Arranged Mafia Marriage



A few seconds later, he returns, then undresses, his movements slow because of his injured shoulder. Finally, he slides under the covers, wearing only his boxers.

“How’s the shoulder,” I ask.

“It’s healing fast.” He pulls me into his arms and I place my cheek against the thud-thud-thud of his heartbeat. If only I could, I’d bottle this sound, and carry it around with me, and take it out and listen every time I needed a pick me up.

“How are you feeling?” He tucks my head under his chin. He wanted me to see a doctor, but I refused. I wasn’t really hurt, and once I had a shower, all I wanted was to crawl into bed with him and have him hold me.

“Shaken.” Tears prick the backs of my eyes, and I turn my face into his chest. “You know what’s the worst thing?” I swallow. “I went there, hoping to have an excuse to kill him, and put an end to this torture he’s put me through.”

He runs his fingers through my hair, the gesture soothing.

“You had a gun with you?”

I nod. “Cass procured it for me.”

He stills, and I pull back. I glance up into his face. “Please don’t blame her. I’m the one who asked her to procure it for me.”

“And she did.” His lips thin. “She endangered your life.”

“She helped me out. She was there for me when I needed a friend.”

“And if you’d been killed? What then? Did you think about what would happen to me and Avery if that stronzo had hurt you?”

“I wasn’t going to let that happen. I knew I was going to get out of there alive.”

“You almost didn’t,” he says in a low voice.

“But I did.” I cup his face. “Don’t you see? There was too much at stake for me. No way was I going to lose. No way would I have let anything happen to me. I knew you were waiting for me. I knew I was going to see Avery grow up. I knew I was going to walk out of there alive.”

He peers into my face, then draws in a breath. “I believe you.” He wraps his arms around me. “But I still can’t forgive Cass for getting you a gun.”

“Would you have given me a gun if I’d asked you?”

He hesitates.

“That’s what I thought.”

“If she hadn’t given you a gun, you wouldn’t have gone.”

“If she hadn’t given me a gun, I would have gone unprepared, and then…” I swallow. “Then I wouldn’t have been able to protect myself.” I lean in close enough for us to share breath. “And when he pointed his gun at you, I knew he’d kill you, and then I didn’t think at all.”

A shiver grips my shoulders.

“You know what else?” I glance away. “I don’t feel sorry, at all. I’m relieved I don’t have to face him again. I don’t have to take Avery over and leave her for the rest of the week with that… that… Monster. I don’t need to look at him and remember how he used to beat me up, how he made me feel helpless, how he used her to get me to do whatever he wanted, how he would taunt me about my skills as a mother, as a woman. How he made me feel weak, and stupid, and undesirable, and unwanted, and-”

“I love you.” He notches his knuckles under my chin so I have no choice but to look up at him. “You are the strongest, most gorgeous, most beautiful woman I’ve ever met, and I don’t mean only in the physical fashion, although-” his lips quirk, “-I mean that, too, of course.”

I look between those golden eyes of his-and my heart flutters. I’ll never get used to how he looks at me, like I’m his entire world.

“It’s your heart, your soul, your spirit that attracts me to you. Your quick mind, the depth of your love for Avery, how you’d do anything for her, how you killed the man who would have taken her away from you and scarred her for life. You did what had to be done to protect your daughter, and I not only respect you for that, but I fell in love with you all over again for what you did.”

I draw in a breath, not sure what to say. His words… They wash over me, through me, and wash away the stain of what I did, that I thought I would carry forever. He absolves me of the guilt I thought I was destined to endure. He lightens the load that had already begun to settle on me, the dread that had begun to seep into my soul. The anger at myself for what I did, knowing I’d do it all over again. The helplessness that had begun to bind me in its shackles fades away, leaving in its place… Freedom. A lightness. A sense of rightness, of being here in his bed. With him. And yet, the tears flow down my cheeks… Not tears of sorrow, but an acknowledgement that my life as I know it is just starting. With him. The man of my dreams. My husband. The one. The only.

“Seb,” I whisper, “please fuck me. Please dominate me. Now, more than ever, I need you to take my choice away from me.”

He searches my features. “Are you sure?” he asks.

“More than sure. I need you to show me that I’m alive, that you’re alive, that everything I hold dear to me is here in this house with me. That I’m not alone anymore, Seb. Can you do that for me?”

His gaze narrows, and something flickers deep within those leonine eyes. Then, those beautiful lips of his twist. He lowers his lips and brushes mine once, twice. I open my mouth, and he sweeps his tongue inside and deepens the kiss. He pours himself, his taste, his strength, his heart… his love… I feel all of it in that kiss as he slides his tongue over mine.

Then he pulls away and moves off the bed. He walks over to the door at the end of the room which I assume leads to his closet. The light comes on inside, then switches off as he steps back into the room. Between his fingers, he holds swatches of fabric. A tie? He brought out a tie? No, more than one tie… He has a couple of ties… Three, maybe? Why does he need three ties? He walks over to me and rakes his gaze over my body. My nipples instantly bead, my belly flutters, liquid heat erupts low in my stomach, and I can’t stop myself from squeezing my thighs together.

He jerks his chin at me. “Arms over your head. Grip the headboard, Princess.”

A shiver of heat blooms in my chest. I do as he orders. I hook my fingers through the slats in the headboard. The mattress dips as he climbs on. With slow movements that hint his shoulder is slowing him down, he knots the first tie around my wrists and secures them to the headboard. He climbs off of the bed again and walks to the end of it. He circles his fingers around one ankle, and goosebumps dot my skin. He pulls my leg to the side, uses the second tie to secure my leg to the bed, then does the same with the other.

The T-shirt I’m wearing-his T-shirt-rides up my waist. Cool air flows over my bare pussy and goosebumps dot my skin.

When he finishes, he stands back and surveys my spread-out position. A flush steals over his cheeks and that golden gaze of his seems to catch fire.

He shoves his boxers down his legs and kicks them aside. His cock juts up, thick and fat and proud. Pre-cum glistens at the slit of the head. He wraps his fingers around his shaft and pumps once, twice. A pulse flares to life between my legs. I try to tug my legs together, but they’re held apart.

“Seb, please,” I gasp.

“What do you want, Princess?”

“You. I want you inside of me. I need to feel your cock thickening in me, please,” I whine.

His breath catches. His chest, with that beautiful tattoo scrawled across it, rises and falls. His shoulders seem to grow even bigger as he, once more, mounts the bed and settles in between them. I try to wind my arm around his neck, but end up tugging at my restraints.

“So impatient, baby?”

He cups my tit in his hand, then bends and bites down on my nipple. My pussy instantly clenches. More moisture squeezes out between my legs.

“Oh, god, please, please, please-please-please.”

He laughs. That trademark, mean, hard laugh of his, that settles somewhere deep inside of me. That angers me and turns me on even more. He brings his mouth to my other breast, then wraps his tongue around my nipple.

A melting feeling coats my insides, and my brain cells feel like they have turned to mush. He pulls back. I push my chest up, trying to chase that sensation of having him suckle at my teat. He obliges by sucking hard, and my head spins. My eyes roll back in my head, and I almost come right then.

He releases my breast at once, his breath hot on my skin. He slides his hand down between us and thrusts his fingers inside my channel. He works them in and out of me. My body trembles and pinpricks of lust ladder up my spine. I try to shift away, even as I push my upper body into him. He pulls his fingers out, then slides down and pushes his face into my cunt.

“Seb,” I whisper-scream as he thrusts his tongue inside me. He weaves it in and out of me, stabbing at me, dragging it over my inner walls, before he drags his tongue up my slit and closes his mouth around my pussy. He bites down on my clit, and that’s when I explode. The orgasm bursts out from my center to my extremities. Spots of black dot my eyesight, and by the time I recover, he’s moved up my body again and presses his lips to mine.

“Two more orgasms, baby.”

“What?” I rasp, ” I can’t.”

“You can,” he stares into my eyes, “and you will.”

He slides his fingers inside my already swollen cunt, and adds a third finger for good measure, filling me, stretching me. He curves them inside of me and I moan. Heat scours my veins and my toes curl. He kisses me deeply, thrusting his tongue inside my mouth, dragging it over my teeth. He pulls his fingers from my pussy, then drags them around to the valley between my arse cheeks. He strokes the forbidden little knot of flesh there, and I freeze. My gaze widens and is caught by his golden gaze. Something flares deep inside them as he tears his lips from mine. Once more, he moves down my body. He drags his tongue from back hole to clit, and then does it again. He curves his tongue around my swollen bud, as he slips his finger inside my back channel. The sensations are weird and strange, and then he drags his whiskered jaw across my pussy, and I gasp, writhe, try to evade that source of absolute pleasure as he rubs the rough skin of his jaw across my tender skin.

“S-e-b,” I yell, as my entire body bucks and jolts, and I squirm and twist. I try to get away, while I also want more. He leans more of his weight on me, holding me captive as he increases the intensity of his movements. He strokes his jaw across my clit, and sparks explode behind my eyes.

This time, the orgasm slams into me, overpowers me, and sweeps me away. I black out for a few seconds, and when I come to, his face is positioned over mine, watching me, wearing a very satisfied look on his features.

“You okay?” he asks.

I nod, not trusting my voice. My throat feels raw, and I vaguely recall screaming.

“Ready for your third one?” He smirks.

I don’t have the strength to either nod or deny him as he kisses me softly, and works his finger in my arse, in and out of me. The pleasure unfurls slowly in my lower belly. And honestly, if it weren’t happening, I wouldn’t have thought it were possible for my body to continue to respond the way it does. At this stage, I’m not trying to control anything. He’s playing me like Neo controls the matrix. Like John Wick knows exactly where his nemesis is hiding and laser targets their position… That’s how he hones in on my pleasure points. Clearly, I’m losing my mind completely, or I’m so punch-drunk on the pleasure he’s wringing from my poor body, I’m beginning to confuse a lot of things in my mind.

“Last one, babe.” Jerkhole kicks up his lips. One hard kiss, and then he dives down between my legs again.

“Oh, Jesus!” I gasp as he sticks his tongue inside my channel again.NôvelDrama.Org holds this content.

He tears his mouth from my pussy and I almost cry out in frustration.

“I don’t want anyone else’s name passing through your lips but mine, you hear me?”

I gulp.

“Do you hear me, Princess?”

“Yes,” I moan.

“Yes, Seb,” he snaps.

“Yes, Seb.”

Even before I’ve completed the statement, he’s fitted his mouth back to my core. He slurps up the cum from my entrance, then he grips my hips and hitches me up as he begins to eat me out with gusto.

Lust curls in my lower belly, my toes arch, and my scalp tingles. My skin feels too tight for the rest of my body, as he slides his palm behind my butt cheek and squeezes, even as he slides a second finger inside my back hole.

“Seb,” I yell, as he curls his tongue inside my channel. Then, suddenly, he’s removed his tongue and replaced it with his cock. He rises up on his knees between my legs. He balances himself on his elbow, the one attached to his hurt shoulder. He winces, then just as quickly, the pain is gone from his face, replaced by lust and intent, and that singular focus that I find so appealing about him.

“Okay?” he whispers against my lips.

“I will be, when you’re inside me.”

A groan rumbles up his chest. His eyes gleam, then he lunges forward and buries himself inside me.

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