Arranged Marriage With The Billionaire


Blair woke up to the awful sound of clatters around her. She grabbed her pillows placing it over her head. “Get away Samantha! I don’t have the time for your rubbish today.”

“Who is Samantha?” A deep voice asked.

Blair’s eyes flew open, as she jumped up, hitting her head with something as equally strong. “Fuck!” She cursed, falling back on the bed as she grabbed hold of her forehead. “What the…” The rest were words in a strange language even she didn’t know. She looked up to find a groaning Dylan also holding to his forehead as he sent her a ugly look. “What’s your problem!” She fired. “Where you watching me sleep?”

“What’s my problem? You’re the one with the Iron man head and I wasn’t watching you sleep…” He eyed her. “Why are your eyes red and puffed up?”

Blair frowned looking away from him. “None of your business,” she muttered. “What are you doing in my room?”

He took a step back. “This is not your room Blair. I suggest you pack your things out before Donna comes back and find you here.”


“My help. This is her room and you shouldn’t be here. You know you could have asked for a room, instead of just barging in here like you own the place. Now if you’re done drooling, get your things and… Clara has made breakfast, go watch your face before you come down.” With that he turned to walk out, but then stopped just at the door. “Also, the doors to every other room is locked, the only one available is mine so that’s where you would be sleeping this night.”

“Not going to happen, no way am I going to share a room with you.”

“Fine, then I hope you’ll enjoy your time sleeping on the couch tonight. By the time I get back from work, I want you out of here.”

Blair eyed his back as he walked away. She stayed still, not planning on moving till he had left. The moment he was gone, she quickly rolled out of bed. “Asshole,” she muttered as she wore her slippers hastily, rushing out of the room.

As Blair descended from the stairs, she ran into an elderly woman. She was carrying two large bags in her hands, like she had just returned from a long journey. “Hi, good afternoon,” The woman greeted her with a kind smile. “You must be Blair.”

“I am. You are?” Though she already had an idea who it was already.

“I am Donna, Dylan’s help.” She gave a small laugh. “Sorry, but when I heard Dylan got married, I said I must come back home immediately and see for myself, he is always playing tricks on me and I thought this was one of them.” Blair gave an awkward smile in response as she didn’t know what else to say. “I apologize, I just didn’t think there was a woman strong enough out there to catch Dylan’s heart, especially since I’ve never even seen you around before… I wonder what else I don’t know about Mr Lancaster.”

Blair forced a laugh. “Well, what can I say. Love really is a… thing. Anyways, I best be going.”

“Going? Where are you going?” Donna looked confused. “Also, where is Dylan, isn’t he supposed to be with you, his newly wedded wife? Or did he go to get something?”

Blair thought back to Dylan’s last words before he left. “Uh… yes, he wanted to stay with me, but an emergency, he didn’t want to, but he had to go. He will be back soon though or whenever he is done.” Donna nodded.

“Ok then. Have you heard breakfast yet? Give me a moment to drop my bags, I’ll tell Aliyah to prepare something for you.”

“Oh, don’t worry about that. You should go rest… I suppose you just returned, don’t bother, I’ll try and make something for-”

“Nonsense.” Donna waved her off. “Don’t say that. I won’t take a minute, you just go rest and uh… just relax.” Blair gave her a grateful smile, deciding to accept the offer. After all, it was just a day after her wedding, it was nice having that feeling of being pampered.

Blair decided to do a little tour round the house, since this was her new home, it will do well to be familiar with her surrounding. After wondering around for hours, Blair found herself in the library. There was something about the library that reminded her of the one’s back in her house, it wasn’t as big, but big nonetheless. She sighed going through the books, admiring it. There was something beautiful about big books, she might never get to read it, but she liked holding it, it was always hardcopy before softcopy.

“Blair? Are you in here?” It was Donna, she had just entered the room. “Oh, I was looking everywhere for you.” She chuckled. “And I did pass here before.”

“Sorry, I didn’t hear you,” Blair apologized walking over to her. “Do you need me to help you with something?”

“Oh no, I was just going to tell you that breakfast is ready… though I wouldn’t call it breakfast anymore, it’s already past two.”

“Really? I didn’t know.”

Blair ate slowly, watching as Donna walked around. “What time does Dylan return from work?” She asked.

Donna looked really surprised by this, as she would have expected Blair to know. “Oh, I’m not sure. It depends, he comes home before eight anyways, other times he stays till around eleven. You should call him and find out…?”

“Yeah, sure,” Blair muttered. She was happy with this, it meant that Dylan wouldn’t be around during the day to make her life even more miserable. If he was out in the day like this, Blair could see herself living with it. “Is it just us in the house? No one else.”

“Aaliyah is also around,” Donna said. “Surely you must have met her.” Blair nodded although she had no idea who Aaliyah was. “She doesn’t stay here though, she comes in the morning and leaves, returns back in the evening for dinner and then till the next day.”

“It’s kind of quiet around here.”

“You will get used to it soon. I mean, it won’t be quiet for much longer when we have children running around, then you will surely miss the quiet.”

Blair almost choked on her spit when she heard that, though after that all she wanted to do was laugh. “Yeah, children will be nice,” she told Donna. “I’m just not going to have them in this house,” she muttered.

“Did you say something?”

“Nothing.” Blair stood up. “Thanks a lot for the meal, I enjoyed it.”

“Good, I’ll let Aaliyah know. Maybe you will meet her tomorrow, she had to hurry home.” Blair took her plate to the sink, after washing them. “So, how long have you known Dylan? Was it a love at first sight?”

“No. Dylan and I… we met at work. I used to work in this bar and he came in one day, we just started talking and we connected a lot… so that’s it. We started seeing each other, though I don’t come here often, he is usually the one who comes over to my place.”

“Oh.” Donna nodded. “That would explain why I’ve never seen you before. I have to say I’m a bit angry with Dylan for not telling me about this. I didn’t know he could be this secretive.” She chuckled. “My surprise when I learnt that he got married yesterday, while I was away.” She shook her head. “I didn’t know he could be this secretive, he wasn’t like this with his ex, though he isn’t really the relationship kind of guy.”

“Really? I didn’t know that. So, has he been in a serious relationship in the past? Anyone you felt he was definitely going to marry?”All content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

“There was one,” Donna said. “I can’t remember her name though, I don’t know much about what happened. She broke up with him, few days after I resumed here. Dylan was heartbroken after that, you could tell that he really loved her.”

Blair found it hard to believe that Dylan could have been in love with someone, or even had a heart that could be broken. She believed that Donna hadn’t gotten the correct story and was just saying what she thought had happened. “That’s sad.”

“Yes, but if he never ended things with her, then he wouldn’t have found you, so in the end and then your marriage wouldn’t have taken place, this worked well in your favour.”

“Yeah, guess we were just fated to find each other or something like that. Anyways, I don’t want to disturb you, I’m still kinda new here. I’ll just go lay and leave you to do your thing.”

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