Ascension of a Gamma

Chapter 39

Chapter 39

Chapter 39 Coldest Dark


When I came to, warmth seeped into mei n electrifying currents. My lids felt heavy still, and in the

darkness that I found myself floating in, I clung to this comforting warmth that melted away the cold.

Here I felt nothing, heard nothing, tasted nothing beyond what was supposed to be my physical body. I

contemplated if this was death, or the transition to it, but the warmth calmed m e down. I could feel it

inside me, coming from my wrists then up to my arms, as it dispersed through every part of me. It made

me feel alive, gave me hope of something… that I couldn’t quite point out.

There used to be voices I couldn’t decipher, whispers and a far distant scream. There used to be a

woman with the light behind her that I couldn’t see her face. I didn’t hear them anymore. I couldn’t see

her anymore. My mind was s o sure of these and now… I wasn’t.

I continued to drift in and out of consciousness, and every time I was awake, I was still floating, and I

couldn’t open my eyes. The cold was gone. There were only darkness and warmth. I had forgotten who

I am and how I got here. I tried many times to bring back something in my mind, for an image to come Content © provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

up… anything; there was none.

It was like my mind was a blank slate, and it scared me because it felt like I was forgetting something

important. The longer I stayed here, the more I wanted out. To open my eyes, to move my limbs, t.

outter a single sound… but I was helpless. It was getting lonely, and it was scaring me.

If I didn’t leave this place, I felt like it would consume me. I would lose something…


The warmth itself was fading and the cold was returning. It was coming back with an unforgiving freeze

that enveloped me whole. I couldn’t feel my legs now and I could feel it creeping up m y body. There

was no pain. Still, I refused t o succumb to it.

There were darkness and cold now. Where had the warmth gone? It was more comforting

My fingers had gone numb. My entire lower body had frozen. It felt like it would only be a matter of time

before the cold had covered me entirely, turning me into a numb, unfeeling being. I missed the warmth.

I missed that something…

Darkness is pulling me back into itself again…

When I came to, I felt it! It was faint, but i t was there… warmth. I felt it in my fingers then it slipped

away. I felt it again.

Please don’t leave me…

Something fell on my cheek. Something warm and wet. It slid off my cheek and then I felt a brush of

warmth across it. M y heart beat louder than before. I could hear it in my ears, the first sound I heard i n

a long time. It beat faster and faster… it was getting hard to breathe. It needed to calm down, but it

wouldn’t stop.

With every raging beat, with every gasp o fair, the tightening in my chest and the warmth on my cheeks

pushed away the

TEST TNumE Ormth on my cheeks pushed away the cold – down my waist to my thighs, to m y

calves, then out my toes. I tried wiggling the big toe, and it moved!

My arms were starting to float again, and trying, my fingers flexed! More wet drops fell on my skin, only

this time it was on m y right hand, where it was warmest after i t left my cheeks. I focused on the

warmth … the source…

I was getting lightheaded. My heart seemed to want to tear itself out of my chest and my lungs were

expanding more than they should. To my surprise, my mouth opened. No sound came out, but I was

able to move it!

I focused on opening my eyes, forcing the weight off them. The warmth called to m e. I didn’t want to

lose it again… the paralyzing cold might return. The darkness, the cold, it was terrifying. I couldn’t

breathe. I was about to drift off again.

My chest rose to keep up with my heart. I gasped for air, then bright light flashed i n my mind and my

lids flew open. I quickly closed them again for theickly closed them again for the overhead light was


A gasp came from my side. Slowly opening my eyes, I let them adjust to the light. Light – no more

darkness. Someone appeared in front of me I squinted my eyes to see the person better – my vision

was blurry that I was seeing more than one image.

When I could see the person better, I realized it was a woman. A beautiful woman. Long black hair that

fell to the sides of her face. She held my hand in her warm, soft hands. Did the warmth come from her?

Something wet fell on my hand and I realized that it was tears. Her lips quivered and her eyes were red

from crying. Why was she crying?

“Liam,” she whispered, and a smile graced her face. She brought my hand to her lips and her smile

widened. “Liam,” she repeated

Was she crying because of me? I hated seeing her cry. She saved me from that

Bring her cry. She saved me from that dark and cold place. She kept saying Liam’ as she cried harder,

but the smile never left her lips. Her smile suited her more than her tears.

I wanted to raise my hand and touch her face, wipe those tears with my hand. But the darkness tugged

at the corner of my mind, pulling me back into it. I forced to move my fingers, to wrap them around her

hand so she’d never let go. I don’t know if she did, the darkness took over quickly.

I don’t know how long I’d been out. I woke up with a heavy feeling on my chest.

Straining my neck to look down, I saw black hair. She smelled really nice – like freshly-cut roses and

vanilla. My right hand was sweaty – her fingers were intertwined with mine. A tingling sensation crept

under my skin.

It all felt pleasant. I sank my head back down on the pillow and inhaled deeply – S o sweet and

calming. She murmured something. I failed to catch what she said.

Slowly, I raised my left hand. It weighed like a ton that it dropped back down.

Daton that it dropped back down. Sighing, I closed my eyes and basked in these sensations. I didn’t

know where I was, but I was safe. She made me feel safe.

I felt her shift, then groan. The weight left my chest and her fingers left mine. She exhaled and yawned,

then I felt a peck on my cheek. It sent sparks all over my skin.

“Good morning, mate,” she said sleepily.

Mate? She’s my mate? Where’s my wolf? Why isn’t he talking to me?

He should be howling right now and telling me that we found our mate!

I felt another peck on my lips. It lingered longer than the first.

Goddess, she feels so soft.

“Won’t you open your eyes, again?” she asked sadly. “Please, Liam?”

Who is this Liam? Is she referring to me? I s she talking to someone else? Where’s m y wolf!

Curiosity taking over, I opened an eye, ready to pummel whoever this Liam was. No one was taking my

mate from me.

No one was taking my

te rom

She gasped when I saw her, mouth shaping into a small “o”. I must’ve surprised her.

Now, where is this Liam…

“Liam!” she screamed, then wrapped her arms to my sides and rested her head on my chest.

I’m Liam?

“You-You’re… You’re awake,” she said, her voice breaking

She looked up at me and I saw that she was crying. She cupped my face and brought her lips back

down on mine. She kept sniffling and laughing as she cried, and she kept saying I was awake. Had I

slept for too long?

She kissed my face all over and I pulled m y lips into a smile. My heart jumped in joy and the tingling

spread. She was getting too excited about me waking up. I had a clingy mate.

What is she doing here? Where is here?

The last thing I remember was… was…



I opened my mouth to speak but all that came out was a throaty whisper. She wiped her tears off, the

smile staying on her face.

Goddess, my mate’s beautiful. Why’d she stop kissing me?

“I knew you were awake!” she exclaimed. “You came back. You promised me you’d come back. I

waited, and waited… I knew you’d come back to us, to me.”

She caressed my cheek and fresh tears fell from her eyes

“I love you so, so much,” she said, then kissed me again. 2

I never left, did I? Did I go somewhere? She looked so relieved at seeing me awake. Did she say she

love me?

My mate loves me!

As much as I loved her kisses, I couldn’t shake the feeling of dread that came over me. She seemed to

know me more than I knew myself – talking about promises and coming back and waking up and

saying names I didn’t know. Try as I might, I couldn’t remember… anything.

I heard something click and a Lexy came i n, followed by a kid with strawberry colored hair and a taller

one with no shirt on. They all wore shocked expressions on their faces and none of them moved for a

few moments.

Then the girl screamed brother and rant o my other side. She began to cry too and then she ran her

hand on my hair.

“You-You’re really awake,” she said as she ugly cried. 2

The two men turned their heads as they raised a hand to their faces. Were they crying too? Why was

everybody crying? Did somebody die? Did… did I almost die?

It made me uncomfortable. I couldn’t remember anything, and my body weighed like lead. My wolf

wasn’t responding and the only thing I was sure of was that this beautiful woman in front of me was my

mate. I could trust her. The rest of them, especially that half-naked guy, I didn’t want him anywhere

near her. No one was seducing my mate but m

“He’s glaring at you,” she said with a

e’s glaring at you,” she said with a laugh, turning to look at him.

Don’t look at himn!

“His ass is on a hospital bed. I’m scared, alright,” he replied.

“Don’t mind him, Liam,” she said, kissing my hand. “How are you feeling?”

Not good.

Who is he and why do you two seem close? And what is your name?

The girl beside me spoke. “I’ll have to check on his vitals and run some tests, but he should be alright.

You idiot! You had us worried sick! Idiot, idiot, idiot brother!”

She’s my sister? She talks a lot.

I swallowed gathered saliva then wet my lips. Taking a deep breath, I tried to speak. I sounded like I

gargled nails.

“Who?” I asked, and my mate drew closer. I inhaled her scent to calm my nerves. “Who… are… you?”

She stilled. She blinked her eyes a few times. The sparkle in her eyes

nes. The sparkle in her eyes disappeared as the color drained from her face.

“Wha-What is he talking about?” she asked the girl, who was my sister.

“It’s me,” she said, caressing my cheek.” Anna, your mate. Don’t you remember m e?”

I shook my head slowly to indicate no.

Should I remember her? Why can’t I remember her?

“Bro, don’t you know I am?” the girl asked.

I now knew her name’s Lexy, and that she’s probably my sister. I shook my head again.

“You’re kidding me,” the strawberry colored hair said.

The two walked towards me.

“Don’t you remember me?” he asked.

I stared at him and shook my head.

“Look, I’m sorry for what I said earlier. -Don’t stoop this low. It’s my specialty to b e the asshole, not

yours,” said the half naked man, who was now standing beside my mate.

Stay away from her…

“No…” she wailed. “Liam, this isn’t funny!”

It wasn’t. I wasn’t even trying to be funny. If I did, I wished to make her laugh instead. Her tears pained


“Do you remember what happened before you passed out?” asked the stripper. I shook my head

without looking at him. “The Alpha Duel? Alpha Myron? Nothing?” 3

“The attack?” the strawberry added.

“No,” I whispered. Their faces became



The girl was shaking her head while she stared at me. She dropped to the floor, but I heard her muffled


“This can’t be,” she whispered.

My mate forced me to look at her.

mate forced me to look at her.

This is a joke, right?” she asked, her eyes hopeful.

Her name was Anna. “Liam… Liam Rose, tell me you are joking right now!” she screamed when I didn’t


I was this Liam Rose. I was the reason she was crying. Had I forgotten her? All of them?

Are they important to me? Who are they? Who am I? And why do their silence and cries cause me so

much pain?

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