Ascension of a Gamma

Chapter 59

Chapter 59

Chapter 59 These Conclusions

– Liam

I played with the Head Gamma’s ring on my hand, my thumb rubbing over the center stone, an oval-

shaped star ruby. A star-like pattern appeared as the light hit it.

He finally did it. I expected it to happen but hoped it wouldn’t since the slight change in him when Anna

was around. H e cared for her in the same way he cared for Sarina. However, it wouldn’t have been

enough to make him do this. It was something else, or more accurately, someone… who meant the

world to him – Maya.

“He’s going after him,” said Luca.

“He’s not our concern now,” I replied.” He’s a rogue.”

“Rigel and Rain are our brothers!” he shouted, growling.

I drank the last of the bourbon then set the glass down. “If he was really our brother, he wouldn’t cut the

bond. Face i

t, Luca, he hated me for it.”

He growled. “It’s suicide! We have to go after him. I’m not losing my brother.”

“That was his choice to make…” I said calmly.

We grew up together and trained together. We weren’t brothers by blood, but we shared a strong bond,

nonetheless. It had always been the four o fus – me, Gale, and Rigel as the three idiots with Lexy as

the only voice of reason. I didn’t want to believe things had changed since we both lost our mates, but

he proved me wrong last night.

“… and I choose to save my Luna over a traitor.”

Someone slammed the door open, interrupting my thoughts. It was Lexy. Her high ponytail now a

hanging mess, she stood by the door seething then strode over to me.

“I don’t want to hear it, Lex.”

She pointed a finger at me with a hand on her hip.

“You have to get him back,” she said

firmly. “I’m not losing my brother over a stupid suicide quest.”

I rubbed my temples in annoyance.

“Lex, he let the most important prisoner escape. He threatened to kill Sabri in front of Nalia,” I argued

as I showed her the ring. “He returned his ring, Lex. He denounced his position before going rogue.

He’s not one of us now. Whatever h e does is none of our business.”

“He is our brother!” she shouted, emphasizing each word. “We four stick together no matter what.”

“We’re not having this talk,” I said, standing up. “He’s not one of us, Lex. Let that sink in.”

She narrowed her eyes at me like I just said the most stupid thing in the world. It sounded stupid to me,

but his actions proved otherwise. This was Luca trying to manipulate me into changing my mind. I

ignored her and headed for the door. I had a meeting to attend to. I had to save m y mate.

“If you won’t do anything, then I will!” she screamed.

I stopped. Slowly, I turned around to face her and she stepped back until her leg touched the edge of

the bed.

Is she stupid?

I wasn’t going to let her risk her life for that traitor.

“No, you won’t,” I said firmly.

Her eyes widened. She tried to get past m e, but I held her arm. I was faster.

She pushed at my hand to try to free her arm. I tightened my grip.

“Don’t you dare!”

I can’t lose you, too.

“You will not involve yourself in any matter concerning Rigel.”

“No, don’t. Please, bro…”

Tears began to build in her eyes.

You have too much to lose.

“You are to stay with your mate until he recovers,” I continued. She froze. “I give you this Order, as

Alpha of the Red Claw Pack.”

Our link glowed red indicating that the Order had been set.

Gale gave her an Order? No matter.

She looked away, defeated. I let go of her arm and sighed.

“Since when?” she asked softly.

“I was counting. First, it was twice a week. Now, it’s four to five, twenty-four hours,” I replied.

I was busy with the pack, the investigation, and with the search, but it didn’t mean I pushed my little

sister to the side.

“Also, Gale confirmed – «

“Does he know?”

I shook my head. “I don’t know. Sorry, Lex. There’s nothing more we can do for him.”

Her eyes wandered to the ring in my hand. “That’s his,” she said.

Luca agreed with a howl. When the three o fus ascended into our positions, it was understood that

we’d always have each

other’s backs no matter what. The three o fus, looking out for our little sis and keeping the pack

together. And when Goddess willed, our tight circle would expand to our own mates.

“Liam,” said Gale, entering the room.” It’s time for the meeting.”

That was what I needed to hear. I strode out the room, leaving her behind.

“I haven’t given up on him, Liam. He’s still our brother.”

He was our brother.

Gale followed silently.

“It’s not your fault,” I said as we rounded a corner.

“I should’ve killed him,” he spat. It was the first prisoner to ever see the outside world, but…

I looked him in the eye and firmly said, “I wasn’t talking about the prisoner.”

When the rogues attacked that day, Gale did what he could. It wasn’t his fault Sarina was outside,

wasn’t his fault that Maya was with her. Someone had to pay.

Rigel was just impatient.

The Blue Moon Pack was one of the strongest packs. We needed compelling evidence to take them

down, not mere speculation. I would not have my warriors attack the innocent. I would not have Myron

have his way and destroy everything my pack stood for.

We reached the kid’s office and barged in like we owned the place. He’d been helping out with the

search and although i t was still tense between us, he wasn’t asserting a useless claim anymore. Good

for him because I would’ve pummeled him if he pissed me off.

There was a map laid out on a long table that wasn’t there before. Two Alphas and my Beta. He had no

Head Gamma because

I have her

I could only imagine what my mate was going through right now. She loved her father, but her true

origins were hidden from her. Was she confused, lost, alone? Luca whimpered. Could I bring her back?

It’d been three months and no word from her.

Are you still mad at me?

I did some digging with the paperwork. M y pack was associated with the Old Alliance. There had to

records. 2

The three of us discussed the plan. This wasn’t an attack. It was a retrieval, a covert mission. Sneak in,

sneak her out.

“Do you know about the Old Alliance?” Flynn asked.

“They’re a ghost pack,” I replied. “The alliance attacked their pack, weakening them. Do you know what

happens to a pack recently attacked?”

“The smaller packs band to steal their land if they’re being merciful. Rogues tend to get bolder,” he


At least he knew his homework.

“It’s a good plan,” I said, stretching my neck from side to side.

He raised a brow at me. Gale had a stern look on his face.

Will this work?

“My pack will take back our Luna. She is n

o longer of your concern.”

His brows furrowed then his lip twitched. “You… You are not cutting me off from this mission. We have

a truce!”

(Then I have a favor to ask.”

It has to.

“What favor?”

“You want Anna back, don’t you? When this mission succeeds, there’s no guarantee she’ll talk to you,

let alone see you,” I said, and he frowned.

“You don’t know that.”

“After what you did? She hasn’t spoken a word about you since she left this pack.”

It wasn’t my place to forgive him. He’d been helping us, and I could tell he regretted it and he’d given

up on her, but just like Rigel, leaving the pack doesn’t sever the bond. Growing up together, going

through life and death situations together – these create a bond far stronger than links and blood.

Damn it, Rigel!

“What do you want?” he asked, sighing,

shook his head. “Their location allows them to see all that approaches their pack from a good distance.

Guests must be escorted because of the spells. Pack hasn’t seen a rogue in years…”

Since Myron took over, or so I heard.

“What does this have to with Anna?” he asked. “I heard about your Alpha Duel with Alpha Myron. Don’t

think I’ve forgotten that you turned us down when you were under siege. She could’ve been – been…”

“That was me,” said Gale, avoiding my gaze. “Frankly, we couldn’t risk accepting aid from a pack that

abused our Luna.”

You didn’t tell me about this.

Flynn’s face hardened. None of us said a word for a while.

“You have to let me talk to her,” said Flynn.

“I can arrange that.”

She’d probably hate me for it, but… I had t o take my chances.

“Mate will understand,” said Luca. “Shei s kind.”

“We’re exploiting her kindness now? What kind of mates are we, Luca?”

“The sweetest, most caring, and most protective. We’ll get her back and let her decide on her own, but

whatever she decides on, we’ll continue to love her every day like it’s the last. For every moment

without her is agony, and every moment with her is sinful bliss. Anna – she’s the air that we breathe

that’s never enough. Her voice is the music that plays, a serenade in the wind. A fully bloomed rose

who captivates all despite her thorns. She’s our captor, bound to her in more ways than one. Our sole

liberator, and yet we’d rather she keeps our freedom. A gift born from an alignment o f the stars, the

one speck from this vast universe destined for us. What kind of mates are we? We are but lucky;

undeserving of her. What kind of mates are we? We are but the speck destined for her. Nothing more

and nothing less.”

I chuckled. “You incurable romantic.”

He smiled.


“We… incurable romantic,” he corrected. Nôvel(D)rama.Org's content.

“Gale will go with you. Help me get our brother back, and I’ll get my mate to talk t o you.”

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