Arranged Mafia Marriage



“Thank you.” I push open the door of the car I called earlier using the phone that Seb gave me. The phone that Seb gave me because he trusts me. And I betrayed his trust. Again. But it’s for a good reason this time. This is the only way to put an end to the nightmare that’s been dogging my heels for the past couple of years. This is the only way to get my life back, and to get my daughter back, without hurting anyone else in the process.

I step onto the driveway that leads up to Fabio’s house. Bastard’s an insomniac. Bet he’s still awake, plotting more ways to make my life miserable. The car that drove me here pulls away. Its engine fades into the distance, and then there’s only me and the still, dark night around me.

I hummed to Avery until she fell asleep again, then sat with her while her breathing deepened. The little mite lay on her back, arms and legs stretched out in that starfish shape she often assumes when she’s exhausted. Her little chest rose and fell, her features flushed, tracks of tears drying on her cheeks. I reached over and wiped away the moisture, then kissed her forehead.

As I padded out of her room and toward Seb’s room, I felt too wired to sleep. I walked into Seb’s room and found him fast asleep, one arm flung out on the mattress, as if he were reaching for me in his sleep. The covers were twisted around his waist, the bandage over his shoulder a stark contrast with the rest of his body. His chest barely moved; he was sleeping that deeply. No doubt, he was worn out from his injury. Not to mention, the way he’d exerted himself when he’d fucked me. Like I’d done with Avery, I watched him for a few more seconds, then bent down and brushed my lips over his. He didn’t move.

I straightened, then walked out of his room and back to mine, where I changed. I waited until the security guard at the back door dozed off. Then I slipped past him and down to the beach that runs parallel to the property. Seb has security cameras on the doorway, but by the time he or his guards notice, hopefully I’ll be gone. I walked down the beach, keeping to the shadows until three houses down. Then, I located the path that ran from the beach up to the main road, something I’d noticed on one of my infrequent walks when I first moved in here. I walked onto the road, and finally, called for a pick-up. My mind was made up, so I hadn’t had time to be nervous, not until the car dropped me off here.

Now, I walk up the driveway toward the silent house, then take the steps one at a time, until I’m at the main door. I stare at it. There’s time; you can turn around and leave. You don’t have to do this. If you let Seb, he’ll take care of it for you. But that’s the thing. I don’t want to be dependent on a man who’s my husband again. This time, I’m going to take care of things in my own way. All I have to do is look Fabio in the eye and tell him to back off. I can’t be afraid of him. He’s a bully; he thrives on fear. If I show him I’m no longer afraid of him, he’ll leave me alone.

The phone in my jeans’ pocket buzzes. I pull it out.

Alphahole calling.

Of course it is. He must have woken up and missed me. I hesitate, then decline the call. It starts to vibrate again almost instantly with a call from him again. I decline the call again, then switch the ringer and the buzzer off and slide it into my jacket pocket.

I raise my hand to rap on the door, and am not surprised when it’s wrenched open.

Fabio stands there, wearing a pair of pants and no shirt. The house is still dark, but the silvery moonlight is bright enough that I can make out his features. His chest is smooth… unmarked. A wave of disgust slithers under my skin. How had I ever thought of him as attractive?

“Elsa.” His face breaks into a smile. I’d almost believe he’s happy to see me, except for the fact that his smile never reaches those dark eyes of his. He watches me with that unblinking gaze I’ve come to expect. I used to think it was because he likes to give me his undivided focus. Now, I know it’s because he’s watching me for any sign of weakness. He’s waiting to trip me up, so he can reinforce the sense that something is wrong with me. It took me a while to figure out that, behind that charming facade lies a snake. One who loves to use my insecurities against me. And I’m not going to give him that opportunity again.

“I knew you’d come.” His voice drips with satisfaction.

“Did you?” I tip my chin up.

“You missed me, didn’t you? Missed what only I can give you. Face it, my darling wife, you want the kind of satisfaction that comes from being beaten to within an inch of your life.”

“What? No.” I take a step back. “And I am not your wife anymore. You lost the right to call me that a long time ago.”

“I’m still the father of your child.” He chuckles.

“Not for much longer,” I say through gritted teeth.

“What do you mean?” He seems taken aback enough that he blinks. A first.

I draw myself up through the length of my spine. “You are not going to bother me again, Fabio.”

“I’m not?”

I shake my head. “You’re going to leave me and Avery alone. You’re not going to come near us. You’re done scaring me with your browbeating. You’re not going to petition the court for sole custody of our daughter. You don’t want her anyway. You know it’s best if she stays with me. You don’t love her; not like I do. You will walk away from us, and not come near us again, do you her me?”

He gapes a little. “Let me get this right. You want me to turn my back on you and my daughter, and let you get on with your life with your new husband. Is that what you want?”

I nod.

“That’s why you came to my house? To tell me to leave you alone?”

“You don’t want Avery. You never wanted me or my daughter. I was merely a pawn for you. Someone you intimidate and control because it feeds your ego. It’s the only reason you keep me around.”

“Now that you mention it-” He rubs his chin. “You’re probably right.”

“I know I am. You married me, not because you loved me, but because you wanted someone you could push around. It made you feel good to have me dependent on you, and then when I had Avery, you had someone you could threaten me with. You used her to make me feel even more helpless.”

“When you lay it all out that way, I can see how badly I’ve treated you. I did you an injustice by keeping you away from Avery. You’re her mother, after all. She needs you more than anyone. You’ve made your case with such passion, I have no choice but to accept that you’re right. You don’t need to bring Avery back to me after this weekend. You can have sole custody of her.”

Hope buoys me, and a flush rises under my skin. I did it. I stood up to Fabio and told him off. I knew if I faced him, he would back off. I knew it.

“Thank you.” I dip my chin at him. “I’m going to leave now.”

I pivot on my heels when I hear, “Where are you going?” His voice follows me.Contentt bel0ngs to N0ve/lDrâ/ma.O(r)g!

I turn around to face him. “I need to get back home before Avery wakes up.”

“Why don’t you come in, have something to drink before you leave?”

“No thanks.” I take a step back. “I think it’s best I leave now.”

I sense him move, know what he’s going to do, even before he reaches for my wrist. I evade him, then reach into my purse and pull out the handgun Cass sourced for me. I point it at him.

He freezes, and his gaze widens. He glances from the gun to my face, then back to the gun. “Now, let’s not be hasty,” he cajoles, “you know I was only trying to be hospitable.”

“Were you?” I cock the gun and the sound seems to blast through the quiet night. “Put your hands up,” I snap.

“Come on, Elsa, honey-”

“Don’t you ‘honey’ me, you bastard.”

“Elsa, sweetheart, do you even know how to use that?” He takes a step forward, and adrenaline spikes my blood. My heart collides with my ribcage. I depress the trigger.

Despite the silencer, the sound of the shot slaps me in the face, and ricochets around my ears, but I hold firm.

“Fuck,” Fabio curses. Droplets of blood dot his side. It’s only a graze, but still! I shot him. I fucking shot him. Something like exhilaration fills my chest. I toss my handbag to the ground, then grip the fingers of both of my hands around the weapon. So, this is why men prefer to shoot first and ask questions later. The power, the absolute certainty that you have the upper hand, it’s as if the most addictive drug has been injected into my brain.

“Put your goddamn hands up, you motherfucker,” I snap.

Asshole seems shaken, but this time, he complies.

“Good.” I wave the gun in the direction of the front room. “Get the fuck inside. Now.”

He sidles back.

I keep the gun trained on him. “Further back, you piece of shit.”

He stumbles back a step, then another, and another. When he pauses, I wave the gun at him, and he moves all the way into the room until the back of his legs touch a chair.

“Sit the fuck down.”

“Now, Elsa, be reasonable, I-”

“Say another word and I swear I’ll shoot you again.” He firms his lips, and I allow mine to curve. “Good. Now, where were we?” I tilt my head. “You will not come near me or my daughter, or my husband, or anyone in my extended family again, you get me?”

He jerks his chin. “Anything you say; whatever you want. Now, will you lower the gun?”

“Why should I?” I narrow my gaze on him. “I like the feeling of having control over you for a change. How do you like it?” I don’t wait for him to answer. “I like having control over my own destiny, something which you denied me for so long. I realize now, I never should have given you my power. I should have claimed it for myself.”

“Like you are doing now?” he interjects.

“Stop trying to talk down to me. I thought your life should be spared because you’re Avery’s father. Now, I know that I was wrong. You add nothing of value to her life. You’re more like a cancer that should be cut out of our lives. I should have killed you much sooner. I should have-”

The skin around his eyes tightens, and his shoulders flex. I squeeze down on the trigger, but he’s already grabbed my arm and pushed it up. The bullet hits the ceiling and bits of plaster rain down on us.

“Let me go.” I try to pull free of his grasp, but he tightens his grip around my arm. Pain whips through my brain, and spots of black race across my line of sight. My fingers go numb, and then he’s snatched the gun.

He points it at me. “You thought you could point a gun at me with no repercussions? You thought you could shoot me? You don’t think I’m letting you leave without paying a price, do you?” he growls.

My heartbeat booms with such force, it brushes my throat. My stomach churns, bile coats my tongue, and I’m sure I am going to throw up.

“You’re not going to shoot me,” I say in a hard voice.

He looks me up and down and a crafty look enters his eyes. “You’re right. I have other plans for you.”

My skin crawls, and the hair on the back of my neck springs up. I am not going to let him touch him. I will not let him touch me.

I rush forward, but he grabs my arm and twists me around so I am pulled up against him. The heat of his body pours over me, and every part of my body shrinks. I can feel my heartbeat in my stomach, feel the blood pound at my temples. My chest feels so tight, it’s like a snake has tied itself around me and is squeezing the breath out of me.

“I knew you couldn’t stay away from me.” He presses his cheek to mine and the sickening-sweet smell of rum, which is the alcohol this bastard favors, clogs my senses.

No, no, no. He’s been drinking, something he did far too often when we were married. It means he’ll be even more unpredictable than usual. I shouldn’t have come. I should have stayed back and… What? Allowed him to find a way to take Avery from me? Given him another chance to hurt Seb? No, I have to do this. I have to see this through.

“Let me go!” I snarl.

“You came here of your own volition, remember?”

“I came here to tell you to leave me and my daughter alone.”

“And I heard you out, didn’t I? Now it’s my turn.” His grip around my waist tightens, and flickers of black fleck my vision. I raise my leg and bring my booted heel down on his bare foot.

“Fuck!” he yells. His hold on me loosens, and I dig my teeth into his arm.

“Cazzo di puttana!” he howls, but I don’t let go. The metallic taste of blood fills my mouth, I still don’t let go. My stomach heaves; sweat beads my hairline. I. Still. Don’t. Let. Go.

“Fuck,” he screams.

The gun slips from his grasp. It hits the floor and skids to the side. He grabs my hair and yanks with such force that I see stars. He flings me aside, and my body arcs through the air. I manage to throw my arm up to shield my face at the last moment before I hit the floor. The breath whooshes out of me, and my entire body trembles. My shoulder screams in agony. I can’t feel my fingers or my toes. Avery. Think of Avery. Of Seb. I am not going to die-not like this. The thud-thud-thud of footsteps approaches me, and my heart leaps into my throat. Adrenaline pumps through my veins. I force my eyes open and spot the gun. The gun! I grab it, then push myself up to standing.

“I’m going to teach you a lesson you won’t forget, stupida cagna,” he snarls.

I fire at him, miss, fire again. This time, the bullet grazes his other side. “That’s for Seb, you monster.”

He yells and lurches toward me.

I scream, fire once more, but the shot is wide. I careen back out of his reach and depress the trigger, but an empty click sounds.

“No, no, no, no.” I cry out. This can’t be happening. Not now. Not when I am so close to being free.

Fabio’s mouth seems frozen in a grimace. “I’ve changed my mind. I’m going to kill you.” He stumbles in my direction. I fling the gun at him, then pivot and race toward the doorway, but he rushes forward and grabs my arm. I scream, try to pull away, but he hauls me close to him. Once again, the heat of his body overwhelms me, and my skin crawls. Bile rises up my throat.

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