Blind Billionaire Bride

Chapter 77 Covered up and cleaned!


Ethan led Ria to the car and he opened the car door for her to go in. But before Ria settled down she saw an old picture on the seat. It was a picture of a boy and a girl. She held on to it and sat in the car still staring at the picture in her hands.

“When did we take this picture?” Ria asked Ethan whom also settled in the driver’s seat.

The girl in the picture was Ria. And she could recognize herself because right after she came back from China, she saw some pictures Andrea had saved up when she was alive. The boy in the picture looked so much like Ethan. They looked so happy like there was no worries in the world.

“It was on your fifteenth birthday.” Ethan answered.

Ria sat in front of a cake with a birthday cap on her head. Ethan stood behind the chair with a bright smile on his face. That year she remembered vividly, Ethan had brought a cake very early that morning. Mr Nathan and Mrs Madison couldn’t afford to buy their daughter a cake because there was not enough money. They only managed to buy her a few gifts. Mrs Madison made a dress for daughter which she wore on that day while Mrs Nathan bought her a new pair of sandals and a walking stick.

Ethan didn’t mention it the day before that day that he was going to buy her a cake. He just showed up with one that morning. Ria couldn’t see it because she was blind but she had tasted it. Ethan was about twenty years old that year and he worked as a Janitor in a commercial bank during the day and worked at a gas station in the night.

“Do you still remember that day?” He asked.

Ria nodded as she looked straight at him. “Ethan. Perhaps do you still have my parents pictures with you? I don’t have any and I haven’t gotten the chance to see their faces and how they looked since I had my surgery done.” She would appreciate just one! A picture of all of them together.

“I do. Actually I have a lot of them and that’s why I said we have a lot to talk about.” Ethan replied.

Happiness surged through Ria at Ethan words. Finally, she can see now and she has every chance to see how her parents looked before they both died.

“I would love to see those pictures.” Ria smiled brightly at him.

Ethan started the car and it glided into motion. “Remember I was out of town when -”

“The incident happened.” Ria completed his intended statement.

Ethan left town that year just two days before the incident. He had always wanted to be a fashion stylist and a model. He picked up few ideas from Mrs Madison craft and he also worked on his body at the local gym center in Idaho. He had tight muscles, strong arms and well sculpted chest just like how he is now but he wasn’t this big back then.

Ria could tell every changes in Ethan’s physical features because she knew what he looked like with her active sense of touch. The same way she had used to recognized her parents. Ethan didn’t get the chance to further his education in college. He was raised by his aged grandma because his parents died in a car crash when he was seven years old and only him survived the crash.

Back then, he worked two jobs at a time so he could save up for his tuition fee and also fend for his aged guardian. Ethan had no idea on how to become a first class and international model. But one night, he visited Ria and inform her that his dreams was going to come true soon. He explained that a man came to the gas station and asked if he was a model. Ethan told him no but that was his dream. The man liked the fact that Ethan was fit and well built-in then he ended giving him his business card. And it happened that the man runs a modeling agency.

Ethan couldn’t express how happy he was when he came to Ria’s home that night. And they were all happy that everything was working out for Ethan! He met with the man and in the end Ethan had to leave town to pursue his dreams of becoming a model and a fashion stylist.

Ria knew Ethan had achieved his dreams because he looked successful coupled with the fact that he was driving the latest Mercedes Benz and his dress sense was top notch. He was dressed in designers wears.

“My grandma called and told me that your parents were shot and you were missing. I spoke with my boss and begged him to allow me come back to town. When I cane back to Idaho, my grandma couldn’t explain what happened until I watched the news. A witness who called the cops told the police that she saw the truck outside your home and she also heard gunshots too. No one could tell what really happened but everyone in town suspected that it could be the notorious gang, money make life. I went to the station and spoke with the detective in charge of the case but he couldn’t say much too. But the man was determined to find you and the whoever killed your parents. I worked with him secretly to find evidences in your home and it was then that I took out some pictures.” Ethan explained.

“So what did you find?” Ria asked.

Ethan was silent.

“Nothing?” She said seconds later.

“No evidence but I told Derrick what was on my mind.” Ethan responded.


“The Inheritance. I explained to him and told him your dad’s plans to take over the inheritance his father left him. And the call he had received from the lawyer that he has the permission to process the entire funds. I suspected Mr Frederick because I remember your dad wasn’t able to get a job because of his connection with the companies in Idaho. Derrick reasoned with me and said Mr Frederick might possibly know about the death of your parents too. So he promised to tell his boss about his findings so they could summon Mr Frederick as a suspect.” Ethan answered.

“So they summoned him?” Ria asked again.

“No.” Ethan replied after a long momentary pause. “Derrick got fired at work. I begged him to work undercover that I would pay him but he said he didn’t want any more problems. And not only that, he said there was a strong force behind the case. I mean, someone who was ready to do anything to cover up the case but he didn’t disclose the person to me. And I never saw Derrick after that day until two years ago when I travelled down to Idaho again.”

“Is that all? What happened to my parents corpses? The case got buried just like that?” Tears clouded Ria’s vision but she blinked them back.

“No Ria. To my greatest surprise, Mr Frederick arranged your parents funeral. They were buried in the Robert cemetery. Then I knew Mr Frederick was somehow involved in the case. I had no doubt about it.” Ethan looked at her before focusing his attention on the road ahead.

“I searched Ria. I looked for you but couldn’t find you. And few days after the funeral, the news had it that the cops found the body of a sixteen years old girl in the woods. It wasn’t your body, I was sure of it but they confirmed it to be you. I have no idea how they managed to find another girl’s body, an almost decaying body. I figured that they must have staged it because no one could recognize it but I did. I never believed them because I wondered how you made it to the woods alone and I was very familiar with your body-” He paused to swallow hard.

And he continued. “It was lame. Everything they said on the news wasn’t true.”

Ria wiped the tear that dropped down her left cheek. “What happened after they found the decayed body of a sixteen years old girl?”

“A week after that day, they apprehended two men who confessed that they killed your parents.” Ethan answered.

“No reasons?” She furrowed her eyebrows.

“The leader said your dad refused to pay back the money he borrowed from him.” Ethan responded.

Ria shook her head slowly. “That wasn’t true.”

“Yes I know because the Mr Nathan I know never borrowed any money. He was contented with the little he had.” Ethan nodded in agreement.

“And the cops believed them?” Ria mumbled.


Ria adjusted her sitting position to face him. “But what about the witness that testified that she saw the truck, heard the gunshots and even called the police?” She demanded.

“Exactly Ria! The woman said she saw five people in black outfits moving out of your house but later she confirmed it that it was those two men she saw that day. The witness claimed that she wasn’t really sure of the number. She changed the story to prove that those two people killed your parents. And the leader confessed that he took you away when he heard the siren and they killed you in the woods and left your body in the woods. They closed the case after the confession and no one knew what they did to those men.” Ethan stopped talking and waited for her to say something.

More tears streamed down her face as she leaned back into the seat. Frederick’s covered up his crimes neatly. “Do you know the witness?” She sniffed.

“Yes. She was your next door neighbor.” Ethan replied.

“Mrs Glory?” Ria forehead creased as she looked at him.

“Yes.” He nodded.

Mrs Glory lived next to Ria parent’s house. She was a single mother of two kids. She was the witness, the only one who would have possibly heard everything that happened that night. But why did she change the narrative and twisted the whole truth? Ria couldn’t help but wonder if Frederick had also paid her to tell lies. Probably he offered to pay her kids fees and provide for their needs. She thought.

“How did you find me?” Ria used the back of her palms to wipe her face.

“I watched your interview after everyone in my workplace kept talking about the new fashion stylist in Chicago. I hardly believed it. At first, I thought it was mere coincidence that the woman I watched was your look alike. I became confused when you mentioned that you used to be a blind girl with a dream of becoming a clothe designer. The Ria Robert I knew was blind and she had the same dream too. And also the new Ria looked like my Ria. The dimple, the smile and long hair, the way she talks, those things was enough to prove that she is the old Ria but in the grown up version. I was convinced that the lady in the interview I watched could be Ria Robert because she looked exactly like Mrs Madison. After much thinking, I realized that it couldn’t be a coincidence so I decided to find out. I went to your store today and followed you to the institution and waited for you.”

“Why didn’t you come to me?” Ria questioned.

“Ria, you were blind. You never saw my face and I wasn’t sure if you would believe me if I had walked up to you and told you I was Ethan. And I was feeling guilty that I gave up on you easily. I shouldn’t have given up on my search.” He glanced at her quickly.

Ethan would have never found her even if he didn’t give up on his search.

“Ethan, don’t feel guilty. I know you did your best. And you couldn’t find me because I was locked up.”

Ria was locked up by Lucas because she never stepped out of that room until the day Andrea saved her out of that den.

“Where?” Ethan asked.

“I don’t know the location but I was in a den like they called it.” Ria answered.

“Tell me what happened, Ria.” Ethan requested.

Ria shook my head slowly. “You don’t want to know, Ethan.” She blinked back tears.

Ethan stopped the car. And when Ria looked around, they were in another lone street with few passersby. It was getting dark. Ria checked her wrist watch; the time was 6:00 p. m.

“Ian must be worried about me.” Ria said within herself.

“I want to know what happened eight years ago. Ria, what I really wanted back then was exposing Mr Fredrick’s secrets because I know he was involved in your parents death. Tell me the truth Ria. If it was Frederick, we can still make him pay.” Ethan’s voice was calm.

“How? It has been eight years now.” Ria countered.

“I will tell you how we can make him pay for his crimes after you tell me your side of the story. Did Mr Frederick killed your parents?”

Ria nodded. “Yes Ethan. Frederick killed my parents.” She said.

“I knew it!” Ethan gritted as his hands tightened around the steering wheel.

“And he sent the money make life gang to do the job.” Ria added.

Ethan looked at her. “The money make life gang.” He repeated.

“Yes. And the witness was right. I was awakened by my dad’s loud cry that midnight. I made my way to sitting room and I sensed five extra presence. They didn’t come for money -” Ria paused.

“Then what?” Ethan demanded.

“They asked my dad to sign some paper works which contained the transfer of inheritance to someone. My mom was shot after Dad’s refusal to sign those papers…” Her voice trailed off as tears rolled down her cheeks.

“The leader of the gang was Lucas. He told my dad to sign the papers to save me and along the line I figured Frederick sent them. I begged my dad to sign it and forget about the inheritance although I had thought signing it would make them leave but I was wrong. In the end, Lucas shot my dad after he signed those papers. And I almost got shot too but Lucas didn’t pull the trigger at me. We all heard the sirens and while they debated among themselves on what they would do to me.” Ria stopped.

That was the last thing Ria had heard before she felt a sharp pain on her head and she had blacked out completely.This belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

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