Ascension of a Gamma

Chapter 1

Chapter 1


I found solace in these early mornings – alone and covered in darkness. The deafening silence

comforted my soul as the cold gnawed on my skin. Music flowed in my ears, the soft pitter-patter of rain

outside and the constant dripping sound of the droplets that leaked from the roof’s tiny holes.

In these moments my thoughts would drift from one to another, often a recollection of the past. I

remembered everything as if it all happened yesterday.

I made a promise and after the passage of roughly three years, this day has finally come.

And like every morning since, I silently prayed to the Moon Goddess for strength.

Afterward, I forced myself to get off the dirty rag, groaning as pain shot through my limbs like lightning. I

stretched for a bit to relieve myself of the stiffness in my back and stepped into the bathroom. I took a

freezing shower, dressed myself with old clothing, and made my way to the kitchen.

As usual, there were pills in one of the cupboards left by an anonymous person. In a pack of around

three hundred, this kind soul chose to help me. I downed the pills, burned the plastic, and started to

prepare the pack’s breakfast.

Around two hours later, the Omegas came and took out the food to serve to the pack. I skimmed

through the menu for today’s lunch and dinner. It’s going to be a long day.

While everyone was in the dining room, I drank as much water as I could stomach to ease the hunger

and started prepping the meals. The same Omegas came back later to drop off the dirty dishes and

their usual words of insult before leaving me to man this kitchen. They worked on another kitchen, so

they wouldn’t have to mingle with me, not that they wanted to.

From time to time, some Omegas would walk by and I’d overhear their conversations. Some talked

about the awaited Luna and others about finding their mate. Sometimes they’d gossip about other

packs and they’d usually fawn over the Alpha.

Of course, who would pass up on the opportunity to bed an Alpha? Sheesh, most of these Omegas are thirsty.

At least they could sense their mate while I lacked the ability to sense mine. When I turned twenty last

month and not a single male of my pack was drawn to me, I concluded that he would come from

another pack.

I suddenly heard excited screeches outside, the guests must’ve arrived. A girl sounded panicky saying,

“It’s Alpha Liam. He’s here. He’s here. He’s here.”

Seriously girl, you need to calm down. And of all the bachelors out there, you’d choose that psycho?

With ten minutes to spare, I managed to have everything ready. Unlike this morning, a number of

Omegas came to take out the food while I stood in a corner with my head turned to the side, lending a

deaf ear to their insults.

I still have my pride as a Gamma, girls.

When the Omegas left, Alpha Flynn came in, his musky cologne filling the room. Wearing a pale blue

tailored fit suit, it accentuated his electric blue eyes. I would’ve swooned right there and then if it wasn’t

for the aura he gave off.

His stare sent shivers down my spine as his eyes met mine, aflame with hatred, and I knew why. Then

he turned around, rummaged through the kitchen, and sternly said, “Sit.”

Keeping my head low, I squatted on the floor. He placed my food in front of me – leftovers from this

morning in small portions and a glass of water.

“Eat,” he ordered, and I did, using my hand to scoop the food into my mouth as fast as I could before

gulping down the water in one breath – he didn’t like to wait.

“You know what today is, don’t you?” he asked after I finished.

“Yes, Alpha.”

“Tonight, I find my mate, my pack’s Luna and I expect you treat her the same way you do me,


He purposefully referred to the pack as “my”, to remind me that I did not belong. The same thing had

repeated itself over the years, but it still hurt to hear.

“I understand, Alpha.”

With a huff, he left, and I started to work once more. By eleven-thirty in the evening, the food and

refreshments have all been served. The celebration of the Alpha’s twentieth birthday could be heard all

the way to the kitchen and of course, I wasn’t invited. They didn’t want me embarrassing the pack.

It didn’t matter and I was happy that they didn’t. It was an advantage for what I planned to do. Everyone

should be at the party, making it easier for me to sneak out.

I briefly looked around today’s workplace and let out a long sigh. That was when I felt exhaustion land

on me like a ton of bricks. The scene swirled in my head and my vision became unsteady. Before I

could register what was happening, I found myself meeting the cold hard floor.

When I came to, it was difficult to move my limbs and the ticking of the clock urged that I hurry. It was

way past my curfew, and I should already be in my room. If anyone found me, I’d be locked up. Then I

wouldn’t have a chance to execute my plan – to fulfill my promise.

I forced myself to stand. I tried to walk, but my legs were unsteady. They wobbled at each step, then a

wave of nausea hit me, and I was on the floor again.

When I regained consciousness, my body felt too heavy to move. The ticking of the clock resonated

within the walls, sounding louder than it should. Its constant tick-tick-tick urged me to hurry but I


So, I remained still, taking my time to gather enough energy. My skin numbed after having been in

contact with the cold floor, adding to my discomfort.

I let out a sigh and focused on one thought – at least I was alone. It didn’t matter that the room was

pitch black, if anything, it was comfortable. But the silence was broken when sounds of heavy footsteps

echoed throughout the corridor.

My heart pounded in my chest, painfully loud in my ears and I breathed slowly in an attempt to not

make any sound that would alert the person outside.

It seemed as though the person was in a hurry. The sounds grew louder as the person approached

closer and I could only hope the person wasn’t headed to where I was.

My eyes zoned in on the small space between the door and the floor. The corridors were lit, and light

seeped through it, forming a line.

Louder… closer…

Then shadows disturbed the otherwise perfect line, indicating that the person stopped right in front of

the door.


Cold sweat erupted from every pore on my back. I tried to crawl into a corner, but my arms were too

exhausted that I barely moved from my spot.

‘Turn around. Walk away. My mind begged in silence, but the person wanted to enter. The door swung

open and light parted the darkness, revealing my helpless figure. A familiar scent filled the room and

my heart dropped.

I opened my mouth to speak but he spoke first in disgust and anger. “You? The Moon Goddess fated

me to you?”

The same musky cologne and the same cold voice; both were something I’d recognize in the middle of

a crowd. How could I not? Both were attributed to none other than him – Alpha Flynn.

Fated? Moon Goddess?

No, I must’ve heard him wrong.

As my mind tried to wrap around his statement, his next words confirmed my doubt.

“Did the Goddess think I would gladly accept you because you’re my mate?” he mocked.

He’s my mate? The… Alpha?

If any other girl out there found out her fated one was an Alpha, she’d be screaming her heart out in joy

and thanking her stars. But I could only curse mine in despair because I was fated to him.

Funny. I used to dream of having him as my mate and now that he was, I didn’t want it. Not him.

Anyone else but the Alpha looking down on me.

He loathed my existence and made me feel so, by keeping me around to suffer instead of banishing

me. Sometimes I thought of whether it hurt him too, but I didn’t want my emotions to justify his actions.

Tomorrow night, the mating rituals would be held but there was no point in waiting for it now. I thought

my mate would be one of the guests and he’d find me then, but the Moon Goddess clearly had other


A strong hand gripped my hair and pulled me off the floor. I screamed, silenced by the slaps that

landed on my cheeks. His arm swung back and forth, his hand never missing its mark, landing a painful

blow over and over again until I could taste metal in my mouth.

Tipping my jaw, he forced me to look him in his cold and unforgiving eyes. He sneered. “You should’ve

never been born. You don’t deserve to live, and you don’t deserve love. You are a failure to your kind

and this pack. You are nothing but a disgrace!”

My body ached, my face stung, and my heart broke at his words. Tired and hurt, I closed my crying

eyes – this wasn’t an image of him that I wanted to see.

He kicked me with unrestrained force and pain seared in my chest. It sent me crashing on a wall before

I crumpled on the ground, front first– I think I broke a rib or two.

He walked towards me saying, “I will never accept you as my mate. Not you.”

When he was a few feet from me, he kicked me in the abdomen with the same strength and I went

flying to the wall once more. Then he forced me up, with a hand gripping my neck. I struggled to

breathe but I was too weak to fight back.

I searched for his eyes and locked gazes with him. The message was clear, and I knew he understood.

My eyes challenged him to end me, but amusement danced in his blue orbs.

He chuckled at my defiance. “Your sole purpose for living is atonement. Did you think your death would

be enough?”

The lack of oxygen was taking its toll, my head started to feel woozy. He smirked at my state. Then he

said, “I, Alpha Flynn Astra, reject you, Gamma Anna Bella Fiora as my mate.”

Yes, I couldn’t sense my mate, but the bond still tied me to him. With every blow and hateful word, my

heart continued to break. And if a broken heart could shatter even more, his words had such an effect.

“Now say you accept,” he said, loosening his hold on my neck. I gasped and took in lungfuls of air. My

heart and mind clashed, the emotional part and the rational part offered different voices. “End this!”

shouted the latter.

But… how could I?

“If we break the bond, we might never find a mate again. You may never have a Luna,” I said with a

shaky voice. After all that he did to me, I shouldn’t care about him having a Luna, but I was bound to a



More slaps landed on my cheeks.

“I’d rather have no Luna if it means rejecting you,” he seethed.

“You don’t mean that!” I shouted, the words slipping out before I could stop myself.

“Yes. I do, Anna,” he said in a soft voice, it shocked me. I haven’t heard him speak in such a manner or Property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

call me by my name for a long time. It tugged on my heartstrings; I missed this Flynn.

His eyes met mine and I saw pain… and affection. His pupils dilated and the color began to turn into a

deeper shade – his wolf was raging to take over.

Oh, Farrel. You have always been kind. I missed you too.

“Don’t do this,” I whispered, a déjà vu of what I told him then. The same three words that came from the

heart, a simple plea, for him instead of me.

The deeper shade was pushed back, and an enraged Alpha glared at me. He slammed me back to the

wall and demanded, “Say it! Say you accept!”

I’m sorry, Alpha. I’ve failed you once more.

In between sobs, I spoke the words he wanted to hear. “I, Gamma A-Anna Be-Bella Fiora…ac-accept

your re-rejection…Alpha F-Flynn As-tra.”

As soon as I ended the sentence, pain of unimaginable degree reverberated throughout my body and I

couldn’t hold back the scream that escaped my mouth, silenced when his fist connected with my jaw.

My head whirled as I felt something within me snap and disappear, leaving a feeling of emptiness

behind, like a part of me was taken. This man isn’t Flynn Astra. This isn’t my best friend, my old flame, my Alpha.

I thought I heard him groan in distress, but it must’ve been my imagination. Torrents of pain wracked

through my being – physical and emotional –overwhelmed my mind and body until I collapsed once


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