Betrayed by My Beta Mate

Chapter 107

Chapter 107

Chapter 107

41 Whose Your Alpha

Penny POV This text is © NôvelDrama/.Org.

“Penny, you know that you’re welcome to stay with us. You don’t need to return to the wolf pack. We love having you here with us”, my grandmother says. I love my grandparents and I will surely come back to visit, but I miss my parents. I miss Jennifer. I feel like I’ve been gone forever and my training is now complete. It’s time for me to return home. “Grandma, I appreciate the offer, but this isn’t my home. I will always visit you and Papa, but I can’t stay here.” “You can’t blame an old woman for trying.” She pulls me into a hug. “Richard would be so proud of the woman you have become my sweet girl.” Even though I never got to meet my father hearing my grandparents talk about him makes me feel like I did. He was an amazing man who loved my mother. I know he is happy that my mom found John. John has been such a good father to me. She pulls back and places her hand on my face. “I had hoped you would find your beloved while you were here so you would stay, but I understand. Promise me that you won’t forget to come and visit us. I would love for you to bring your mother, Jennifer, and John next time.” “Of course, grandma. You are my family and I will always make a point to visit.” She kisses my forehead and leads me out to a huge dining room. Everyone has gathered for lunch so I can say my goodbyes.

I look around the table and everyone is smiling until my face lands on Troy. I want to roll my eyes, but I control myself. Everyone begins to eat and the conversation is light. “I don’t understand why we are celebrating Penny returning to that wolf pack”, Troy says. He is a ranked Fae and has not hidden his feelings about my werewolf heritage. Calista growls “he is not our mate. What we do is none of his business”, she says. “I agree, just be calm Calista. He isn’t worth ruining our last meal with our family.” She recedes to the back of my mind. “We are celebrating because she is returning to her home” my grandmother says. She squeezes my hand under the table and I couldn’t be more grateful for her

support. “Troy, she is not only a fae but also a wolf. She deserves to have ties to both her wolf and fae heritages. Besides, she will need to find her beloved and he is obviously not here”, my papa says. He squeezes my other hand and I smile at him. Troy remains quiet for the rest of lunch and I’m grateful. We finish eating and I return to my room to gather my things. Once I’m ready, I head out to say goodbye to my grandparents. I hug them both “I will be back soon for a visit.” “Good, we love you Penny”, my grandmother says, and my papa kisses my head. I’m sad to leave them, but I’m excited to see my parents, sister, and the pack. I haven’t seen Eli since a few days after he lost Clara. Faith and our family are the only things that are keeping him going, but I know he is strong.

I reach a large tree outside the Fae territory. I press my hand to the tree and a door appears which I happily step through. I may not have the powers of my aunts or father, but I love my fae magic. I step out of a tree that is all too familiar. I’ve come here since I was a child when I needed to connect with the earth. I sit leaning against the tree just reconnecting with the forest that surrounds the pack. I didn’t tell my parents I would be back today because I wanted it to be a surprise. I hear a low growl and my eyes snap open. Three dirty brown rogues are twenty feet from me. They are growling and snapping their jaws in my direction. I stand brushing myself off. “Let’s show them just how extraordinary we are” Calista says, and I nod my head in agreement. The wolf standing in front shifts and smiles at me like I’m his next meal. “What do we have here, a helpless little wolf?” I have my Fae scent masked like I was taught to do. I won’t let just anyone know exactly what I am. They see me as a wolf, but they won’t live to tell anyone any different. He starts to stalk toward me and I smile. His step falters seeing the look on my face before he resumes walking.

I wave my hand and the vines come from the trees wrapping around both the wolves and the man. They struggle against the restraints, but it doesn’t last long. The vines snake around each of their necks. Part of my powers are knowing the heart of a person and the three of them have black hearts. I feel no remorse for ending them. I wave my hands and they are dropped from the vines and taken in by the earth like they were never there. “Did I ever tell you that I love being your wolf” Calista says and I laugh. “I love having you for my wolf, so it works out.” We shift and head for the border. As soon as we

reach it, the patrol guard approaches me. My scent is still of the pack and he steps aside, allowing me to enter the pack lands. I run as fast as I can to my family’s home. I throw open the door and Jennifer screams when she sees me. I wrap her in a hug. “I missed you, Penny.” “I missed you too, little one.” She rolls her eyes, but let’s my nickname for her go this time. Loud footsteps are coming from the stairs and I’m lifted into strong arms when my father sees me. He squeezes me tight. “Dad, I missed you too.” “Put my pup down John. I want to hug her”, my mother says, and my dad begrudgingly lets me go. My mother wraps me tightly in her embrace and I finally feel like I’m home having my family with me. Mom tells me that my grandmother Judith is on a trip with her new boyfriend. I laugh thinking about the hell she must give that poor man. My next thought is of Eli. “How is Eli and Faith”, I say to no one in particular, and my mother smiles like she has a secret.

Calliope POV

I managed to free myself from Eli’s hold. He is deep in sleep and I stand there just staring at him. “I told you he would be worth it”, Aurora says, and I smile. I turn heading into the bathroom. I shower and wrap the towel around myself. When I return from the bathroom, Eli is still snoring softly. I go to grab the clothes from yesterday that I placed on the chair and I realize they are different clothes. I smile as I pick up the jeans and t-shirt. “You’re lucky we need to get to the Crescent Moon or I would be snatching you back to bed” Eli says. I turn when I hear his voice and smile. His hair is messy and he looks less stressed this morning. I’m glad I could make him feel that way. “I figure we can grab anything you need from the pack today and then we can go shopping when everything with the vampires gets settled.” I nod and smirk at him before I drop my towel on the floor. He growls low “now we are definitely going to be late.” “I can’t think of a better reason to be late” I say as I’m lifted and carried back to bed.

An hour later, we head downstairs to the pack dining room. Amelia, Lincoln, and Larisa are sitting at a table. Faith is sitting in her highchair next to Amelia. Amelia’s face lights up when she sees us. She rushes over, wrapping me in a hug. She pulls back and gives me a knowing look when she notices the

fresh mark on my neck. She looks between the two of us and I can see unshed tears in her eyes. “Congratulations” she says as she wraps Eli in a hug. “Thank you” I say as we join the others at the table. Lincoln and Larisa congratulate us and we all eat, discussing me moving to the pack. I notice a girl across the dining room giving me a death stare. I assume this must be the Suzanne that was mentioned in the whispers yesterday. I turn to Eli and press my lips to his, making sure she knows he is mine. When I pull back, he smiles. He takes my hand, leading me to the front of the dining room. “I would like everyone’s attention. I have an announcement to make that will affect the pack”, Eli says, and you can hear a pin drop. “The goddess has blessed me with a second chance mate. Alpha Calliope Robison is my mate and the packs future Alpha.” I hear chatter about me being Alpha and not Luna the instant he says those words.

The girl from earlier stands and bears her neck to Eli, which isn’t lost on me. Aurora growls low and I push her to the back of my mind. I will not let this girl disrespect me, but I also don’t want the pack to think I’m unreasonable on my first day here. This is a big change for everyone. “What do you need, Suzanne”, Eli says with irritation in his voice. Her eyes land on my mark and I can see nothing but hate in them. The thought of this woman touching my mate makes me want to shift and rip her head off, but what happened before me is none of my business. “I would like to speak to you in private, Alpha Eli.” Now I have had enough. Before he can respond, I do. “You will not be spending any time with the Alpha alone. Anything you would like to speak about with my mate, I will present to hear.” I see her eyes flashing black indicating she is talking to her wolf. “I, Suzanne Morris, challenge Calliope Robison to be the mate of Alpha Eli Thomas and assume the Luna position of the Nightfire Pack.” Eli roars and I immediately walk over wrapping my arms around him. He buries his nose in the crook of my neck, breathing in my scent. A growl gets our attention and I turn to face this crazy she-wolf who thinks she can actually challenge me. “He was meant to be mine from the beginning. First that rogue b**ch Clara took him from me, but then everything was perfect when she died. Now you think you’re going to and I won’t stand for it.” Eli is on the verge of shifting. I used my speed to reach her and grab her by the throat.

“I accept your challenge. I would tell you never to speak of Clara like that again, but you won’t be saying anything when I finish with you. This challenge will be to the death as you are trying to take my goddess-given mate.” I drop her to the ground and head back toward my new family. Eli pulls me into his arms and presses a kiss on my lips. He pulls back and places his forehead against mine. After a few seconds, he looks into my eyes. “Don’t take too long, love, we need to leave for the Crescent Moon.” I love that he has no doubt that I will be the victor. He walks over and picks Faith up and we all head outside. I wish women like this one would learn they can’t have what doesn’t belong to them. Does she actually believe if she had a snowballs chance in hell of beating me that Eli would welcome her with open arms? I can’t help but roll my eyes as we face each other. Amelia walks between us and turns to Suzanne. “As Alpha Calliope stated, this challenge will only end when one of the competitors is dead.” “Don’t worry Luna Amelia, I will honor your position, unlike some people,” she says, shooting me a glare. “You really can’t be this stupid Suzanne” Amelia says. She looks like Amelia just slapped her. “Luna” she starts to say and Amelia cuts her off. “You have brought this upon yourself. My son’s mate is Alpha Calliope, not you.” She steps back and we begin to circle each other.

She shifts into an average-sized brown wolf. I shift and Aurora towers over her wolf. I hear gasps all around us. Aurora growls and jumps on her, so we are pinning the wolf to the ground. Without a second thought, Aurora bends down and bites into the wolf’s neck. She shakes her twice before she drops her limp body to the ground. I shift and the gasps have now turned into whispers as my clothes are still intact. Eli comes over and wraps his arm around me. “Are you ready to go, love?” I press a quick kiss to his lips and take Faith in my arms. “Absolutely” I am. We head to the SUV and get Faith situated in her car seat. It takes us about an hour to make it back to the Crescent Moon. Once the car is parked, I lead Eli to the office. I link Oliver, Anthony, and Benson to join us. A few minutes later, they all walk in. I’m lifted off the ground and I expect to hear a growl, but it never comes. Oliver sets me on my feet, regaining his composure. He turns to Eli and bears his neck. “It’s good to see you again Oliver” Eli says. “Thank you, Alpha.” “You may call Eli when we are not in a formal setting.” Oliver nods and everyone takes a seat.

I begin to explain my feelings about appointing a new Alpha and keeping the packs separate. “You deserve to have your current ranks and the two packs will be considered sister packs from this day forward.” I see concern on their faces. “I mean no disrespect, Calliope, but this pack is your birthright. Besides that, you have done so much to change how things are done. You have improved the pack life of every one of our members. Another Alpha may return to treating the women of this pack like second- class citizens”, Benson says. I growl “I assure you that the person I have in mind will never allow that.” A knock sounds on the door and my mother walks inside. She rushes over and wraps me in a hug. “I was wondering when you would be back?” “Mom, this is Eli Thomas, the Alpha of the Nightfire pack and my mate.” Her eyes get big. I had asked Oliver not to tell her. “Oh, my goddess, you found your mate.” She walks over and takes a sleeping Faith from Eli. “Eli, this is my mother, Jasmine.” “Is this my granddaughter” my mother asks. Eli smiles “yes, it is. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Jasmine.” “Mom, I asked you to come to the office because I will be stepping down as Alpha of the Crescent Moon. I will be taking my place by Eli’s side as Alpha of the Nightfire pack.” She smiles “of course, will Anthony be taking your place as Alpha?” I smile “no mom, you will.”

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