Billionaire’s Ex-Wife And His Hidden Babies


Third Person’s POV


A few hours ago!!

Though Brandon had managed to come out of his room in search of Alcohol, he was having a hard time standing straight with the headache that he had had since morning. Thankfully, the hotel in which he was staying had a bar in front of it, so he didn’t need to go far in search of Alcohol. He grabbed the seat on the bar before ordering.

“One, Spirytus Vodka.”, he said to the bartender, and he looked at Brandon as if he was some beggar who had walked in there out of nowhere.

But the bartender didn’t offend him, thinking he might have come here with some Billionaire boss. He offered him the drink he wanted. After finishing five pegs, he asked for more. That’s when the bartender asked.

“Can you even pay? Or planning to have fun with your boss’s money?”

“Boss’s Money? I’m the boss here.”, Brandon said, chuckling.

“Yes! You are the boss, and I’m the president.”, That Bartender mocked.

“What … what kind of tone is that?”

“The same tone which beggars as you deserve.” Brandon smiled and nodded his head at his words, he would always remember those words of him, and he swore not to let him forget the same thing.

“You aren’t leaving this job anytime soon, are you?” Brandon asked.

“No, why?”

“So that I can make you regret today’s behavior.”, Brandon said, forwarding one of his cards to the bartender.

“Sure, go ahead. After a few pegs, everyone thinks of himself as some billionaire in disguise. You should thank me that I haven’t asked the bouncer not to kick you out of here because people like you don’t belong here. BEGGAR.”, Saying this, the bartender checked the card, but he frowned, seeing the card that Brandon had given was expired. “Nice trick. Now, clear the payment.”, He said, throwing the card at Brandon’s face.

Brandon checked the card and realized it was expired. He cursed mentally for not checking it before. And then he looked at the bartender who was giving him a look that whatever he would say, he wouldn’t buy it because of the look he was giving.

“What? Didn’t you have money in your pocket?” he asked, raising his brow.

“Give me some time. I will clear your payment.”, Brandon said and tried to call Bruce, but it was not getting connected.

“What? Calling your boss, huh?”, The bartender mocked. Brandon gritted his teeth but didn’t say a word because that was the truth of the world. Your outer appearance matters the most. He then thought to call Jake, but at that moment, he realized that he didn’t have Jake’s number.

By that time, that bartender had shared this whole incident with the manager, who also gave him a disgusting look.

“If he isn’t able to pay the amount within a few hours, then call the cops.”, The manager said. “And keep this dirt away from this area so he would scare other of our customers by his look.”, he added. And the very next moment, he called the bouncer.

“Don’t you dare.”, Brandon warned before the bouncer would have dragged him from there. He was paying through a card because he didn’t have the currency of this state, but that didn’t mean he didn’t have a single penny in his pocket.

He slammed two hundred bucks in front of them before speaking, “I know this is not the currency of this country, but this is almost double the bill of the vodka that you offered me. Keep the change.”, he hissed before walking out of the bar with trembling legs. Though his headache had been stopped, he was still feeling the constant pain below the ribcage and the worst thing was it was increasing with each passing minute.

In the end, he couldn’t help but sit on the ground, pressing the area where he was having an enormous amount of pain.

‘What … what is happening to me?’, he thought, and immediately he saw someone drop some money in front of him, looking at him in pity. It took a moment to realize what the person crossing from there assumed about him.

A beggar?

Of course, he would be looking like that with the clothes which were double his size. It wasn’t that he was wearing someone’s else clothes, he was wearing his own, but he didn’t have the physique that he had once. This long hair and beard were not all helping at all. The cherry on the top, he looked malnutritioned.


‘It has been two days since Colton used his dad’s card, but he is still not here until now. Does he not want Sophia in his life?’ Eden thought while driving the car. They both were on the way to the same hotel where Brandon had stayed because they had a meeting with one of the investors over there.

She didn’t know much about Brandon, so it was hard for her to say what kind of person he really was! She just didn’t want Colton’s heart not to get broken after realizing that his father didn’t give a damn about his mother. She agreed that Sophia’s EX-husband never tried to look for her or came for her after they separated, but a part of her was expecting some or any response from him after realizing that his black card was used after approx five years.

If she had been at Sophia’s place, then she would have returned back to his city to show him how successful she had become after he left her, but Sophia is a saint and pure-hearted woman. Her words were, ‘I didn’t do anything to show anything to anyone OR to take revenge. I did it for myself and my kids. So, that one day when I would tell myself that, I could be proud of myself and my kids could proudly say that I’m their mother.’

“I have been observing.”, Sophia said, breaking Eden’s chain of thoughts.


“The sales of our products, what else?” Sophia responded. “I was thinking of expanding our work in other sectors as well. What do you say?”

“Not a bad idea, but do you have anything in your mind?”

“Hmm. I do. Instead of buying wool for our supplier, how about we directly approach the sheepherder of the rural side and purchase wool from them directly. In this way, we will get a chance to prepare our material on our own, and in the absence of a middle man, those sheepherders can get a good amount of money from us directly without any mediator in the middle.”

“I can see that you are thinking about those poor sheepherders, but your idea is not tempting. Think something else, something better.”, Eden remarked, on which Sophia nodded her head. Immediately her nose was hit with a familiar scent, and she slowed down the car.

A scent that was familiar to Colton and Calvin.

“What’s wrong?”

“Where are Calvin and Colton?” Eden asked, looking around in an alert mode.

“They are at home. Arya texted me a moment before that she had brought them home from kindergarten. Because of the sudden death of one of their teacher. The school gave leave to all the kids before time, and maybe they will remain close for a day or two. But why are you asking this? Is everything all right?”

Eden parked the car in the parking lot of the hotel and sniffed in the air.

“What happened, Eden? Can you smell the scent of Colton and Calvin near the hostel?”

“No. Not exactly the same scent, but a part of their scent is familiar to the scent, which I can sense here. As long as pups don’t turn eighteen, their scent is the mixture of their parents. And the same thing goes with both of our pups.”, Eden clarified, sensing that Sophia’s Ex-husband was here, smelling his faint scent.

‘So, he came. He came. Both my pups will be so happy to meet him.’, Eden thought and concentrated her mind and nose to focus on one particular scent, and she sensed a mixture of Alcohol in his scent.

While Sophia’s leg froze, realizing the meaning of Eden’s word.

‘Brandon … Brandon is here? How? Why? Maybe because of any business meeting?’, Sophia thought and wondered whether she should go inside the hotel or not. But to her surprise, Eden was going in the opposite direction of the road.

‘Where is she going?’

“Eden… “, She yelled, but Eden just showed her hand and kept walking toward the beggar lying outside the bar. He looked terrible. She was positive that he couldn’t be Colton and Calvin’s father but damn to her smelling sense. It was playing a trick on her.

“Eden!!”, Finally, Sophia too reached near her and kept her hand on Eden’s shoulder. “Why are you going toward anywhere near like this place?”, She asked, making a disgusting face. She hated Alcohol and the person drinking it.

“Nothing. My nose is playing tricks with me. As per my sense, this homeless beggar is the father of your pups.” Eden laughed at her stupidity. The one who had given Sophia a black card could never be some beggar, of course! What was she thinking in the first place?

That was when Sophia’s eyes landed on the person about whom Eden was making fun, and in the next moment, her heart sank seeing the person lying on the floor like a beggar and some amount of money thrown around him.This is property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

(‘Beard and Mustache? He hates that and always keeps a clean shave.’

‘He keeps short trimmed hair.’

‘Your father is a perfect gentleman! No bad habits. Not a all.’

‘Your father has a good physique and six abs.’

‘Not just that, he is so strong that he can kick anyone’s ass and break their nose.’

‘I knew that dad would be strong as Superman.’)

She gasped and ran toward him. Even though he looked like shit, her eyes could never fail to realize the person who always held her heart.

“Sophia!! Please tell me that he is not the one whom I’m thinking.”, Eden said, shaking her head.

“Brandon? Brandon?” Sophia tapped his cheek and tried to make him awake, but he wasn’t. Sophia didn’t reply to her question but indirectly answered her question. “Eden!! Bring the car! We have to take him to the hospital.”, Sophia cried, holding Brandon close to her heart. The tears were following out of her eyes non-stop, seeing Brandon in this state.

What had happened to him?

“Sophia, I will take him to the hospital. You can attend the investor’s meeting because that is important.”

“I said BRING THE CAR.”, She screamed. Now Eden realized why Calvin started screaming whenever he was on the verge of crying or crying. “Nothing is more important than him right now.”

Well, Eden didn’t mean to say those words; she was just checking Sophia’s reaction.


In the car!!!


“Brandon, wake up, please!” Sophia whispered and kept crying at the same time. She couldn’t understand how and what happened to him because of which he had turned from a muscular man to a skeleton.

“I can smell that there is a lot of Alcohol in his body.”, Eden commented.

“But… but he never used to touch Alcohol.”, Sophia cried. ” Do you … do you think someone forcefully made him drink Alcohol?”

“No. If someone would have applied force on him, then the Alcohol would have fallen on his clothes as well, but it didn’t. So, he knowingly and intensionally drinks it. Moreover, looking at his state, it doesn’t look like he had a drink for the first time. He is a heavy drinker.”

“But… but he wasn’t like this five years back.”

“Even you are not the Sophia what you’re today, five years back. Things change along with time, and so do people.”, Eden pointed out.




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