Betrayed by My Beta Mate

Chapter 19

Chapter 19

19 Sorry

Amelia POV

“Luna, Alpha Lincoln sent me to make sure that your safe during the rogue attack.” “Please come with me to the pack bunker and he’ll come for you as soon as it’s over.” “Where is Michael?” “Michael is with Alpha Lincoln that is why I am here and not him.” Something about this doesn’t feel right. “I agree Amelia” Star says. He hasn’t announced me to the pack and more than that I can’t see Lincoln sending any male but Michael to our room to protect me. “I’m not really comfortable going with you until I talk to Lincoln or Michael.” He steps closer to me and I take a step back. “Amelia, I don’t want to hurt you or your pup but make no mistake I will not let you bring war to my pack.” “This pack already has a Luna and once you’re gone she can take her place by Lincoln’s side.” I place my hand over my bump instinctively. I can’t even shift to protect myself or my pup. I wish that Lincoln and I were able to mate and mark so I could link him right now. “Star what do I do?” “Don’t you go with him.” “Just because he is saying he won’t hurt you doesn’t mean he won’t when he has you alone.” “You better stop worrying about what your wolf has to say and start following my orders you wh*re” he says grabbing my arm. “You can’t shift and she can’t help you now.”

“Lay down, make him carry you, he will have no way to explain that to the other pack members.” I grab my stomach laying on the floor. “What the hell are you doing, get up now?” “Amelia, you’re pissing me off and that is not going to end well for you.” I don’t move but I protect my stomach if he decides to hit or kick me. I’m scooped up like I weigh nothing and he heads out of the bedroom door holding me tight to his chest. I refuse to allow him to take me from Lincoln or hurt my pup. Instead of heading toward the stairs he turns in the opposite direction. “Star, I know we can’t shift completely but I need your help if we are going to protect bean.” “I will not wait to be rescued like some damsel in distress hoping someone else can help me.” I may not be able to shift but I will protect my pup with my last breath. “Ok Amelia, we are only going to get one shot at this so we need to make it count.” We partially shift and

my claws extend on my hand. I reach up raking my claw across the left side of his throat. He drops me grabbing for his neck calling me a “b**ch.” When I hit the ground, I turn so my back is to him and protect my pup with my arms. He kicks me in the back knocking the wind from me but I stay curled in a ball. I hear a growl and I pray to the goddess that it’s Lincoln or Michael but I don’t lift my head to look fearing what he might do next. Darkness engulfs me and I can feel Star push forward to protect us both.

Lincoln POV

“Those rogues are going to wish for death for interrupting us when we were about to have our mate for the first time and mark her as ours” Talon says as we run. “I couldn’t have said it better Talon.” We reach the northern border and Michael is waiting with three patrol guards. I shift and so does Michael. “Where the f**k are the rogues” I growl out. “Lincoln we just got here too after Max linked me about the rogues, I linked you.” We look around “if Max linked you about rogues, then where the hell is he.” “I don’t even smell rogues Michael.” Michael is attempting to link Max but he looks back at me with concern on his face. “What is going on” I say. “He blocked me, Lincoln” I don’t even let him finish and I shift running back toward the pack house. I pray that what is going through my mind right now is not the truth for Michael’s sake.

I shift when I reach the pack house not even caring that I’m naked. I rush inside and take the steps two at a time. I can smell Max and Amelia scent when I reach the top of the steps. He is so f**king dead if he touched my mate. I turn the corner and I see red. Amelia is laying on the floor and Max is standing over her covered in blood. He whips his head in my direction and I f**king roar because Talon is at the surface. Michael is right behind me. “What the f**k have you done” Michael screams at Max. “I did what I had to do to protect this pack and the Alpha from himself.” “She isn’t worthy of being Luna, she’s a wh*re carrying another man’s pup.” I start toward him but Michael grabs me “Lincoln take care of Amelia, I will take care of locking him up so you can deal with him when you make sure that she is alright.” I can’t stop myself from punching him in the face knocking him out before I bend down

scooping her in my arms. I want to rip him apart but Michael is right Amelia is the priority right now but Max is going to die by my hands. He better pray that nothing happens to her or my pup because his death won’t be quick. “Amelia please be ok” I say as I run toward the pack hospital. “I’m protecting her, mate” Star says and I release the breath I’m holding but until Amelia’s awake, I won’t be able to breathe completely.

Michael POV

I can’t believe what I’m seeing. This can’t really be happening. Max is standing over Amelia covered in blood. How could he betray Lincoln like this. As soon as Lincoln is gone I link another warrior to help me move him. I notice that Max has a s***h on the left side of his neck that is healing. I smile that Amelia did what she had to do to protect herself and her pup. The warrior arrives to help me because my brother isn’t a small man by any means. We carry Max down to the cells and I take a seat waiting for him to wake once he is locked inside. Twenty minutes later he starts to stir and I stand. “Wake the f**k up Max.” He sits up shaking his head before he looks me in the eyes. “How could you hurt the future Luna of this pack and Lincoln’s fated mate?” “You can’t be serious she is mated already or have forgotten Mikey.” “Maxwell Master you will remain in these cells until you are sentenced by the Alpha of the Nightfire Pack.” “You’re going to betray your own brother for a wh*re and an Alpha who is willing to accept her.” I roar stepping up to the cell “the only one that has been betrayed is the Alpha and Luna of this pack by you.” He laughs “she has you thinking she is the Luna too.” “She has a mark and a pup growing inside her, so who is the fool to believe her lies.” I’m done with this conversation. “I pray the goddess has mercy on your soul.” “Mickey I’m your brother.” “You were my brother, now you’re just a dead man who hurt my Luna.” I start for the stairs and Max continues to scream but I can’t even look at him any longer. The guard that I had waiting upstairs looks to me when I open the door. “You guard him with your life.” “He is no longer a pack member, he is a traitor.” “Yes Beta” he says and heads back downstairs.

Lincoln POV

As soon as I reached the hospital Dr. Neilson is waiting for us. She rushes Amelia back and I follow behind them. Once they have her in the exam room Dr. Neilson checks her over. She has some bruising to her back but no wounds. “Alpha besides the bruising to her back she has no wounds of concern.” “The blood that was all over her.” “It’s not hers, Alpha.” “Is our pup alright?” “We are going to check right now but have faith the Luna is strong.” She pulls the machine into the room and passes the wand over her belly. When the screen lights up and my son is moving around the emotion I’ve kept in check flows free. I bend placing my head on Amelia’s belly saying a prayer of thanks to the goddess that we reached her in time. I hear the door click and I know they have left us alone in the room. All rights © NôvelDrama.Org.

A few minutes later I feel her hand in my hair. I shoot up and she smiles at me. “Oh, my goddess you’re alright.” “Thank the goddess you’re alright.” “Lincoln the pup?” “Our boy is just fine.” “He is strong just like his mother.” I kiss her needing to feel that she is really here with me. I pull the chair to her bed and take her hand. A knock sounds on the door. Michael walks in with his head down. “I’m sorry” he starts to say and I stand walking over to my best friend and Beta. “Michael” I say and he looks into my eyes. I can see that he has unshed tears for his brother and everything that has happened tonight. “I’m sorry Michael.” “Don’t you dare apologize to me for what has to be done.” I pull him into a bro-hug. When he pulls back, he looks past me. I step out of his way and he walks toward Amelia. “I’m sorry Amelia for what he has done.” “Michael you are not responsible for your brother’s actions.” “He is in the cells awaiting his punishment, Lincoln.” “I will leave you and Amelia but link me if you need me.” I nod and he leaves. I go over and kiss her forehead. “I’m going to grab Dr. Neilson to check you over again since your awake.” She smiles and I head out of the room.

As I walk toward the nurse’s station the last person on the planet I want to see steps through the doors. Her punishment ended this afternoon. I don’t even acknowledge her existence as I approach the nurse. “Please get Dr. Neilson to come check on my Luna she is awake.” I start back down the hallway. “Lincoln is our Luna alright” she asks trying to act sincere. I keep myself in control but I really don’t want to. I walk back until I am standing in front of her. “Jennifer you better pray I don’t find out you had anything to do with what Max did tonight or I will snap your neck without a second thought.” I turn and

she grabs my arm. “I would never hurt a pregnant she-wolf.” “I would have thought you would think more of me after all these years.” She leaves and right now I can’t bring myself to care if I hurt her feelings. Amelia is my only priority and I will end anyone who tries to hurt her or take her from me.

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