Billionaire’s Regret: CEO Wants Mother Of Twin Back

10. Throw Those Little Rats Away

Drake Bell spent some time with his mother comforting her after which he was driven to Bell’s LTD company. On getting to his company, he immediately sent for Lily who was busy as at the time.

Once she appeared, Drake Bell stood in anger, “what came upon you that made you pushed my mother? What offence has she commited to you?”

“I didn’t push her. She was rough-handling the collars of my cloth because she believed the lies of Amelia. Amelia had told her we were once married and that you had to broke up with me cause I was having affairs with men. She went further to say that I have now come back to your life again with a purpose to ruin it to which your mom believed.” Lily explained seriously, “I only took off her hands carefully from my cloth, I had no idea how she fell.”

Drake Bell walked over to the front of the table and leaned his butt on it, crossing his two legs and looking intently at her. “My mum had suffered a lot but you have just increased her suffering. She had now been confined to the wheelchair and will not be able to walk again.”

“Oh my days! It’s that severe? I’m so sorry,” Lily said.

“Hmph… Saying ‘sorry’ won’t make her walk again.” Drake Bell said. “Perhaps, you mistakenly pushed her when you were removing her hands from the collars of your clothes.” Drake Bell said, trying to think through the incident. There was no way Lily would have pushed an old woman down the stairs. He reasoned that it could be a mistake from Lily’s end but nonetheless, he would still hold her responsible.

“Trust me, I didn’t push her,” Lily said confidently.

“You have to be responsible for my mom’s wellbeing from now henceforth.” Drake Bell said, “I’ll think of other ways I can make you pay for what you did.”

“You can’t make me pay for what I didn’t do. Please be reasonable. There is no way I would have pushed an old woman from the stairs.” Lily said angrily.

“I was busy when you sent for me, Drake Bell. I should take my leave now,” Lily said.

Drake Bell was angry that she didn’t even feel any remorse as regarding the misfortune that befell his mom. He went back to sit and dismissed her with a wave of his hands. If it was someone else who had cause this misfortune on his mom, he would have ensured that the person and their entire family are buried alive yet for some reasons, he was restricting himself from exerting his anger on this woman.

After a few minutes of meditating on the situation, he stood up and drove over to Jayden and Isabella’s school. On arriving there, he ordered for both kids to be brought to him and at once, they were brought to where he was. He was now standing by the car.

Seeing his beautiful kids approaching him gave him a great sense of comfort. On getting before him, he spoke softly, “Jayden, Isabella, how are you?”

However, the children’s faces were not welcoming. He wasn’t so surprised, seeing that he was still barely a stranger to them.This content © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

“I want to take you out for lunch, will you like to eat with daddy?” He asked. He had never felt nervous before anyone, living or dead but here was he, before his two little ones, acting like a shy coward.

“Did mom know you are here?” Jayden asked.

“She had no idea. But as soon as we’ve taken lunch, I’ll drop you back here,” Drake Bell said.

“We don’t want to eat with you,” Jayden spoke, holding Isabella’s wrist protectively.

“But I’m your dad and I adore the both of you dearly. Please don’t treat me like a stranger. I’ve been away from you for years and I can’t just apologize enough. I’m here now, I’m ready to make everything right, please allow me.” He said apologetically.

Isabella’s heart was touched by his sincerity, nonetheless, she couldn’t make a move unless her brother tells her to.

Jayden however wasn’t moved by his apologetic words, “inform mom firstly.” He had always wished to have a father someday and now that he eventually know whom his father is, he wasn’t glad about it. It was because he knew that Drake Bell didn’t like his mom.

“I’ll inform her when I get home. She must be busy at work,” Drake Bell said. She didn’t want Lily to know cause he can already predict what her reaction would he. She would definitely not want him to be around the kids talkless of taking them out.

“We have a lot to talk about,” Jayden said.

“I’m ready to talk too,” Drake Bell said, wondering how a five year old was able to speak like an adult. He helped them inside the car. He soon sat at the driver’s seat while the two beautiful kids sat at the back seat.

He had intentionally driven here alone cause he want to have his privacy with the kids. As he drove, he noticed that the kids spoke in a whisper, as though they didn’t want him to hear their conversation.

After a few seconds, he coughed intentionally to draw their attention towards him, “Jayden, you said you want us to talk?”

“Yes,” Jayden answered.

“I’m all ears,” he said gently.

“Why did you dislike mom? You abandoned her for years… Neither of Isabella nor I like you for that…” Jayden said.

Drake Bell sighed and answered, “I have indeed made life very tough for your mom and I regret it by every passing time. But I told her that I’m ready to make up for all my wrongs of the past…”

“Are you saying you like mom now?” Jayden asked.

“Yes… I do.” He answered, “but she loathes me now.”

Jayden heaved a sigh of relief, Isabella whispered to him and said, “at least he likes mom. We just need to convince mom to like him back then we can have a happy family.”

“Did you think it’s that easy? He hurts mum and she can’t just forgive him,” Jayden whispered back to her.

“But I need someone to call a daddy… Are are we going to watch and let mom and dad go separate ways again?” Isabella whispered back.

“I have a plan…” He whispered to Isabella and then spoke out loud to Drake Bell, “if mom forgives you and likes you again, will you really not hurt her?”

“I won’t.”

“Give us your word,” Isabella chirped.

Drake Bell reasoned that the kids may have decided to help him win Lily’s forgiveness. The children’s heart are soft anyways, they aren’t as hard and unforgivable as that of an adult.

“You have my words. I will treat her right this time, ” Drake Bell assured the kids.

He then pulled over before the restaurant. The restaurant was the closest to school. The super exorbitant restaurants are a bit far from the children’s school and he didn’t want to have to take them far.

Once he stepped down, he was quick to open the door for the kids. Even the kids were surprised at his gentlemanliness. His face was also very warm to the kids so although this could be regarded as the second time they would be seeing, they were beginning to feel comfortable around him.

He held Isabella by his left hand and Jayden by the right hand then he walked inside the restaurant proudly. His pride wasn’t his wealth this time but his miracle twin. He went straight to the most reserved section of the restaurant and ensured the kids sat.

The kids chose their favorite food from the restaurant food manual and he immediately ordered for them. In a jiffy, there were delicious meal served before the kids.

Jayden and Isabella devoured the food passionately. Lily doesn’t let them take this particular type of food cause it’s too spicy and since they were little, the doctor had told her the kids were allergic to spicy food so no matter how much the kids begs Lilly to eat spicy food, she doesn’t let them.

Drake Bell watched the kids happily as the ate the food. He could tell that they liked the food. Then he felt like urinating so he excused himself and went to the toilet.

“We wouldn’t tell mom we ate spicy food, right?” Isabella asked.

“That’s right, otherwise she will scold us,” Jayden answered.

“But we can’t lie to mom.” Isabella said.

“Who says we will lie? We would just keep our mouth shut as though nothing special happened at school today,” Jayden said as he ate the last spoonful.

Isabella nodded thoughtfully then suddenly spoke, “what if he tells mom he takes us out?”

“He won’t. If he wants mom to know, he would have told her before even coming to pick us up for lunch,” Jayden said.

“That’s right,” Isabella said as she finished eating her food as well. “I eso enjoyed this food.” Isabella took off his bracelet and began to play with it with her fingers. The bracelet mistakenly escaped her fingers and flew to another table.

“Jayden, my bracelet mistakenly left my hand… see it there,” Isabella reported and Jayden looked towards the direction of her hand. Seeing her bracelet on a occupied table, he jumped up from the seat. Isabella also stepped down from the seat gently and both twin walked over to the table that the bracelet is.

There was a slim woman there eating with her girl child who was around nine years old. Her girl child already picked the strange bracelet that suddenly fell on her table and put it in her hand.

“My sister’s bracelet fell here by mistake, we apologize. Please hand it over to us,” Jayden said.

The girl child looked at Jayden condensingly and took a proudful look on Isabella, “will you get out of here, you little rats.” At these words, her mother scoffed but continued eating her food.

When Isabella saw her bracelet in the girl child’s hand, she blinked like she would cry, “my bracelet, please give it to me.”

“I say get out or do you want me to throw you out,” the girl child shouted on her.

“Don’t you dare shout on my sister,” Jayden said defensively. They had only come here to ask of their bracelet that fell here by mistake but they were treating them like they were nothing.

“Or what?” The girl child stood from her seat, standing right before Jayden, she said, “I’ll deal with you and your sister and order the security men to throw the both of you out through the window if you don’t leave at the count of one to three.”

“Don’t think I’ll give you the bracelet. Since you have been careless to let the bracelet fall off your hand, it’s mine now,” the girlchild said to Isabella.

Isabella looked at Jayden in fear, “Jayden, let’s leave.” Afterall, the girlchild was four years older than them and was taller than them.

Jayden wondered why the girl’s child mom wasn’t saying a word as if she was unaware of her daughter being a bully.

“One… two….” The girl child began to count. Once she counted to three, she shouted, “guards!”

At once, two burly men standing outside walked quickly inside. These two burly men were escorts of her and her mother.

“Throw these two little rats outside. They are being a nuisance,” the girlchild said.

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