
Chapter 117

Chapter 117

-Alex's POV-

My gaze drifted to the window, the afternoon sun casting long shadows across Ivan's office. A bitter truth settled in my gut - I always craved what was out of reach. Maybe the moon goddess had always been attuned to my feelings. That was why she paired me with Amaya in the first place, knowing the history between our families. We were mates, once. But I had been stupid, and afraid. I should have talked to her, dug deeper for the truth instead of pushing her away on a flimsy excuse. Now, she was gone. Gone, along with the mark that bound us. It was like a twisted echo of my past-wanting what I couldn't have.

They say absence makes the heart grow fonder. In my case, it was a gnawing hunger, a relentless yearning that ate at me every damn second. The war with Daniel was far from over, his bloodthirsty werewolves still a threat. But for now, it was on hold. All I could focus on was the woman my wolf craved, the woman who, unknowingly, had filled the void in my life for months.

The supposed wedding with Miranda loomed on the horizon, a meaningless obligation that held zero weight. Amaya was the only one who stirred something deep within me, the only one who made me feel truly alive. Everything else the war, the company, even the stupid wedding - could wait. Sure, I'd be labeled a selfish bastard. But at this point, their judgment meant squat.

I wanted Amaya back, and nothing would stop me.

Even if she was married to Ivan, it wouldn't change a thing. Her marital status was a bump in the road, a hurdle I was determined to jump over.

"Does being a jerk give you some kind of sick pleasure, Alex?" Ivan's voice snapped me out of my inner thoughts.

I hadn't realized I was still smiling, the amusement lingering on my face as I looked up at him. He was the leech I needed to detach her from, the reason for my unexpected presence here. Infiltrating their lives was step one, a calculated move to get my Silver back. My wolf whined in agreement, a perfect echo of my own desires.

Playing dumb, I raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean? I'm here for the meeting, just like we agreed. Seems reasonable to want to see where my investment is going, wouldn't you say?"

"You and I both know this is about Amaya. Why can't you just leave her alone?" His voice was laced with barely contained fury. "She quit her job, seeking refuge from you in this very office. And now you waltz in here, planning to insert yourself back into her life? I'm her husband, Alex. You'll never have her back. So why don't you just cut your losses and walk away?"

A slow smile spread across my face. I shrugged, a nonchalant gesture meant to further irritate him. "Like I said, I'm here for the meeting. And you did agree to let me wait in here, right?"

His eyes narrowed, his jaw clenching tight. "You're a real piece of work, you know that?"

"A piece of work who owns forty-five percent of this company," I countered, dripping with sarcasm. "Maybe you should show a little more respect to your major investor." I couldn't resist adding a jab. "And perhaps you should worry about yourself for a change. Your 'wife' didn't exactly look thrilled when she stormed out of here."

A flicker of irritation crossed his face, a momentary lapse in his facade. “I'll handle my own problems," he muttered, his voice tight. "Maybe you should take your own advice. Where's Miranda, by the way?"

Now it was my turn to be mildly irritated. Miranda? Honestly, I couldn't care less about her whereabouts. My mistakes were mine to own, a burden I was prepared to bear as soon as I had Amaya back and she'd forgiven me. Everyone else could go to hell for all I cared.

*Exactly what I thought," Ivan said, slumping back into his chair. The anger hadn't completely subsided, a dull ember flickering in his gaze. He pulled out his phone, sending a quick text, presumably to Amaya. The frown that deepened on his face as he read the response only fueled my amusement. It was a small victory, a tiny crack in their seemingly perfect facade. The silence stretched, thick and heavy.

Maybe it was time to push things a little further.

Ivan remained glued to his phone, his brow furrowed in a deep concentration that excluded the entire world. I cleared my throat, the sound echoing awkwardly in the silence that had followed.

"Everything okay over there?" I drawled.

He didn't even glance my way. He grunted something unintelligible, his fingers flying across the screen in a flurry of rapid typing. A flicker of annoyance sparked within me.

I settled back in my chair, the air conditioning's hum growing louder in the sudden quiet. Minutes ticked by, each one dragging on for an eternity. My initial eagerness to be here had evaporated, replaced by a bone-deep boredom. Let's face it, spending quality time with Ivan wasn't exactly how I'd envisioned spending my afternoon.

But as I sat there, stewing in my own frustration, my mind started to wander. My gaze drifted to Ivan, his focused profile. Did he truly not have any idea? Did he know the truth about my father's role in his parents' deaths?

Suddenly, he straightened up, snapping me back to reality.

"Meeting time," he announced, his voice clipped and business-like.

I groaned internally. Board meetings were bad enough, but enduring a whole one with a company I wasn't even invested in? Torture. The only reason I was here in the first place was Amaya. This was supposed to be a way to get closer to her, a way to reconnect. Now, with her absence glaring down at me like a judgment, the effort seemed pointless.

Maybe I should just leave. Cut my losses and get out of here before things got any more awkward. But then again, leaving would be admitting defeat. And Alex Thorne didn't do defeat.

Besides, a part of me couldn't help but be intrigued by Amaya's anger. I had always found her fire, her passionate defiance, incredibly attractive. Maybe I'd gotten under her skin a little too well. A small, satisfied smirk played on my lips. At least I was making a dent in her indifference.

"Are you coming or what?" Ivan snapped, his voice laced with impatience.

The irritation was back, full force. He had the nerve to act like I was the one holding things up? I pushed myself out of the chair, a slow, deliberate movement meant to convey my displeasure.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm coming," I muttered, following him out of his office.

The walk to the meeting room was filled with an uncomfortable silence. We walked in single file, me trailing behind Ivan, feeling like a shadow tagging along. As we entered the room, the other board members turned their heads in our direction, their greetings polite but laced with a hint of curiosity.

"Sorry for the delay," Ivan mumbled, taking his seat at the head of the table.

I found myself a seat at the far end, the furthest possible point from him. This was going to be a long meeting. Amaya was the only reason I was putting myself through this torture, and frankly, right now, she wasn't even here. I mentally kicked myself for pushing her away earlier. Now, I was stuck in this awkward situation, with no one to blame but myself.

My mind had officially turned into a white noise generator. The droning sound of Ivan's voice, punctuated by the occasional murmur of agreement from the other board members. My eyelids felt heavy, threatening to droop shut at any moment. Charts, graphs, and financial jargon swirled before my eyes,all blurring into a meaningless collage of boredom.

I tried to focus. Really, I did. Amaya's I

face flashed in my mind. That was it. That was the fuel I needed to stay awake. This meeting, this entire charade, was for her. It was a way to get closer, to prove my dedication. But with every passing minute, that determination dwindled.

Suddenly, a memory jolted me back to reality. Just before Amaya stormed out, I'd reached out with my psychic senses, a desperate attempt to connect with her and so I tried it again but the connection was weak.


The sharp sound of my name cut through the haze. I blinked, my vision clearing to reveal Ivan staring at me, a smirk playing on his lips. "What?" I snapped, the irritation from the entire situation bubbling over.NôvelDrama.Org: owner of this content.

"Well since you were so eager to attend, we were just curious to hear your thoughts on everything that's been discussed," he said, his stupid smile widening further.

A cold dread washed over me. I glanced around the room and I realized every board member's gaze was fixed on me.

My stomach lurched. Shit.


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