Sarah’s excitement for Riley’s sake. For Sarah, Italy was a dream vacation. For Riley, it was a nightmare. She was about to watch her sister, Camilla, take her place in a forced marriage to a man Riley described as the devil incarnate.

Riley was staring out the window, lost in thought. Sarah’s voice cut through again. “I’ve always wanted to see–”

“Sarah!” Natalia interrupted sharply.

Sarah’s eyes widened in realization. “Sorry,” she mumbled, but the excitement in her eyes didn’t dim. I glanced at the men. Ivy and Nate were engrossed in a chess lesson, while Alex, Christian, and Nathan argued over the rules. A smile crept onto my face. Alex had changed significantly in the past six months. He was more relaxed, more open. He laughed more, talked more, and had even started attending family dinners with my parents. His relationship with my father was a testament to the power of time and forgiveness and they had both decided to finally put the past behind them and move forward much to my relief. There were still a lot of bridges to cross but we would get there eventually.

The last six months had been a rollercoaster. Alex had fully reclaimed his company, had found his PA bringing her back in. We’d been through it all together. When it came time for Riley’s sister’s wedding, I’d suggested we use his jet to be there for her. She was going through a lot, and I wanted her to know she wasn’t alone. Even though she’d reconciled with her father, the forced marriage of her sister was a heavy burden.

I sighed, feeling a wave of sympathy for Riley and her sister altogether. Alex’s gaze met mine, and I smiled. He had a way of making me feel instantly better. Can I borrow you for a moment?” I mouthed. He nodded, and without another word, we both stood going towards the inner cabin. Just as we closed the door, Sarah shouted, “Use a you know what in there! And no strange noises. There are children here!

I shook my head, amused. Natalia had been wild in college, but Sarah was taking it to a whole new level.

The theme of the wedding was black, and I knew that I had never understood the underground world. All I knew was that it was filled with blood, maybe even more blood than the world I knew but there was something extra unnerving about this whole scene. Weddings were supposed to be peaceful affairs where everyone wore a smile because they were happy to be there, happy for the couple. But everyone here was on guard, eyes flickering around like they were waiting for something dreadful to happen.

This was the biggest wedding of the year in their world, as I was told. A wedding of darkness and fear. The union of the two of the strongest mafia families. All of us were seated at a round table except for Riley, who was seated with her father and other extended family. My eyes finally went to the groom, the one who Riley said could be the devil himself. He did not look like the devil. This man was beautiful, but one didn’t need to look twice to know that he was dangerous. Beautiful and brutal, the two words played in my head. There was something about him that screamed, “I will kill you if you ever take a single wrong breath in my direction.” I felt actual shivers run down my spine. It was like Alex’s aura when I first met him, dangerously quadrupled. I looked away from him just before his eyes flickered in my direction. I felt the intensity of his stare linger on my face before it faded.

I let my eyes settle on Camilla. She looked nothing like Riley; she looked like she had been picked out from a painting where a goddess once stood.

She is so beautiful,Sarah took the thought right out of my mind. But no amount of beauty could mask the fear and sorrow in her eyes. I pitied her. She had not stopped staring at Riley, and it felt like they were having a silent exchange with their eyes. Riley was saying, I am so sorry,and Camila was saying, I am going to be fine. I promise you.”

I let out a sigh. I couldn’t watch this anymore. This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

Alex looked at me at that point, like we had always been attuned to each other, stopping the conversation he was having with Christian. His eyes held a question, a silent inquiry if I was okay. I gave him a small nod, trying to mask the unease I felt in this room filled with tension. He seemed to understand and turned back to Christian, but his hand found mine under the table, giving it a reassuring squeeze,

The ceremony itself was nothing like a traditional wedding. There were no flowers, no joyful music, and no laughter. The room was dimly lit, with dark drapes hanging from the walls and chandeliers casting eerie shadows. The guests were all dressed in black, their expressions serious and guarded. There was an air of dread that hung over the event, making it feel more like a funeral than a wedding.

The officiant, a stern–looking man with a deep voice, began the ceremony. His words were cold and formal, lacking any warmth or joy. Camila’s responses were barely audible, her voice trembling as she repeated the vows. Her hands shook as she took the ring, sliding it onto the finger of the


11:40 AM

Chapter 166

man she was about to marrya man who looked as dangerous as he did beautiful.

As the ceremony progressed, I couldn’t help but feel a growing sense of unease. This was a union built on fear and power, not love. The guests seemed to share my sentiments, their eyes darting around the room, as if expecting violence to break out at any moment. The tension was palpable, and I found myself gripping Alex’s hand tighter.


Finally, the ceremony came to an end. The officiant pronounced them husband and wife, and the room erupted in a smattering of applause, more out of obligation than genuine happiness.

He didn’t wait, he pulled her to him kissing her in what looked like a promise that she was his to own then they turned to face the guests, their expressions a stark contrast–her face filled with sorrow and resignation, his with cold satisfaction.

I suddenly couldn’t take it anymore. I rose to my feet, excusing myself. I needed air. It was suffocating me in here. Alex didn’t ask; he just followed me outside. I finally let out a breath and turned to him. “Well, that sucked.”

He sighed sadly. “It is how things work in their world.”

I sighed too. “Doesn’t make it suck any less. I feel so sorry for her. She will never get to know what love is.” I turned my gaze. There wasn’t really anything I could do. “We should probably check on the twins.”

They had specifically said no children, and all children had been kept in a room that was turned into a playroom. Alex stretched out his hands and opened his mouth to reply when we suddenly heard a crash. It came from the direction of the room where the twins were. Alex and I stared at each other for a second before we both broke into a run, heading straight to the room. The moment the door opened, I was met with a scene that shocked me.

There was a little boy unconscious in the middle of the room, and Ivy stood at the center of it, with everyone staring at her like she was a ghost.

I immediately turned to the guards who were staring in shock. “What the hell happened?”

One of them took his eyes off Ivy. “She just… they were fighting over a toy. She told the boy to go away, and she just waved her hand and he flew across the room.”


I rushed to Ivy, who Nate had gone to, pulling on his small body because she was now crying. I knelt and hugged them both, looking straight at Alex. His bewildered expression met my own horrified one as we both came to the same realization:

Ivy was indeed one of them. My daughter was a witch.



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