Anton Brotherhood

Chapter 26 Flora King

Chapter 26 Flora King

The little girl slept very deeply, but when she was lost in the hands of Lam all day worrying about

herself. She couldn’t sleep restlessly. However, after being brought here by Anton, for no reason, she

felt that the young man older than her a few years can be trusted. With mood relaxing, together with

days of fatigue also swept in, she fell into unwittingly asleep. The little girl slept comfortably and felt at

home. Suddenly she felt that someone was pushing her, and the sleepy little girl thought her father was

waking her up, blindfolded her head, and muttered, “Dad, let me sleep a little longer!”

Anton had no idea whether he should smile or cry, How could he be so old! The little girl is so sleepy

that she is unconscious, and it seems she won't get up without pulling her up. Aware of that, Anton

grabbed the little girl's covers and threw them back. The next thing made Anton have no idea what to

do, the original little girl sleeping money took off her dirty jumpsuit group, wearing only the body-worn

underwear. Looking at the little girl's half-naked body, Anton blushed redder than any other red thing in

the world. 'Damn it! With his eyes closed, he put the covers back on the little girl. A girl who was led to

a strange place by a stranger dared to take off all her clothes and sleep as at her home! She knew

nothing about protecting herself! Anton's heart rose unknown anger, shouted, “You, get up now!”

The voice was so loud that the people outside the room trembled, looking at each other and shaking

their heads.

The girl was the first to take the brunt of the shock, jumping out of bed. Standing on the bed looking

around, finally, she looked down on Anton's face, questioned, “Is there an e…earthquake?” Anton did

not answer her question, and he just stared at the girl with fire-breathing eyes.

The girl did not know what happened, looking at the corrugated Anton asked, “What's wrong with you?

Are you scared to be silly?”

Anton sighed. The little girl was really testing his patience. He cried, “If you don't put your clothes on, I'll

spank you!”

This woke the little girl, looking down, and she was standing on the bed with underwear, and then she

shouted, hiding in the covers. Anton shook his head and said, “I give you five minutes to get dressed or

I'll come in and help you wear it!” Finish, he strode out of the room.

Anton came out, closed the door, leaned against the wall, and took a sigh of relief. His face was still

hot, and he went to the water pipe to wash his face, feeling shameful for his immediate thoughts just


Wait for a while, the little girl came out of the room, with her dirty skirt wear on her. Anton looked at her

thin and weak body and said gently, “Hungry? I'll take you to eat!”

The little girl did not speak a word, only nodded, for she was still feeling ashamed about what had just

happened. The boy had seen her body almost naked. Her face gradually blushed when she recalled

that. Although she was at a little age, it did not mean that what she knew about the sex thing between

men and women was less than Anton.

Anton led the girl to a KFC restaurant downtown and ordered two chicken legs and a Coke for her. He

was depressed about what happened to Jasper, just eating the chips. Watching the girl gobble down,

Anton detested Lam even more. He said to the girl, “Where is your home? Tomorrow I will ask

someone to take you home.”

The little girl put down the chicken leg in her hand in surprise, looked at Anton hesitantly, and said, “You

… you really want to let me go back home?”

Anton joked, “I'm afraid I couldn’t afford that if every meal you ate so much! So I’d better send you

home early, or I'll be poor one day!”

The little girl's eyes were filled with tears, slid from her cheek, and she pulled Anton's hand and said,

“Thank you, you are a good man!” She was crying while speaking, and she just let the grievance of the

few days out in tears. She felt the boy was her family, and there was a sense of intimacy and security

staying with him.

Noticing that people around were in amazement, Anton patted the girl's hand but did not know what to

do next, “Don't cry, and if you keep crying you will not look beautiful. See so many people looking at

you!” The little girl lifted her head and looked around, and absolutely, people in the fast-food restaurant

were throwing their eyes at her. Feeling embarrassed, the little girl put her little head in Anton’s arms,

dared not rise.”

Anton touched the girl's hair, watching her naive and timid appearance, and smiled. If only I had such a

sister like her.

After a while, the little girl finally collected the courage to look around, but nobody noticed her at that

time. The little girl puffed up her mouth and took a long breath. Such lovely behavior again caused

Anton to laugh. Anton felt really fun with the girl as she always could surprise him, and he felt much

better than at first. However, it's just a pity tomorrow is the time for separation.

Something suddenly occurred to Anton, and he asked, “You haven't told me your name yet and where

is your home?”

The little girl whispered to him, “I live in H City, and my name is Flora King. And you?”

‘Flora King’, Anton silently muttered this name in the heart. Flora King! Is she a flower? Aware of that, a

smile on his face, and he said, “A nice name. My name is Anton Williams!” The girl did not speak, but

kept the name firmly in her heart.”

J City was still bustling at night, with shops on both sides of the busy street open, with colorful neon

lights hanging at the entrance, shining the whole street brightly. Taking a walk here on a midsummer

night was a great treat. Without the noise of the day, there was more serenity of night.

Anton and Flora came out from KFC, and Anton saw little Flora wearing dirty clothes, checking his

pocket. Less than a hundred euros left. Anton doesn't buy anything in his free time, and even he

bought something, and that was just for his buddies. The money he owned, simply given by his

parents, was for his eating! Anton wanted to buy some clothes for the girl, but he didn't have enough

money. Shaking his head, Anton was aware that he, the boss was really miserable enough, maybe the

members in the Anton Brotherhood got more money than him. He’d better take some money with him.

Anton leads Flora to the night market. He bargained with the vendors of the floor stand in the night

market for an appropriate price matching the money on his hands for a suit of clothes and a new pair of

shoes. Anton was quite satisfied with that, and Flora at the side watched his bargain with the local stall

owner, giggling for a lone time.

Finally, the two took a car to Anton's house. Anton explained to his parents that Flora had been

cheated to J City by bad guys, while the men looking on her carelessly let her escape, and he

happened to save her. She had no place to sleep at night, so he brought her home and she would be

back home tomorrow. After hearing that, Anton's parents felt sympathetic to Flora and said yes. Finally,

Flora slept in Anton's bedroom, and Anton had to sleep on the sofa in the square hall.

Earlier the next morning, Anton led Flora to the station to buy two tickets to H City. Then he went to the

Joy Billiards Hall to find a simple and thick brother to let him send Flora home. When he was going to

leave, Anton looked at Flora in his eyes and whispered, “Flora, please don't tell your parents what

exactly happen to you when are home. I'll kick his ass, is it OK?”

Flora nodded and choked up, “Don't worry big brother, I won't say a word. I'll come back to see you!”

Anton was also in a bad mood, waving his hand, and said goodbye to Flora. He said to him, ‘when

could I see her again? H City, the central city, is my target as I expand.

Sending Flora away, Anton went to Ghost nightclub to look for Carl. When the two met with each other,

Anton asked, “Carl, how is it going?” Carl said, “I haven't been clear about the Sickle Gang, but I

bought the phones.” Meanwhile, Carl handed Anton a black mobile phone and told him the number.

Anton took it over and checked it through, making a phone call to tell Lam his phone number, and Lam

gladly took it down. Ringing off, Anton said to Carl, “You must find out what happened to the Sickle

Gang today anyway. We’ll get it go when Bruce is back!”

Carl was full of passion when he heard that, with his blood boiled up, and said aloud, “Boss, please at

ease! I won't come back until I find out today!” Carl simply got several members with him as he


It was not before noon that Bruce and other members caught had been released. When they saw

Anton at the Ghost nightclub, Bruce shouted, “Boss!”

Anton turned back at Bruce, but found that Bruce’s face was blue and purple, knowing Bruce must

have been beaten heavily, and he said, “How do you do? I am sure you suffered a lot.”

Though Bruce was in a bad mood, he just trembled, “That was nothing for me. How is Jasper?”

Anton shook his head and said, “He has not been out of danger, to be or not to be is up to him!”

Bruce wiped his tears and said, “Boss, I won't let the Sickle Gang get over it! When do we get them pay

for what they have done?”

“When we get to know all the stuff about them, we'll get what they owe us doubled!” Said Anton. Bruce


At noon, Carl backed with what they want to know clearly. When Carl saw Bruce, immediately Carl

gave Bruce a warm hug to welcome him back. Both of them did not speak, but the brotherly

camaraderie was all around them.

Anton said, “We are going to have a meeting in the Joy Billiards Hall this afternoon! Bruce, you go back

to school and tell the others to get ready for tonight action!”Bruce got it and nodded.

In the afternoon, Anton and Carl, together with the others gathered in the Joy Billiards Hall to analyze

the situation of Sickle Gang in detail. Quickly, they devised an attack plan and began to make


It was 10 p.m. Dark clouds covered the sun, the sky drizzled, the road was sparsely pedestrian, but the

God nightclub disciples were lively. Maggie, the leader of Sickle Gang, sat alone on the sofa with

hundreds of young people standing below. He was quite happy because he just got a call informing him

that the Anton Brotherhood was going to quit the Ghost nightclub tonight. Now the club was

unoccupied, a piece of fat was immediately his. The thought that he could watch two discs in the south

of J City really inspired him as his face wore a smile.

“Everyone listen to me! We'll go to the Ghost nightclub later, the Anton Brotherhood was finished, and

we are to take over from now on! From this day on, we Sickle Gang will be the absolute boss in the

South!” Maggie stood up and announced to his fellows. The men below cheered and shouted in unison,

“We will follow Big Boss forever!”

Maggie laughed triumphantly after listening. Of course, he has reason to be happy, In charge of two

clubs means owning two sources of money, and his strength will also get strong sharply, the person

who would be the boss in the south of J City was bound to him.

Maggie loudly said, “Brothers take over the devil now, and let’s take over the Ghost nightclub, and I will

entertain all of you a drink tonight! We share the money together we earn in the future!” The hundred

people below cheered again, and their mood was brought to the apex by Maggie's words. Obviously,

Maggie got to the position where he was today, not by accident, but he was quite good at it.

Maggie left nearly half in God nightclub, and he took 50 people, the vast swamp to the ghost walk.

There are no pedestrians on the road, even vehicles are rare, Maggie and others marched in the

middle of the road, though cars were passing by, see them this trend also give way.

The God nightclub was not far from where they are going. Less than ten minutes, the big sign of the

Ghost nightclub was in sight. Maggie pressed the excitement in his heart, spurred his fellow loudly,

“Hurry up, there it is!” Finishing that, he ran ahead of the crowd.

When they were close to the destination only to find a man stood in front of the Ghost nightclub. This

big man, covering his mouth with black cloth from his nostrils, got a half-long knife in hand, the handle

of which was wrapped in white cloth.

Maggie and others walked directly to that man. When they got close, Maggie laughed and said aloud, “I

think who is so big in my way:. It is the defeat of Carl!” Maggie recognized the man from the scar

between his eyebrows as Carl.

“Maggie, it was your doom to die tonight”, said Carl in a cold smile. This content © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

Maggie looked around, empty and bold. He then said, “Yeah, is it? Only you can kill me?”

Carl said coldly, “Maggie, my brother took 17 cuts, and I will let it double on you!” Over, Carl shouted,

“Brothers, get them done!” Immediately, from the alleys that lined the street countless young people

came out with a knife, with no-nonsense, out to Maggie and his followers to kill.

With eyes turning red, Carl rushed straight to Maggie. Maggie knew he fell into the trap, in the heart

secretly scold, Bitch, you dare to lie to me! It will make you feel better later. Carl did not give him the

chance to think carefully, the knife promptly to Maggie. Maggie was also not an easy man, dodging

easily, then quickly back a few steps, pulling out the knife on his back, and fought back against Carl.

Carl and Maggie were at the same level, and strength is similar too, but Carl’s momentum was much

higher than Maggie's. Carl kept it his mind that revenging for Jasper, so he used almost full of his force

to Maggie. Maggie barely resisted for a while, and his hands were shaken. Later, he did not dare to

make a hard three-eyed heavy knife, so he had to keep ducking.

Members that Maggie brought were also in bad condition, feeling these people are not to fight, but to

fight hard, each knife is a dead hand, if not more to be greeted, not to die also serious injury. In front of

the Ghost Gate was definitely a big fire between hundreds of people on both sides of the guilds. The

knives were sparkling in the field, and no one was wailing. The eight-meter-wide street was reddened

by patches of blood.

Just as the two sides were in a close match, the distance sped over to a dilapidated Big Liberation car.

The Great Liberation stopped by the battlefield, from above forty more young men who were also

covered with the black cloth mouth got out of the car and took out knives to kill Maggie's men.

As the gang joined, the strength between the two gradually differed. Maggie's men were chopped down

from time to time. Later, a tall lad among these people who stood in the car looked around the

battlefield and noticed Maggie fighting with Carl, the cold eye of a bright. With no sounds, he jumped

out of the car, pulled out a knife, and came to the back of Maggie giving a fierce knife. Maggie and Carl

are fighting just plain, and Maggie did not aware of the cold knife behind. Tall young man held this

knife, hard on Maggie's back, nearly two feet long can reach bone big mouth let Maggie ache 'ah' a

sound, not hurry back, leaned to the side.

Maggie felt his back which was covered with blood, but he has no time to care about his back, turning

directly to his base. “Stop him!” Carl shouted when he noticed that Meggie was going to run away. At

that time, two men ran out of the battlefield, holding a knife to prevent Maggie's getting out of there.

Maggie also red-eyed, rushed straight towards the two. The two men stabbed each, and Maggie was

tough enough, without stopping, only a slight side of the body, a knife on his shoulder, a piercing the

skin of his small abdomen. Maggie gritted his teeth, and the knife cut the front of the two. No matter

whether the injury was serious or not, pushing away the two men whose chest spilled blood, and

snatched the road, and fled.

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