Arranged Marriage With The Billionaire


It’s been more than a month since the wedding. Blair found herself surviving with encouraging talks from her parents, Samantha and Jessica, they have been the shoulders that she relied on. She didn’t know what she would have done without them, actually she was afraid to think on what she would have done. Sometimes, when things were really quiet and dark, she couldn’t help but recoil in her shadows, the same place that Richard had found her, before he pulled her out with his love. Richard had been almost everything to her, she became a part of her, became all could think about and that’s because she saw him as her saviour. Only he knows of the things she had been going through before he showed up, only he could see past the mask of the smiling face to the scarred one behind. He had shown her a light she hadn’t seen for a long time, brought her a miracle. When he left, he had taken all that away.

Blair hated him, for the pains he had caused her, for making her believe, when he didn’t. She was angry and she was scared, scared because she didn’t want to return back to that old life. The wedding and Dylan’s harsh treatment just made this worse for her, and other times she just wanted to give up. But then, Samantha’s nice words, Jessica comforting her and her parents encouraging her gave her this strength. Blair had promised even at her lowest, she would hold on to this positivity, and she would succeed in the end.

Blair was the only one in the house. Donna had left for a friend’s place, Dylan left for work and Aaliyah had returned back to her home. She was bored and after binge watching her favourite Television drama series for hours, she decided that she needed some human company. But Samantha was yet to return, Jessica was at work, she decided to call her mum.

“Hey mum, are you home?”

“Yeah, why do you ask? Are you coming to visit?”

“Yes, I’m already on my way there. I can’t stay in this house alone anymore or I might just run mad.”

“Darling, this is your house, whenever you want, you can always come visit. But what do you mean by ‘alone’, isn’t-”

“Please don’t mention Dylan. He went to work, and since Samantha is away, and I’m also jobless at the moment. I have no one to talk to, and nowhere else to go, so expect-”

“Wait Blair, what do you mean by you’re jobless, you got fired?” Blair’s eyes widened as she realized what she had just revealed. She never told her parents that she was jobless, she was going through a lot and she feared looking like a disappointment in the eyes of many. She knew her parents wouldn’t judge her and will always be there for her, but the one thing she didn’t want was pity.

“No, I quit. I’m not going there anymore.” She braced herself for the questions. If it was her Dad he would have been more understanding, but her mum still considered Blair her little baby, always looking out for her even at times Blair thought there was nothing to be worried about.

“What, why? Since when?” The came just like she expected.

“Around the time that Richard and I broke up, the stress… I don’t want to talk about this now. But yes, I submitted my resignation letter and left.”

“Wait, you quit your job because of Richard? The same man who left you? He is out there, enjoying himself probably with other women and you-”

“Mum, can we talk about this when I get there? Don’t make me change my mind on coming before I even step out of the house.”

She was quiet for awhile. “Ok, we’ll talk when you come. Also darling there is also a special visitor here for you.”

“Special visitor?” She asked. “Is it someone I’m related to, Aunth Gertrude?”

“No, you will see when you get here.”This belongs © NôvelDra/ma.Org.

“Ok then, i guess till then.” They ended the call after that, but Blair didn’t think she wanted to go see her mother anymore after the conversation they just had.


“So, how has things been so far? Are you and Dylan getting along?” Irene asked her daughter as they walked back to the house, Blair had just arrived in am Uber.

She shook her head laughing. “No, not at all. In fact, he hates me. But don’t worry, I strongly dislike him too.”

“I’m sorry Blair. I’m sorry that you’re going through all of this, I can only just imagine-”

“Don’t apologize mum, please. To keep my sanity, I have decided to just go along with everything. So, how is Dad doing, is he around?”

“No, your father went to see a friend, he will be back tomorrow. But there is someone else who is here.”

“Someone? Who is this? Is this the special someone you talked about over the phone.”

“Erin.” Blair’s face lost it’s call at the sound of the name. Most children had that one kid that there parents always wanted them to be friends with, because according to them, they were of good behavior. Blair had Erin. Erin was like a daughter to Blair’s mum, since her mum were best friend’s to Blair’s, but they never got along. “She came to see me this morning and it’s good you just arrived, you two could catch up on a lot. It’s been so long since you girls saw each other, she was so excited when I told her you would be coming over.

“So excited? Mum please, you know Erin and I aren’t friends right? We have nothing in common and she is kind of weird… I hope that wasn’t so harsh, but it’s the truth.”

“Don’t be like that Blair, you have always been like this towards Blair and it’s not nice. Ever since her mother passed, she’s not fully recovered and she isn’t the old Erin you knew then, she visits because she needs company.”

Blair kept quiet, suddenly feeling a bit guilty. “Where is she now?” She asked. “Is she going to bs leaving anytime soon?”

“Don’t be like that Blair. I know you don’t dislike Erin that much. Anyways, we were both in the garden before I was informed that you had arrived. You could come join us in the garden.”

“No, thank you. I’ll pass. You two enjoy your gardening, I’m going to go rest. Is there food in the kitchen, I’m hungry.” She turned to head to the house, but she was stopped by her mother’s hand on her.

“Oh, don’t be like that Blair. You can eat whenever you want. Come on, it’s about to rain, we could also enjoy the cool brreeze, brushing through our hair?” She smiled at her daughter. “It will be fun, just the three of us women together.” After much pushing, Blair finally gave in and followed her mother.

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